Micromax P280
Welcome! You are now a proud owner of the Micromax Funbook mini which offers you a wide range of exciting
features for a rich and fulfilling tablet PC experience. Your Funbook mini is loaded with great features that include:
1.0 GHz Processor
Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
7Inch Touch screen
Pinch Zoom
Wi-Fi Support
USB 2.0
0.3 MP Front Camera
Memory card support (Expandable up to 32 GB)
Gravity Sensor

Micromax P280
1. Welcome ..................................................................................... 1
2. Know Your Device ................................................................. 4
3. Getting Started ........................................................................ 5
3.1 Charge the Battery ................................................................... 5
3.2 Insert Memory Card................................................................. 6
3.3 Switch On the Device ............................................................. 6
3.4 Shut Down the Device ........................................................... 7
3.5 Lock/Unlock the Screen ........................................................ 7
3.6 Change the Orientation ......................................................... 8
3.7 Adjust Volume ............................................................................. 9
3.8 Use the Earphone.................................................................. 10
3.9 Reset the Tablet ...................................................................... 10
4. Using the Touch Screen ................................................... 12
4.1 Get Around ................................................................................. 12
4.2 Touch and Hold ....................................................................... 12
4.3 Drag an Item ............................................................................. 13
4.4 Scroll or Swipe......................................................................... 14
4.5 Using the Pinch Zoom Feature ..................................... 14
4.6 Double-Tap................................................................................. 15
4.7 Extended Home Screen .................................................... 15
4.8 Arrange and Work with Applications .......................... 16
4.9 Add Widgets .............................................................................. 17
4.10 View Notifications .................................................................. 18
Table of Contents
5. Connect to Internet ............................................................. 19
5.1 Connect to Wi-Fi ..................................................................... 19
5.2 Connect via Data Card ....................................................... 20
5.3 Connect to VPN or Ethernet............................................ 20
6. Features .................................................................................... 21
6.1 Music ............................................................................................. 21
6.2 Change the Wallpaper ........................................................ 21
6.3 Gallery........................................................................................... 22
6.4 Manage Downloads .............................................................. 23
6.5 Manage Your Calendar....................................................... 23
6.6 Settings ........................................................................................ 24
6.7 Connect with PC ..................................................................... 24
6.8 Set the Language and Keyboard ................................. 24
6.9 View Available Storage Space ....................................... 25
6.10 View Information About Device ..................................... 25
7. Managing Accounts............................................................ 26
7.1 Why Use a Google Account ............................................ 26
7.2 Manage Accounts .................................................................. 26
7.3 Start Gmail.................................................................................. 26
7.4 Google Search ......................................................................... 27
8. Download Applications From Android Market ..... 28
8.1 How to Download an Application .................................. 28
8.2 How to Uninstall an Application ..................................... 28

Micromax P280
9. Google MAPS ......................................................................... 29
10. Troubleshooting ................................................................... 30
10.1 Device shuts down after startup ................................... 30
10.2 Cannot copy file or play music ....................................... 30
10.3 The tablet is hanging with no response. How
can I solve this? ...................................................................................... 30
11. Taking Care of Your Device ............................................ 31
11.1 Recycle Your Device ............................................................ 31
12. Disclaimers ............................................................................. 33
13. Copyrights ............................................................................... 33

Micromax P280
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
CChhaarrggee tthhee BBaatttteerryy
Before using the device for the first time, it is recommended that you charge the battery. Yo u can charge the device
with the charger that comes in the packaging, or by connecting the device to a PC with a USB cable.
Please charge the device in the following conditions:
If the battery power is low or if the power icon shows no power.
If the device stops responding to the Power button i.e. the device is not getting switched on.
Device automatically shuts down.
Slight heating during charging is normal.
Please charge the unit fully once in a month if it is not in use.

Micromax P280
If the power is empty, the device will shut down automatically.
IInnsseerrtt MMeemmoorryy CCaarrdd
To store additional files and applications, you need to insert a memory card.
To insert a memory card:
1. Switch off the tablet.
2. Insert the memory card into the slot as illustrated below.
SSwwiittcchh OOnn tthhee DDeevviiccee
To switch on the device, long press the power key, as illustrated in the following image.

Micromax P280
The system will boot and show the home screen.
SShhuutt DDoowwnn tthhee DDeevviiccee
To shut down the device:
1. Long press the Power key and tap Power off.
2. Tap OK in the Power Off confirmation pop-up that appears.
LLoocckk//UUnnlloocckk tthhee SSccrreeeenn
Short press the Power key to lock/unlock the screen.
To unlock the screen, you may set any of the following screen locking method:
Slide the lock symbol towards the unlock symbol.
Provide PIN or Password, as set by you.
Bring your face in front the device.

Micromax P280
Draw a pattern, as illustrated below.
Slide unlock will be the default unlocking method in the tablet. To unlock the screen:
1. Press the power key to wake up the screen.
2. Hold and drag the lock icon towards the unlock icon.
You may be required to unlock your tablet based on the unlock method in settings.
You can set your unlock method from Home Screen/Application Menu > > Security > Screen lock and then
choosing your desired method.
CChhaannggee tthhee OOrriieennttaattiioonn
Your device has the capability to retain the orientation of the screen in horizontal view even when rotated by 90°, or
multiples of 90°, as illustrated in the following image.

Micromax P280
AAddjjuusstt VVoolluummee
You can adjust the volume of your device by using the volume keys on the right side of the tablet as shown below:

Micromax P280
UUssee tthhee EEaarrpphhoonnee
You can use the earphone to listen to music or during video calls. Please insert the ear phone on the earphone socket
as shown below:
RReesseett tthhee TTaabblleett
If required, you can take a backup of your data and reset factory settings of the tablet. When you choose to reset the
tablet, all data in the internal memory of the tablet gets erased; however clearing the data in the SD card is optional .
To take a backup of your data, go to Application Menu > > Backup & reset > Back up my data and select your
preferences as desired.
To reset your tablet:
1. Go to Applications Menu > > Backup & reset > Factory data reset.
2. If required, select the Erase SD card option and tap Reset tablet.
3. Tap Erase everything.