Microsoft Product Guide
Read this guide for important safety and health information and the term s of the Warrant y that apply to
the Microsoft® device that you have purchased.
Warning Failure to proper ly set up, use, and care for this product can increase the risk of serious
injury or death, or damag e to the device or de vices. Read this guide and keep all printe d guides for
future reference. For replace ment guides, go to ww w.microsof t.com/hardware or refer to the Customer
Support Options section for contact information.
This docume nt includes important information about many Microsof t produc ts. Refer to sections that
apply to the features of your device:
Import ant Safet y Information
AC-Powered Devices
Batter y-Powered Devices
Headset Devices
Wireles s Devices
Keyboard and Mouse Dev ices
Devices with Laser Pointers
All Device s
Laser and LED Specications
Regulator y Information
Radio Frequency Technical Specications
Radio and TV Interfe rence Regulations
Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Patent Information
Customer Support Op tions
This symbol ident ies safety and health messages in this Product Guide and othe r
produc t manual s.
Important Safety Information
AC-Powered Devices
These pre caution s apply to all pro ducts that plug into a stan dard wall power outlet.
Failure to take the following precautio ns can resul t in serious injury or death from elec tric shock or
re or in damage to th e device.
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● Remove the bat teries if they are worn ou t or before storing your device for an ex tended period of time.
● Always rem ove old, weak , or worn-out batteries promptly and rec ycle or dispose of them in accor dance
with Local and National Di sposal Re gulations.
● If a batter y leaks , remove all batteries, taking care to keep the leaked uid from touching your sk in
or clothes. If uid from the battery comes into cont act with sk in or clothes , ush skin with water
immediate ly. Before ins erting new batteries, thoroughly clean the battery compartment with a damp
paper towel, or follow the batter y manufac turer’s re commendations for cle anup.
Disposable (non-r echar geable) batteries only:
● Caution Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incor rect type. Use and replace onl y with the
correc t size and type (alkaline, zinc-carb on, or zinc-chloride) of batteries.
Rechar geable batteries only:
● Caution Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incor rect type. Use and replace onl y with the same
type and rating as the bat teries provided.
● Charge only with the recharger provided with the product .
Headset Devices
Extended exposure to high volum es when using a headset may result in temporary or permanent
hearing loss.
Wireless Devices
Before boarding any aircraft or packing a wireless device in luggage that will be checked, remove the
batteries from the wireless device or turn the wireless device off (if it has an on/off switch). Wireless devices
can transmi t radio frequency (R F) energy, much like a cellular telephone, whenever batteries are installed
and the wirel ess device is turned on (if it has an on/off switch).
Keyboard and Mouse Devices
Health Warning
Use of a keyboar d or mouse may be linked to serious injuries or disorder s.
When using a computer, as with many activiti es, you may experience occasion al discomfo rt in your hands,
arms, shoulders , neck, or oth er part s of your body. However, if you experie nce symptoms such as per sistent
or recurring discomfo rt, pain, throbbin g, aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensation, or stiffness,
even if symptoms occur when you are not working at your comp uter. Symptoms like these can be associated
with painful and sometim es perman ently disabling injuries or disorders of the ner ves, muscles, tendons, or
other par ts of the body. These musculoskeletal disorder s (MSDs) include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis,
tenosynovitis, and other conditions.
While rese archers are not yet able to answer many que stions about MSDs, there is gener al agreem ent that
many factors may be linked to th eir occurrence, inclu ding: overall health, stress and how on e copes with it ,
medical an d physical conditions , and how a person positions and uses his or her body during work and oth er
activities (inclu ding use of a keybo ard or mouse). The amount of time a person per forms an ac tivit y may also
be a factor.
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To select an appropriate power source for your device:
● Use only the power supply unit and AC power cord th at came with your device or that yo u receive d from
an authorized repair ce nter.
● Conrm that your electrical outlet provides the type of power indicated on the power supply unit (in
terms of volt age [V ] and frequ ency [Hz]). If you are not sure of the t ype of power supplied to your home,
consult a quali ed elec trician.
● Do not use non-standard power sour ces, such as generator s or inverters, even if the voltage and
frequency appear acceptable. Only use AC power provid ed by a standard wall outle t.
● Do not overlo ad your wall outlet, extension cor d, power str ip, or other ele ctrical receptacle. Conrm
that they are rated to handle the total curre nt (in amps [A]) draw n by the device (indicated on the power
supply unit) an d any other devices that are on the same circuit .
To avoid damaging the power co rds and power supply:
● Protect th e power cords from being wa lked on.
● Protect co rds from be ing pinched or sharply be nt, particularly where they connect to the power outlet,
the power supply unit, and th e device.
● Do not jerk , knot, sharply bend , or otherwise abuse th e power cords.
● Do not expose the power cords to sources of heat.
● Keep childre n and pets away from the power cords. Do not allow them to bite or ch ew on them.
● When disconnectin g the power cords, pull on the plug—do not pull on the cord.
If a power cord or power supply becomes damaged in any way, stop using it immediately. Unplug your
device during lightning storms or when unused for lo ng periods of time.
For devices with an AC power cord that connec ts to the power supply, always co nnect the power cord
according to the following instruc tions:
1 Plug the AC powe r cord into the power supply until it stops.
2 Plug the other end of the AC power co rd into the wall outlet.
Battery-Powered Devices
These pre caution s apply to all pro ducts that use rechar geable or disposable batteries.
Improper use of batteries may result in battery uid leakage, overheating, or explosion. Release d batter y
uid is corrosive and may be toxic. It can cause skin and eye bur ns, and is harmful if swallowed.
To reduce the risk of injur y:
● Keep batteries out of re ach of children.
● Do not heat, open, punc ture, mutilate, or dispose of batteries in re.
● Do not mix new and old batter ies or batteries of dif ferent t ypes (for example, carbon-zinc and
alkaline batteries).
● Do not allow met al objec ts to touch the battery terminals on the device; they can becom e hot and
cause burns.
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