Microrad NHT-310 User Manual

User Manual
Design development and manufacturing
P.zza delle Azalee 13/14 05019 Orvieto (TR) – ITALIA Tel +39 0763393291 Fax +39 0763394423 email info@microrad.it web www.microrad.it
1 GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Application .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 About the instrument ..................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Operating modes ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3.1 Single EMF measurement .................................................................................... 1
1.3.2 Long-term Monitoring ........................................................................................... 2
1.3.3 NHT310 remote control through MicroLink software ............................................ 2
1.3.4 Downloading data to PC ....................................................................................... 2
1.4 Measurement probes .................................................................................................... 3
1.5 GPS module and temperature sensor ........................................................................... 3
1.6 Equipment configuration ................................................................................................ 4
1.7 NHT310 technical specifications .................................................................................... 5
1.7.1 NHT310 base unit ................................................................................................. 5
1.7.2 Measurement probes ............................................................................................ 6
1.8 Standard compliance ..................................................................................................... 7
2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................... 8
2.1 Foreword ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Correct use ................................................................................................................... 8
3 CERTIFICATION AND WARRANTY ................................................................................ 9
3.1 Certification ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Limitation of warranty .................................................................................................... 9
4 UNIT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Front panel legend ...................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Connectors and interfaces legend ............................................................................... 13
5 PREPARATION FOR USE ............................................................................................. 15
5.1 Unpacking ................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Storage ....................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Connecting the probes ................................................................................................ 15
5.4 Power supply ............................................................................................................... 16
5.4.1 Battery autonomy ............................................................................................... 17
5.4.2 Battery replacement ........................................................................................... 17
6 OPERATION .................................................................................................................. 18
6.1 Base unit switching on ................................................................................................. 18
6.2 Main measuring display screen ................................................................................... 20
6.3 Recording measured value .......................................................................................... 23
6.3.1 Single storing ...................................................................................................... 23
6.3.2 Monitoring........................................................................................................... 24
6.4 Measurement download and display ........................................................................... 25
6.5 Spatial Average Mode ................................................................................................. 25
6.6 Alert levels .................................................................................................................. 26
6.7 Factory reset ............................................................................................................... 27
7 MICROLINK SOFTWARE .............................................................................................. 28
7.1 Description .................................................................................................................. 28
7.2 Software installation .................................................................................................... 28
7.3 Software main screen .................................................................................................. 28
7.4 Functions .................................................................................................................... 29
7.5 NHT310 parameters setting (Settings) ........................................................................ 30
7.6 Download data from NHT310 (Download) ................................................................... 32
7.6.1 SnapShots panel ................................................................................................ 33
7.6.2 Monitoring panel ................................................................................................. 34
7.6.3 Monitoring data graphic format ........................................................................... 36
7.7 Microsoft Excel™ data export ...................................................................................... 38
7.8 NHT310 remote control ............................................................................................... 39
7.9 GPS and Google Maps ............................................................................................... 39
7.10 NHT310 firmware update ......................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX A COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL ................................................................ 42
1.1 Application
Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (not ionizing radiation) is nowadays a very critical subject with which almost all countries must deal. Technical and normative bodies work alongside government institutions to enact new guidelines and decrees regarding maximum permitted exposure levels for populations and workers.
The measurement equipment for this type of analysis must suit the technical requirements from the guidelines and must provide the user with qualified physical parameters for compliance with legally required thresholds.
1.2 About the instrument
NHT310 is the new Microrad solution for the measurement of electromagnetic fields. Besides being handy and compact, the instrument operates in the widest frequency band possible for a handheld instrument.
It is user-friendly and provides extremely reliable measurements; it also provides the operator with local temperature and GPS coordinates of the site being measured for inclusion in a final report.
1.3 Operating modes
1.3.1 Single EMF measurement
The main application of NHT310 is to perform wideband electromagnetic field measurements allowing the user to make evaluations in relation to established protective safeguards. The system uses a variety of probes to measure specific physical parameters (magnetic induction, magnetic field and electric field) according to the frequency band of interest.
On the instrument LCD display, are always displayed:
Instantaneous isotropic value ISO of measured field. Time average isotropic value (AVG) of measured field. Spatial average value SPT of measured field. Maximum isotropic value MAX of measured field. Alarm threshold ALM. Geographic coordinates GPS. Ambient temperature. Date and time.
The instrument can be used in direct operating mode via the front keyboard panel and the measurements can be viewed on the LCD display. The user can store single measurement data by pressing the [STORE SINGLE] command. Each measured value is stored in a specific memory portion for single
NHT310 1. General information
measurements (for a total of 432 measurements) along with the information regarding date and time, GPS coordinates, and ambient temperature.
1.3.2 Long-term Monitoring
NHT310 can perform up to 8 data acquisition sequences for long-term monitoring of broadband electromagnetic fields. This mode is particularly useful for low frequency magnetic induction measurements, since it is possible to follow the possible fluctuation of field values depending on the daily variation of the current flow in the electric lines or in the transformation cabins (field source).
The user can initiate the acquisition sequence by simply pressing the [SHIFT] key and then the [STORE MONIT] key.
Each monitoring can extend to full memory space (over 21’500 acquisitions) or until the user wishes to interrupt the process by pressing any key on the instrument.
1.3.3 NHT310 remote control through MicroLink software
This operation mode is recommended in order to avoid where possible the influence of the user's presence on the environment being measured (mainly for low and high frequency electric field analysis) or when there is a requirement to install the measurement system in a screened and controlled space (anechoic chamber for EMC testing). In such a situation it is strongly recommended that a wooden tripod with variable height (optional) is used.
NHT310 can be remotely managed through a fiber optic connection to an external PC. This operation is possible with the MicroLink software. MicroLink allows the total remote control of the NHT310 unit by displaying on PC screen the same keys of the instrument keyboard, making the system easy to use.
The software displays the measured data in real time and simultaneously displays the amplitude / time graph of the field being analyzed.
In remote mode, it is possible to store single data or to start and stop monitoring sequences.
1.3.4 Downloading data to PC
All measured values, recorded both as single acquisition or continuous monitoring, can be downloaded to an external PC through the fiber optic cable using MicroLink software.
Once the values have been transferred, they can be viewed and analyzed within the MicroLink software and saved on a hard disk or other mass storage units for later reference.
The software allows the numeric and tabular display of the field values as well as the display of amplitude / time diagram with zoom function in the time window of interest.
NHT310 1. General information
Data export in tabular format (Excel compatible) and graphics, jpeg or bitmap format, is also possible.
Using MicroLink software, the user can send configuration data to the device in order to set the threshold for a high field acoustic alarm, set the sampling interval between an acquisition and the next in long-term monitoring, set the time interval to calculate the moving average with high frequency probes (default value is 6 minutes as per international regulations), set the date and time.
MicroLink is also able to calculate the 24-hour moving average on monitoring sequences that exceed that duration.
1.4 Measurement probes
Various measurement probes are available for use in conjunction with NHT310 for both magnetic and electric field measurements, with frequency bands ranging from dc up to 40 GHz.
The NHT310 automatically recognizes each probe when it is inserted. A detailed list of available probes is given in section 1.7.2.
1.5 GPS module and temperature sensor
NHT310 integrates a GPS module to acquire geographic coordinates as reference to the area in which the measurements were carried out.
In case of outdoor activities, it is always recommended to add the GPS data related to the measurement site in order to mention them in the final report. GPS associates not only geographic information but also the exact time (UTC time).
No other external device is required to perform these operations as the NHT310 performs the measurement and automatically provides field values together with GPS coordinates of the site. The MicroLink software can directly show them on Google Maps™.
In addition NHT310 integrates a temperature sensor acquiring the temperature value during measurement activity.
Since the sensor is integrated into the front of the instrument, it is necessary to consider that, as the meter shell is a good thermal conductor, the measurement may be influenced by the operator's hand temperature. In order to have exact temperature values, the instrument must be used with a tripod support.
NHT310 1. General information
1.6 Equipment configuration
The basic unit NHT310 is delivered in the standard configuration including:
NHT310 basic unit for measuring, storing and display field data Fiber optic cable (10 meters length) Fiber-USB adapter to link fiber optic to PC USB A/B adapter cable Battery charger Rechargeable batteries Sturdy carrying case with IP67 protection class MicroLink software and user manual (available on www.microrad.it) ISO 9001:2008 calibration certificates
In order to work correctly, the NHT310 meter must be connected to a measurement probe from those available for this model.
NHT310 1. General information
1.7 NHT310 technical specifications
1.7.1 NHT310 base unit
Frequency range From DC to 18GHz using several B, E, H probes
Type Transflective LCD monochrome COG (chip on glass)
Size 7 cm , 128x64 dots
Backlight Electroluminescent screen 10s/continuous selectable
Measurement units mW/cm², W/m², V/m, A/m, Tesla
Display range
from 0.0001 to
999999 (
depending on
measurement unit)
Result type (isotropic, RSS)
nstantaneous (ACT), Maximum
Average (AVG),
Time average 6min std, from 4s to 30 min (step 2s ), software selectable
Moving average 24h calculated by MicroLink
Samples 21.504 (8 monitoring sequences) / 432 (snapshot)
Optical interfaces Serial, full duplex
Probe input Plug-and-play auto detection, connector LEMO™
163dBm, 48 channels, L1 C/A code, update
rate 4Hz
Time to first position (TTFF) typical < 60 seconds
Recommended calibration interval 24 months
or rechargeable
NiMH, 4 x AA size (Mignon), 2800
Battery operation time > 72 ore (backlight and GPS off)
Charging time 4 hours
Battery level indication 100%, 66%, 33%, < 10%
Operative Temperature range -10 °C to +50 °C
Storage Temperature range -20 °C to +70°C
Humidity 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Size (h x w x d) 160 x 98 x 30 mm (without probe)
Weight Approx 400 g (including batteries without probe)
Accessories (included)
Rechargeable batteries, AC charger, fiber optic cable
(10mt), USB-Optical Converter, User manual, MicroLink software, probes calibration certificate
Note: technical specifications are subject to change without any prior notice.
NHT310 1. General information
1.7.2 Measurement probes
Radio-frequency probes
P/N Probe 01E 02E 02H 03E 04E
Frequency range 100 kHz - 6.5 GHz 400 kHz - 30 MHz 300 kHz - 30MHz 100k Hz - 18GHz 3 MHz - 40GHz
Frequency Response Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat
Measurement range 0.2 - 350 V/m 2 - 800 V/m 0.016 - 16 A/m 0.8 - 340 V/m 0.5 - 350 V/m
Directivity Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic
Calibration interval 24 months 24 months 24 months 24 months 24 months
Operative temperature 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C
Low-frequency probes
P/N Probe 11E e 33E 10B 20B (100 cm2) 30B 33B (100cm2)
Frequency range 5Hz - 400 kHz 5 Hz - 400 kHz 5 Hz - 20 kHz 5 Hz - 400 kHz
Frequency Response Flat Flat Flat Flat
Measurement range 20 V/m - 20KV/m 0.1 µT - 1 mT 0.3 µT - 16 mT 0.3 µT - 16 mT
Directivity Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic
Calibration interval 24 months 24 months 24 months 24 months
Operative temperature 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C
Static probes
P/N Probe 10H e 33H 20H 30H
Frequency range DC DC - 1 kHz DC - 1 kHz
Frequency Response n/a Flat Flat
Measurement range 150 nT – 2.5 mT 1 mT – 5 T 200 µT - 600 mT
Directivity Isotropic Isotropic Isotropic
Calibration interval 24 months 24 months 24 months
Operative temperature 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C 0°C - 50°C
Note: technical specifications are subject to change without any prior notice.
NHT310 1. General information
1.8 Standard compliance
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use. EMC requirements: radiating emission,
radiating immunity in radio frequency, electrostatic
CEI EN 61326
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use – General
CEI EN 61010
European Union
Country of origin
2.1 Foreword
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific WARNINGS elsewhere in this manual may impair the protection provided by the equipment. Such non compliance would also violate safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument.
2.2 Correct use
Keep away from live circuits Operators must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and
internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
DO NOT substitute parts or modify instrument To avoid the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute
parts or perform unauthorized modifications to the instrument. Return the instrument to Microrad Service Center for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained in operational condition.
3.1 Certification
Microrad certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Microrad also certifies that each probe for the NHT310 instrument has been calibrated according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008. On request, SIT certification is available, covering magnetic and electric field strength and high frequency electromagnetic power density, and OKD certification for magnetic induction intensity and low frequency electric field.
3.2 Warranty
This Microrad product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of 24 months. Accessories are warranted for a period of 6 months. During the warranty period, Microrad will, at its option, either repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to Microrad. Microrad warrants that its software and firmware, designated by Microrad for
use with an instrument, will execute its programming instruction when properly installed on that instrument.
3.3 Limitation of warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from: improper use or inadequate maintenance by User, User-supplied software or interfacing, unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside the environmental specifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance.
4.1 Front panel legend
The following table refers to Figure 4.1 which shows the keyboard and the main parts on the NHT310 base unit front panel.
Some keys have a second function, indicated in blue, which can be enabled by pushing the middle button SHIFT in advance.
Fig. 4.1 – Front view
NHT310 4. Unit description
Name Function
GPS Antenna
Probes Input connector
Battery charge input
Backlit display
Temperature sensor
MODE key UNIT: changes the field measurement unit.
Pressing the button for 10 seconds
it is possible to
change the temperature unit from °C to °F and vice
AXES: visualizza i singoli assi X, Y, Z.
SINGL: storing a single measuring value. If
pressed for more than 2 seconds, initiates a countdown sequence before starting the store. If pressed for more than 4 seconds enables/disables the spatial average mode.
MONIT: start a monitoring sequence.
TEMP: Temporary backlight of 10 s.
CONT: Continuous backlight.
SHIFT: Enables all blue defined functions.
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