Microscan Quadrus MINI Imager User Manual

Quadrus MINI Imager
User’s Manual
P/N 84-006300 Rev %
Copyright and Disclaimer
Copyright ©2013 Microscan Systems, Inc.
ISO 9001 Certified Issued by TüV USA
All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary and is provided solely for the purpose of allowing customers to operate and/or service Microscan manufactured equipment and is not to be released, reproduced, or used for any other purpose without written permission of Microscan.
Throughout this manual, trademarked names might be used. Rather than place a trademark (™) symbol at every occurrence of a trademarked name, we state herein that we are using the names only in an editorial fashion, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement.
The information and specifications described in this manual are subject to change without notice.
Latest Manual Version
For the latest version of this manual, see the Download Center on our web site at:
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For technical support, e-mail: helpdesk@microscan.com.
For current warranty information, see: www.microscan.com/warranty.
Microscan Systems, Inc.
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Microscan Europe
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Tel: 65 6846 1214 Fax: 65 6846 4641
ii Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Quick Start
Step 1 Check Required Hardware...........................................................1-2
Step 2 Connect the System..................................................................... 1-3
Step 3 Position Imager and Symbol ........................................................ 1-4
Step 4 Install ESP....................................................................................1-5
Step 5 Select Model ................................................................................ 1-6
Step 6 Select Protocol and Connect........................................................1-7
Step 7 Locate the Symbol in the Field of View ........................................1-9
Step 8 Calibrate.....................................................................................1-11
Step 9 Test Read Rate ..........................................................................1-12
Step 10 Configure the Imager in ESP ................................................... 1-13
Step 11 Save Configuration in ESP....................................................... 1-14
Chapter 2 Using ESP
EZ Mode .................................................................................................. 2-2
Application Mode .....................................................................................2-3
Menu Toolbar .......................................................................................... 2-4
Autoconnect.......................................................................................... 2-12
View...................................................................................................... 2-14
Navigating in ESP................................................................................. 2-15
Send/Receive Options.......................................................................... 2-16
Using EZ Trax........................................................................................ 2-18
Chapter 3 Communications
Communications by ESP.........................................................................3-2
Communications Serial Commands ........................................................ 3-3
Host Port Connections.............................................................................3-4
Host Port Protocol ...................................................................................3-5
ACK/NAK Options ................................................................................... 3-7
Polling Mode Options ..............................................................................3-8
RS-422 Status .........................................................................................3-9
Auxiliary Port Connections .................................................................... 3-10
Auxiliary Port System Data Status.........................................................3-18
Daisy Chain Autoconfigure .................................................................... 3-19
Response Timeout ................................................................................3-20
LRC Status ............................................................................................3-21
Protocol Configuration Examples .......................................................... 3-22
USB HID Interface .................................................................................3-23
ASCII Character Entry Modifier .............................................................3-32
Preamble ...............................................................................................3-33
Chapter 4 Calibration
Calibration Serial Commands..................................................................4-2
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual iii
Table of Contents
Calibration Overview ............................................................................... 4-2
Calibration Options.................................................................................. 4-3
Calibration by ESP ................................................................................ 4-11
Initiating Calibration............................................................................... 4-13
Additional Notes about Calibration ........................................................ 4-19
Chapter 5 Read Cycle
Read Cycle by ESP................................................................................. 5-2
Read Cycle Serial Commands ................................................................ 5-3
Read Cycle Setup ................................................................................... 5-4
Multisymbol ............................................................................................. 5-5
Trigger Mode and Filter Duration ............................................................ 5-6
External Trigger Polarity ........................................................................ 5-11
Serial Trigger......................................................................................... 5-12
Start Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)................................................ 5-13
Stop Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)................................................ 5-14
End of Read Cycle ................................................................................ 5-15
Capture Mode........................................................................................ 5-17
Capture Timing...................................................................................... 5-22
Image Processing Timeout.................................................................... 5-24
Image Storage....................................................................................... 5-25
Minimum Good Reads........................................................................... 5-27
Compare Mode...................................................................................... 5-28
Setting Up the Imager for EZ Trax ........................................................ 5-29
Chapter 6 Symbologies
Symbologies by ESP............................................................................... 6-2
Symbologies Serial Commands .............................................................. 6-3
Data Matrix .............................................................................................. 6-4
Aztec Code.............................................................................................. 6-6
QR Code ................................................................................................. 6-7
Micro QR Code........................................................................................ 6-8
Code 39................................................................................................... 6-9
Code 128/EAN 128 ............................................................................... 6-12
BC412 ................................................................................................... 6-15
Interleaved 2 of 5................................................................................... 6-16
Code 93................................................................................................. 6-19
Codabar................................................................................................. 6-20
UPC/EAN .............................................................................................. 6-23
Pharmacode .......................................................................................... 6-27
Postal Symbologies............................................................................... 6-29
GS1 DataBar (RSS) .............................................................................. 6-34
PDF417 ................................................................................................. 6-36
MicroPDF417 ........................................................................................ 6-38
Composite ............................................................................................. 6-39
Narrow Margins/Symbology ID.............................................................. 6-40
iv Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Background Color..................................................................................6-42
Chapter 7 I/O Parameters
I/O Parameters by ESP ...........................................................................7-2
I/O Parameters Serial Commands...........................................................7-3
Symbol Data Output ................................................................................7-4
No Read Message...................................................................................7-7
Bad Symbol Message............................................................................7-10
No Symbol Message .............................................................................7-10
1D/Stacked Symbology Qualification ....................................................7-11
2D Symbology Qualification ..................................................................7-12
Read Duration Output............................................................................ 7-18
Output Indicators ...................................................................................7-19
Beeper ...................................................................................................7-23
LED Configuration .................................................................................7-24
Serial Verification................................................................................... 7-25
EZ Button............................................................................................... 7-27
EZ Button Modes...................................................................................7-29
Configurable Output 1 ........................................................................... 7-31
Trend Analysis Output 1 ........................................................................7-34
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 1 .............................................. 7-37
Diagnostic Output 1 ............................................................................... 7-40
Configurable Output 2 ........................................................................... 7-41
Trend Analysis Output 2 ........................................................................7-41
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 2 .............................................. 7-41
Diagnostic Output 2 ............................................................................... 7-41
Configurable Output 3 ........................................................................... 7-42
Trend Analysis Output 3 ........................................................................7-42
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output 3 .............................................. 7-42
Diagnostic Output 3 ............................................................................... 7-42
Power-On/Reset Counts........................................................................7-43
Time Since Reset ..................................................................................7-44
Service Message ...................................................................................7-45
Frame Information .................................................................................7-46
Image Output......................................................................................... 7-47
Database Identifier Output..................................................................... 7-50
Quality Output........................................................................................ 7-51
Configuring EZ Trax Output...................................................................7-52
Chapter 8 Symbol Quality
Symbol Quality Serial Commands...........................................................8-2
Overview of Symbol Quality ....................................................................8-3
Symbol Quality by ESP ...........................................................................8-4
Symbol Quality Separator/Data Matrix Output Mode ..............................8-8
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output ................................................. 8-10
ISO/IEC 16022 Symbol Quality Output by ESP .................................... 8-12
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual v
Table of Contents
Microscan Symbol Quality Output ......................................................... 8-13
Microscan Symbol Quality Output by ESP ............................................ 8-16
Chapter 9 Matchcode
Matchcode by ESP.................................................................................. 9-2
Matchcode Serial Commands ................................................................. 9-3
Overview of Matchcode........................................................................... 9-4
Matchcode Type...................................................................................... 9-5
Match Replace ...................................................................................... 9-10
Mismatch Replace................................................................................. 9-11
New Master Pin ..................................................................................... 9-12
Chapter 10 Camera and IP Setup
Camera and IP Setup by ESP............................................................... 10-2
Camera and IP Setup Serial Commands .............................................. 10-3
Video ..................................................................................................... 10-4
Evaluation.............................................................................................. 10-5
Calibration ............................................................................................. 10-9
Window of Interest............................................................................... 10-10
Configuration Database....................................................................... 10-13
Dynamic Setup .................................................................................... 10-14
Pixel Sub-Sampling ............................................................................. 10-15
Camera Settings.................................................................................. 10-16
Focal Distance..................................................................................... 10-17
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only) ...................................................... 10-18
Increment Focus Position.................................................................... 10-19
Decrement Focus Position .................................................................. 10-19
IP Threshold ........................................................................................ 10-20
Number of Symbols in Field of View ................................................... 10-22
Damaged Symbol................................................................................ 10-23
IP Mode ............................................................................................... 10-24
Hollow Mode........................................................................................ 10-26
Mirrored Image .................................................................................... 10-27
Illumination Brightness ........................................................................ 10-28
Skew Correction .................................................................................. 10-29
Chapter 11 Configuration Database
Configuration Database Serial Commands ........................................... 11-2
Number of Active Indexes ..................................................................... 11-3
Configuration Database Status ............................................................. 11-4
Database Mode ................................................................................... 11-11
Save Current Settings to Configuration Database .............................. 11-16
Load Current Settings from Configuration Database .......................... 11-17
Request Selected Index Settings ........................................................ 11-18
Request All Configuration Database Settings ..................................... 11-19
Chapter 12 Terminal
Terminal Window................................................................................... 12-2
vi Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Send ......................................................................................................12-4
Terminal Window Menus .......................................................................12-6
Chapter 13 Utilities
Serial Utility Commands ........................................................................13-2
Read Rate .............................................................................................13-4
Counters ................................................................................................ 13-5
Device Control .......................................................................................13-7
Differences from Default........................................................................13-8
Master Database ...................................................................................13-9
Firmware.............................................................................................. 13-15
Imager Status Requests ......................................................................13-20
Other Operational Serial Commands ..................................................13-22
Chapter 14 Output Format
Output Format Serial Commands..........................................................14-2
Output Format Status ............................................................................14-3
Format Assign .......................................................................................14-4
Format Extract.......................................................................................14-5
Format Insert .........................................................................................14-7
Output Filter Configuration ....................................................................14-9
Ordered Output Filter...........................................................................14-13
Appendix A General Specifications .........................................................A-2
Appendix B Electrical Specifications .......................................................A-5
Appendix C Quadrus MINI ESD Safe......................................................A-6
Appendix D Serial Configuration Commands ..........................................A-8
Appendix E Communications Protocol ..................................................A-15
Appendix F ASCII Table ........................................................................A-24
Appendix G Interface Standards ...........................................................A-25
Appendix H Object Detector ..................................................................A-26
Appendix I Operational Tips ..................................................................A-27
Appendix J USB-to-Serial Virtual COM Port Driver ...............................A-28
Appendix K Glossary of Terms..............................................................A-31
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual vii
About the Quadrus MINI Imager
About the Quadrus MINI Imager
The key features of the Quadrus MINI are:
• Q-Mode ultra-high-speed image processing
• Megapixel optics (SXGA)
• Ultra-High Density, High Density, and Standard Density options
• Software-adjustable focus
• USB, RS-232, and RS-422/485 connectivity
• Support for both linear and 2D symbologies
• High-output LED illumination
• A multi-function EZ Button for location, calibration, and symbol reading
• A blue target pattern that identifies the center point of the field of view
• A green flash (visible from all angles) to signal a successful read
• Easy customization for a variety of specific applications
• ESD Safe option
About This Manual
This manual provides complete information on setting up, installing, and configuring the imager. The chapters are presented in the order in which an imager might be set up and made ready for operation.
Serial commands, highlighted command fields, and default command settings are highlighted in rust bold. Cross-references and web links are highlighted in blue bold. References to ESP, its toolbar headings (Communications, Read Cycle, Symbologies, etc.), menu topics, and other points of emphasis, are highlighted in Bold Initial Caps.
Host Communications
There are four ways to configure and test the Quadrus MINI:
• EZ Button. Microscan’s Windows-based
• of use and visual responses to user adjustments.
• Serial commands, such as <K100,1>, that can be sent from ESP’s Terminal window or another terminal program.
• The tree controls and graphic interfaces in ESP’s App Mode.
(Easy Setup Program), which offers point-and-click
viii Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
LED Output: .564 mW. Wavelength: 470 nm; 525 nm; 617 nm.
IEC 60825-1:1993+A1:1997+A2:2001
LED Aperture Window
Warning and Caution Summary
• Viewing the Quadrus MINI’s LED output with optical instruments such as magnifiers, eye loupes, or microscopes within a distance of 100 mm could cause serious eye injury.
• Maximum LED output: .564 mW.
• Wavelength: 470 nm; 525 nm; 617 nm.
• Location of the Quadrus MINI’s LED aperture window:
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
IMPORTANT: The Quadrus MINI is intended for connection to a UL-listed direct plug-in power unit marked Class II and rated 5 VDC at 3.5 Watts, or greater if using electrical accessories.
European models must use a similarly rated Class I or Class II power supply that is certified to comply with standard for safety EN 60950.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual ix
Statement of Agency Compliance
Statement of Agency Compliance
The Quadrus MINI Imager has been tested for compliance with FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulations and has been found to conform to all applicable FCC Rules and Regulations.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, this device must not be co-located or operate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The Quadrus MINI Imager standards and guidelines, and has been found to conform to applicable CE standards, specifically the EMC requirements EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003, ESD EN 61000-4-2, Radiated RF Immunity EN 61000-4-3, ENV 50204, EFT EN 61000-4-4, Conducted RF Immunity EN 61000-4-6, EN 55022:1998+A1:2000+A2:2003 for Class A products, Class B Radiated Emissions, and Class B Conducted Emissions.
The Quadrus MINI Imager has been tested by an independent electromagnetic compatibility laboratory in accordance with the applicable specifications and instructions.
has been tested for compliance with CE (Conformité Européenne)
x Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Statement of RoHS Compliance
All Microscan readers with a ‘G’ suffix in the FIS number are RoHS-Compliant. All compliant readers were converted prior to March 1, 2007. All standard accessories in the Microscan Product Pricing Catalog are RoHS-Compliant except 20-500013-01 and 98-000039-02. These products meet all the requirements of “Directive 2002/95/EC” European Parliament and the Council of the European Union for RoHS compliance. In accordance with the latest requirements, our RoHS-Compliant products and packaging do not contain intentionally added Deca-BDE, Perfluorooctanes (PFOS), or Perfluorooctanic Acid (PFOA) compounds above the maximum trace levels. To view the document stating these requirements, please visit:
Please contact your sales manager for a complete list of Microscan’s RoHS-Compliant products.
This declaration is based upon information obtained from sources which Microscan believes to be reliable, and from random sample testing; however, the information is provided without any representation of warranty, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy or correctness. Microscan does not specifically run any analysis on our raw materials or end product to measure for these substances.
The information provided in this certification notice is correct to the best of Microscan’s knowledge at the date of publication. This notice is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. Users are responsible for determining the applicability of any RoHS legislation or regulations based on their individual use of the product.
Regarding “RoHS Directive 2011_65_EU” Microscan produces Monitoring and Control Instruments as well as Industrial Monitoring and Control Instruments as defined within the directive. Microscan has developed and is implementing a RoHS2 compliance plan with the intention of bringing all active products listed in our current marketing literature within full compliance as per the directive deadlines.
Key milestones for the transition plan are as follows:
• Complete internal product audit and supplier transition by July 2013.
• Initial “Monitoring and Control Instruments” RoHS2-compliant products available by July 2014.
• Initial “Industrial Monitoring and Control Instruments” RoHS2-compliant products available by July 2015.
• All new products introduced in 2014 are expected to be WEEE and RoHS2 compliant.
Microscan will mark the products with the ‘CE’ marking that complies with the RoHS2 process to acquire ‘CE’ certification per the example given: Example 1 >> Machinery directive + EMC directive + RoHS2 = Declaration of Conformity.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual xi
Statement of RoHS Compliance
xii Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Step 1 Check Required Hardware ................................................................................................1-2
Step 2 Connect the System ..........................................................................................................1-3
Step 3 Position Imager and Symbol..............................................................................................1-4
Step 4 Install ESP......................................................................................................................... 1-5
Step 5 Select Model...................................................................................................................... 1-6
Step 6 Select Protocol and Connect .............................................................................................1-7
Step 7 Locate the Symbol in the Field of View .............................................................................1-9
Step 8 Calibrate ......................................................................................................................... 1-11
Step 9 Test Read Rate .............................................................................................................. 1-12
Step 10 Configure the Imager in ESP........................................................................................ 1-13
Step 11 Save Configuration in ESP........................................................................................... 1-14
1 Quick Start
This chapter is designed to get your Quadrus MINI Imager up and running quickly, using
the EZ button or ESP (Easy Setup Program). Following these steps will allow you to get a
sense of the imager’s capabilities and to test sample symbols. Detailed setup information for installing the imager into your actual application can be
found in the subsequent chapters.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-1
Check Required Hardware
Hardware Required
Caution: Be sure that all cables are connected BEFORE applying power to the
system. Always power down BEFORE disconnecting any cables.
Step 1 — Check Required Hardware
Item Description Part Number
1 Quadrus MINI Imager FIS-6300-XXXXG 2 IC-332 Adapter FIS-0001-0035G 3 IB-131 Interface Box 99-000018-01 4 Power Supply (90-264 VAC, 24VDC, USA/Euro plug) 97-100004-15 5 Object Detector 99-000017-01 6 Communication Cable 61-300026-03
1-2 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Step 2 — Connect the System
Hardware Configuration
Caution: Be sure that all cables are connected BEFORE applying power
to the system. Always power down BEFORE disconnecting any cables.
Connecting by RS-232/RS-422/RS-485
• Connect the imager (1) to the IB-131/IC-332 interface (2) and (3).
• Connect the host cable (6) to the host and to the host port on the IB-131 (3).
• Connect the object detector (5) to the IB-131 (3).
• Connect the power supply (4) to the IB-131 (3).
• Apply power to the imager.
Quick Start
Important: before
powering-on. Otherwise the unit will not be recognized as a USB device.
If you are using a
model, you must connect the device to the host computer
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-3
Position Imager and Symbol
Imager and Symbol Orientation
Pitch axis
Bar code label
Tilt axis
Scan line
Step 3 — Position Imager and Symbol
• Position the imager at a focal distance between 2 and 6 inches from the symbol.
• Tip the imager relative to the symbol to avoid the glare of direct (specular) reflection. The case parting line should be perpendicular to the plane of the symbol by either pitching the symbol or the imager as shown.
• Position the imager in a place with as little ambient light as possible.
• Symbols can be rotated (tilted) at any angle; however, for best results symbols should be aligned with the FOV (field of view).
• In the case of linear symbols, aligning the bars in the direction of their movement (“ladder” orientation) will minimize the chances of blurring, and will produce better reads.
Important: Avoid excessive skew or pitch. Maximum skew is ±30°; maximum pitch is ±30°. The illustration below shows skew axis, pitch axis, and tilt axis.
Note: For accuracy of testing and performance, Microscan recommends using a mounting
arm adapter kit. Contact your Microscan sales manager for details about mounting arm adapter kits and other accessories.
1-4 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Quick Start
Step 4 — Install ESP
Easy Setup Program (ESP) is Microscan’s proprietary setup and testing application. The
purpose of When the Quadrus MINI is connected to a host computer (Windows Vista, XP, or 2000),
ESP can be used to configure reader settings and to set up communications between the
reader and host.
If installing from the Microscan Tools CD:
1. Insert the Microscan Tools CD in your computer’s CD drive.
2. Select ESP Software from the navigation bar at the left of the screen.
3. Click on ESP Software under the Current Version heading.
4. Click the Run button and follow the prompts in the ESP Setup Wizard. Note: During installation, you may see an Internet Explorer Security Warning that
states: “The publisher could not be verified.” If you see this warning, click Run to
continue installation.
If downloading from the web:
1. Go to the Download Center at www.microscan.com.
2. Create a new member account or, if you are already a member, enter your user name and password.
3. Navigate to the “Microscan Software” section of the Download Center (near the top of the page).
4. Click on the link showing the latest version of ESP. Extract the ESP installation files to a location of your choice on the host computer. Note where your ESP.exe file is stored
on your hard drive.
5. At the end of the installation process, the following icon will appear on your desktop:
is to provide a quick and easy way to set up and configure Microscan readers.
6. Click the ESP icon to start the program.
System Requirements for ESP
• 166 MHz Pentium processor (recommended)
• Windows Vista, XP, or 2000 operating system
• Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
• 64 MB minimum RAM
• 40 MB minimum disk space
• 800 x 600 pixel minimum 256 color display
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-5
Select Model
Step 5 — Select Model
When you start ESP, the following menu will appear:
1. Click the button showing the Quadrus MINI.
2. Click OK. Note: You can also double-click the Quadrus MINI button to make your selection.
3. Click Yes when this dialog appears:
Note: If you need to select another model later, click the Switch Model button near the top of the screen or use Model > New Model in the menu toolbar.
1-6 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Quick Start
If you choose RS-232 protocol:
Select the
Quadrus MINI
from the Select Device menu and click
Click Connect.
If you choose USB protocol:
• Once you select your communications mode, follow the prompts to establish your connection.
Step 6 — Select Protocol and Connect
• Choose the connection protocol you are using and click Next when the Select Protocol
dialog appears.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-7
Select Protocol and Connect (cont.)
Note: If your RS-232 host settings cannot
be changed to match the imager’s settings:
• Click Connect on ESP’s menu toolbar, and then select Connection Wizard.
• When the Select Protocol dialog appears, select RS-232 and click Next.
• When the RS-232 dialog appears, check the Force Connect box and click the Connect button.
Step 6 — Select Protocol and Connect (cont.)
When you are connected, you will see the green connection indicator in the status bar at the bottom right of your screen.
• If your RS-232 connection attempt fails, click the Autoconnect button, select a different
communications port, and try again.
1-8 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Quick Start
Step 7 —
Locate the Symbol in the Field of View
Locate by ESP
•In ESP’s EZ Mode, click the Locate button to enable the blue target pattern.
The symbol in the field of view will appear in the video view beneath the Locate and Calibrate buttons, and you will see the blue target pattern projected from the front of the
• Center the target pattern on the symbol. At 2 to 3 inches, the pattern resembles an X. At 3 to 6 inches, the pattern resembles a V.
Center on object in field of view.
Target pattern shown as it would appear between 3 and 6 inches.
Important: The entire symbol should fall within the field of view (FOV) of the imager. The field of view is what appears in ESP’s Locate/Calibrate window in EZ Mode.
• Click the Stop button to end the Locate function.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-9
Locate the Symbol in the Field of View
EZ Button
Locate by EZ Button
If you are not connected to a host computer, the EZ Button allows you to locate a symbol in the imager’s field of view.
• Hold down the EZ Button for about one second and release when you hear one short beep. The amber from the front of the imager.
• Center the target pattern on the symbol.
Note: To end all EZ Button functions, press the EZ Button once and quickly release.
LED will illuminate, and you will see the blue target pattern projected
1-10 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Step 8 — Calibrate
Quick Start
Quadrus MINI settings can be adjusted automatically for optimum symbol decoding performance
by either the EZ Button or by ESP.
During the calibration routine, the reader will flash its amber Read Rate percent LEDs and red illumination LEDs while searching camera settings and determining the best configuration for decoding symbol data. Upon successful completion of this routine, a green LED pattern will flash brightly and stop searching.
and illuminate the symbol. If unsuccessful, the imager will emit 5 short beeps
Calibrate by EZ Button
1. Hold down the EZ Button for about two seconds and release when you hear two short beeps. The 20% and 40% LEDs will illuminate.
2. The imager will search camera settings to determine the best configuration for decoding symbol data.
Note: To end all EZ Button functions, press the EZ Button once and quickly release.
Calibrate by ESP
1. Click the Calibrate button.
2. The imager will search camera settings to determine the best configuration for decoding symbol data.
A successful calibration will display a green frame around the symbol, and the following message will appear: “Uploading all reader parameters.” After a moment the symbol data will be presented in the field below the image display window.
Calibrate by Serial Command
Send <@CAL> from a terminal program to begin calibration.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-11
Test Read Rate
20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. These LEDs represent the
percentage of Good Reads per images captured.
Step 9 — Test Read Rate
Read Rate indicates the number of successful decodes per second achieved by the
Test Read Rate by EZ Button
1. To start the Read Rate test, hold down the EZ Button about three
seconds until you hear three
short beeps. The 20%, 40%, and 60% LEDs will illuminate.
While the symbol is being inspected, the Read Rate LEDs will indicate the corresponding read rate percentage on the back of the unit.
2. To end the Read Rate test, press the EZ Button and quickly release.
Test Read Rate by ESP
1. Click the Test button to start the Read Rate test and Stop to end it.
If a symbol has been successfully decoded, the symbol’s data and related features will be presented in the field below the image display window. Also, while the symbol is being inspected, the Read Rate LEDs will indicate the corresponding Read Rate percentage on the back of the unit.
2. To end the test, click the Stop button.
Note: Read Rate can also be tested using the Read Rate interface in Utilities.
Test Read Rate by Serial Command
You can also start a test with the <C> or <Cp> command and end it with the <J> command.
1-12 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Step 10 — Configur e the Imager in ESP
To make setup changes to Quadrus MINI, click the App Mode button.
Quick Start
The following modes are accessible by clicking the buttons in the first row of
• Click the Autoconnect button to establish communications between ESP and the imager.
• Click the Send/Recv button to send or receive commands.
• Click the Camera button to access a live Video view, Evaluate image captures, Calibrate
the imager, set the Window of Interest, fine-tune capture settings and processing settings in the Configuration Database, and control multiple read cycle functions in Dynamic Setup.
• Click the Terminal button to display decoded symbol data, and to send serial commands
to the imager using text or macros.
• Click the Utilities button to test Read Rate, request or clear Counters, enable or disable
the imager or send output pulses in Device Control, determine the Differences from Default in the current settings, add or remove master symbol data in Master Database, and verify or update the imager’s Firmware.
• Click the Output Format button to determine the order and content of data output. Click the Configuration button to display the second row of ESP icons.
App Mode
From here you can make changes in the tree controls that can be accessed by clicking the buttons on the second row of icons in the
For further details, see Microscan ESP Help in the dropdown Help menu.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 1-13
Save Configuration in ESP
1. Left-click on the +
to expand the desired tree.
2. Double-click on the
desired parameter and click once in the selection box to view options.
5. Right-click on the open screen and select Save to Reader to implement the command in the imager.
4. Left-click again on the open
screen to complete your selection.
3. Place your cursor in the selection box, scroll down to the setting you want to change, and click once on the setting.
Step 11 — Sav e Configuration in ESP
To make changes to a configuration setting:
Saving Options
Send, No Save. Changes will be lost when power is re-applied to the imager.
Send and Save. This activates all changes in current memory and saves to the imager
for power-on.
1-14 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
2 Using ESP
EZ Mode........................................................................................................................................2-2
Application Mode...........................................................................................................................2-3
Menu Toolbar................................................................................................................................2-4
Autoconnect ................................................................................................................................2-12
View ............................................................................................................................................2-14
Navigating in ESP .......................................................................................................................2-15
Send/Receive Options ................................................................................................................2-16
Using EZ Trax .............................................................................................................................2-18
This section is designed to help you understand the basic structure and elements of ESP
(Easy Setup Program).
When you open ESP, unless otherwise specified in the ESP Preferences dialog accessible from the Options heading on the menu toolbar, you will enter EZ Mode for initial setup. From there, you can enter Application Mode (App Mode) and access several configuration menus (Communications, Read Cycle, Symbologies, I/O Parameters, Symbol Quality, Matchcode, and Diagnostics), a Camera setup interface, a Terminal interface, a Utilities interface, and an Output Format interface.
ESP can be used to configure the Quadrus MINI in three different ways:
Tree Controls:
specific element of imager operation. For example, the
Host Port Connections Bits
, and
Graphic User Interfaces: Imager settings can be configured using such point-and-click
tools as radio buttons, zoom in/zoom out sliders, spin boxes, check boxes, and drag-and-drop functions.
Terminal: ESP’s Terminal allows you to send serial configuration and utility commands
directly to the imager by typing them in the provided text field.
Information about using ESP in specific applications is provided in subsequent sections. For ESP system requirements, see ESP System Requirement s in Chapter 1, Quick Start.
Each configuration menu contains a list of all option settings that pertain to that
Data Bits
option, and then a list of the sub-options
. Each of these sub-options is configurable by using dropdown menus.
Baud Rate, Parity, Stop
menu shows a
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 2-1
EZ Mode
Starts Read Rate test.
Click Calibrate to begin the initial
calibration routine. Calbration is
explained at the left of the EZ Mode screen, and also in Quick Start.
Click Locate to activate the Quadrus MINI’s blue target
pattern LEDs. Center the target pattern on the symbol. The display shows you where the symbol is located in the imager’s field of view.
Ends Read Rate test.
Enter App Mode to
access configuration trees and other setup features.
EZ Mode
EZ Mode
to your imager, instructions that will help you with positioning, testing, and calibration.
Click the Test button to start the Read Rate test for a quick indication of the imager’s read capabilities and the limits of your application. When Decodes per Second is unchecked,
the test will count the percentage of decodes relative to the number of actual scans. Click
Stop to end the test.
The calibration routine that will optimize the imager by comparing Read Rates at various camera and image processing settings.
you are presented with the
EZ Mode
is the screen you will see. You will be provided with on-screen
Locate, Calibrate
, and
options. After connecting
2-2 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
Using ESP
Click here to open
the Terminal view.
Click this icon to
return to EZ Mode.
Menu toolbar.
Camera Setup, advanced Calibration, Configuration Database.
Click the Configuration icon to return to full App Mode view from Camera, Terminal, Utilities, or Output Format.
Click here for
Ordered Output and Output Format
Click on icons in this row to access configuration trees like the one shown here.
Click Capture and Decode to
read the symbol in the field of view, and to see a high resolution image capture of the symbol.
Decoded symbol data is shown in this table.
Application Mode
From EZ Mode, you can click on the App Mode button to access specific configuration menus, Utilities tools, Camera setup, Output Format options, and a Terminal window
where serial commands can be entered.
Note: The App Mode and EZ Mode buttons appear in the same position to allow easy
switching between these primary modes.
Note: For specific information on any of the icons shown above in the operations bar or
configuration bar, see the corresponding chapters in this manual.
Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual 2-3
Menu Toolbar
(Save to Imager)
(Receive Imager
Menu Toolbar
File > New
Whenever New is selected, the default configuration of ESP is
When Save or Save As is selected, the ESP configuration is
saved to the host computer’s hard drive and available whenever
the same file is selected under Open. Important: When you save menu changes to your hard drive,
these changes are not saved to your imager.
below shows how settings can be saved and received between
ESP and the imager, and ESP and the host hard drive.
The illustration
Import converts the ASCII settings from a text file to ESP configuration settings. Export converts the active ESP configuration settings to an ASCII text file.
2-4 Quadrus MINI Imager User’s Manual
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