Microsoft 1069 User Manual

Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Guia de Introdução. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Mise en route. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Introducción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 International Technical Support Numbers (partial list only) . . . . . . . . . .61
Read this guide for important safet y and health information and the terms of the Warranty that cover the Microsoft® device that you have purchased.
Warning Failure to properly set up, use, and care for this product can increase the ri sk of serious injury or death, or damage to the device or devices. Read this guide an d keep all printe d guides for future reference. For replacement guid es, go to ww /hardware or refer to the Microsoft Help and Suppor t section for contac t information.
This docume nt includes important information about many Micr osoft pr oducts. Refer to sec tions that apply to the features of your device:
Import ant Safet y Information AC-Powered Devices Batter y-Power ed Device s Wireles s Devices Keyboard and Mouse Devices Devices with Laser Pointers All Device s Healthy Comp uting Guide Laser and LED Specications Regulator y Information Radio Frequency Technical Specications Radio and TV Interference Regulations Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Patent Information Microsof t Help and Supp ort Limited Warranty
0306 Part No. X12-16912-02
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This symbol identies safe ty and health messages in this Product Guide and other
product manuals.
Important Safety Information
AC-Powered Devices
These pre cautions apply to all prod ucts that pl ug into a standard wall power ou tlet.
Failure to take the following precautions can result in serious injur y or death from electric shock or re
or in damage to the de vice.
To select an appropriate power source for your device:
● Use only the power supply unit and AC power cord that came with your device or that you received
from an autho rized rep air center.
● Conrm that your electrical outlet provides the type of power indicated on the power supply unit
(in terms of vol tage [V ] and frequency [Hz]). If you are not sure of the t ype of power supplied to your
home, consult a qualied electrician.
● Do not use non-standard power sources, such as generators or inverters, even if the voltage and
frequency appear acceptable. Only use AC power provide d by a standard wall outlet.
● Do not overload your wall outlet, extension cord, power strip, or other electrical receptacle. Conrm
that they are rated to handle the total current (in amps [A]) drawn by th e device (indicated on the power suppl y unit) and any other devices that are on the same circuit.
To avoid damaging the power cords and power supply:
● Protect the power cords from being walked on.
● Protect cords from being pinched or sharply bent, particularly where they connect to the power outlet,
the power supply unit, and the device.
● Do not jerk, knot, sharply bend, or otherwise abuse the power cords.
● Do not expose the power cords to sources of heat.
● Keep children and pets away from the power cords. Do not allow them to bite or chew on them.
● When disconnecting the power cords, pull on the plug—do not pull on the cord. If a power cord or power supply becomes damaged in any way, stop using it immediately. Unplug your
device during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. For devices with an AC power cord that connects to the power supply, always conn ect the power cord
according to the following instructions:
1 Plug the AC powe r cord into the power supply until it stops. 2 Plug the other end of the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
Battery-Powered Devices
These pre cautions apply to all prod ucts that us e rechargeable or disposable bat teries.
Improper use of batteries may result in battery uid leakage, overheating, or explosion. Released battery uid is corrosive and may be toxic. It can cause skin and eye burns, and is harmful if swallowed.
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To reduce the risk of injury:
● Keep batteries out of reach of children.
● Do not heat, open, puncture, mutilate, or dispose of batteries in re.
● Do not mix new and old batteries or batteries of different types (for example, carbon-zinc and
alkaline batteries).
● Do not allow metal objects to touch the battery terminals on the device; they can become hot
and cause burns.
● Remove the bat teries if they are worn out or before storing your device for an extended period of time.
● Always remove old, weak, or worn-out batteries promptly and recycle or dispose of them in accordance
with Local and National Disposal Regulations.
● If a battery leaks, remove all batteries, taking care to keep the leaked uid from touching your skin or clothes. If uid from the battery comes into contact with skin or clothes, ush skin with water
immediate ly. Before inserting ne w batteries, thoro ughly clean th e batter y compar tment with a damp paper towel, or follow the battery manufacturer’s recommendati ons for cleanup.
Disposable (non-rechargeable) batteries only:
Caution Risk of explosion if batter y is replaced by an incorrect type. Use and replace only with correct
size and type (alkaline, zin c-carbon, or zinc-chloride) of batteries.
Rechargeable batteries only:
Caution Risk of explosion if batter y is replaced by an incorrect type. Use and replace only with the same
type and rating as the bat teries provided.
● Charge only with the recharger provided with the product.
Wireless Devices
Before boarding any aircraft or pack ing a wireless device in luggage that will be ch ecked, remove the batteries from the wireless device or turn the wireless device off (if it has an on/off switch). Wireles s devices can transmi t radio frequency (RF) energy, much like a cellular tele phone, whenever bat teries are installe d and the wirel ess device is turned on (if it has an on/off swi tch).
Statement of Compliance with EU Directives
Hereby, Micro soft Corporation de clares that this produc t is in compliance with the essential requir ements and other relevant provisions of Dire ctives , 73/23/EEC, 89/336/ EEC and 1999/5/EC .
The technic al documentation as required by the Conf ormity A ssessment procedure is kept at the following address :
Company: Microsof t Ireland Operation s Ltd. Address: Atrium Buildin g Block B
Carmenhall Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, DUBLIN 18
Country : Ireland Telephone numb er: +353 1 295 3826
Fax number: +353 1 706 4110
Internet : http://ww
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Keyboard and Mouse Devices
Health Warning
Use of a keyboard or mouse may be linked to serious injuries or disorders. When using a computer, as with many activities, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands,
arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. However, if you experience symptoms such as persistent
or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing , aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensation, or stif fness,
, even if symptoms occur whe n you are not work ing at your computer. Symptoms like these can be associated with painful and sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disorder s of the nerves, muscles, tendons, or other par ts of the body. The se musculoskeletal dis orders (MSDs) include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and other conditions.
While rese archers are not yet able to ans wer many ques tions abou t MSDs, ther e is general agreement that many factors may be linked to their occurre nce, including: overall health, stress and how one cop es with it, medical an d physical conditions, and how a person positions and uses his or her body during wo rk and other activities (including use of a keyboard or mouse). The am ount of time a person perf orms an activity may al so be a factor.
Some guidelines that may help you work more comfortably with your computer and possibly reduce your
risk of experiencing an MSD can be found in the “Healthy Computing Guide” installed with this device’s software. If this device did not come with software, see the “Healthy Computing Guide” section of this manual. You can also access the “Healthy Computing Guide” at or (in the United States only) by calling (800) 360-7561 to request a CD at no charge.
If you have questions about how your own lifes tyle, ac tivitie s, or medical, or physical condition may be
related to MSDs, see a qualied health professional.
Devices with Laser Pointers
Caution Use of controls or adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those specied herein
may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
● Do not stare into beam.
● Do not shine a laser pointer at anyone. Laser pointers are designed to illuminate inanimate objects.
● Do not allow minors to use a pointer unsupervised. Laser pointers are not toys.
● Do not point a laser pointer at a mirror-like (reective) surface. A reected beam can act like a direct
beam on the eye.
● Do not disassemble the device.
● Do not use the device outside of its specied operating temperature range +41ºF (+5ºC) to +95ºF (+35ºC).
If the device is exposed to an environment outside of its prescribed operation, turn off the device and allow the temperature to stabilize within the specied operating range before using the device.
All Devices
Do Not Attempt Repairs
Do not attempt to take apar t, open, service , or modify the hardware device or power supply. Doing so could present th e risk of elec tric shock or other hazard. Any evidence of any attempt to open and/or modify the device, including any pee ling, punc turing, or removal of any of the labels, will void the Limited Warranty.
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Healthy Computing Guide
This guide is designed to help you be more comfortable and productive while using your
computer. It may also help you reduce your risk of experiencing painful and disabling injuries
or disorders described in the Health Warning earlier in this manual.
It only takes a moment to read, but the benets can be lasting.
For information about arranging your workstation and developing habits that may help to re duce your
risk of experiencing an MSD, read this “Healthy Computing Guide.” Because there are a variety of factors
that may contribute to MSDs, this guide cannot provide everything you need to know to prevent an MSD
or reduce your risk of experiencing one. For some people, following the suggestions may reduce their risk of experiencing an MSD. For others, it may not. However, many people experience greater comfort and
productivity when following these sugg estions . Keep in mind that this guide is not a substitute for the
advice of a qualied health professional or an employer health policy or program. If you have questions
about how your own lifest yle, activities, or medical or phy sical condition may be related to MSDs, see a
qualied health professional.
Position Yourself
Whether you are working or playing, it is important to avoid awkward postur es and position your body comfortably. Not only can this improve your overall productivi ty, it may help you avoid musculoskeletal
disorders (MSDs). Keep in mind that changing your posture during extended tasks may also help you avoid
discomfor t and fatigue. When working or playing at th e computer, adapt your surroundings and arrange your computing equipment
to promote a comfortable and relaxed body posture. Setting up your work station to avoid discomfort
depends on your unique bod y size and work env ironment. However, the following suggestions may help to provide you with a more comfortable environme nt.
To support your back, tr y the following:
● Use a chair that supports your lower back (see detail 1).
● Adjust your work surface and chair height to assume a
comfortable and nat ural body posture (see detail
To promote comfortable leg postures, try the following:
● Clear away items from beneath your desk to allow comfortable
leg positioning and move ment.
● Use a footrest if your feet do not rest comfortably on the oor.
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To minimize reaching and to promote comfortable shoulder and arm postures, try the following:
● Place your keyboard and mouse or trackball at the same height;
these should be at about elb ow level. Your upper arms should fall
relaxed at your sides (see detail 3).
● When typing, center your keyboard in front of you with your
mouse or trackball located close to it (see detail 4).
● Place frequently used items comfortably within arm’s reach
(see detail
To promote proper wrist an d nger postures, try the following:
● Keep your wrists straight while typing and while using a mouse
or trackball. Avoid bendin g your wrists up, down, or to the sides.
If your keyboard has legs, extend them if this helps you maintain
a comfort able and straight wrist position.
● Type with your hands and wrists oating above the keyboard, so
that you can use yo ur whole arm to reach for distant keys instea d
of stretching your ngers.
To minimize neck bending and twisting, try the following:
● Position the top of the screen near eye level (see detail 6).
Bifocal wearers may need to lower the screen or talk to a qualied
health professional about glass es customized for computer work.
● Center your monitor in front of you. If you refer to your documents
more frequently than yo ur monitor, consider placing yo ur document s directl y in front of you and the monitor slightly to the side.
● Consider using a document holder to position your documents
near eye level.
To minimize eye strain, try the following:
● Position your monitor about an arm’s length away from you
when seate d comfortably in front of it.
● Avoid glare by placing your monitor away from light sources
that produce glare, or use window blinds to control light levels.
● Remember to clean your screen. If you wear glasses, clean
them also.
● Adjust your monitor’s brightness and contrast.
● Adjust on-screen font sizes to make viewing more comfortable
for you, if your computer program has this feature.
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Go Lightly
Physical forces continu ously inter act with our bodies. We may think that only high-impact forces, such as car crashes, are likely to injure our bodies. However, low-impact forces may also result in injuries, discomfor t,
and fatigue if they are repeated or experienced over long periods of time.
Some types of low-impact forces include:
Dynamic force: A force that you exer t through movement, such as pressing the keys while typing or
clicking the mouse buttons. Static force: A force that you maintain for a period of time, such as holding your mouse or cra dling
the phone. Contact force: A force that occurs when you rest on an edge or hard sur face,
such as resting your wrist s on the edge of your desk.
To reduce the effects of low-impact forces on your body, try the following:
● Type with a light touch, keeping your hands and ngers
relaxed, because it takes little effort to use keyboard keys.
● Use a light touch when clicking a mouse button or when
using a joystick or other gamin g controller.
● Hold the mouse with a relaxed hand and do not grip the
mouse tightly.
● Avoid resting your palms or wrists on any type of surface
while typ ing (see detail
7). The palm rest , if provide d, should
only be used during break s from ty ping.
● Relax your arms and hands when you are not typing or using
your mouse. Do not rest your ar ms and hands on edges, such as the edge of your de sk.
● Adjust your chair so the seat does not press into the back of your
knees (see detail 8).
Take Breaks
Taking breaks can help your body recover fr om any activ ity and may he lp you avoid MSDs . The length and frequency of breaks that are right for you depend on the type of work you are doin g. Stopping the
activity and relaxing is one way to take a break, but there are other ways, also. For example, just changing tasks—perhaps from sitting while typing to standing while talking on the phone— can help some muscles relax while others remain productive.
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To vary your daily activities and to work productively, try the following:
● Plan your work and play so that you are not doing the same thing for extended periods of time (such as
performing the same activit y or using the same part of your body).
● Use different input devices, such as your mouse and keyboard, to accomplish the same task. For example,
to perform a scrolling t ask, you can use the wheel on the mouse and the arrow keys on the key board.
● Work more efciently by using software and hardware features to reduce your effort and increase
your productivity. For example, you can press the Windows logo key to open the Microsoft Windows
Start menu.
● Learn about software and hardware features by reading the information that accompanied these
products. For example, if you frequently highlight text, use the mouse ClickLock feature.
Be Healthy
A healthy lifestyle can help you per form and enjoy your ever yday activities, including the time sp ent at your computer. Also, learning more about your health is an impor tant step in staying comfortable and productive while using your computer.
To help maintain good health, try the following:
● Eat a balanced diet and get adequate rest.
● Exercise for overall tness and to improve the strength and exibility of your body. Consult a qualied
health professional to help you choose the stretches and exercises that are right for you.
● Learn to manage stress. One way to reduce stress at work is to plan your work area and schedule so that
noise and dis tractions are kept to a minimum .
● See a qualied health professional if you have questions about how your medical and physical conditions
may be relate d to MSDs. While researchers are not yet able to answer many question s about MSDs , there is general agreement that many factors may be linked to th eir occurrence, including previous injuries , diabetes , hormonal changes (such as pr egnancy), and rheumatoid arthr itis.
Learning more about wor king comfortably and produc tively, as well as your overall health, are important
ways to help you enjoy your computing experience.
Laser and LED Specications
Caution Use of controls or adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those specied herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Laser Devices
This device complies with International Standard IEC 60825-1:2001-08 for a Class 1 and Class 2 laser product.
This device also complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice
No. 50, dated Jul y 26, 2001.
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Class 1 Laser Devices
Beam descr iption: Collimated (parallel) beam of infrared light (invisible to the user)
Laser power output: < 716 microwatts (at 832 nanometers) to 834 microwatts
(at 865 nanomete rs) Emitted laser wavelength: nominal: 850 nanomete rs, range: (832 – 865 nanometers)
A Class 1 laser pr oduct is safe under reas onably for eseeable conditions of operatio n as described by IEC
60825-1 and 21 CFR 1040.10. However, it is recommended that you not direct the laser beam (which is
emitted from the bot tom of the device) at anyone’s eyes.
Class 2 Laser Devices
Beam descr iption: Collimated (parallel) beam of light Laser power output: < 1 milliwatt Emitted laser wavelength: 630 – 670 nanometers
This optical device has no service able parts. The Class 2 laser beam is emitted from the front of th e device.
Optical (LED) Devices
This product has been evaluated to com ply with International Standard IEC 60825-1:1993/A2:2001
This product uses LEDs th at are inhere ntly Class 1.
Regulatory Information
Tested to comply with FCC (U.S. Federal Communications Commission) Standards. For home or ofce use. Not intended for use in machinery, medical, or industrial applications. Any changes or modications not expressly approved by Microsoft could void the user’s authority to operate this device. This product is for use with NRTL-Listed (UL, CSA, ETL, etc.), and/or IEC/EN 60950 compliant (CE marked) Information Technology
equipment. No serviceable parts included.
This device is rated as a commercial product for operation at +41ºF (+5ºC) to +95ºF (+35ºC). This Class B digital apparatus complies with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) rules, Canadian ICES-003, RSS-Gen, RSS-210, and RSS-310. Operation is subject to the fo llowing two condition s: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference receive d, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The term “IC:” before the certication/registration number only signies that the Industry Canada technical specications were met.
IEC 60825-1:2001-08
Class 1 LED product
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Radio Frequency Technical Specications
Radio frequency (RF) output power: < 54 dBµV/m at 3 m Keyboard with two channels – RF frequencies: 27.095 MHz (channel 1), 27.195 MHz (channel 2) Keyboard with a single chann el – RF frequency: 27.195 MHz or 27.095 MHz
Mouse with two channels – RF frequencies: 27.045 MHz (channel 1), 27.145 MHz (channel 2) Mouse with a single channel – RF frequency: 27.145 MHz or 27.045 MHz
Radio and TV Interference Regulations
The Microsoft hardware device(s) can radiate RF energy. If not installed and used in s trict acco rdance with
the instructions given in the printed documentation and/or on-screen help les, the device may cause harmful interference with other radio-communications devices (for example AM/FM radios, televisions,
baby monitors, cordless phones, etc). There is , however, no guarantee that RF interference will not occur in a particular installation.
To determine if your hardware dev ice is causing interference to other radio-communications devices, disconne ct the device from your computer or remove the device’s bat teries (for a batter y operated device). If the interference stops, it was pro bably caused by the device. If the interference continues af ter you disconne ct the hardware device or remove the bat teries, turn the computer off and then on again. If the interference stopped when the computer was of f, check to see if one of the input/output (I/O) devices or one of the computer’s internal accessor y boards is c ausing the problem. Dis connect the I/O devices on e at a time and see if the interfere nce stops.
If this hardware device doe s cause interference, try the following measures to correct it:
● Relocate the antenna of the other radio-communications device (for example AM/FM radios, televisions,
baby monitors, cordless phones, etc.) until the interfer ence stops .
● Move the hardware device farther away from the radio or TV, or move it to one side or the other of the
radio or TV.
● Plug the computer into a different power outlet so that the hardware device and radio or TV are on
different circuits controlled by differe nt circuit breakers or fuses.
● If necessary, ask your computer dealer or an experienced radio-TV technician for more suggestions.
For more information about interference issues, go to the FCC Web site at: http://ww ence.html. You can also call the FCC at 888-CA LL FCC to reques t Interference and Teleph one Inter ference fact sheets.
For Bluetooth and 2.4 GHz devices only: To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, the following operating congurations must be satised: the antenna has been installed by the manufacturer and no
changes can be made.
Microsof t Corporation; One Microsoft Way; Redmond, WA 98052-6399; U.S.A. United States: (800) 426-9400 Canada: (800) 933- 4750
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Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the European Union and Other Countries/Regions with Separate Collection Systems
This symbol on the product or its packa ging means that this produc t must not be disposed of with your househo ld waste. Ins tead, it is your responsibility to hand this over to an applicable colle ction point for the recycling of electr ical and ele ctronic e quipment. This separate collection and recycling will help to conserve natural resources and prevent pote ntial negative consequences for human health and th e environment, which inappr opriate disposal could cause due to the po ssible pre sence of haz ardous substances in electrical and electronic equip ment. For more information about whe re to drop off your electrical and electronic
waste, please contact your local city/municipality ofce, your household waste disposal service, or the shop
where you pur chased this product . Contact for additional information on disposal of waste electrical an d electronic equipment (WEEE ).
Patent Information
United States and/or international patents pending.
Microsoft Help and Support
If you have a question about your Microsoft hardware pr oduct, do the following:
● Check the system requirements for your product (located on the packaging) to make sure your system
is compatible.
● Read through all printed documentation.
● For additional product information, go to the Microsoft Hardware Web site at
● For up-to-date help about using or troubleshooting your device, go to the Microsof t Help and Support
Web site at http://support.microsof
● See the customer suppor t options in this section to nd the appropriate support option.
Customer Support Options
Product Name: Microsoft Hardware Devices OEM Distributed: If this product came with a new computer or device, the hardware manufacturer provides
technical support . Please cont act your manufactur er directly for suppor t.
Self-Help Support: Search our Knowledge Base, watch videos fo r solving common problems, and download
available up dates by visiting .com.
Chat and E-mail: Chat immediately, or send an e-mail message to a Microsof t Suppor t Professional by
visiting ht tp:// Note that e-mail response may be delayed by several hours.
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Phone Support: In the United States, call (866) 833-7088
In Canada, call (800) 876-8533 For all other regions, see the “International Technical Support Numbers” later in this section.
TTY Users:
In the United States, call (800) 892-5234 In Canada, call (866) 857-9850 For all other regions, see the “International Technical Support Numbers” later in this documentation.
Conditions: Microsof t suppor t services are subje ct to then-current prices, term s, and conditions,
which are subject to change without notice. Toll charges may app ly to all non-toll-free numbers listed.
Note For regional support policy details and more, go to and select your country or region from the list. If there is no Microsoft subsidiary ofce in your countr y or
region, please contact the est ablishment from which you obtained your Microsof t produc t.
Limited Warranty
IMPORTANT—PLEASE READ THIS LIMITED WARR ANTY CAREFULLY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS! The term “Hardware Device” means the Microsoft hardware product. The term “You” means either an individual or a single legal entit y who will be referred to in this Limited Warrant y as “You” and “Your”.
1. Express Warranty. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Limited Warranty and in lieu of any other (if any) express
warrantie s, Microsof t warrant s that under nor mal use and ser vice, on the date of acquisitio n as shown on Your receipt or
similar proof of payment and for the next i) 90 days for the SOFT WARE and ii) period of time stated below for the applicable Hardware Device (hereafter each dened as the “Warranty Period”), that the SOFTWARE and Hardware Device will
substant ially confor m with the accompa nying Micros oft packa ging and docume ntation. A s to any defect s discovere d after the Warrant y Period, ther e is no warrant y or condition of any k ind.
Warranty Period:
For all Microso ft keyboard and mouse desktop set s: Three (3) year s
For all Microso ft keyboard devices: Three (3) years
For Microsof t mouse devices:
Comfort Optical Mouse 3000; Wireless Optical Mouse 100 0; Basic Mouse; Basic Notebook Optical Mouse; Compact Optical Mouse; Mobile Optical Mouse; Notebook Optical Mouse; Optical Mouse by Starck; Standard Wireless Optical Mouse; Wheel Mouse; Wheel Mouse Optical: Two (2) years
Wireless Laser Mouse 8000; Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000; Natural™ Wireless Laser Mouse 600 0; Notebook
Laser Mou se 6000 fo r Bluetooth®; Laser Mouse 6000; Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 60 00; Wireless Laser Mouse 500 0;
Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 5000; Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 400 0; Wireless Optical Mouse 3000; Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000; Wireless Optical Mouse 2000; Comfort Optical Mouse 1000; Notebook Optical Mouse 3000; Basic Optical Mouse; Cordless Wheel Mouse; IntelliMouse; IntelliMouse Explorer; IntelliMouse Trackball; Mouse 2.0; Optical Mouse; Trackball Optical; Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse; Wireless Optical Mouse; Wireless Wheel Mouse: Three (3) years
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Wireless Laser Mouse 6000; Wireless Optical Mouse 5000; IntelliMouse Optical; IntelliMouse Pro; IntelliMouse with IntelliEye; Trackball Explorer; Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer; IntelliMouse Explorer for Bluetooth; Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer with
Fingerpr int Reader : Five (5) years
Microsof t Fingerpr int Reader : Three (3) years
Microsof t Presente r 3000: Three (3) years
Microsof t webcam pro ducts: Th ree (3) years
This Limite d Warranty doe s not cover, and no warra nty of any kind is pr ovided with r espect to any subjective or aesthetic
aspects of the Hardware Device or SOFTWARE. The express warranty stated above is the only express warranty made to You and is provided in lieu of all other express or implied warranties and conditions (except for any non-disclaimable implied warranties that exist), including any created by any other documentation or packaging. No information or suggestions (oral or in a record) given by Microsof t, its agents, afliates or suppliers or its or their employees or agents, shall create a warranty or condition or expand the scope of this Limited Warranty. The “Governing Law; Exclusive Forum” provision of Part 2 of the
Agreeme nt applies to this Limited Warrant y and is incorp orated her ein by this refer ence.
2. Limitatio n on Duration of Imp lied Warrantie s. If You are a consumer, You may also hav e an implied warr anty and/or condition un der the laws of som e jurisdict ions, which is he reby limite d to the duration of the Warranty Period. Some jurisdic tions do not allow li mitations o n how long an implie d warranty o r condition las ts, so the for egoing limit ation may not apply to You.
B. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. Subject to applicable law and the following, and provided that You return the SOFT WARE and
Hardware D evice to Your place of acqu isition (or, if that place w ill not accept the r eturn, to Microsoft) with a co py of Your
receipt or other bona de proof of payment during the Warranty Period, Microsoft will, at its option and as Your exclusive
remedy fo r breach of this Limi ted Warrant y and any implied war ranties:
repair or replace all or part of the defective SOFTWARE or the defective Hardware Device; or
make payment to You for th e allowable dama ges that You incurre d in reasonab le reliance , but only up to the amount You paid (if any) for th e SOFTWARE an d/or the Hardwar e Device les s reasonabl e depreciat ion based on ac tual use.
The above rem edy is subjec t to the followin g:
Any repaire d or replace d SOFTWARE or Hardware Dev ice will be new or re furbishe d or serviceably used , comparabl e in
function and performance to the original Hardware Device (or SOFTWARE), and may include third party items;
Any SOFT WARE or Hardwar e Device repa ired or repla ced under this Li mited Warrant y will be warra nted for the rem ainder of the original War ranty Peri od or 30 days from th e date of shipment of th e item back to You, whichever is longer. If an upgrade to SOF TWARE is delivered with a ne w limited warranty, then the ter ms of that new limite d warrant y will apply only
to the SOFTWARE as upgraded, but will not apply to the original Hardware Device; Except as otherwise required by legislation in Your jurisdiction, costs associated with transport (including packaging) for
warranty service shall be at Your expense; and
Microsof t does not prov ide any warrant ies regardi ng any other ser vices provided under th is Limited Warra nty and discl aims all duties (if any) of workmanlike ef fort or of lack of negligence regarding such servi ces.
X121691202mnl.indb 13 3/27/2006 9:59:22 AM
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusions many not apply to You.
D. EXCLUSIONS FROM COVER AGE. This Limited Warranty shall not apply and Microsof t has no liabilit y under this Limited
Warranty if th e SOFTWARE o r Hardware Device:
- is used for commercial purposes (including rental or lease) or purposes beyond the scope of the SOFT WARE license;
- is modied or tampered with;
- is damaged by Ac ts of God, powe r surge, misus e, abuse, neg ligence, accident, wear an d tear, mishandling, misapplic ation,
or other causes unrelated to defects in the Hardware Device or the SOFTWARE;
- is damaged by programs, data, viruses, or les, or during shipments or transmissions;
- is not used in accordance with the accompanying documentation and use instructions; or
- is repaired, modied or altered by other than a Microsoft authorized repair center and the unauthorized center causes or
contributes to any defect or damage.
This Limite d Warranty doe s not include any war ranty regarding lega l rights or abilit ies, such as any war ranty re garding title , quiet enjoym ent or lack of infri ngement.
E. REGISTR ATION. You need not re gister Your acquis ition of the SOF TWARE and Hard ware Device for the Limited Warranty to be effec tive.
F. BENEFICIARY. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the Limited Warranty is only made to You, the rst licensed user of the SOFTWARE or purchaser of the Hardware Device, and there are no third party beneciaries of the Limited Warranty. Except as required by law, this Limited Warrant y is not intended for and does not apply to anyone else, including anyone to
whom You make any transf er as authori zed in the Agree ment.
G. FURTHER INFORMATION. Microsoft is the warrantor under this Limited Warranty. To receive instructions for obtaining
perfor mance of this Limi ted Warrant y You must either cont act the Micro soft subsi diary ser ving Your country, or write to:
Microsof t Sales Information Center, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA, or visit Microsof t on the World
Wide Web at http: // om.
You must also:
1. Submit proof of payment in the form of a bona de, dated receipt, or invoice (or a copy) evidencing that You are the beneciary of this Limited Warranty and that Your request for a remedy is made within the Warranty Period;
2. Follow Micros oft’s ship ping and other in structi ons if it determ ines that all or par t of Your Hardware Device or SOFT WARE requires r eturn. To obtain the L imited Warrant y perf ormance, You must take or deliver th e item in either it s original
packaging or packaging that provides an equal degree of protection to the location specied by Microsoft. Except as
otherw ise require d by legislati on in Your jurisdicti on, costs as sociated with transpor t (includi ng packaging) for warrant y
service shall be at Your expense.
3. Delete or remove any les or data You consider private or condential prior to sending the item to Microsoft.
Failure to follow the above instruc tions may result in delays, cau se You to incur additional charges, or may void Your warranty.
This Limited Warranty gives You specic legal rights and You may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to
jurisdic tion. Where any term of this Limited Warranty is pr ohibited by su ch laws, it shall b e null and void, but the remainder of the Limited Warranty shall r emain in full forc e and effec t if its allocation of risks is n ot materiall y disturbe d.
X121691202mnl.indb 14 3/27/2006 9:59:22 AM
Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subjec t to change without notice. Unle ss otherwi se noted, the example companies, organiz ations, products , domain name s, e-mail addresses , logos, pe ople, places, and events depicted h erein are ctitious, and n o associat ion with any real company, organization, product, domain nam e, e-mail address, logo,
person , place, or event is inte nded or should be inferred . Complyin g with all appli cable copyri ght laws is the responsibilit y of the user. Without limi ting the rights un der copyright , no part of this document may be re produced, s tored in or introduced into a retr ieval system, or transmit ted in any form or by any means (electro nic, mechanical, photo copying, recording, or ot herwise), or f or any purpose, w ithout the express w ritten permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsof t may have patent s, patent applications , trademarks, copyr ights, or othe r intellectu al proper ty rights cove ring subject matter in
this document . Except as expressly provided in any writ ten license agreement from Microsof t, the furnishing of this document does not
give you any licens e to these pate nts, trademarks, co pyrights, or other intelle ctual propert y. Microsof t Corpora tion grants the pur chaser of this product the rig ht to reproduce one (1) copy of this user m anual for each Hard ware Device you pur chased in the pack age. © 2006 Micros oft Corporation. All ri ghts reserved.
Microsof t, IntelliEye, IntelliMous e, and Windows are either registered tra demarks or trademark s of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or othe r countries. All other trade marks are propert y of their respective own ers.
X121691202mnl.indb 15 3/27/2006 9:59:22 AM
Guia do Produto da Microsoft
Leia este guia para obter info rmações importa ntes sobre segurança e saúde e sobre os te rmos da Garantia que cobrem o dispositivo da Microsoft® adquirido por você.
Aviso: se este produto não for instala do, utiliza do e manuseado com cuidado, os riscos de lesõ es graves ou mor te, ou ainda de da nos ao(s) disposi tivo(s), serão maiores. Le ia este guia e guarde todos os guias impressos para re ferência f utura. Para acessar os guias de substituição, vá para www.microsof ou consulte a seção Ajuda e Supor te da Microsoft para obter informações de contato.
Este documento contém informações importantes sobre diversos produtos da Microsoft . Consulte as seções que se aplicam aos recursos do seu dispositivo:
Informações impor tantes sobre segurança Dispositivos de corre nte alterna da Dispositivos que usam pilhas Dispositivos sem o Dispositivos de teclado e mouse Dispositivos com apont adores a laser Todos os dispositivos Guia Saúde e Computadores Especicações de laser e LED Informações normativas Especicações técnicas de radiofreqüência Descar te de resíduos de equipamentos elétr icos e eletrô nicos Informações sobre patentes Ajuda e Supor te da Microsoft Garantia Limitada
Este símb olo identica mensagen s de segurança e saúde neste Guia do Produto e em
outros manuais.
Informações importantes sobre segurança
Dispositivos de corrente alternada
Estas precauçõe s aplicam-se a todos os produtos que são con ectados a uma tomada padrão. Se as seguintes precauções não forem tomadas, poderão ocorrer les ões graves ou morte devido a
choque elétrico ou fogo, ou ainda danos ao dispositivo.
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Para selecionar uma fonte de alimentação apropriada para seu dispositivo:
● Use apenas a unidade de fonte de alimentação e o o de corrente alternada fornecidos com o dispositivo
ou recebidos de um centro autorizado de assistên cia técnica .
● Verique se sua tomada está de acordo com o tipo de alimentação indicado na unidade de fonte de
alimentação (quanto à voltagem [V] e à freqüência [Hz]). Se você não tiver certeza quanto ao tipo de alimentação presente em sua casa, consulte um eletricista de sua conança.
● Não utilize fontes de alimentação não padrão, como geradores ou inversores, mesmo que a voltagem
e a freqüência lhe pareçam aceitáveis. Utilize apenas a fonte de corrente alternada fornecida por uma
tomada padr ão.
● Não sobrecarregue a tomada, a extensão, o ltro de linha ou outro receptáculo elétrico. Verique a
capacidade de suportar a corrente total (em amperes [A]) exigida pelo dispositivo (indicada na unidade
de fonte de alime ntação) e por quaisquer outros dispositivos que estejam no mesmo circuito.
Para evitar danos aos os elétricos e à fonte de alimentação:
● Não deixe que os os elétricos sejam pisados.
● Evite que os os sejam torcidos ou excessivamente dobrados, principalmente no ponto de conexão com
a tomada, a unidade de fonte de alimentação e o dispositivo.
● Não puxe, dê nós, dobre em excesso ou faça algum outro uso não indicado dos os elétricos.
● Não exponha os os elétricos a fontes de calor.
● Mantenha crianças e animais longe dos os elétricos. Não os deixe morder ou mastigar os os.
● Ao desconectar os os elétricos, puxe-os pelo conector — e não pelo o. Se um o elétrico ou uma fonte de alimentação for danicado de alguma forma, interrompa imediatamente
o uso. Descon ecte seu dispositivo durante tempe stades com raios ou quando não for utiliz á-lo por lon gos período s.
Para dispositivos que possuem um o de corrente alternada conectado à fonte de alimentação, siga sempre as seguintes instruções para conectar o o elétrico:
1 Conecte o o de corrente alternada à fonte de alimentação até o m. 2 Conecte a outra extremidade do o de corrente alternada na tomada.
Dispositivos que usam pilhas
Estas precauçõe s aplicam-se a todos os produtos que usam pilhas recar regáveis ou descar táveis.
O uso não apropriado de pilhas pode resultar em vazamentos do uido das pilhas, superaquecimento ou explosão. O uido liberado pelas pilhas é corrosivo e pode ser tóxico. Ele pode causar queimaduras na pele e
nos olhos e pode ser prejudi cial se ingerido.
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Para diminuir o risco de lesões:
● Mantenha as pilhas fora do alcance das crianças.
● Não aqueça, abra, per fure, danique nem descarte as pilhas no fogo.
● Não misture pilhas velhas com novas, nem pilhas de tipos diferentes (por exemplo, pilhas de carbono e
● Não deixe que objetos de metal encostem nos terminais das pilhas dentro do dispositivo; eles podem
car quentes e causar queimaduras.
● Remova as pilhas se elas estiverem gastas ou se o dispositivo for car armazenado durante um longo
período de tempo.
● Sempre remova imediatamente as pilhas velhas, fracas ou gastas e recicle-as ou jogue-as no lixo de
acordo com as regulamentações locais e nacionais de descar te.
● Se uma pilha vazar, remova todas as pilhas, tomando cuidado para que o uido que vazou não entre em
contato com sua pele ou roupa. Se o uido das pilhas entrar em contato com a pele ou com a roupa,
lave bem a pele com água imediat amente. Antes de inserir pilhas novas , limpe bem o compartimento de pilhas com um pap el-toalha umedecido ou siga as recomendações de limpeza do fabr icante.
Apenas para pilhas descartáveis (não-recarregáveis):
Cuidado: há risco de explosão se uma pilha for substituída pelo tipo incorreto. Utilize e substitua as
pilhas somente pelo tipo e tamanho de pilha co rretos (alcalinas, de zinco-carbono ou de zinco -cloreto).
Apenas para pilhas recarregáveis:
Cuidado: há risco de explosão se uma pilha for substituída pelo tipo incorreto. Utilize e substitua as
pilhas somente por pilhas do mesmo tipo e da mesma classicação das originais.
● Carregue as pilhas somente com o recarregador fornecido com o produto.
Dispositivos sem o
Antes de entrar em um avião ou de embalar um dispositivo sem o em uma bagagem que será vericada, remova as pilhas do dispositivo sem o ou desligue-o (se ele tiver uma chave liga/desliga). Os dispositivos sem o podem emitir energia de radiofreqüência (RF), semelhante a um telefone celular, sempre que as pilhas estiverem instaladas e o dispositivo sem o estiver ligado (se ele tiver uma chave liga/desliga).
Declaração de conformidade com as diretivas da UE
Por meio deste documento, a Microsoft Corporation declara que este produto está de acor do com os requisitos essenciais e outras cláu sulas relevantes das Diretivas 73/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC e 199 9/5/EC.
A documentação técnica, conforme exigido pelo procedimento de Avaliação de Conformidade, é mantida
no seguinte endereço: Empresa: Microsof t Ireland Operation s Ltd.
Endereço: Atrium Building Block B
Carmenhall Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, DUBLIN 18
País: Irlanda Número de tel efone: +353 1 295 3826
Número de fax: +353 1 706 4110
Internet : http://ww
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Dispositivos de teclado e mouse
Aviso sobr e saúde
O uso de um teclado ou mouse pode estar associado a lesõ es ou doenças graves.
Ao usar um computador, assim como em muitas atividades, você pode experimentar um desconforto
ocasional nas mãos, nos braços, no s ombros, no pescoço ou em ou tras partes do corpo. No entanto, se tive r sintomas com o desconforto contínuo ou recorrente, dor, latejamento, formigamento, do rmência, sensaçã o de queimação ou rigidez , NÃO IGNORE ESSES SINAIS DE ALERTA. PROCURE IMEDIATAMENTE UM PROFISSIONAL DE SAÚDE QUALIFICADO, mesmo que os sintomas ocorram quando você não es tiver trabalhan do no computador. Sintomas como esses podem estar as sociados a le sões dolorosas e, às vezes, permane ntemente incapacitantes, ou a problemas em nervos, mú sculos, tendões ou outras parte s do corpo. Ess as doenças osteomu sculares in cluem a síndro me do túnel car pal, tendinite, tenossinovite e outras enfermidades.
Embora os pesquisado res não possam ainda responder a muit as perguntas sobre as do enças osteomu sculares , há um consens o geral de que muitos fatores podem estar associados à sua ocorrê ncia, incluindo: o estado de saúde geral, o estresse e a forma como a pessoa lida com ele, as con dições médicas e físicas e a forma como a pess oa posicion a e usa seu corpo durante o trabalho e outras ativ idades (in cluindo
o uso do mouse e do teclado). A quantidade de tempo que uma pessoa passa executando uma atividade
também po de ser um fator determinante. Algumas diretrizes que podem ajudá-lo a trabalhar com mais confor to no comput ador e, possivelmente,
reduzir o risco de uma doença osteomuscular podem ser encontradas no “Guia Saúde e Computadores” que
é instalado com o soft ware deste dispositivo. Se este dispositivo não vier acompanhado de um soft ware,
consulte a seção “Guia Saúde e Computadores” deste manual. Você pode também acessar o “Guia Saúde e Computadores” em ou (apenas nos Estados Unidos) ligando para
(800) 360 -7561 para solicitar um CD gratuito. Se você tiver al guma pergunta sobre com o o seu estilo de vida, as suas atividades ou as suas condições
médicas e físicas podem estar relacionadas a doenças osteomusculares, consulte um prossional de saúde qualicado.
Dispositivos com apontadores a laser
Cuidado: o uso de controles ou ajustes, ou ainda a execução de procedimentos que não sejam aqueles
especicados neste documento, pode resultar em uma exposição prejudicial à radiação.
● Não olhe xamente para o feixe.
● Não direcione o apontador a laser para outras pessoas. Os apontadores a laser têm por objetivo iluminar
objetos inanimados.
● Não permita que menores de idade utilizem um apontador a laser sem supervisão. Os apontadores a
laser não são brinquedos.
● Não direcione o apontador a laser para uma superfície semelhante a um espelho (reexiva). Um feixe
reetido pode ter o mesmo efeito de um feixe direto nos olhos.
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● Não desmonte o dispositivo.
● Não use o dispositivo fora do intervalo especicado de temperatura operacional de +41ºF (+5ºC) a +95ºF
(+35ºC). Se o dispositivo for exposto a uma temperatura ambiente que não seja a determinada para
operação, antes de usar o dispositivo, desligue-o e aguarde a es tabilização da temperatura dentro do
intervalo de operação especicado.
Todos os dispositivos
Não tente fazer consertos
Não tente desmontar, abrir, reparar ou modicar o dispositivo de hardware ou a fonte de alimentação. Isso pode expor você ao risco de choque elétrico ou a outros perigos. Qualquer indício de tentativa de abrir e/ou modicar o dispositivo, incluindo qualquer tipo de descolamento, perfuração ou remoção de qualquer uma
da etiquet as, anulará a Garantia Limitada.
Guia Saúde e Computadores
Este guia foi criado para ajudá-lo a trabalhar de forma mais confortável e produti va ao usar o computad or. Ele pode ajudar também a reduzir o risco de lesões e doença s dolorosas e incapacitantes, descritas no Aviso sobre saúde, anteriormente neste manua l.
Você levará ape nas alguns minutos para lê-lo, mas os benefícios poderão ser dura douros. Para obter info rmações sobre como organizar sua es tação de tr abalho e dese nvolver hábitos capaze s
de reduzir o risco de doenças osteomusculares, leia este “Guia Saúde e Computadores”. Como existem
vários fato res que podem contribuir para as doenças osteomusculares, este guia não pode forne cer todas as infor mações ne cessárias para evit ar essas do enças ou re duzir o risco de desenvolvê-las. Para algumas pessoas, seguir as sugestões pode reduzir o risco de uma doença osteomuscular. Para outras , não. Entretanto, muitas pe ssoas sentem mais conforto e são mais produtiva s quando seguem estas su gestões.
Lembre-se de que este guia não substitui o conselho de um prossional de saúde qualicado ou uma
diretiva ou um programa de saúde da empresa. Se você tiver alguma per gunta sobr e como o seu estilo de vida, as suas atividades ou as suas condições médic as e físicas podem estar relacionadas a doenç as
osteomusculares, consulte um prossional de saúde qualicado.
Cuide de sua postura
Esteja você trabalhando ou se divertindo, é impor tante manter uma boa postura e car em uma posição confortável. Isso pode não só aumentar sua produtividade geral, como também ajudá-lo a evitar doenças
osteomu sculares . Lembre-se de que mudar de posição durante tarefas prolonga das também pode ajudar a evitar o des conforto e a fadiga.
Quando estiver trabalhando ou se divertindo no computador, adapte o ambiente e organize o equipamento
de forma a manter uma postura confortável e relaxada. A organização de sua estação de trabalho para
evitar o des conforto depende do porte do seu corpo e do ambiente de trabalho. Entretanto, as seguintes sugestõ es podem ajudá-lo a criar um ambiente mais confortáve l.
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