Microsemi SA.45s User Manual

User Guide
SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
1 Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 1
2 Preface ........................................................................................................................................... 2
3 SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock ..................................................................................................... 3
3.2.1 Precautions .............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2.2 Packaging ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2.3 Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................. 4
3.2.4 Mechanical Interface and Mounting Considerations .............................................................................. 4
3.2.5 Recommended Operating Characteristics ............................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Principle of Operation ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.3.2 Start-Up Sequence .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.3 Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) ................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.4 RF Output Characteristics ........................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.5 What to Expect During First Power-Up ................................................................................................... 8
3.3.6 Frequency Steering .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.7 1PPS Output .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.8 1PPS Synchronization ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.3.9 1PPS Disciplining ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.10 Time-of-Day ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.11 Analog Tuning ...................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.12 Ultra-Low Power Operating Mode ...................................................................................................... 15
3.3.13 1PPS Phase Measurement Mode ........................................................................................................ 17
3.4 Programmers Reference ................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.1 Overview of Telemetry Interface .......................................................................................................... 17
3.4.2 Command Summary .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.4.3 Detailed Command Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Developer's Kit .................................................................................................................................. 29
SA.45s CSAC User Guide Revision D
SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
3.5.1 Package Contents .................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5.2 Evaluation Board Overview ................................................................................................................... 29
3.5.3 Installing the CSAC on the Test Fixture ................................................................................................. 31
3.5.4 Cabling ................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.5.5 CSACdemo Software Installation ........................................................................................................... 31
3.5.6 CSACdemo Operation ............................................................................................................................ 31
3.6 Data Acquisition with CSACdemo ..................................................................................................... 34
3.7 Design Guide ..................................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.1 The Art of Disciplining ........................................................................................................................... 35
3.7.2 Heat Sink ............................................................................................................................................... 37
3.7.3 Notes on Soldering ................................................................................................................................ 37
3.7.4 Notes on the Evaluation Board ............................................................................................................. 37
3.7.5 Time Error of a CSAC ............................................................................................................................. 38
3.7.6 Writes to NVRAM .................................................................................................................................. 39
SA.45s CSAC User Guide Revision D
SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

1 Revision History

The revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes are listed by revision, starting with the most current publication.

1.1 Revision D

Revision D was published in August 2017. It was updated to clarify frequency steering and other edits per EC12643.

1.2 Revision C

Revision C was published in July 2016. It was updated to reflect 1.08 and 1.09 firmware implementation as per EC11049.

1.3 Revision B

Revision B was published May 2014. It was updated to reflect 1.06 and 1.07 firmware implementation and Microsemi branding as per EC09876.

1.4 Revision A

Revision A was published in July 2011. It was the first publication of this document.
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

2 Preface

2.1 About This Document

The SA.45s user guide provides basic recommendations for designing products to use Microsemi's SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC). The guidelines in the document are generic because specific product requirements vary from one application to the other.
This material consists of a brief description of SA.45s design supported by block diagrams, description of environmental issues, installation guidelines, and unit operation.

2.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for engineers and telecommunications professionals who are designing, installing, operating, or maintaining time, frequency, and synchronization systems having a requirement for a low profile and highly precise frequency generator.
To use this document effectively, you should have a good understanding of digital telecommunications technologies and analog frequency generation and synthesis techniques.

2.3 Warnings, Cautions, Recommendations, and Notes

Warning: To avoid serious personal injury or death, do not disregard warnings. All warnings use this symbol. Warnings are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, or statements, that if not strictly observed, may result in serious personal injury or even death.
Caution: To avoid personal injury, do not disregard cautions. All cautions use this symbol. Cautions are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, or statements, that if not strictly observed, may result in damage to, or destruction of, the equipment. Cautions are also used to indicate a long-term health hazard.
ESD Caution: To avoid personal injury and electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage to equipment, do not disregard ESD cautions. All ESD cautions use this symbol. ESD cautions are installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, or statements that if not strictly observed, may result in possible personal injury, electrostatic discharge damage to, or destruction of, static-sensitive components of the equipment.
Note: All notes use this symbol. Notes contain installation, operation, or maintenance procedures, practices, conditions, or statements that alert you to important information, which may make your task easier or increase your understanding.
Note: Microsemi offers training courses designed to enhance your knowledge of the SA.45s Cesium Frequency Standard. Contact your local representative or sales office for a complete list of courses and outlines.

2.4 Reference Documents

For additional information about the products described in this guide, please contact your Microsemi representative or your local sales office. You can also contact us on the web at .www.microsemi.com
CSAC Developer's Kit (990-00123-000) CSACdemo Software (084-00365-000)
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

3 SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

3.1 Introduction

The Microsemi Quantum™ Model SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) is the world's smallest, lowest power atomic clock technology. This user's reference guide provides the basic guidelines and recommendations for designing products with the SA.45s reference. These are generic, and should be tailored for each application.
This document is intended for engineers, technicians, and technologists who are designing, installing, operating or maintaining time, frequency, and synchronization systems. The SA.45s is a low profile, highly precise frequency generator. To use this document effectively, an understanding of digital communication technologies is required. It is advantageous to have a background in frequency generation and synthesis techniques.

3.2 SA.45s Overview

The Microsemi SA.45s CSAC is the world's first commercially available chip-scale atomic clock, providing the accuracy and stability of atomic clock technology while achieving true breakthroughs in reduced size, weight, and power consumption. The small size (less than 17 cc) and low power consumption of the CSAC (less than 125 mW) enables atomic timing accuracy in portable, battery-powered applications.
Figure 1 • Microsemi Quantum SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC)
The SA.45s provides RF and 1PPS outputs at standard CMOS levels. It accepts a 1PPS input to synchronize the output to within 100 ns of a reference clock. It can also discipline its phase and frequency to within 1 ns and 1 × 10 , respectively.
This user guide provides engineering information for use of the SA.45s. It also provides supporting information for use of the developer's kit (p/n 990-00123-00x). Furthermore, the design details of the developer's kit can be used to assist with host system design (for example, power conditioning or signal buffering). This guide must be used in conjunction with the current datasheet for SA.45s, which is available on the Microsemi web site at www.microsemi.com.

3.2.1 Precautions

ESD Caution: To avoid electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, proper ESD handling procedures must be observed in unpacking, assembling, and testing the CSAC.
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock

3.2.2 Packaging

Retain the original CSAC ESD-safe packaging material in the event that the device needs to be returned to Microsemi for service.

3.2.3 Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings

The following table indicates the absolute minimum and maximum ratings to which the CSAC can be subjected without permanent unrecoverable damage.
The CSAC cannot be expected to perform normally when operated outside of the recommended Note:
operating conditions. All ratings apply at 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1 • Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Rating
Supply voltage (V )CC 0 V–4.1 V
Analog tuning voltage 0 V–VCC
Maximum current draw 1PPS input, RS232, BITE: ±2 mA
1PPS output, RF output: ±20 mA
Storage temperature –55 °C to 85 °C
Refer to the Note: SA.45s datasheet for updated parameters.

3.2.4 Mechanical Interface and Mounting Considerations

The physical dimensions of the SA.45s CSAC are 1.6" x 1.4" x 0.45" H. The following illustration shows the detailed dimensions of CSAC. The CSAC baseplate and cover are 80% nickel-iron magnetic alloy per ASTM A753, Type 4 (Mu-Metal or Hy-Mu80™).
Figure 2 • CSAC Mechanical Drawing
following table The shows the pinout of the SA.45s CSAC.
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
Table 2 • SA45s CSAC Pinout
1 Tune
Bottom view
2 N/A
3 N/A
5 Tx
6 Rx
9 1PPS input
10 1PPS output
11 N/A
12 RF output
Note: Pins labeled N/A are not present in the SA.45s.

3.2.5 Recommended Operating Characteristics

The SA.45 pinout is shown in the previous table . The electrical function of each pin is shown in the following table.
Table 3 • Recommended Operating Characteristics
PIN Function Level Reference Section
1 Analog tuning input10 V–2.5 V "Analog Tuning" section (see page
4 Built-in test
equipment (BITE)
LogicH > 2.8 V
LogicL < 0.3 V
"Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)" section (see page 7)
5, 6 RS232 2.8 V < LogicH < VCC
0 V < LogicL < 0.3 V
"Programmers Reference" section (see page 17)
7 VCC 3.3 VDC ± 0.1 VDC
8 Ground
9 1PPS in
2.5 V < LogicH < VCC
0 V < LogicL < 0.5 V
10 1PPS out
4, 5
2.8 V < LogicH < VCC
0 V < LogicL < 0.3 V
"1PPS Output" section (see page
12 RF out 2.8 V < LogicH < VCC
0 V < LogicL < 0.3 V
"RF Output Characteristics" section (see page 7)
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
Analog Tuning Sensitivity is Δf/f = (V – 1250 mV) × 1.77 × 10 /mVtune
Built-in Test Equipment: 0 = Normal Operation 1 = Unlock Condition Timing reference is rising edge of input pulse on pin 9. Output 1PPS is 100 µs in duration for option 001. Refer to the datasheet for other options. (400 µs for firmware versions 1.06 and earlier). Timing reference is the rising edge of pin 10. Rise time <10 ns at a load capacitance of 10 pF. See the for updated parameters.SA.45s datasheet

3.3 Functional Description

The following is a functional description of the CSAC.

3.3.1 Principle of Operation

The CSAC is a passive atomic clock, incorporating the interrogation technique of coherent population trapping (CPT) and operating on the D1 optical resonance of atomic cesium. A complete description of passive atomic clocks, CPT, and the CSAC architecture is beyond the scope of this user guide. The following illustration shows a simplified block diagram of the CSAC.
Figure 3 • Simplified CSAC Block Diagram
The principal RF output from the CSAC is provided by a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO), which is buffered by a CMOS logic gate and provided on the CSAC output pin 12. In normal operation, the frequency of the TCXO is continuously compared and corrected to ground state hyperfine frequency of the cesium atoms, contained in the physics package, which thereby improves the stability and environmental sensitivity of the TCXO by 4–5 orders of magnitude. In addition to the TCXO and the physics package , the essential components of the CSAC are the microwave synthesizer and the
microprocessor . The microwave synthesizer generates 4596.3x MHz with microprocessor-controlled
tuning resolution of approximately 1 × 10 . The microprocessor serves multiple functions, including
implementation of the frequency-lock loop filter for the TCXO, optimization of physics package operation, state-of-health monitoring, and command and control through RS232.
When the CSAC is initially powered on, it performs an acquisition sequence, which includes stabilizing the temperature of the physics package, optimizing physics package operating parameters, and acquiring frequency lock to the atomic resonance. The acquisition process may be monitored through the field of the telemetry (see ). On power-up, the status status "Telemetry (6 and ^)" (see page 20) begins at 8 (oven warm-up). The status value decrements numerically through the acquisition until normal operation (status = 0) is achieved.
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R. Lutwak, et. al., The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock - Low-Power Physics Package, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting, December 7–9, 2004, Washington, DC. R. Lutwak, et. al., The MAC - A Miniature Atomic Clock, Proceedings of the 2005 Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Precise Time & Time Interval Systems & Applications Meeting, August 29–31, 2005, Vancouver, BC.

3.3.2 Start-Up Sequence

Caution: To avoid severe damage to the unit, do not apply power to the incorrect terminals. The SA.45s does not have reverse voltage protection.
When power is connected to pin 7, the SA.45s unit begins its warm-up cycle. A signal appears at the output once power is applied to the unit. This output signal is not stable until the oscillator is locked (indicated by the BITE pin at CMOS_low).
After 3 minutes, the CSAC achieves Lock and BITE = 0 ( ). "Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)" (see page 7) Power consumption during warm-up is greater than during normal operation; it is specified on the CSAC
It is recommended to always allow CSAC to remain powered on for >102 seconds after it acquires LOCK. 102 seconds is the minimum amount of time necessary to save CSAC set points to memory. Otherwise, upon the next power up, the unit may go in to a mode of operation where it re-acquires all of its set points; warm-up time will then be out of specification.

3.3.3 Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)

CSAC state-of-health can be monitored electronically on pin 4 (BITE) of the SA.45s CSAC. Frequency lock is indicated both by status = 0 in the status field of telemetry and by the electrical state of the BITE output pin, which is high (logic 1) upon initial power-on and whenever status ≠ 0. The BITE pin is a high­impedance CMOS logic output.
Note: When not locked, BITE = 1 and also status ≠ 0 in the status field of the telemetry output string.
At the conclusion of the acquisition sequence (status = 0), BITE remains high for an additional 5 seconds in order to avoid false indication in the event of acquisition failure. Subsequently, BITE provides an immediate (within 1 second) indication of lock failure or alarm.

3.3.4 RF Output Characteristics

The buffered CMOS RF output is provided on pin 12 of the SA.45s CSAC. The output series impedance is 200 Ω. For reference, the output driver circuit of the SA.45s is shown in the following illustration.
Figure 4 • CSAC RF Output Driver Circuit
The SA.45s is designed for embedded low-power applications—it is expected to drive a high impedance input, not a 50 Ω measurement instrument or transmission line.
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
Note: Driving a 50 Ω line at 13 dBm consumes nearly as much power as the CSAC itself. If a high-level (high-power) output driver is required, a driver circuit must be implemented external to the CSAC, such as the one implemented on the Evaluation Board (see )."Notes on the Evaluation Board" (see page 37)
The RF output appears on pin 12 after the CSAC is powered ON and is always present, regardless of the lock status. When the CSAC is out of lock (BITE = 1, status ≠ 0), the output frequency is provided by the free-running TCXO, which has frequency accuracy specification of ±20 × 10 and temperature sensitivity
of ≈ ±30 × 10 /°C. Typically, the unlocked frequency accuracy during acquisition is significantly better
than this (<1 × 10 ) as the CSAC memorizes its last-known-good tuning voltage and restores this voltage
upon power-up and/or subsequent recovery from loss-of-lock.

3.3.5 What to Expect During First Power-Up

All CSACs have their output frequency re-centered prior to shipment. However, the shipment conditions will affect the absolute frequency offset when received by the end-user (temperature excursions, vibration, duration of transit, and so on). Therefore, some unknown frequency offset should be expected when the CSAC is first powered on by the user. Offsets may be corrected, as explained in the following section.

3.3.6 Frequency Steering

Note: CSACdemo is a graphical interface used to communicate and control a CSAC. To display the functionality of CSAC, screen shots of CSACdemo are included in the sections that follow. For more information on CSACdemo, see ."CSACdemo Operation" (see page 31)
For external steering and/or calibration, the CSAC internal microwave synthesizer may be adjusted by the user through the RS232 command (see ). Steering !F "Frequency Adjustment (F)" (see page 23) values are entered in (integer) units of 1 × 10 , though the resolution realized by the CSAC hardware is
approximately 1 × 10 . Steering commands may be entered as either absolute steers ( ) or as
relative steers ( ). In the case of an absolute steer, the contents of the steer register are replaced !FD with the new value. In the case of a relative steer, the new value is summed with the existing value in the steer register. The maximum steer that can be entered in a single command is ±2 × 10 !FD
(±20000000 × 10 ). The maximum steer that can be entered in a single command is approximately
±2 × 10 (±2000000000 × 10 ). If a larger value is sent to the CSAC, the maximum allowed steer is
–6 –15
Caution: It is recommended to limit steering commands to <±2 × 10 increments, to allow the CSAC to
slowly adjust. A larger steer may cause the CSAC to unlock. Do not allow steering to accumulate beyond the stated datasheet limit.
To overcome the software limit (±2 × 10 ) imposed by the command, the latch command ( )
will need to be employed (for more information, see ). "Frequency Calibration" (see page 9) Ultimately, the CSAC steering capability is physically limited by the TCXO tuning voltage. An alarm (see
will trigger when this voltage is breached. Generally, steering the CSAC far from its nominal page 20) output frequency is undesirable as it will make disciplining difficult, therefore increasing the likelihood of unlock.
Note: Steering commands may be entered during acquisition (Status ≠ 0) but will not take effect until lock is achieved.
Frequency steering is volatile. Upon reboot, the CSAC returns to its nominal (calibrated) frequency setting. To update the non-volatile calibration, use the Frequency Latch command ("Frequency
).Adjustment (F)" (see page 23)
The current steering value appears in the telemetry string as .Steer
Note: Steer reports the actual hardware steering, in units of ×10 , even though the software registers
maintain resolution of ×10 , so that many small relative corrections may be applied. As a result, the
reported value may appear to disagree with the applied correction by one unit or so due to roundoff error. An example is provided in ."Frequency Adjustment (F)" (see page 23)
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
To apply a frequency correction from the main panel of CSACdemo, select relative or absolute from the pull down menu and enter the desired steering into the Adjust field in ×10 .
The following screen shot shows an example where an absolute correction of –100000 × 10 is
entered. The correction is applied to the CSAC when is selected.Apply
Figure 5 • Absolute Frequency Adjustment
As shown in the previous screen shot, after is clicked, the correction is applied to the CSAC and Apply the value of Steer changes (on the next polling update) to indicate the internal correction of –100 × 10
The following screen shot shows an example of relative frequency tuning after absolute steer is reset to
0. In this example, each time is clicked, an additional correction of –100000 × 10 is applied to Apply
the CSAC. In this screen shot, is clicked a total of four times. The resultant value of Steer is –400 × Apply 10 .
Figure 6 • Relative Frequency Adjustment Frequency Calibration
The internal frequency calibration of the CSAC is set prior to shipment. It is sometimes desirable (and likely) that the calibration needs to be updated from time to time to remove cumulative frequency aging offsets.
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SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock
Calibration of the CSAC is a two-step process. First, the CSAC is steered onto frequency, either through an external command (see ), through 1PPS disciplining (see !F "Frequency Steering" (see page 8)
), or with analog tuning (see ). Second, "1PPS Disciplining" (see page 12) "Analog Tuning" (see page 14) the present value of Steer is summed into the non-volatile calibration register through the RS232 Frequency Latch command (see ). Following a Latch "Frequency Adjustment (F)" (see page 23) command, the value of Steer is reset to zero.
Note: The Latch command is only valid when the CSAC is locked (Status = 0).
To latch the current steer value to non-volatile storage from CSACdemo, click .LATCH
Note: It may be tempting, particularly in disciplining applications, to frequently latch the steering value into calibration in the event of unforeseen power outage. This is highly discouraged for the following reason. The lifetime of the CSAC's NV memory is finite; updating it >20,000 times will damage it and render the CSAC inoperable.

3.3.7 1PPS Output

A CMOS level 1 pulse-per-second (1PPS) output is available on pin 10 upon power-up. The output series impedance is 200 Ω. The output driver circuit is similar to that of the RF output (see Figure 4 (see page
). Nominal levels are 0 VDC–3.3 VDC. For synchronization purposes, the on-time point is the rising 7)
edge of pin 10.
The 1PPS output is derived by digital division of the RF reference frequency. The frequency stability and accuracy of the 1PPS output reflects that of the RF output. Consequently, when unlocked (BITE = 1, status ≠ 0), the 1PPS stability reflects that of the free-running TCXO.

3.3.8 1PPS Synchronization

The 1PPS output is synchronous with one rising edge of the RF output (pin 12). The 1PPS output may be synchronized with a particular cycle of the RF by applying a synchronization pulse to pin 9. When synchronized, the counters are reset such that the 1PPS output occurs on the RF rising edge, which is nearest to the externally-applied rising edge. In this way, the CSAC 1PPS can be synchronized to within one clock cycle (±100 ns) of the external reference.
The CSAC provides two modes for 1PPS synchronization, Manual and Automatic, which are selected through a bit in the mode register (see )."Set/Clear Operating Modes (M)" (see page 24)
Note: The configuration of the mode register is non-volatile (preserved across power cycles). Manual Synchronization
In Manual Synchronization mode (default), the CSAC ignores any signal present on the 1PPS input line (pin 9) until commanded through RS232. When a synchronization command is received (see "1PPS
), the CSAC 1PPS is synchronized to the next rising edge to appear on Synchronization (S)" (see page 25)
pin 9.
This mode is applicable to configurations where the CSAC is embedded in a system where a 1PPS signal is always present, but not always reliably accurate or stable (such as a GPS receiver). The host microprocessor may command the CSAC to synchronize after it has verified the state-of-health of the 1PPS reference source (for example, after querying lock state of the GPS receiver).
To perform manual synchronization from CSACdemo, open the panel from the menu. The 1PPS… View 1PPS panel is shown in the following screen shot.
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Figure 7 • CSACdemo 1 Pulse-Per-Second Output Panel
To manually synchronize the CSAC from CSACdemo, make sure that a valid 1PPS reference is connected to the 1PPS reference input and click on the 1PPS panel. The CSAC synchronizes to the next Sync Now rising edge detected on the 1PPS reference input. Automatic Synchronization
In Automatic Synchronization mode, the CSAC synchronizes its 1PPS output to every rising edge that appears on pin 9. In this mode, synchronization may be performed by connecting a reference 1PPS signal to pin 9 without needing to issue the RS232 synchronization command. Automatic synchronization can be enabled/disabled through bit 3 (0x0008) in the mode register (see "Set/Clear
).Operating Modes (M)" (see page 24)
This mode can be useful, for example, in cases where the host system does not communicate with the CSAC or in which the host system has no method or need to determine the state-of-health of the reference source.
Note: Automatic Synchronization mode and Disciplining mode (see ) are 1PPS Disciplining (see page 12) mutually exclusive. Enabling either in the mode register disables the other.
To enable Automatic Synchronization from CSACdemo, select the checkbox on the Enable Autosync 1PPS panel and click (see ).Apply Changes Figure 7 (see page 11)
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+ 30 hidden pages