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Microscan Systems Inc. warrants to the original purchaser that products manufactured by it will be free from defects in
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What Is Excluded?
This limited warranty specifically excludes the following: (1) Any products or parts that have been subject to misuse,
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PREFACE Welcome!xi
Purpose of This Manualxi
Manual Conventionsxi
CHAPTER 2System Components2-1
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guidev
Product Summary1-2
Features and Benefits1-3
Package Contents1-4
Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Models1-5
Effective Frame Per Second & Pipeline Operation Formulas 1-6
Triggering Rules for Single Channel Devices 1-7
Additional Flash & System Memory (HE1600T)1-8
Identifying Which Smart Camera Y o u Have 1-9
Jobs & Storage in Non-Volatile Memory 1-10
Basic Components2-1
Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T2-2
TCP/IP Port Connectivity 2-2
Serial Port Connectivity 2-4
Front P anel 2-5
Rear Panel 2-5
Mode/Status LEDs 2-6
Important Label Information2-7
Power-on Sequence 2-8
Error Codes 2-8
Beeper 2-9
Mounting & Wiring the Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T2-9
Mounting Using Front Block 2-9
Mounting Using Standard Mounting Block 2-10
Mounting Using Accessory Mounting Block 2-11
Location for Backward Compatible Mounting Block 2-11
Field I/O Wiring Examples2-12
Input Opto Wiring 2-12
Output Opto Wiring 2-13
External Strobe & Sensor2-16
Power Requirements2-16
Power Supply Wiring2-16
Ethernet/IP Communications3-1
A/B Logix PLCs That Support Ethernet/IP I/O Messaging3-2
Ethernet/IP IO Points3-3
Binary Data Block3-3
User Data Block Accessor Perl Tools 3-7
BinaryBlockRead/Write Perl Scripts 3-8
Example Ethernet/IP Read/Write Test 3-13
viVisionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Programming the Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600TF-5
Setting Up The Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600TF-5
Setting Up the Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T JobF-6
Acquisition F-6
Data Matrix Tool F-6
Connecting the PLC Output Assembly Data to Visionscape®
Smart Camera HE1600T Datums F-7
Connecting Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Results to the
PLC Input Assembly Data F-11
viiiVisionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Setting Up the PLC ProgramF-18
Configuring the Hardware F-18
Defining Data Types F-23
Add Controller Tags F-26
Add Program Tags F-28
Ladder Logic F-28
Run the Program F-30
Assembly DataF-31
Introduction to an “Assembly” F-31
Assembly Instance 100 (Input) F-31
DINT 0: 32 Bits of Camera VIO F-32
DINT 1: User Defined Tag Value F-32
DINT 2: Camera Status Register F-32
DINT 3: Last Error F-33
DINT 4…19: User Data F-33
Assembly Instance 112 (Output) F-33
DINT 0: 32 Bits of Camera VIO F-33
DINT 1: User defined tag value F-33
DINT 2: Camera Control Register F-34
DINT 3: Reserved F-34
DINT 4…19: User Data F-34
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guideix
xVisionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Purpose of This Manual
This manual contains detailed information about the V isionscape® Smart Camera
HE1600T family.
Manual Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout this manual.
•Items emphasizing imp ortant information are bolded.
•Menu selections, menu items and entries in screen images are indicated as:
Run (triggered), Modify..., etc.
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guidexi
xiiVisionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
CHAPTER 1Introduction
FIGURE 1–1. Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1610
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide1-1
Product Summary
The HE1600T, one of our Visionscape® family of networked Smart Cameras,
combines a rugged IP67 smart camera form-factor with the broad applicability,
flexibility, and proven vision toolkit of Visionscape
performance vision boards. Designed for use in a broad range of vision
applications, the Visionscape
easily deployed solution for manufacturers to monitor quality, control processes,
or identify and trace parts on their production lines.
cameras with C-mount optics and separate lighting. Like all other Visionscape
Smart Cameras, the 1600T comes standard with built-in digital I/O, serial
communications, and Ethernet networking. All vision processing is done onboard using a high performance, embedded CPU. A real-time, multitasking
operating system ensures deterministic performance and facilitates integration in
high-speed manufacturing lines.
The Visionscape
vision processing tools, including Data Matrix and bar code reading, optical
character recognition (OCR), image processing, image analysis and feature
extraction, flaw detection, object location, calibrated dimensional measurements,
and various custom processing options. Developed and perfected on prior
generations of our machine vision systems, these tools have already been
successfully applied in thousands of production installations worldwide.
Smart Cameras are configured as flexible, general-purpose smart
, and our line of high
Smart Camera HE1600T provides a cost effective,
Smart Camera HE1600T offers an extensive array of built-in
Setup of a new vision application to run on the camera is done on a host PC on
the same network using the same powerful graphical application environment as
the rest of the Visionscape
architecture allows running the same vision application program on any
Smart Camera HE1600T vision Smart Camera or any
vision board, leveraging the end-user’s investment in application
line. Our patented Visionscape® step program
development and training.
Scaleability and compatibility with the rest of the Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1600T apart from other smart cameras in the
family set the
market today. The same point-and-click environment c a n be used to configure
applications deployed on smart cameras and framegrabbers.
The Smart Camera family supports 16 MB of Non-Volatile memory for Kernel
and Job saving (3 MB maximum AVP size) and 64 MB of RAM for operation.
The camera sensor (depending on model) supports acquisitions of:
1-2Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Features and Benefits
•1024x768 (X GA) images at a maximum rate of 30 frames/sec
•648x494 (VGA) images at a maximum rate of 60 frames/sec
It also supports 8 opto idolated digital IO lines in addition to a dedicated light
connector for controlling and powering an external light (Visionscape
Camera HE1610T configuration only). Partial scan at higher frame rates is
There is full support for:
•Acquisition m odes, including:
–Exposure (64 usec to 58.8 msec)
–Analog gain (0.1 to 63.0)
–Offset (-255 to +255)
–1 trigger
–1 strobe output
–3 opto isolated outputs
–4 additional opto isolated general purpose I/O fully assignable in the
Smart Camera HE1600T I/O:
Features and Benefits
•Compact, all-in-one smart camera configuration for ease of integration
•Built-in digital I/O, serial communications and Ethernet networking for open
connectivity to other equipment
•Flexibili ty in lighting and optics selection for broad applicability
Interrupt Latency + Framework Overhead = 0.5 msec max
EFPS =-----------------------
In Ta ble 1–2, EFPS is given in PowerStrobe with 1msec Integration time and Job
in full pipeline, meaning that the Job tools + idle processing time, i.e., less than
(IT + VFT + 0.5) above.
(IT IntegrationTime + VFT VendorFrameTime + VSO VS Overhead) in msec
(IT + VFT + 0.5)
Full Pipeline = (AVT AVP Processing Time + IDT Inspection Idle Time +
LossLess Connection Overhead) < (IT + VFT + VSO) idle time is defaulted to
3% of the Inspection Time as defined in the VisionSystemStep property page.
Table 1–2 lists Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1600T models, modes, and
frames per second.
1-6Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Models
TABLE 1–2. Visionscape
(High Res)
Full[64 - 50000]5560648x494 Progressive
1/2[64 - 50000]102120648x227 Progressive
1/4[64 - 50000]176240648x81 Progressive
Pixel Add[64 - 50000]102120324x242 Progressive
Full[90 - 50000]28.7301024x768 Progressive
1/2[90 - 50000]55601024x344 Progressive
1/4[90 - 50000]1021201024x137 Progressive
Pixel Add[90 - 50000]5560512x370 Progressive
Smart Camera HE1600T Modes, Ranges, & FPS
Range (usec)
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Scan Camera Interface
Triggering Rules for Single Channel Devices
The Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T has a single acquisition channel.
When a Job is constructed, only one Acquire can run at a time. Table 1–3
summarizes the recommended cases. Note that Visionscape
condition by honoring the first Acquire requested and generating an overrun on
any other Acquire that are requested to run from the external controlling device
(usually, an external trigger or a PLC).
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide1-7
enforces this
TABLE 1–3. Triggering Rules
Job StructureSnapshot TriggersBehavior and Comments
1 Inspection/
Multiple Snapshots
1 Inspection/
Multiple Snapshots
N (max 4) inspections/
1 Snapshot Each
1st triggered only or
No triggers
All triggered1st triggered externally, remaining
All triggered/Each on a
separate trigger
Function without overruns, no
further action from external
controlling device.
self triggered from PicDone signal
of previous Acquire.
Works as expected in external
controlling device makes sure that
one Inspection is triggered at a
Additional Flash & System Memory (HE1600T)
The Enhanced Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600Te contains twice the Flash
(32MB) and twice the RAM (128MB) of the standard Visionscape
Camera HE1600T. The firmware fully supports both models:
•The Visionscape
•The Enhanced Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1600T (16M Flash / 64M RAM).
Smart Camera HE1600Te Smart Camera (32M
Flash / 128M RAM).
The Enhanced Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1600Te can save an AVP of
up to 16MB in size, allowing much larger AVPs to be developed for the
1-8Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Additional Flash & System Memory (HE1600T)
Identifying Which Smart Camera You Have
The label on the bottom of the Enhanced Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1610
has a part number that indicates which Smart Camera you have, and what
memory is in the Smart Camera:
TABLE 1–4. How to Identify Which Smart Camera You Have
Part NumberWhat It Means
014-HE1610-1HE1610TS with Standard Memory
014-HE1610-2HE1610TIS with Standard Memory
014-HE1610-3HE1610TH with Standard Memory
014-HE1610-4HE1610TIH with Standard Memory
014-HE1610-5HE1610TS with Expanded Memory
014-HE1610-6HE1610TIS with Expanded Memory
014-HE1610-7HE1610TH with Expanded Memory
014-HE1610-8HE1610TIH with Expanded Memory
•In FrontRunner, the Smart Camera button tooltip lists the size of the RAM
and Flash for the device:
•In the Network Viewer:
–Enhanced Visionscape
background color
–Enhanced Visionscape
background color
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide1-9
Smart Camera HE1600T 16/64 — Colorized
Smart Camera HE1600Te 32/128 — No
Jobs & Storage in Non-Volatile Memory
The maximum Non-Volatile Memory area for Jobs is 16MB for the Enhanced
support files if used in the AVP:
•IntelliFi nd models
•OCV/OCR Fonts
•Perl scripts
•Acquire Tool tiff or bmp image list (when programmed to capture from disk)
To determine the size of an AVP from FrontRunner, select File > Show Job Info... and navigate to the AVP file on the disk. FrontRunner displays a dialog
that shows the File Size of the AVP and other statistics about the Job.
FIGURE 1–2. File Size of Job
Smart Camera HE1600Te (32/128), and 4.8MB for the Standard
Smart Camera HE1600T (16/64). This includes the Job plus any
Determine support file sizes by adding up the file sizes of the models, fonts, perl
scripts, and tiff images used in the AVP (these are usually stored under
\Vscape\Jobs Contours, Fonts subdirectories). Overall, the maximum size used
(AVP + support files) cannot exceed 16MB for the HE1600Te or 4.8MB for the
1-10Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
CHAPTER 2System Components
System Components
This chapter contains information about system components, and information to
help you connect the Visionscape
information describes connectors, adapters, cables, pinouts, and signals.
Note: There are no user serviceable parts inside.
Smart Camera HE1600T. Specific
Basic Components
Table 2–1 lists the Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T hardware components.
Visionscape® Smart Camera VGA
Smart Camera XGA
Smart Camera VGA w/IntelliFind™
Smart Camera XGA w/IntelliFind™
Smart Camera 1610T Starter Kit
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide2-1
Chapter2System Components
TABLE 2–1. Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1600T Hardware Components
98-HT00-0CE0HETENET-100Cable, Ethernet M12-4 to RJ45 Ethernet Cable
Length = 10m
98-HT00-0CE2HETENET-020Cable, Ethernet M12-4 to RJ45 Ethernet Cable
Length = 2m
98-HT00-0CP0HETPC-100Cable, Power and Primary I/O M12-8 to pigtail
Length = 10m
98-HT00-0CS0HETAC-100Cable, Serial and Auxilary I/O M12-8 to pigtail
Length = 10m
98-HT00-0CD2HETSC-020Cable, Serial and M12-8 to DB9
Length = 2m
98-HT00-0CL5HETLC-050Cable, Light M5-4 to pigtail
Length = 5m
98-HT00-0LM1010-026800Adapter, Lighting for Doal and DF-100 NER
98-HT00-0CM1HETBMA-1Adapter, Camera mount, Standard
98-HT00-0CM2HETBMA-2Adapter, Camera mount, Backward Compatible
98-0HT00-0TA0HELTA-050Adapter for Lens Protections Tubes (IP67)
98-0HT00-0TA1 (glass)
98-0HT00-0TA2 (no glass)
98-HT00-0LD1010-208700Light, DOAL 50 V2, with HE1x00T Compatible
98-HT00-0LF1010-609600Light, DF-150, with HE1x00T Compatible
98-HT00-0LR1010-609500Light, R-60, with HE1x00T Compatible connector
Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T
TCP/IP Port Connectivity
When communicating over Ethernet, the camera uses the following predefined
ports. The camera establishes connections as a Server and, therefore, listens for
Host clients to initiate the connection on a particular port. Any number of clients
2-2Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T
can connect to the camera, each one with their private peer-to-peer connection
and each one monitored by a special *heartbeat* connection on port 49079 (see
Table 2–2).
TABLE 2–2. Visionscape
Port NameProtocolNumberNote
File Transfer PortFTP21Allows the Host to send and retrieve files from the
Telnet PortTelnet23Console terminal to the Device, runs the vxWorks OS
DHCP Client PortDHCP68Supports the assignment of IP addresses from a DHCP
Web ServerHTTP80Allow access to boot parameters when HyperTerminal
Routing PortRIP520Receives and updates local routing tables from the
IO Service PortTCP49049Controls IO on the camera, i.e., Physical and Virtual IO
Pic and Live
Acquire Port
Camera RPC PortTCP49059When in control, sends editing and runtime commands
Monitor Port
Reports &
Statistics Port
PartQ Retrieval
TCP49050Takes pictures and goes to Live Video.
TCP49079This special connection is created automatically
TCP49200Used by FrontRunner and vskit programming library for
TCP49201Retrieves the reports records stored inline in camera
Smart Camera HE1600T TCP/IP Connectivity
console target shell.
server for the HE1610T Smart Camera.
over Serial and Bootloader menu is not convenient.
and receives IO change notification events back to the
to the camera; for example, Start, Stop, Download,
Flash, etc...
whenever any of the other connections above is made
by a client (when using the vskit libraries or by
FrontRunner). It monitors the connections and provides
a timely mechanism to report connection drops to the
client (within a few seconds).
camera reports. Reports are defined by the and can
include any results with or without images. Connections
can be programmed to be lossless, i.e., inline with the
Inspection or lossy, i.e., at a particular rate per second.
System Components
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide2-3
Chapter2System Components
TABLE 2–2. Visionscape
Smart Camera HE1600T TCP/IP Connectivity
Port NameProtocolNumberNote
Reports &
Statistics Control
Serial TCP PortsTCP49211
Camera Announce
TCP49202Allow control over a Report Connection, in particular
update rate and allows records to be added/removed
from the connection.
UDP49493Gains control to the camera in order to edit and modify
UDP49495Broadcasts HE1600T Smart Camera identity on the
Send Formatted Output Strings serially over TCP as
programmed in the by the Formatted Output Step
its network parameters. A network login to the camera
is required to gain control with the HE1600.
current subnet used by Network View in FrontRunner,
provides general counters, camera name, IP, IP in
control, camera status, and camera software version.
Serial Port Connectivity
FrontRunner always communicates over Ethernet with the Visionscape® Smart
Camera HE1600T; however, the Serial port is fully supported by the Job in the
form of allowing Serial triggers and Serial ASCII reporting output via the
Acquire, Digital Input and Formatted Output Tools.
The serial string(s) are formatted using the *printf C syntax*. Special characters
can be used and are summarized in Table 2–3.
TABLE 2–3. Special Characters
SequenceOutput Character
\aBell (alert)
\nNew line
\rCarriage return
\tHorizontal tab
\vVertical tab
\'Single quotation mark
2-4Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T
TABLE 2–3. Special Characters (Continued)
SequenceOutput Character
\"Double quotation mark
\oooASCII character in octal notation
\xhhhASCII character in hexadecimal notation
Front Panel
Figure 2–1 shows the front C-Mount Lens threads for the Visionscape® Smart
Camera HE1600T.
FIGURE 2–1. Front Panel
System Components
Rear Panel
Figure 2–2 details the layout of the rear panel.
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide2-5
Chapter2System Components
FIGURE 2–2. Rear Panel Layout
•X1 — Power & Primary I/O (M12 A-coded, plug)
•X2 — External Light Power, Strobe only (M5, socket)
•X3 — Secondary I/O, Serial (M12 A-coded, socket)
•X4 — Industrial Ethernet (M12 D-Coded)
•S1 — QuicSet™ (Remove screw for access)
Note: On earlier productions units only. Function not required.
Mode/Status LEDs
Figure 2–3 shows the mode and status LEDs.
2-6Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
These LEDs convey visually power-on status and error codes.
Important Label Information
Each Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T has its own label, which contains
important information about that Smart Camera.
•MODEL NUMBER/CATALOG NUMBER — The model number for your
•PN — The part number of your Visionscape
•SN — The serial number of your Visionscape
•MAC ADDRESS — This unique address is important because, by default, a
Rev. 1H, Mar 2009Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T Guide2-7
Smart Camera HE1600T.
Smart Camera HE1600T
Smart Camera HE1600T.
Smart Camera’s name on the network is
Chapter2System Components
“HawkEyeXXXXXX,” where XXXXXX is the last six alphanumeric
characters in its MAC address. So, for the Visionscape
HE1600T with MAC address 00:60:33:E1:FF:FA, the default network name
is “HawkEyeE1FFFA”.
•Optional IntelliFind License Key (applies to HE1610TIS & HE1610TIH
Power-on Sequence
Each stage of the power-on sequence drives the LEDs in a binary up-count
fashion according to Table 2–5. The LEDs illuminate before the test is executed
and remain in that pattern until the next test is run or an error condition is
detected and displayed.
Error Codes
In the event of an error being detected, the beeper beeps five times and an error
code (in binary form) representing the test that failed flashes on the LEDs. The
LEDs continue to flash until the <Escape> character is sent on the serial port, at
which point an error message is logged to the serial port and the Diagnostic
Monitor is launched. The serial port terminal server must be set to the following
parameters: 115200, 8, N, 1.
Table 2–5 describes the Mode/Status LED power-on sequence and error codes.
Smart Camera
TABLE 2–5. Mode/Status LED Power-On Sequence & Error Codes
ModeFailPassTrigTest Performed
•Data Line Test
•Address Line Test
••Bootloader CRC Check
•Kernel CRC Check
••RS-232 Internal Loopback
••FPGA Load Test
•••FPGA PCI Config Test
2-8Visionscape® Smart Camera HE1600T GuideRev. 1H, Mar 2009
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