Micronics 216 User Manual

Micronics Ltd, Knaves Beech Business Centre, Davies Way,
Publication: March 2001 Document Number 740-1001D Software Version: 1.00
Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks. HP10 9QR
TEL: +44 (0)1628 810456 FAX: +44 (0)1628 531540
e-mail: sales@micronicsltd.co.uk
CONTENTS Page No Introduction 2 Fast track procedure 3-4 Parts and accessories 4 Battery and Charger 5 Transducers/Separation Distance/Fluid Types 6 Programming – Main Menu 6 Main Menu – Quick Start 6-9 Main Menu – View/Edit site data 9-10 Main Menu – Select sensor mode 11 Main Menu – Set up Instrument 12 Pulse output/ Display/Signal Enhancement 12 Keypad Options 13 Cutoff (m/s) 13 Set zero flow 14 Total Volume reset 14 Damping time/ Correction Factor 14 Calibration Factor 14 Diagnostics 14-15 Status/Error/Warning messages 15-16 Application Information 17 Transducer positioning 18 Mounting transducers Reynolds Number
19-20 Diagonal Mode Setup 20-21 Specification 22 Diagonal Mode setup 22-23 Flow Range 23 Sound Speeds 24 Liquid sound speeds 25-29 Battery charge circuit operation 30-31
The utilises Ultrasonic transit-time “Clamp-On” transducer technology.
Easy to operate, the Portaflow 216 features are as follows:
Large easy to read Graphics Display with backlighting.
Simple FAST TRACK set up procedure.
Simple to follow keypad.
IP55 electronics enclosure.
Guide rail assembly with chains.
Pulse Output or 4-20mA (optional)
10hr Battery (rechargeable).
Self-checking diagnostics.
Continuous signal monito ring.
The instrument displays volumetric flow rate in m velocity in metres and feet per second. The display shows the total volume both positive and negative with up to a maximum of 12 digits.
The following simple guide will enable the user to quickly set up the flow meter to measure flow. Additional data on the facilities available and many useful hints are also contained in this manual.
is a portable flow meter designed by Micronics for use on liquid flows in full pipes, which
/hr, m3/min, m3/sec, g/min, US g/min, US g/hr, l/min, l/sec and linear
Switch on and press
Fast Track Set up Procedure
Quick Start
Dimension Units? Pipe OD Pipe Wall Thickness Pipe Lining Thickness Select Wall Material Select Lining Material
scroll keys, press
Select Fluid Type
The instrument selects the mode of operation using the data entered and will display the following.
Attach sensor set
Press ENTER to continue
Fluid Temp? Press Enter to
Now retract the sensor blocks back into the guide rail by turning the locking nuts clockwise. Apply grease to both sensor blocks as shown in in either Reflex or Diagonal Mode. Ensure the Guide rail itself is free of grease
– Enter data, press
- Press – Scroll to select units required, press
– Select using scroll keys, press
– Enter data, press
– Enter data, press
– Select using scroll keys, press
– This will only be displayed if a lining thickness has been entered. Select using the
Input the application temperature in the units required °C or °F then press
in XXXX mode Approx. max. flow:
Or SCROLL to change mode
(Figure 1
XXX m/s
, attach to the pipe using the appropriate mounting hardware
if there is no lining on the application.
Figure 1:- Inverted view of grease applied to sensor block
Connect the red and blue sensor cables to the electronics and the guide rail assembly. The positioned upstream to give a positive flow reading.
Figure 2:- Sensor assembly
cable must be
For Reflex Mode attach the guide rail transducer anti-clockwise, screwing it down on to the pipe surface. Do not over-tighten , causing the guide rail to lift off the pipe. Set the separation distance is at the recommended distance displayed by the electronics. Now turn the locking nuts on both the floating and the fixed transducers anti-clockwise, until they make finger tight contact with the pipe surface. To mount the transducers in Diagonal Mode,
Now Press press will change the timescale of the reading - hr/min/sec.
(Figure 4) and the instructions
(Figure 3)
to read flow. Pressing the appropriate key on the keypad can change flow units. An additional key
(Figure 3)
by sliding the floating transducer along the scale until the front edge of the block
to the pipe as shown below. Turn the locking nut on the fixed
on pages 20-21 of this manual.
Figure 3: - Reflex Mode Operation
Figure 4:- Diagonal Mode Operation
Separation Distance
For Diagonal beam mounting follow the sensor mounting instructions on pages 20 and 21 of this manual.
There are four sockets on the electronic housing. Two for the transducer cable assemblies (Blue down/Red up), one for the pulse output, one for the PSU/charger unit and one for the optional 4-20mA output. Please specify 4-20mA output in your order so that it can be configured prior to dispatch.
Pulse Cable Connections
Pulse output – Centre (White) positive, Screen (Silver) negative.
4-20 mA Output connections (optional) only added to software versions 216-3 & 216-2
The charger is supplied with universal plug-in adaptors. When the instrument is charging, but switched off, the display reads ‘CHARGING flow mode and the battery charger is connected. When the battery charger is disconnected the display will show a % battery level in the flow mode.
(Use only the charger supplied.)
It also displays a battery and plug symbol. CHRG is displayed next to the word ‘Batt’ when in
Figure 5:- Battery mains charger.
90Vac to 265Vac 47/63mhz @1.1A
Is supplied with additional plug heads for use Worldwide. The charger is rated
Battery Circuit
A battery management circuit controls the battery recharge. The circuit helps to prevent the batteries from being damaged through overcharging. The circuit automatically cuts off the high-level charge current after 4hrs, afte r which it will provide only a trickle charge. In operating mode a fully charged battery can maintain functionality for up to 8hrs depending upon the demand. A large percentage of the demand taken by the ‘Backlighting’ and whilst it is continuously enabled the operating life will drop to 4hrs from a fully charged battery. When in flow measurement mode the battery charge level is continually displayed as a percentage of full charge. When this indication reads approximately 40%, a warning message will appear on the screen. This indicates that there is only 30 minutes use left in the battery. The battery can be charged when the instrument is switched to the ON or OFF state.
See full instructions on charging and discharging the batteries on page 30-31.
Programming is via a key tactile membrane keypad.
When measuring flow it is possible, by selecting keys 4, 7, 8, and 9, to change from one unit to another without the need to re-program. Additional key presses will adjust the time scale of the measurements. Example:
Press 4 for m/s, press 4 again for f/s
Press 7 for l/s, press 7 again for l/min
Press 8 for g/min, press 8 again for USG/min
Press 9 for m
There are some facilities that require the cursor to be moved from left to right. This can be done using keys 5 (left) and 6 (right). The pulse output, can only be activated in the flow mode (see page 12 – Pulse output key). 4-20mA(216-3 & 216-2 only)
/hr, press 9 again for m3/min, press 9 again for m3/sec
The Portaflow 216 is supplied with one (matched) pair of transducers and a single guiderail to measure flow. The instrument selects the mode of operation (Reflex or Diagonal) dependant on the pipe size and flow velocity. The instrument can be used over a range from 50mm to 400mm. In Reflex Mode the transducers are positioned in the guide rail to assist correct alignment along the pipe axis, removed from the rail and attached to the pipe using the gull-wings and chains. The pipe is then measured and marked up and the transducer blocks are clipped to the pipe wall using a suitable amount of grease applied to the face of each transducer.
(Figure 3)
. In Diagonal mode
(Figure 4)
the transducers are
Separation Distance
The instrument calculates the separation distance when all parameters have been entered via the keypad. Also the instrument calculates the maximum flow velocity allowed with the standard sensors and indicates whether Reflex or Diagonal mode should be used.
Ultrasonic Couplant
Ultrasonic couplant/grease must be used on the transducer face to interface with the pipe wall.
Fluid Types
Portaflow 216 is capable of measuring clean liquids or oils that have less than 2% by volume of particulate content and air bubbles. During the set up procedure the user is prompted to select from a list of liquids, which include water and oils. Applications include - river water, seawater, potable water, demin water, treated water, effluent, water/glycol mixes, hydraulic oil, diesel oil and most chemicals.
Switch 0n
Micronics Ltd.
216-X V1.00
1 for English
Press Enter to start
X – Option number for the software Main Menu
Press SCROLL up or down to move cursor to the required option and press
MAIN MENU Quick start View/Edit Site Data Sensor set Data Logger Set up RS232 Set up Instrument Read flow
to select.
Main Menu - Quick Start
Selecting quick start offers the user the easiest and quickest option to achieve a flow measurement. If the instrument has already been used, it stores the last application data entered. This allows the user to read flow on the same application without spending time entering new data. Go to ‘Read Flow’ in the main menu.
Dimension units?
is selected, proceed with the following routine. Use the scroll keys to select, then press
The instrument now asks for the
Dimension units mm Pipe O.D.? 58.0
Pipe wall thickness
Dimension units MILLIMETRES Pipe O.D.? 58.0 Wall thick? 4.0
Pipe lining thickness thickness.
entering the data.
now appears on the display. Enter the pipe wall thickness in millimeters, then press
now appears on the display. If the pipe you are measuring has a lining, enter the
If nothing is entered the instrument automatically assumes there is no lining. Press ENTER to move onr after
Pipe outside diameter?
After entering the outside diameter in millimeters press
Pipe lining
Dimension units MILLIMETRES Pipe outside diameter? 58.0 Wall thick? 4.0 Lining? 0.0
The instrument now displays options available. Select the required material and press
Select pipe wall material: Mild Steel S’ less Steel 316 S’ less Steel 303
Plastic Cast Iron
Ductile Iron Copper Brass Concrete Glass Other (m/s)
Select pipe wall material
. Using the scroll keys it is possible to scroll up or down the
he following will only be displayed at this stage if a lining thickness has been entered. Use the scroll keys to select the
required material, then press
. If
is selected, enter the sound speed of the lining in metres/sec.
Select pipe lining material: Steel Rubber Glass Epoxy Concrete Other (mps)
Select fluid type
Use the scroll keys to select the fluid type and press If the liquid is not listed select be found in the back of the manual under
Select fluid type: Water Glycol/water 50/50 Lubricating oil
now appears on the display.
and enter a liquid sound speed in metres/second. The sound speed information can
Liquid Sound Speeds.
Diesel oil Freon
Other (m/sec)
Attach Sensors
The instrument will now provide the user with details of the mode of operation. It will also give the approximate maximum velocity that can be achieved with the sensors provided. Use the keypad to check the other maximum volumetric flow. Connect the RED and BLUE sensor cables, between the guide rail and the electronics.
Attach sensors in
Approx. max. flow:
7.20 m/s
ENTER to continue
SCROLL changes mode
Select Enter and the display will now show :
Fluid temp? (°C)
Enter the application temperature and press
The display will now show the sensor seperation distance. Adjust the moveable sensor to the required distance. Press
to read flow.
Set sensor
Separation to
ENTER to continue
When reading volumetric flow the instrument will display a positive and negative total. Selecting OPTIONS from the keypad can reset these totals (See page 14).
The instrument will continually display the battery and signal levels. Signal levels should be above 40%. If there is an error with the site data entered or the application, the instrument will display an Error or warning message (See page 15-17), which will appear above the flow reading. If there is more than one message it will scroll between them all.
To stop reading flow press ENTER
now appears on the display.
. The display will read the following.
This will stop all
SCROLL to return
Pressing ENTER a second time will stop outputs and return the instrument to return the instrument to
Press the scroll key to
Main Menu - View/Edit Site Data
details for up to 20 different sites. This facility is useful if a number of sites are being monitored on a regular basis. Application data can be programmed into each site before getting to site.
When scrolling up/down the menu press
VIEW/EDIT SITE DATA List sites Site number 0 Name QUICK START Units MM
mode can be accessed from the main menu. It allows the user to enter application
to select at each prompt.
Pipe O.D. 58.0
Wall thick 4.0 Lining 0.0
Wall MILD STEEL Lining --------­Fluid WATER Read flow Exit
Site Zero is always the
Changing the data in any site is automatically saved when leaving this menu. Data will have to be re-entered to
over ride the old data.
data and cannot be changed.
List Sites
Selecting Pressing ENTER will display sites from 6-10. Pressing again will display sites 11-15, and again to display 15-20.
allows the user to view the names of up to 20 sites, numbers 1-5 appear first.
1 site not named 2 site not named 3 site not named 4 site not named 5 site not named
Press ENTER to continue
Site Number
Site number
used then no data would be stored. You can now enter new application data.
allows the user to enter the number of the site data that you wish to be displayed. If the site has not been
Site Name
Site name
required and press ENTER to select. Press zero, to return the instrument to name will appear on the display.
for space, 0 to end
allows the user to edit or enter a site name. Use the scroll keys to move the cursor to the letter/figure
The new site
Dimension Units
Dimension units
data in a particular site.
Pipe wall/lining thickness
a lining thickness has not been entered. A selection of pipe wall/lining materials will be displayed when these options are selected.
allow the user to switch between millimetres and inches. The electronics converts all the application
Pipe wall/lining material
can now be changed as required. Lining material i s ignored if
Fluid type
Fluid type mentioned.
Select fluid type
by Micronics or found in the back of the manual under
allows the user to scroll through a selec tion of fluid types. Sel ect
. When
Other (m/s)
is selected the user must enter the liquid sound speed in m/s. This can be supplied
Liquid Sound Speeds
in the
menu if a liquid is not
+ 22 hidden pages