Micromat TechTool Pro - 10.0 User Guide

©2018 Micromat Incorporated. All rights reserved.
This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. The information in this manual is furnished for informa­tional use only, is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Micromat Inc. Micromat Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book.
TechTool Pro is a registered trademark of Micromat Inc.
Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Inc.
User’s Guide and Reference Manual
User’s Guide and
Reference Manual ..................................................ii
Installation and System Requirements ............ 1.1
Introduction ....................................................................1.2
System Requirements....................................................1.2
Installing TechTool Pro...................................................1.2
What’s Installed ..............................................................1.5
Personalization and Registration ................................1.5
Contacting Technical Support .....................................1.6
About Micromat Inc. ......................................................1.6
Overview of TechTool Pro .................................. 2.1
Summary of Features ....................................................2.2
Summary of Features ....................................................2.2
TechTool Pro Interface ................................................... 2.2
TechTool Pro Menu ......................................................... 2.4
Install/Remove Techtool Protection ............................................ 2.4
TechTool Pro Manual ...................................................... 2.5
Troubleshooting Using TechTool Pro ............... 3.1
Preventive Maintenance ...............................................3.2
Troubleshooting Hints ..................................................3.2
Backup Before Repairing ................................................................. 3.2
Be Prepared ..........................................................................................3.3
Eliminate Easy Problems First ........................................................3.3
Simplify/Isolate ................................................................................... 3.3
Keep Your Software Up-to-Date ................................................... 3.3
Make Use of Available Resources .................................................3.3
Document What You Do ..................................................................3.4
Recovering Data from Damaged Drives ....................................3.4
Repairing Drive Problems ...............................................................3.4
Optimization ...................................................................3.5
Testing Components ......................................................3.5
Using TechTool Pro ............................................. 4.1
Launching TechTool Pro ................................................4.2
Sample Diagnostics Section .........................................4.3
Tests ................................................................... 5.1
Automatic Testing ..........................................................5.2
USB .......................................................................................................... 5.2
Processor ...............................................................................................5.3
Network .................................................................................................5.3
Thunderbolt ......................................................................................... 5.4
FireWire .................................................................................................5.5
Manual Testing ................................................................5.5
Check Computer .............................................................5.6
Conguration ......................................................................................5.7
Memory Test ........................................................................................5.8
SPD Data .............................................................................................5.10
Surface Scan ......................................................................................5.11
SMART Check ....................................................................................5.13
NVMe Support ..............................................................................5.15
Partition Map .....................................................................................5.16
Volume Structures ...........................................................................5.17
Video Memory ..................................................................................5.19
Fans Test ..............................................................................................5.20
Sensors Test........................................................................................5.21
Battery Test .........................................................................................5.21
File Structures ...................................................................................5.22
Bluetooth ............................................................................................5.23
Network Interfaces ..........................................................................5.24
Tools .................................................................... 6.1
eDrive ..............................................................................6.2
TechTool Protogo ...........................................................6.5
Partition Repair ..............................................................6.5
Volume Rebuild .............................................................6.6
File Optimization ..........................................................6.8
Volume Optimization................................................. 6.10
Volume Cloning .......................................................... 6.12
Duplicate Cloning ........................................................................... 6.12
File Sync Cloning .............................................................................6.13
Disk Image Cloning .........................................................................6.14
Data Recovery ............................................................. 6.14
Protection ...........................................................................................6.15
Drives ...................................................................................................6.17
Trash .....................................................................................................6.18
Wipe Data .................................................................... 6.19
Overwrite Pattern ............................................................................6.20
Overwrite Level ................................................................................6.20
Select Item To Wipe… button .....................................................6.20
Wipe Selection… button ..............................................................6.20
Wipe Volume… button ..................................................................6.20
Wipe Free Space… button ...........................................................6.21
Internet Speed ............................................................. 6.21
System Maintenance .................................................. 6.21
Cache Rebuild .............................................................. 6.22
Volume Journaling ...................................................... 6.23
Disk Permissions .......................................................... 6.24
Processor Check ........................................................... 6.24
Local Network .............................................................. 6.25
Video .............................................................................. 6.26
Video Geometry .................................................................................6.26
iSight ......................................................................................................6.27
Audio ............................................................................. 6.27
TechTool Protogo ............................................... 7.1
Interface ...........................................................................7.3
Devices Pane .......................................................................................7.4
Proles Pane ........................................................................................7.4
Prole Editor ........................................................................................7.6
Using a Protogo Device .................................................7.8
TechTool Pro Reports ......................................... 8.1
TechTool Protection ........................................... 9.1
Volume Usage .................................................................9.2
Directory Backup ............................................................9.3
Trash History ...................................................................9.4
SMART Check ..................................................................9.5
Power On Self-Test .........................................................9.7
I/O Check ..........................................................................9.8
RAID Status ......................................................................9.8
Battery Check ..................................................................9.9
E-mail Alerts ................................................................. 9.10
TechTool Remote .............................................. 10.1
Requirements .............................................................. 10.2
Using TechTool Remote ............................................. 10.2
Push Notications ...................................................... 10.3
TechTool Pro Menu Options ............................ 11.1
TechTool Pro ................................................................ 11.2
About TechTool Pro ........................................................................11.2
Check for Update… ........................................................................11.2
Hide TechTool Pro ...........................................................................11.2
Quit TechTool Pro ............................................................................11.2
Mode .............................................................................. 11.2
Help ................................................................................ 11.2
Commonly Asked Questions........................... 12.1
Tips, Short Cuts, and Hidden Features ........... 13.1
macOS Versions ........................................................... 13.2
TechTool Pro Key Commands .................................... 13.2
Useful Apple Key Combinations ............................... 13.2
Basic Open Firmware Commands (PowerPC Macs) 13.2
Handy Terminal Commands (for Geeks only) ........ 13.3
Macintosh File Systems ................................... 14.1
Volume Header ............................................................ 14.3
B-Trees ........................................................................... 14.4
Catalog File ................................................................... 14.6
Extents File ................................................................... 14.7
Allocation File .............................................................. 14.8
Attributes File .............................................................. 14.8
Startup File ................................................................... 14.9
HFS Wrapper................................................................. 14.9
Journaling ................................................................... 14.10
Glossary ............................................................ 15.1
Installation and System Requirements
Thank you for purchasing TechTool Pro! We have worked hard to make TechTool Pro the most powerful and easy­to-use problem-solving utility available for the Macintosh. With TechTool Pro you will be able to:
• Protect your computer and data.
• Create an emergency repair partition.
• Diagnose and repair problems with your drives.
• Optimize your drives.
• Clone a volume.
• Recover data from damaged drives.
• See what devices and services are running on your local network.
• Test critical computer components and sub-systems.
• Perform routine maintenance on your computer.
• Determine the cause of problems that cause your Macin­tosh to crash.
• Test new equipment.
• Make sure that your computer is running as fast as it should be.
Most importantly, TechTool Pro allows you to test your computer like a professional without the need of years of experience or a computer degree. TechTool Pro allows you to check a variety of components in your Macintosh with a simple click of your mouse. When TechTool Pro nds a problem with your computer it will suggest steps you can
take to correct the situation.
Consider TechTool Pro your personal Macintosh techni­cian—always ready to help and only a mouse click away.
System Requirements
• Intel-based Macintosh
• OS X 10.10 or later
• DVD-ROM drive for installing from disk
• 1 GB RAM or higher
These requirements may change with future updates.
Installing TechTool Pro
TechTool Pro uses an automated installer to place the TechTool Pro application and any ancillary les in their proper locations.
NOTE If you suspect that your hard drive is damaged or that there may be other computer problems, do not install TechTool Pro until it is repaired. We recommend that you run TechTool Pro before installation to verify that your desired installation volume does not have any problems. To do this, you may start up and run TechTool Pro from another Mac or an eDrive. For instructions on running a check of the computer see the Sample Diagnostics Section under Using TechTool Pro later in this manual.
To install:
• Double-click on the TechTool Pro Installer icon.
• Enter your administrator password when prompted.
• Read the explanatory text on the installer screens and fol­low the prompts.
TechTool Pro will be installed in the Applications folder on the startup volume. If any previous versions of TechTool Pro are installed in your applications folder, they will be removed.
NOTE If you are having trouble with TechTool Pro, your installation may be corrupt. Running the installer to replace your copy of TechTool Pro may help.
NOTE The TechTool Pro Installer contains an Uninstall option. To Uninstall TechTool Pro, click the “Customize” but­ton on the third page of the Main Install screen.
Then choose “Remove TechTool Pro...
NOTE Next, uncheck “Install TechTool Pro,” and check
“Remove TechTool Pro”
TechTool Protection
When you launch the installed TechTool Pro application, the program checks to see if the TechTool Protection is installed. If it is not, a dialog appears giving you the option to install TechTool Protection. TechTool Protection includes program functions that operate automatically in the background, such as periodic hard drive SMART checks, Volume Usage, Trash History, etc. These functions are con­gured via the TechTool Protection pane that is installed in the System Preferences. You can choose Cancel if you do not wish to install TechTool Protection at this time.
What’s Installed
When you install TechTool Pro you install the TechTool Pro program package. This contains the main program com­ponents in one convenient location on your hard drive.
By default, the TechTool Pro package is installed in the Ap­plications folder on your startup volume:
• Applications/TechTool Pro
The program’s preferences are stored on a per user basis in:
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.micromat.techtoolpro.plist le
The TechTool Pro Report will be stored in:
~/Library/Application Support/TechTool Pro/
TechTool Pro.reports
If you install TechTool Protection, the following les will be installed:
Personalization and Registration
The rst time you launch TechTool Pro, you will be prompt­ed to enter your serial number. Your serial number is your proof of ownership of TechTool Pro. Keep it in a safe place since you may need it when you make future updates or upgrades. If you lose your serial number, we may be able to provide it to you if it is registered. In addition, registra­tion is required to receive free technical support for Tech­Tool Pro. (This is subject to change without notication.)
You may register your serial number online. Simply direct your browser to the Micromat web site at www.micromat. com.
If you do not have internet access, you may call Micromat Sales at 707-304-5993 and ask them to register for you.
• ~/Library/PreferencePanes/TechTool Protection.prefPane
Contacting Technical Support
About Micromat Inc.
Micromat provides technical support to its customers by telephone or email. For a current listing of telephone numbers and other contact information, please visit our website at www.micromat.com. Technical support is avail­able Monday through Friday (excluding public holidays), from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM PT.
If you wish to contact technical support by telephone you will need to have your TechTool Pro serial number and ver­sion number ready. Our automated phone attendant will require you to enter this information before connecting you to a technician. Please be near your computer when you phone, since our technicians will need to ask you questions about your system, and will attempt to guide you through solving any problems.
Please have the following information ready for the sup­port technician, and be sure to include it in any email you send to Micromat.
• A brief description of your problem.
• Version number of your TechTool Pro software.
• Type of Macintosh and conguration. (Example: Intel iMac
3.06GHz, 2GB RAM, 500GB hard drive.)
Micromat Computer Systems Inc. has been developing Macintosh diagnostic utilities since 1989. As the rst com­pany to oer diagnostic products for Macintosh, Micromat has pioneered many new technologies for helping Macin­tosh users bring their computers back to life and to keep them running their absolute best.
Technical Support
Micromat, Inc
5803 Skylane Blvd. Suite C Windsor, CA 95492
Overview of TechTool Pro
Summary of Features
64 - Bit
TechTool Pro is a full-featured computer diagnostic and repair utility. It includes routines to check your computer’s hardware, software, and peripherals. If TechTool Pro nds problems with your computer system, it will let you know and will provide straightforward advice on how to pro­ceed. If the problems are of a type that may be repairable by software, then TechTool Pro will oer you the option to attempt repairs.
TechTool Pro can perform a number of automatic checks and routines. These are designed to forewarn you of im­pending problems and to increase the chances of success­ful data recovery and repair in the case of disaster. These automatic features are fully congurable by you.
TechTool Pro also includes a number of features that allow you to more eectively work with your computer and data. These include defragmentation and optimization to enhance drive performance, data recovery routines to rescue data from damaged drives, and Wipe Data to securely delete sensitive information. You may even set up an emergency boot partition on your drive (without reinitializing your drive) that includes TechTool Pro. Then, if problems arise, you can boot from the emergency parti­tion and use TechTool Pro to attempt data recovery and/ or repairs.
TechTool Pro is a 64 - bit application. This allows it to take full advantage of 64-bit processor Macs, providing greater memory allocation size for RAM testing, Volume Rebuild, and Volume Optimization.
TechTool Protogo Integration
TechTool Protogo is now integrated into TechTool Pro. With TechTool Protogo, you can build diagnostic startup disks that you can use to troubleshoot a variety of Macintosh computers and portables. More information about using TechTool Protogo is available in the Protogo section of this Manual.
TechTool Pro Interface
Even though TechTool Pro is an extremely powerful pro­gram, it is designed to be easy to use. When you launch the program you will see the TechTool Pro application window.
There are three main categories available within the Tech­Tool Pro program itself–Tests, Tools, and Reports. When you launch the program the Tests window appears. Use the Category Selector bar in the upper left corner of the window to change categories as desired.
At the bottom of the application window is a bar graph for each processor core. This graph displays processor use for each core in real time.
In addition to the three TechTool Pro categories, there is the TechTool Protection pane in the System Preferences. This is where you congure the automatic background routines of TechTool Pro.
The Tests category is where you congure and perform tests to check the functioning of your computer’s hard­ware, check for volume corruption, etc. The Tools category is where you perform various stand-alone functions such as data recovery, le/volume defragmentation, eDrive creation, etc. The Reports window displays test results and other feedback from operations performed in the Tests and Tools categories. The report information is displayed in a tabular sortable format.
The Tests and Tools windows are divided into three main areas. The top half of the window is the Stage. This is where you view feedback about the currently running operation. Multiple tests can be queued up and the queue is displayed in the lower area of the stage. Tests are performed from left to right. Hovering the cursor above a queued item pops up a tooltip providing details about the particular test. Tools cannot be queued since they should not be interrupted as they perform their specic func­tion. To the left beneath the stage is the Task Selection list. Select the Test or Tool that you wish to use from the list. Congurable options for that function will appear to the right in the Conguration area. Once conguration is com­plete, click the appropriate button in the Conguration
window to add the test to the queue or to begin using the selected tool. Items in the test queue are automatically executed in the order they were chosen—left to right. You can remove a test from the queue by clicking the cancel button to the lower right of the queued test icon. You can cancel all queued tests, including the currently executing
Help Center. Simply choose TechTool Pro Help from the Help menu while running an installed copy of TechTool Pro. This will bring up the TechTool Pro Help screen with indexed and searchable online documentation.
Notication Center
test, by clicking the Stop button on the lower right side of the stage.
As TechTool Pro performs it various tests and other func­tions, it keeps track of what is done and what is found. This information can be examined in the TechTool Pro Reports window. The Reports window summarizes the results of all tests and is covered in detail in the Reference section of this manual. Select the Reports category from the Cat­egory Selector bar in the upper left side of the program window to view the report.
NOTE Because some TechTool Pro operations need low-level access to the computer, they require system privileges in order to run. When this is necessary, TechTool Pro will display a dialog requesting the password for an administrator account. For security reasons, Mac OS X only keeps system level privileges active for a certain amount of time. Consequently, you may need to re-enter the ad­ministrator password more than once as you use TechTool Pro.
Online help is available for TechTool Pro through the Apple
TechTool Pro supports Notication Center alerts. You can congure how these alerts display in the Notications pane in System Preferences.
TechTool Pro Menu
TechTool Pro includes special menu items in the TechTool Pro menu.
Install/Remove TechTool Protection
TechTool Pro can manually install or remove the TechTool Protection system preference pane if desired. To do so, simply choose this menu item.
Sync Results to iCloud
Enable this menu option to save recent test and tool results to iCloud. See TechTool Remote section of this manual for more information.
TechTool Pro Manual
The TechTool Pro manual is written for the typical Macin­tosh user. It assumes that you are familiar with the basic operation of your Macintosh and Mac OS X. The manual explains the many features of TechTool Pro and how to use the program eectively.
The rst ve sections of the manual are introductory. They include installation instructions, an overview of the program, and general troubleshooting information. The following eight sections, from Tests to Menu Options, are the main reference portion of the manual. They pro­vide detailed explanations about each of the program’s features. The next two sections include commonly asked questions, tips, shortcuts, and hidden features. These are followed by an overview of the Macintosh le system. This section is fairly technical and may be of interest if you want more details about the inner working of the le sys­tem. An understanding of the le system provides a better understanding of the types of problems that may occur with the volume structures and also the issues that must be addressed when repairing them. The manual ends with a glossary, which explains the technical terms used in the manual, and an index.
As you read through the manual you will encounter two special icons:
Pay close attention when you see this icon. It indicates that the information that follows is extremely important. You should read and understand it before proceeding. Failure to do so could lead to improper use of the program and possible loss of data.
This icon indicates that the information to fol­low provides clarication or supplemental information. Although the information may not be critical, it is highly recommended that you read it in order to use the pro­gram most eectively.
Troubleshooting Using TechTool Pro
Preventive Maintenance
Troubleshooting Hints
One of the most valuable functions of TechTool Pro is its ability to assist you in nding and repairing problems with your computer before they get out of hand. For maximum protection, it is important that TechTool Pro is actually installed on your system. TechTool Pro includes automatic features that can regularly check your drive hardware and backup volume directories. These features are congu­rable from the TechTool Protection pane in the System Preferences.
In addition, it is a good idea to run the TechTool Pro tests on a regular basis (for example, monthly) to more thor­oughly check your system. This will help ensure that your computer is running at its full potential and minimize the chance of crashes and data loss. Using TechTool Pro’s Check Computer you can quickly and easily run a compre­hensive set of tests to check your computer for proper operation.
It is critical to keep backups of valuable data. A hard drive will always fail at some point. Although TechTool Pro can often recover your data or bring your drive back to life when this happens, it cannot do the impossible. If the drive has failed mechanically or electronically, then no software can repair it. The insurance and peace of mind provided by a backup is important. A little time spent maintaining backups and checking your system regularly may save you many hours of recovery and repair down the road.
Computers are complex electronic devices. Consequently, they can be dicult to troubleshoot. Their proper opera­tion depends on the reliable functioning of both sophisti­cated hardware and software. TechTool Pro was designed to simplify the process of diagnostics and repair in the event of a computer problem. It can also help you nd and correct small problems before they become big problems.
Be sure to backup your data regularly. Consider keeping archival backups. This means that instead of having only one backup you would keep several backups made on dierent dates. That way if you should discover a le was damaged, and was backed up damaged, then you might be able to locate an undamaged version in a prior backup. It is critical to keep backups since a drive may develop a problem at any time. If the problem is an electronic problem, a mechanical problem, or a volume structure problem that is so serious that it can not be repaired or the data recovered, then a valid backup would be your only recourse.
Following are a few tips to help ensure that your computer is up and running as soon as possible if problems do arise:
Backup Before Repairing
If you are experiencing problems, be sure your backups are current. If possible, immediately backup any important data that is not already saved elsewhere. You may need to
use the data recovery routines in TechTool Pro to do this if your volume does not mount. Do this before performing any repairs. It may be impossible to retrieve your data later if the problems get progressively worse as the computer is used.
Be Prepared
Set up a preventive maintenance routine so that you can locate and address problems before they get too seri­ous. Consider using TechTool Pro to set up an emergency eDrive on your hard drive before problems arise. That way you can boot and run the program from the eDrive in the case of problems on your normal startup volume. Keep current backups of your work. Know where to nd your TechTool Pro serial number in case you need to call Micro­mat Technical Support.
Eliminate Easy Problems First
Use TechTool Pro to repair the startup disk’s permissions. Log out and then log back in as a dierent user and see if the problems still occur. There may be a corrupted prefer­ence in the original user’s account. Start up the computer in Safe mode (holding down the shift key during startup). This disables third party routines that may be causing problems during startup. Run TechTool Pro’s Check Com­puter while booted to the TechTool Pro eDrive to see if it reports any problems. It’s possible one of the above items will help pinpoint or solve the problem.
Eliminate as many variables as possible. If your problem appears to be with an internal volume, then power down your machine and disconnect all external devices. If it is with an external drive/volume, then connect only that drive to the computer. Startup and run TechTool Pro from the TechTool Pro eDrive. This will eliminate the possibil­ity of system corruption on your normal startup volume when testing.
Keep Your Software Up-to-Date
Many computer problems are actually software problems. The producers of most software release regular updates to address incompatibilities and other issues that they dis­cover. Do your best to have current versions of software, drivers, etc. Staying current may keep problems from developing in the rst place. Updating an older piece of software may actually solve a nagging problem.
Make Use of Available Resources
There are many sources of assistance available to help you solve problems. These include local Macintosh Users Groups, specialized newsgroups on the Internet, websites, listservs, and technical support provided by software and hardware vendors.
Document What You Do
As you try to solve your computer problems, keep notes about what you do and the outcomes of these actions. This can be a valuable reference for you later and can be extremely helpful if you need to talk to a technical support representative. Knowing exactly what was done and the results (including any error messages) can make problem solving much easier. In addition, if you have problems at a later time, you may be able to spot a pattern that would otherwise elude you.
Recovering Data from Damaged Drives
Files are more likely to be recoverable by TechTool Pro’s data recovery routines if its automatic Protection features have been enabled for your volumes. Congure these op­tions within the TechTool Protection pane of the System Preferences.
Repairing Drive Problems
You probably already understand how critical the proper operation of your hard drive is for your computer. It con­tains the data that allows the computer to boot, as well as the programs you use and the les you’ve created. Tech­Tool Pro includes powerful diagnostic and repair routines to keep your drives functioning correctly.
drive” and “volume” are almost interchangeable. Although a hard disk can contain more than one volume (multiple partitions), a volume cannot contain more than one hard drive. (This is not entirely true. Some forms of RAID disk setups can make many drives appear as one volume). DVDs and CDs may also appear as one or more volumes.
When you view the contents of a volume in the Finder, you’re not typically seeing everything on the volume. Every volume contains many invisible les and data les. This allows the computer to access the data on that par­ticular volume. Items such as the le catalog or directory, the extents B-tree, and a host of other objects, dictate how data is stored on a particular device (see the Glos­sary section of this manual for denitions of these terms). These items comprise the “volume structures” of a volume. In most cases, when a drive fails and then is repaired by a utility such as TechTool Pro, it is not the physical drive itself that is being repaired. It is the software that makes up the volume structures. If there is a problem with the structure of a volume, it can prevent the computer from being able to boot or prevent you from having access to your data. If there is an actual problem with the physical drive, like an electrical or mechanical problem, software will not be able to correct the problem. TechTool Pro is unique in that it can check the mechanical and electronic aspects of a drive, as well as repair the volume structures.
In most cases, this manual will refer to a drive as a “vol­ume.” A volume is simply a unit of storage that appears to the computer as one “logical device.” The terms “hard
To check for disk problems, run the Surface Scan test, the SMART check (if applicable), and the Volume Structures test. These tests do a thorough check of the drive hard-
ware and should locate any problems within a volume’s directories. If TechTool Pro nds problems, it will let you know and provide advice on how to proceed. It would be wise at this point to stop and make a backup of your important les if necessary. If the problem was a volume structure problem, you could attempt to repair it using the Volume Rebuild tool in TechTool Pro. If it appears that a re­pair is possible, TechTool Pro will provide feedback about the changes it proposes to make. If you’re satised that the proposed repairs appear reasonable, then go ahead and accept them.
After a successful repair the volume will be in good shape. If the volume structures cannot be repaired, you should reinitialize the volume and restore your data.
In order to gain maximum performance from a hard drive volume, it is a good idea to defragment/optimize it occa­sionally. This can be particularly important when working with multimedia les where maximum data throughput is critical. If a multimedia le is fragmented, then it may not be able to be read fast enough from the drive for smooth playback. This can lead to dropped video frames or to gaps in audio playback.
Before optimizing, always check the volume structures of the volume (and repair if necessary). The volume structure tests are found in the Tests section of TechTool Pro. Once the volume passes the volume structure tests it should be safe to optimize it.
Testing Components
For your computer to operate correctly its components must be working properly. TechTool Pro includes a number of tests that will exercise many of the chips and other critical components of your system and let you know if any problems are found. You can easily check your computer’s memory, cache, processor, video memory, and much more. Many of these tests are run when TechTool Pro launches. Others, such as the Memory Test, can be performed from within the Tests area of the program.
Optimization rearranges the data on the volume so that the data for each le resides sequentially on a contiguous area of the drive and the free space is consolidated. Opti­mization is available in the Tools section of TechTool Pro.
Using TechTool Pro
Launching TechTool Pro
TechTool Pro will be installed in the Applications folder on your startup volume by default. Do not move the TechTool Pro application out of the Applications folder. To launch TechTool Pro simply double-click on the TechTool Pro pro­gram icon in the Applications folder.
The program Installer also adds a TechTool Pro icon to the dock. An alternative method of launching the program is to click on the program icon on the dock.
Sample Diagnostics Section
After launching TechTool Pro you will see the TechTool Pro Application window.
TechTool Pro does a check of a variety of system compo­nents automatically on launch. The results of these tests are displayed in the gauges on the stage.
To do a more thorough check of additional components, including your computer’s hard drives, as well as any other hard drive connected to your computer, select Check Computer from the Tests category and then click the Check Computer button on the right. This single mouse click initiates a suite of tests that run automatically, one after the other. If problems are found, the Report will pro-
vide information on how to proceed. Information about more in-depth testing and additional features of TechTool Pro is available in the following sections of this manual.
TechTool Pro includes options to test various hardware components, drives, and other aspects of your computer system. These include tests that run automatically at program launch as well as tests that you select to run from within the Tests category. These testing options are covered below.
Automatic Tests
When you launch TechTool Pro, a group of ve hardware tests run automatically. On completion, the test results are displayed on the gauges in the stage area at the top of the screen.
These tests can also be run and the gauges displayed after completion of manual testing by clicking the
refresh button on the lower right side of the
stage or by pressing the return or enter key. Details of the ve tests follow.
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is a protocol for con­necting devices to a computer. The rst iteration of USB can operate at 1.5 Mbps or 12 Mbps. The USB 2.0 standard has a raw data rate at 480 Mbps, and the latest USB 3.0 standard a rate of 5 Gbps. USB is present on all recent Macintosh models. In addition, USB ports may be added via PCI cards or as USB hubs attached to existing ports. Typical USB devices include keyboards, mice, joysticks, game pads, and other low-band­width, low-cost devices. Unlike FireWire, USB controls periph­eral devices in a master/slave relationship. USB oers several benets such as low cost, expandability, auto-conguration, hot-plugging and outstanding performance. It also provides power to the bus, enabling many peripherals to operate without the added need for an AC power adapter.
TechTool Pro checks the built-in USB bus in your computer to ensure that it is functioning. If the test passes, the speed of the USB interface is displayed in the USB gauge. If the test fails or if no USB interface is recognized, this will be indicated on the gauge. TechTool Pro cannot test the functioning of the USB ports since this would require additional hardware.
Cache is fast RAM (random-access memory) that is used to store data for CPU operations. Cache speeds up process­ing by storing frequently used instructions. Since the cache is built into the CPU itself, it can be accessed at a faster speed than memory attached to the standard sys-
tem bus. A good analogy to the cache would be a bulletin board that holds frequently used phone numbers on Post­It™ notes. The numbers would be available on the board for quick reference. That way you would not need to take the time to look them up in the telephone book (analo­gous to main memory) every time they were needed.
TechTool Pro checks for the presence of cache and, if found, tests it and displays its speed on the Cache gauge. If the cache tests fail or if no cache is detected, this will be indicated on the gauge.
lions of instructions per second. Although each individual instruction is very simple, the fact that so many calcula­tions are done so quickly allows your computer to perform extremely complex tasks within a reasonable amount of time.
TechTool Pro veries the operation of your CPU chip(s) with both machine-level native instruction tests and more complex system-level data operations. When the Proces­sor tests complete, the processor speed is displayed on the Processor gauge.
Every computer contains one or more CPUs (Central Processing Units). These are the “brains” of your computer. If more than one processor is present, they may reside on individual chips (such as in a dual processor G5), may exist as multiple cores on one chip (such as in an Intel Core 2 Duo iMac), or both (such as in a Dual Quad Core Mac Pro). The CPU is the main component that dictates a machine’s overall speed of operation. A slower CPU with an ecient instruction set may actually provide better performance than a faster CPU with a less ecient design.
Although the CPU is the master component in a computer, its function is easily understood. It takes data supplied by other components, moves it, does simple logical opera­tions or math operations, and outputs the results. The magic lies in the vast amount of data processing it can do in a very short amount of time. Your CPU processes mil-
All Mac OS X capable computers include Ethernet net­working capability. The ability to print, communicate with other computers in your local network, and connect to internet services is dependent on proper conguration and operation of the networking components.
Ethernet is the most widely installed local area network (LAN) technology. Ethernet was originally developed by Xerox and is specied in the IEEE 802.3 standard. An Ether­net LAN may be hard wired using a variety of cable types or it may be wireless. The most common Ethernet systems use 10Base-T cabling and provide transmissions speeds of up to 10 Mbps. Fast Ethernet or 100Base-T provides speeds of up to 100 Mbps, Gigabit Ethernet supports up to 1000 Mbps, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet goes all the way to 10 billion bits per second.
AirPort is Apple’s name for the IEEE 802.11 wireless net-
working standard. The original AirPort implementation re­leased in 1999 is based on the IEEE specication 802.11b. It transmits data at a maximum speed of 11 Mbps and has a typical range of 100 feet. The newer AirPort Extreme released in 2003 is based on the 802.11g specication. It has a maximum speed of 54 Mbps and range of 50 feet at full speed. The newest AirPort devices are based on the
802.11n protocol which increases performance even fur­ther to a maximum of 600 Mbps. Both AirPort and AirPort Extreme transmit on one of 11 channels in the
2.4 GHz band.
The Network test performs the following functions on the built-in network interface:
ware itself. This requires specialized test equipment. If the problem appears to be faulty hardware you will probably need to contact a qualied technician.
Thunderbolt, also known as LightPeak, is a high-speed hardware interface developed through a partnership between Apple and Intel. It utilizes the Mini Display Port connector to connect to peripherals and displays at high speeds. The rst generation operated at up to 10 GB/s, and was rst introduced on MacBook Pros released in February
2011. Newer Macs come equipped with Thunderbolt 2, which utilizes speeds up to 20 GB/s.
• Network Check 1—This test checks the availability of the network services for the system.
• Network Check 2—This test checks whether a network host name is reachable using the current network conguration.
NOTE It is necessary to have at least one other net­work device attached (printer, router, or another comput­er) to use these tests since it is necessary to query another device to determine communication abilities.
When the tests complete, the speed of the network interface is displayed on the Network gauge. For multiple network interfaces, the fastest one is displayed. If the test fails or if no network interface is detected, this will be displayed as well.
Note that TechTool Pro cannot test the networking hard-
Thunderbolt can be used to connect to hard drives and other multimedia devices. A display can be connected via Mini Display Port at the end of a Thunderbolt chain.
TechTool Pro checks the built-in Thunderbolt bus in your computer to ensure that it is functioning. The Thunderbolt ports themselves are not checked.
If Thunderbolt is present and the tests pass, the speed of the Thunderbolt interface is displayed in place of the FireWire gauge. If no interface is detected, the FireWire test will run instead. A failure will be indicated on the gauge.
FireWire is a cross-platform implementation of the high­speed serial data bus dened by IEEE Standard 1394. FireWire was conceived by Apple and then developed within the IEEE 1394 Working Group. It moves larger amounts of data between computers and peripheral devices than previous data busses. It features simpli­ed cabling, hot swapping, and transfer speeds of up to 400 Mbps. The newer IEEE 1394b specication, termed FireWire 800 by Apple, handles data rates of 800 Mbps.
FireWire is integrated into many Macintosh models prior to those equipped with Thunderbolt. Most of these machines include FireWire ports that operate at up to 800 Mbps, although earlier models may use the 400 Mbps interface. FireWire ports may also be added via PCI cards or FireWire hubs attached to existing ports.
FireWire is intended for use with multimedia peripher­als such as digital video cameras and other high-speed devices such as hard disk drives and scanners.
TechTool Pro checks the built-in FireWire bus in your computer to ensure that it is functioning. Note that the program itself cannot check the FireWire ports to verify that data is being sent and received properly. This would require special loopback hardware not normally available.
the gauge.
Manual Testing
To run any of TechTool Pro’s manual tests, click the Tests tab if necessary to display the Test Selection window. Select a test from the Test Selection list and congure it as desired in the Test Conguration window to the right. Then click the Run button in the Conguration window to add the test to the test queue. An individual test can be stopped as it is running by pressing the Stop button
on the lower right of the test icon in the queue or
by pressing Command-period. All queued tests can be stopped by pressing the large Stop button on the lower right side of the stage or by pressing Command-Option­period. As a test runs, progress information is displayed on the stage. Upon completion of a test or group of tests, the results are displayed in the Job Results From Last Run window on the left side of the stage. Selecting a test from this list displays detailed test results on the right side of the stage. All test results are also stored in the TechTool Pro Report. The report can be viewed by selecting the Reports category. Details about the individual tests follow.
If the tests pass, the speed of the FireWire interface is displayed in the FireWire gauge. If the test fails or if no FireWire interface is detected, this will be indicated on
Check Computer
In addition to the hardware checks that are done auto­matically at program launch, you can use Check Computer to easily run a more intensive group of tests to check other components of your computer, including drive and volume tests. You might consider using Check Computer once or twice a month as part of a program of preventive maintenance for your computer. Even though problems with your computer may not be apparent, they could be developing in the background. It is best to nd and correct them at the rst opportunity, before they become so severe that you lose data and/or they may no longer be correctable. All that is required to do a comprehensive suite of tests with TechTool Pro is one click of the mouse.
Choose Check Computer from the Tests category to bring up the Check Computer Conguration screen.
The Conguration screen displays an image of your com­puter with the computer model and date of manufacturer listed below (this information may not be available if the computer’s logic board has been replaced). An icon for each hard drive attached to the computer appears to the right of the computer graphic. Hover the cursor over a drive icon to reveal a tooltip displaying the drive identier, connection type, and volumes on the drive.
Click the Check Computer button to queue up and run all tests on the computer and all available volumes/drives. Feedback about the tests is displayed on the stage as the tests are run. Progress and result information are listed there.
At the conclusion of the tests, all results are saved to the Report. Any test failures are listed there, along with advice on how to proceed.
The following tests are run by Check Computer.
• Memory Test—checks the computer’s available RAM.
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