Micronics M54E2, PCI-EISA User Manual

Dual Pentium Processor
System Board Manual
Dual Pentium Processor
System Board Manual
221 Warren Ave., Fremont, CA 94539-7085
M54E2 System Board Manual
June 1996
Copyright Notices
Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996 Micronics Computers, Inc. The information contained in the M54E2 PCI/EISA Dual Pentium Processor system board manual has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. Micronics assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document. Micronics makes no commitments to update or to keep the information in this manual at a current level when changes are made to the product.
Micronics reserves the right to make improvements to this document and/or product at any time and without notice. All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any medium or machine form without prior, written consent from Micronics.
Portions of the Manual
Portions of this manual were copied (with permission) from Phoenix Tech­nologies, Ltd. and Micro Computer Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines. Microsoft, Microsoft Word, Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora­tion. Intel and PCI are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Corporation. Lotus 1-2-3 is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corp. MCS is a trademark of Micro Computer Systems. All other product names mentioned herein are used for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective companies.
M54E2 System Board Manual


Section 1: Introduction ............................................ 1-1
Features..................................................................................... 1-2
Software Compatibility ............................................................. 1-2
M54E2 Quick Installation........................................................ 1-3
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2 ......................... 2-1
Static Electricity........................................................................ 2-1
Office Environment................................................................... 2-1
M54E2 System Board............................................................... 2-2
Jumper Settings......................................................................... 2-3
Section 3: Installing the M54E2, System Memory ,
CPUs and Peripherals ............................................. 3-1
Installation of the M54E2 ......................................................... 3-2
T ools Required.................................................................... 3-2
Equipment Required ........................................................... 3-2
System Memory ........................................................................ 3-3
SIMMs Supported .............................................................. 3-3
Upgrading Rules ................................................................. 3-3
Common Memory Configurations ...................................... 3-4
Installing the SIMMs .......................................................... 3-5
Removing SIMMs............................................................... 3-5
Installing a CPU ........................................................................ 3-6
Installing Cache Memory .......................................................... 3-7
Installing a PCI Peripheral Card................................................ 3-8
Installing an EISA Peripheral Card ........................................... 3-9
Installing a Plug & Play Peripheral Card................................. 3-10
Section 4: The BIOS Setup Utility .......................... 4-1
Configuration ............................................................................ 4-1
Initial Boot Up .......................................................................... 4-1
M54E2 System Board Manual
Setup ......................................................................................... 4-2
Running the Setup Procedure ................................................... 4-3
Setting the Main Screen ............................................................ 4-3
Setting the Advanced Screen .................................................... 4-7
Security Screen ........................................................................4-11
Exit Screen.............................................................................. 4-13
Section 5: EISA Utility............................................. 5-1
Introduction .............................................................................. 5-1
When Should You Run the EISA Utility?................................. 5-1
What You W ill Need ................................................................. 5-1
Starting the Utility..................................................................... 5-2
Main Menu................................................................................ 5-3
Step 1: Important EISA Configuration Information ................ 5-3
Step 2: Add or Remove Boards............................................... 5-4
Step 3: View or Edit Details .................................................... 5-6
Advanced Submenu ............................................................ 5-6
Step 4: Examine Switches or Print Report ............................... 5-8
Examine Switches ............................................................... 5-8
Print Report ........................................................................ 5-8
Step 5: Save and Exit............................................................... 5-8
Appendix A: POST Messages .................................A-1
Appendix B: Beep and POST Codes ......................B-1
Appendix C: Hard Disk Drive Types .....................C-1
Appendix D: T echnical Information.......................D-1
Specifications ............................................................................D-1
Environmental Specifications....................................................D-2
Battery Disposal........................................................................D-3
T echnical Support .....................................................................D-4
Online Services .........................................................................D-5
M54E2 System Board Manual
Appendix E: Updating the System BIOS ...............E-1
FCC W arning Statement.........................................F-1
Declaration of Conformity ......................................F-2
Glossary ................................................................... G-1
Limited W arranty .................................................. W-1
Non-W arranty Service........................................... W-2
M54E2 System Board Manual
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: System Power-Up Screen......................................................... 1-3
Figure 2-1: M54E2 System Board .............................................................. 2-2
Figure 3-1: Installing a 72-Pin SIMM ....................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-2: Installing Cache Memory ........................................................ 3-7
Figure 3-3: Installing a PCI Card............................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-4: Installing an EISA Card .......................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-5: Installing a Plug & Play Card ............................................... 3-10
Figure 4-1: Power-Up Screen ..................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-2: CMOS Main Screen ................................................................ 4-3
Figure 4-3: IDE Device Submenu .............................................................. 4-5
Figure 4-4: Advanced Setup Screen ........................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-5: Boot Options Submenu ............................................................ 4-8
Figure 4-6: Integrated Peripherals Submenu ............................................. 4-9
Figure 4-7: Security Setup Screen .............................................................4-11
Figure 4-8: Supervisor Password Screen .................................................. 4-12
Figure 4-9: Exit Screen............................................................................. 4-13
Figure 5-1: EISA Configuration Introduction Screen ................................ 5-2
Figure 5-2: Configuration Main Menu....................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-3: Add or Remove Boards Screen ................................................ 5-4
Figure 5-4: Adding an EISA Configuration (CFG) File............................ 5-5
Figure 5-5: View or Edit Details Menu...................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-6: Advanced Submenu ................................................................. 5-7
List of Tables
Table 2-1: Cache Type Selection............................................................... 2-3
Table 2-2: Host CPU Speed Selection....................................................... 2-3
Table 2-3: External Cache Size Selection................................................. 2-3
Table 2-4: CPU VRE Selection ................................................................. 2-4
Table 2-5: Onboard IDE IRQ Selection.................................................... 2-4
Table 2-6: DRAM Parity Selection ........................................................... 2-4
Table 2-7: Super I/O Selection.................................................................. 2-4
Table 2-8: Video Selection ........................................................................ 2-5
Table 2-9: PS/2 Mouse Selection .............................................................. 2-5
Table 2-10: Recover Flash BIOS Selection................................................. 2-5
Table 2-11: Turbo Selection ........................................................................ 2-5
Table 2-12: APIC Selection ........................................................................ 2-6
Table 2-13: Case and Peripheral Connections............................................ 2-7
Table 3-1: Memory Configurations ........................................................... 3-4
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 1: Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Micronics M54E2. The M54E2 is a high­performance system board designed to be a foundation for advanced systems and applications.
The M54E2 is a dual Pentium processor board. You can operate the M54E2 with a single Pentium processor or add a second matching processor for increased performance.
Additional features include onboard support for two IDE hard drives, two floppy drives, a bi-directional parallel port and two high speed serial ports.
Micronics builds all products to exacting standards, using the highest quality components available. We are proud to provide this system board and believe you will be pleased with your purchase.
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 1: Introduction
The M54E2 includes the following features:
Dual Pentium processor support for 75, 90, 100, 120, 133, 150, 166 and 200MHz processors
Two 32-bit PCI slots, five 32-bit EISA slots and one shared (PCI or EISA) slot
L2 Write-back cache support (256K or 512K)
PCI: Intel Neptune chipset PCEB/ESC EISA Bridge I/O: SMC 665 Super I/O controller
Support for up to 512MB of onboard system memory
ISA IDE controller (supports two drives)
Floppy controller for two floppy drives (supports 360KB, 720KB,
1.2MB, 1.44MB or 2.88MB floppy drives)
Two high speed NS16550 compatible serial ports
Standard AT keyboard connector
Bidirectional parallel port (ECP and EPP compatible)
Upgradeable Flash Phoenix BIOS on 1MB Flash
Software Compatibility
The M54E2 system board has been thoroughly tested for compatibility with a variety of operating systems and environments, including:
Windows and Windows NT OS/2 version 2.11 & SMP SCO UNIX and Open Desktop Novell Netware MS-DOS PC-DOS
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 1: Introduction

M54E2 Quick Installation

We know that many experienced people prefer to read as little of the docu­mentation as possible. If this sounds like you, here’s the short form:
1. Make backup copies of your installation and configuration diskettes.
2. Ground yourself to prevent damaging static discharge, then remove the
M54E2 from its packaging.
3. Configure and verify the system board’s jumper settings. (See Jumper
Settings in Chapter 2).
4. Install the CPU and the system memory (Chapter 3).
5. Install the motherboard into the chassis and make all necessary
case connections.
6. Install any ISA, PCI and EISA add-on peripherals (Chapter 3).
7. Turn the computer on and press the <F2> key when you see the screen
Figure 1-1: Power-Up Screen
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 1: Introduction
8. Set the time and date. Adjust the BIOS settings to match your configuration. If installing an IDE drive, select the IDE device you wish to configure. Press <Enter> with Autotype Fixed Disk selected and the BIOS will automatically configure the drive for you (see Chapter 4).
9. After you have configured the Main Setup menu, make any desired setting configurations in the Advanced and Security menu. When finished, go to the exit screen, select “Save Changes and Exit” and you are finished with the BIOS configuration (Chapter 4).
10. Insert the MCS EISA Configuration Utility into Drive A or Drive B and type:
A: CF <Enter>
B: CF <Enter>
Follow the directions to install the necessary drivers for your EISA peripherals (Chapter 5).
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2

Configuring the M54E2

Although the M54E2 system board is packaged in protective materials, it is important to use care while unpacking and setting up.
Static Electricity
The M54E2 is shipped from the factory in an antistatic bag. To reduce the possibility of damage, it is important to neutralize any accumulated static charges on your body before handling the board. The best way to do this is to ground yourself using a special wrist or ankle strap. If you do not have a strap, you should touch both of your hands to a safely grounded object. After you have grounded yourself, ground the M54E2 via the solder pads surrounding one of its mounting holes.
Once the M54E2 is removed from its packaging, place it on top of the antistatic bag. Carefully inspect the board for damage which may have occurred during shipment.
Office Environment
Make sure the finished computer system is in an area with good ventilation. The system should not be in direct sunlight, near heaters, or exposed to moisture, dust or dirt.
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2
M54E2 System Board
Figure 2-1: M54E2 System Board
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2

Jumper Settings

Table 2-1: Jumper settings to select between write-back and write­through cache.
Jumper Function Settings
W1 Write-through
Write-back (default)
Table 2-1: Cache Type Selection
Table 2-2: Jumper settings to select the speed of the CPU.
Close Open
CPU Speed
Bus Speed
W2 Open Open Open Close Close Close Close Open
W6 2-3 1-2 2-3 1-2 2-3 1-2 2-3 2-3 W27 Open Open Open Open Open Close Close Close W40 Close Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
75MHz 50MHz
Table 2-2: CPU Speed Selection
Table 2-3: Jumper settings to select the size of the external cache.
Jumper Function Setting
W5 W10 256K
Table 2-3: Cache Size Selection
1-2 2-3
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2
Table 2-4: Jumper settings to set the CPU voltage regulator selection.
Jumper Function Settings
W28 VRE (Vcc3=3.6V)
VR/STD (Vcc3=3.45V) (default)
Table 2-4: CPU VRE Selection
Table 2-5: Jumper settings to set the onboard IDE IRQ.
Open Close
Jumper Function Settings
W25 IRQ14 (default) 1-2
Table 2-5: Onboard IDE Controller Selection
Table 2-6: Jumper settings to select parity checking or non-parity checking DRAM.
Jumper Function Settings
W41 Non-Parity DRAM
Parity DRAM (default)
Table 2-6: DRAM Parity Selection
Table 2-7: Jumper settings to enable or disable Super I/O.
Jumper Function Settings
W30 Enable Super I/O (default)
Disable Super I/O
Table 2-7: Super I/O Selection
M54E2 System Board Manual
Open Close
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2
Table 2-8: Jumper settings to select the type of video installed.
Jumper Function Settings
W20 Monochrome
Color (default)
Table 2-8: Video Selection
Table 2-9: Jumper settings to enable or disable the PS2 mouse.
Open Close
Jumper Function Settings
W21 Disable IRQ12 (PS/2 Mouse)
Enable IRQ12 (PS/2 Mouse) (default)
Table 2-9: PS/2 Mouse Selection
Table 2-10: Jumper settings to recover the flash BIOS from the boot block.
Jumper Function Settings
W16 BIOS Code (default)
BIOS Boot Block
Table 2-10: Recover Flash BIOS Selection
1-2 2-3
Open Close
Table 2-11: Jumper settings to enable or disable the turbo option.
Jumper Function Settings
W15 Deturbo
Turbo (default)
Table 2-11: Turbo Selection
M54E2 System Board Manual
Open Close
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2
Table 2-12: Jumper settings to enable or disable the APIC selection for Novell Network use. NOTE: Disable only if you are running Novell 3.12.
Jumper Function Settings
W42 APIC Enabled (default)
APIC Disabled
Table 2-12: APIC Selection
Open Close
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2
Table 2-13: Case and peripheral connections.
Connectors Function Notes
J1 & J2 Power Supply Connector
J5 AT Keyboard
J6 & J8 PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard PS/2 Version Only
J9 Parallel Port Connector Can be disabled at the CMOS
J10 Floppy Connector J11 Serial Port (COM 1) Can be disabled at the CMOS
J12 Serial Port (COM 2) Can be disabled at the CMOS
J13 ISA IDE Connector Secondary J25 Reserved Not Supported
configuration screen
configuration screen
configuration screen
J26 Optional Power Supply
For specially equipped power supplies
W12 or W31 Speaker Connector 1 - Speaker, 2 - N/C, 3 - Ground
4 - 5V DC
W13 or W32 Reset W14 or W33 Turbo LED 1 - +5V DC, 2 - Ground W15 or W34 Turbo Switch W18 or W37 Keylock/Power LED 1 - Speaker, 2 - N/C, 3 - Groun
4 - Keyboard Lock, 5 - Ground
W19 External Keyboard 1 - Clock (Keybd), 2 -Data,
3 - N/C, 4 - Ground, 5 - VCC
W24 or W38 Hard Disk LED 1 - +5V DC, 2 - Ground
W35 12V Fan Connector 1 - +12V DC, 2 - Ground W36 12V Fan Connector 1 - +12V DC, 2 - Ground
Table 2-13: Case and Peripheral Connections
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 2: Configuring the M54E2
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 3: Installing the M54E2
Installing the M54E2, System
Memory, CPUs and Peripherals
This section explains how to install the M54E2 system board, SIMMs, CPUs and peripherals.
Before installing or removing any peripherals or components, make sure you have a clear work space and that you adhere to all anti-static precautions described on page 2-1.
Micronics recommends only trained technicians install and configure the system board. Damage which occurs to the board while adding or removing peripherals or components may void the warranty.
If problems arise while installing peripherals, contact the computer dealer where you purchased the peripheral or Micronics’ Technical Support Department.
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 3: Installing the M54E2
Installation of the M54E2
The installation of the M54E2 system board depends on the type of case you use. The M54E2 is a standard AT motherboard and is likely to be limited to tower cases.
Prior to installing the M54E2, make sure you have a clear work space available and adhere to all anti-static precautions. If you are unfamiliar with installing a system board, Micronics highly recommends you read the computer user’s manual or contact your dealer’s technical support depart­ment.
Tools Required
Micronics recommends using the following tools to install the M54E2:
Small Phillips screwdriver.
Tweezers or a pair of needle-nose pliers.
Tray (to hold loose screws).
Equipment Required
Micronics recommends using the following equipment with the M54E2 for a typical configuration:
Chassis with standard hardware (tower case preferable).
A high-quality power supply capable of providing continuous power within a 5 volt range. A power filter may be used with a noisy AC power source.
AT-compatible keyboard (depends on model).
PS/2 or compatible keyboard (depends on model).
Eight ohm speaker.
Standard ribbon cables for internal connections.
Standard power cord (grounded).
Heat sink with cooling fan for each CPU (required).
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 3: Installing the M54E2

System Memory

System memory devices, commonly known as SIMMs (Single Inline Memory Modules), are necessary to operate the M54E2 system board. The M54E2 has eight SIMM sockets and can be upgraded to 512 Megabytes of RAM. This section will explain the type of SIMMs supported, list the rules of adding memory to the M54E2, give some examples of common memory configura­tions, and show how to physically install the new SIMMs.
SIMMs Supported
The M54E2 supports 72-pin, 60 or 70ns SIMMs in the following configura­tions:
4MB (1MBx32/36) 8MB (2MBx32/36) 16MB (4MBx32/36) 32MB (8MBx32/36) 64MB (16MBx32/36)
NOTE: For long term reliability, Micronics recommends using SIMMs with tin-plated contacts. The use of gold-plated contacts may conflict with the tin­alloy on the SIMM socket.
Upgrading Rules
The following is a list of rules to follow when upgrading SIMMs. If you follow these rules, your upgrade should be trouble-free:
Use 70ns or faster SIMMs.
Upgrade SIMMs one bank at a time. Each bank must contain two SIMMs of the same size and preferably from the same manufacturer. For example, to add 16MB of memory to the system board, install two 8MB SIMMs into the same bank.
When installing SIMMs, start with Bank 0 and work your way up (0,1,2,3).
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 3: Installing the M54E2
Common Memory Configurations
The table below lists the most common memory configurations. The M54E2 will accept the following combination of SIMMs as long as the rules in the previous section are followed.
Memory Bank 0 Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3
8MB (2) 1Mx36 16MB (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 16MB (2) 2Mx36 24MB (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 24MB (2) 2Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 32MB (2) 4Mx36 32MB (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 32MB (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 48MB (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 64MB (2) 8Mx36 64MB (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 64MB (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 64MB (2) 4Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 72MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 80MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 80MB (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 96MB (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 96MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36
104MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 2Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 104MB (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 (2) 1Mx36 128MB (2) 16Mx36 128MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 8Mx36 128MB (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 (2) 4Mx36 192MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 8Mx36 (2) 8Mx36 256MB (2) 16Mx36 (2) 16Mx36 256MB (2) 8Mx36 (2) 8Mx36 (2) 8Mx36 (2) 8Mx36 384MB (2) 16Mx36 (2) 16Mx36 (2) 16Mx36 512MB (2) 16Mx36 (2) 16Mx36 (2) 16Mx36 (2) 16Mx36
Table 3-1: Memory Configurations
M54E2 System Board Manual
Section 3: Installing the M54E2

Installing the SIMMs

To install the SIMMs, locate the memory banks on the system board and perform the following steps:
1. Hold the SIMM so that the notched edge is aligned with the notch on the SIMM socket (Figure 3-1).
2. Insert the SIMM at a 45 degree angle.
3. Gently push the SIMM into an upright position until it locks into place (past the release tabs).
Figure 3-1: Installing a 72-Pin SIMM
Removing SIMMs
To remove SIMMs, follow the steps below:
1. With both thumbs (or fingers), press the release tabs away from the socket.
2. With the SIMM free from the release tabs, lift the module up and place in an anti-static bag or package.
M54E2 System Board Manual
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