Micromax A80 User Manual

A80 User Guide
User Guide
Congratulations on becoming the proud owner of the Micromax A80 Android mobile phone. You have now joined the millions of satisfied Micromax customers spread across the Globe. Your A80 device offers you these exciting features and much more:
Android 2.3.4 (Gingerbread) 9.525 CM touch screen Band mode: GSM 900/1800
WCDMA 2100 MHz
5 MP FF Camera/0.3 Front Camera External memory (Supports up to 32 GB) 800 Mhz Processor Multimedia Gravity sensor Bluetooth 2.0/ USB 2.0 Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
The colors and specifications shown/mentioned in the user manual may differ from the actual product. Images shown are for representation purpose only. Other product logos and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
Model – A80 2
User Guide
1 Welcome 2 2 Phone Layout 6
2.1 Keya and Parts .................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Icons and Indicators ........................................................................................ 7
3 Getting Started 8
3.1 Insert SIM Card.................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Insert Memory card ......................................................................................... 9
3.3 Unlock the phone.............................................................................................. 9
3.4 Set Your Screen Lock ................................................................................. 10
4 Placing and Receiving Calls 11
4.1 To place a call by Dialing .......................................................................... 11
4.2 End a call ............................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Options During a Call .................................................................................. 12
4.4 Conference Call .............................................................................................. 12
4.5 Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode) ............................................... 13
4.6 Using the Touch screen ............................................................................. 14
4.7 Using the Phone’s Buttons ...................................................................... 15
4.8 Open and Close the Launcher .............................................................. 16
4.9 Switch to Recently Used Application ................................................. 17
5 The Home Screen 18
5.1 Customize Home Screen .......................................................................... 19
55..11..11AAdddd iitteemmss ttoo tthhee HHoommee ssccrreeeenn ...................................................................................................................... 119
6 Working With Menus 20
6.1 Context Menus ................................................................................................ 20
6.2 Options menus ................................................................................................ 20
6.3 Menu Icons ........................................................................................................ 21
7 Aisha 21 8 Connect to the Internet 22
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TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteenntts
User Guide
8.1 Access Internet via Wi-Fi .......................................................................... 23
9 Managing Notifications 23
9.1 Open the Notifications Panel ................................ .................................. 23
9.2 Respond to Notifications ........................................................................... 24
9.3 Clear all Notifications .................................................................................. 24
9.4 Close Notifications Panel.......................................................................... 25
9.5 Toolkits ................................................................................................................. 25
10 Messaging 26
10.1Create and Send Multimedia Message ........................................... 27
10.2Forward a message .................................................................................... 27
10.3Lock a Message ............................................................................................ 28
10.4. Using the Onscreen Keyboard .......................................................... 29
10.5Enter Various Characters......................................................................... 30
11 Multimedia 30
11.1Camera................................................................................................................ 30
11..11..11TTaakkee aa PPiiccttuurree oorr vviiddeeoo ........................................................................................................................................................ 331
11..11..22SShhoooott VViiddeeooss .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 331
11..11..33GGaalllleerryy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 332
11..11..44SShhaarree aann AAllbbuumm ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 333
11.2Music ................................ .................................................................................... 33
11..11..55CCoonnttrrooll PPllaayybbaacckk VVoolluummee .............................................................................................................................................. 335
11.3FM Radio............................................................................................................ 35
11.4Record Sounds............................................................................................... 36
12 Manage Accounts 37
12.1Why Use a Google Account ................................................................... 37
12.2Google Search ............................................................................................... 37
13 Connect to Networks and Devices 37
13.1Connect to Internet ...................................................................................... 38
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1 1 2 3
User Guide
13.2Connect to Wi-Fi Networks ..................................................................... 38
13.3Pair With Bluetooth Devices .................................................................. 38
1133..33..11CCoonnnneecctt ttoo IInntteerrnneett vviiaa yyoouurr PPhhoonnee ............................................................................................ 338
13.4Install Secure Certificate from SD Card .......................................... 39
14 Applications 40 15 Phone Settings 40 16 Health and Safety Information 42 17 Taking Care of Your Device 45
Model – A80 5
PPhhoonnee LLaayyoouutt
2.1 Keya and Parts
User Guide
Model – A80 6
User Guide
Signal strength indicator
Alarm has been set New missed calls
Call Divert Unconditionally
Music player is on
Bluetooth is on
The headphone is being used
Battery level
New message
FM Radio is on
2.2 Icons and Indicators
Model – A80 7
User Guide
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
3.1 Insert SIM Card
TThhee AA8800 iiss aa DDuuaall SSIIMM mmoobbiillee pphhoonnee aalllloowwiinngg yyoouu ttoo uussee tthhee ffaacciilliittyy ooff ttwwoo nneettwwoorrkkss..
TToo iinnsseerrtt SSIIMM ccaarrdd((ss))::
1. Switch off the mobile phone and remove the rear cover and battery.
2. Insert the SIM card correctly in the card slot(s) (See figure below).
3. Finally insert the battery and replace the rear cover of the mobile phone.
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User Guide
3.2 Insert Memory card
1. Power off the mobile phone, then remove the rear cover and battery.
2. Insert the memory card into the slot as shown.
3. Finally insert the battery and the rear cover of the mobile phone.
UUssee oonnllyy ccoommppaattiibbllee mmeemmoorryy ccaarrddss aapppprroovveedd bbyy MMiiccrroommaaxx wwiitthh tthhiiss ddeevviiccee.. IInnccoommppaattiibbllee mmeemmoorryy ccaarrddss mmaayy ddaammaaggee tthhee ddeevviiccee oorr ccoorrrruupptt tthhee ddaattaa ssttoorreedd iinn tthhee ccaarrdd..
3.3 Unlock the phone
YYoouu mmaayy nneeeedd ttoo pprroovviiddee PPIINN,, PPaasssswwoorrdd,, oorr ddrraaww aa ppaatttteerrnn ttoo uunnlloocckk yyoouurr pphhoonnee.. TToo uunnlloocckk tthhee ssccrreeeenn::
11.. PPrreessss tthhee ppoowweerr kkeeyy ttoo wwaakkee uupp tthhee pphhoonnee..
Model – A80 9
User Guide
2. Drag the screen up to unlock. To set the unlock method: Tap Settings> Security> Set up screen lock to set your type of
screen lock.
3.4 Set Your Screen Lock
YYoouu ccaann sseett yyoouurr ssccrreeeenn lloocckk aass aa sseeccuurriittyy mmeeaassuurree.. YYoouu mmaayy aallssoo bbee rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo lloocckk yyoouurr ssccrreeeenn bbyy aa ppoolliiccyy sseett bbyy aann eemmaaiill oorr ootthheerr aaccccoouunntt yyoouu aadddd ttoo yyoouurr pphhoonnee..
1. On the main menu, touch Settings > Security.
22.. TToouucchh SSeett uupp ssccrreeeenn lloocckk..
Model – A80 10
User Guide
3. Choose the type of locking as desired. You can set your screen lock on the basis of pattern, PIN, Password or none.
PPllaacciinngg aanndd RReecceeiivviinngg CCaallllss
YYoouu ccaann ddiiaall aa pphhoonnee nnuummbbeerr oorr ttoouucchh aa nnuummbbeerr iinn yyoouurr ccoonnttaaccttss..
YYoouu ccaann aallssoo ppllaaccee ffrroomm tthhee CCaallll lloogg oorr ccoonnttaaccttss..
4.1 To place a call by Dialing
1. Touch the phone icon on the Home screen or touch the Phone tab from Contacts or the Call log.
2. Touch the keys to enter the phone number. To correct a wrong number, touch to erase the digits.
To dial an international number, touch and hold the 0 key to
enter the Plus (+) symbol, and then enter the international country prefix, followed by the phone number.
Touch the icon to dial the number. Press the Volume Up/ Down keys to adjust the call volume. You can access Call Logs, Contacts or groups from the dialer
Model – A80 11
4.2 End a call
User Guide
WWhhiillee dduurriinngg aa ccaallll,, ttoouucchh tthhee
4.3 Options During a Call
WWhheenn aa ccaallll iiss iinn pprrooggrreessss,, yyoouu ccaann ppuutt iitt oonn hhoolldd,, iinniittiiaattee aa pphhoonnee ccoonnffeerreennccee,, mmuuttee yyoouurr mmiiccrroopphhoonnee eettcc..
To place a call on hold, touch the Hold icon. Take the call off hold by touching the Unhold icon. Touch the Mute icon to mute your voice at the other end.
Unmute the microphone by touching the Mute icon again.
Touch the speaker icon to turn on/off the speaker. You can also view or hide the dialpad during a call.
4.4 Conference Call
IIff yyoouu ddiiaall oorr aacccceepptt aa nneeww ccaallll wwhheenn yyoouu aarree aallrreeaaddyy oonn aa ccaallll,, yyoouu ccaann oorr mmeerrggee tthhee ccaallllss iinnttoo aa ccoonnffeerreennccee ccaallll..
1. Place a call to the first participant.
2. When you are connected, touch the Add call icon, the first participant is put on hold and you are prompted to dial the second contact.
3. Place the next call, using the phone tab, the Call log, or your contacts.
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User Guide
Touch to swap calls
Touch to merge the calls into a conference call.
4. When you are connected, touch Merge calls. The participant is added to the conference call.
You can add as many callers as your carrier supports. Recommendation: Contact your service provider to know
whether they support conference calls and how many participants you can include.
4.5 Disable Phone Calls (Airplane mode)
SSoommee llooccaattiioonnss mmaayy rreeqquuiirree yyoouu ttoo ttuurrnn ooffff yyoouurr mmoobbiillee,, WWii--FFii,, aanndd BBlluueettooootthh wwiirreelleessss ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss.. YYoouu ccaann ttuurrnn ooffff aallll tthheessee ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss aatt oonnccee bbyy ppllaacciinngg yyoouurr pphhoonnee iinn AAiirrppllaannee mmooddee..
1. Press and hold the Power button.
2. Drag notification panel down then touch the Airplane mode.
Model – A80 13
User Guide
4.6 Using the Touch screen
YYoouu ccaann uussee tthhee ttoouucchh ssccrreeeenn iinn tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg wwaayyss::
Touch: Acts on items on the screen, such as ap plication and
settings icons, to type letters and symbols using the onscreen keyboard, or to press onscreen buttons.
Touch and hold: Touch and hold an item on the screen until
an action occurs.
Drag: Touch and hold an item and move your finger on the
screen until you reach the target position.
Swipe or slide: Quickly slide your finger across the surface of
the screen, (without dragging an item). For example, slide the screen up or down to scroll a list,.
Double-tap: Tap quickly twice on a webpage, map, or other
screen to zoom. For example, double-tap a section of a webpage in Browser to zoom that section to fit the width of the screen. You can also double-tap to control the Camera zoom, in Maps, and in other applications.
Pinch: In some applications (Such as Maps, Browser, and
Gallery) you can zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the screen at once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the screen: On most screens, the orientation of the
screen changes as you rotate it. You can turn this feature on and off.
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User Guide
Press and hold
Opens the previous screen you were working on,
If the onscreen keyboard is open, closes the keyboard
Opens a menu with items that affect the current screen or Application.
Open the Home screen, If you are viewing the left or right Extended Home screen, opens the central Home screen.
Opens the most recently
Used applications screen.
On the home screen, opens Google search to search your phone and the web. In many applications, opens a
Opens Google search by voice.
4.7 Using the Phone’s Buttons
TThhee pphhoonnee’’ss bbuuttttoonnss aanndd ssoofftt bbuuttttoonnss ooffffeerrss aa lloott ooff ffuunnccttiioonnss aanndd sshhoorrttccuuttss..
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+ 32 hidden pages