The ML6692 implements the complete physical layer of
the Fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX standard. The ML6692
interfaces to the controller through the standard-compliant
Media Independent Interface (MII). The ML6692
functionality includes auto-negotiation, 4B/5B encoding/
decoding, Stream Cipher scrambling/descrambling,
125MHz clock recovery/generation, receive adaptive
equalization, baseline wander correction, and MLT-3/
10BASE-T transmitter.
For applications requiring 100Mbps only, such as
repeaters, the ML6692 offers a single-chip per-port
solution. For 10/100 dual speed adapters or switchers,
10BASE-T functionality may be attained using Micro
Linear’s ML2653, or by using an Ethernet controller that
contains an integrated 10BASE-T PHY.
■ Single-chip 100BASE-TX physical layer
■ Compliant to IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX standard
■ Supports adapter, repeater and switch applications
■ Single-jack 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX solution when used
with external 10Mbps PHY
■ Compliant MII (Media Independant Interface)
■ Auto-negotiation capability
■ 4B/5B encoder/decoder
■ Stream Cipher scrambler/descrambler
■ 125MHz clock recovery/generation
■ Baseline wander correction
■ Adaptive equalization and MLT-3 encoding/decoding
PIN DESCRIPTION (Pin Numbers for TQFP package in parentheses)
1 (56)TXCLKINTransmit clock TTL input. This 25MHz clock is the frequency reference for the internal
transmit PLL clock multiplier. This pin should be driven by an external 25MHz clock at
TTL or CMOS levels.
2 (57, 58)AGND1Analog ground.
3, 4, 5, 6,TXD<3:0>Transmit data TTL inputs. TXD<3:0> inputs accept TX data from the MII. Data
(59, 60, 61, 62)appearing at TXD<3:0> are clocked into the ML6692 on the rising edge of TXCLK.
7 (63)TXENTransmit enable TTL input. Driving this input high indicates to the ML6692 that transmit
data are present at TXD<3:0>. TXEN edges should be synchronous with TXCLK.
8 (64)TXERTransmit error TTL input. Driving this pin high with TXEN also high causes the part to
continuously transmit scrambled H symbols. When TXEN is low, TXER has no effect.
9 (1)TXCLKTransmit clock TTL output. This 25MHz clock is phase-aligned with the internal 125MHz
TX bit clock. Data appearing at TXD<3:0> are clocked into the ML6692 on the rising
edge of this clock.
10, 12, 14, 16RXD<3:0>Receive data TTL outputs. RXD<3:0> outputs are valid on RXCLK’s rising edge.
(2, 5, 8, 11)
11 (3, 4)DGND1Digital ground.
13 (6, 7)DVCC1Digital +5V power supply.
15 (9, 10)DGND2Digital ground.
17 (12)RXCLKRecovered receive clock TTL output. This 25MHz clock is phase-aligned with the
internal 125MHz bit clock recovered from the signal received at TPINP/N. Receive data
at RXD<3:0> changes on the falling edges and should be sampled on the rising edges of
this clock. RXCLK is phase aligned to TXCLKIN when the 100BASE-TX signal is not
present at TPINP/N.
18 (13)CRSCarrier Sense TTL output. For 100Mbps operation in standard mode, CRS goes high in the
presennon-idle signals at TPINP/N, or when the ML6692 is transmitting. CRS goes low when
there is no transmit activity and receive is idle. For 100 Mbps operation in repeater mode
or half duplex mode, CRS goes high in the presence of non-idle signals at TPINP/N only.
19 (14)COLCollision Detected TTL output. For 100 Mbps operation COL goes high upon detection of
a collision on the network, and remains high as long as the collision condition persists.
COL is low when the ML6692 operates in either full duplex, or loopback modes.
20 (15, 16)DGND3Digital ground.
21 (17)RXDVReceive data valid TTL output. This output goes high when the ML6692 is receiving a
data packet. RXDV should be sampled synchronously with RXCLK’s rising edge.
22 (18)DVCC2Digital +5V power supply.
23 (19)RXERReceive error TTL output. This output goes high to indicate error or invalid symbols
within a packet, or corrupted idle between packets. RXER should be sampled
synchronously with RXCLK’s rising edge.
24 (20)MDCMII Management Interface clock TTL input. A clock at this pin clocks serial data into or
out of the ML6692’s MII management registers through the MDIO pin. The maximum clock
frequency at MDC is 2.5MHz.
25 (21)MDIOMII Management Interface data TTL input/output. Serial data are written to and read
from the ML6692’s management registers through this I/O pin. Input data is sampled on the
rising edge of MDC. Data output should be sampled synchronously with MDC's rising
26 (22, 23)DGND4Digital ground.
27 (24, 25)DVCC5Digital +5V power supply.
28 (26, 27)DGND5Digital ground.
29 (28)T4EN100BASE-T4 enable TTL output. This output goes low if the auto-negotiation function
chooses 100BASE-T4 as the highest common denominator technology. This output is high
on power-up, during auto-negotiation, when the ML6692 enables any other protocol, or
when 100BASE-T4 technology is not supported. If auto-negotiation is disabled, T4EN is
always low.
30 (29)T4FAIL100BASE-T4 link fail TTL input. When driven high, it indicates a good, 100BASE-T4 link.
When the auto-negotiation function chooses 100BASE-T4 as the highest common
denominator technology, and indicates it by driving T4EN low, T4FAIL should go high
within 750-1000ms; otherwise auto-negotiation is restarted. Driving this pin low after autonegotiation is completed, also restarts it. In the parallel detection function, driving this pin
high indicates that the 100BASE-T4 link is ready. If auto-negotiation is disabled and
management register bit 0.13 is set to 1 (100Mb/s data rate selected), driving T4FAIL
high indicates a valid 100BASE-T4 link and disables the ML6692’s 100BASE-TX analog
functions. If bit 13 of the MII Control register is set to 0, T4FAIL has no effect.
input/output. EDIN selects one of three possible interface modes at power up. See table
on page 14 for more detail
32 (31)SEL10HDInitialization Interface 10BASE-T half duplex CMOS input. When EDIN is high or
floating, this pin has no effect. When EDIN is low, this pin sets the value of bit 11 of the
MII Status register (10Mb/s half duplex), and the default value of bit 5 of the MII
Advertisment register (10BASE-T half duplex capability).
ECLKWhen EDIN is low, this pin sets the value of bit 12 of the MII Status register (10Mb/s full
duplex), and the default value of bit 6 of the MII Advertisement register (10BASE-T full
duplex capability). When EDIN is left floating, this pin provides the output clock to read
initialization data from an external EEPROM. When EDIN is high, this pin is the input
clock to load data from an external microcontroller.
34 (33)AVCC3Analog +5V power supply.
35 (34)SEL100T4/Initialization Interface 100BASE-T4 CMOS input and EEPROM or microcontroller
EDOUTdata-out CMOS input. When EDIN is low, this pin sets the value of bit 15 of the MII
Status register (100BASE-T4), and the default value of bit 9 of the MII Advertisement
register (100BASE-T4 capability). When EDIN is floating, this pin is the initialization
data input from an external EEPROM. When EDIN is high, this pin is the initialization
data input from a microcontroller.
36 (35)RGMSETEqualizer bias resistor input. An external 9.53ký, 1% resistor connected between
RGMSET and AGND3 sets internal time constants controlling the receive equalizer
transfer function.
37 (36)RTSETTransmit level bias resistor input. An external 2.49kW, 1% resistor connected between
RTSET and AGND3 sets a precision constant bias current for the twisted pair transmit
38 (37, 38)AGND3Analog ground.
39, 40 (39, 40) TPOUTN/PTransmit twisted pair outputs. This differential current output pair drives FLP waveforms
and MLT-3 waveforms into the network coupling transformer in 100BASE-TX mode, or
10BASE-T waveforms in 10BASE-T mode.
41 (41, 42)AGND2Analog ground.
42 (43)AVCC2Analog +5V power supply.
43 (44)LINK100100BASE-TX link activity open-drain output. LINK100 pulls low when there is 100BASE-
TX activity at TPINP/N in 100BASE-TX or auto-negotiation modes. This output is capable
of driving an LED directly.
44, 45 (45, 46)TPINN/PReceive twisted pair inputs. This differential input pair receives 100BASE-TX, FLP, or
10BASE-T signals from the network.
46 (47)CMREFReceiver common-mode reference output. This pin provides a common-mode bias point
for the twisted-pair media line receiver, typically (VCC – 1.26)V.
47 (48)DUPLEXFull duplex enabled TTL output. This output is high during the auto-negotiation process,
it’s low when auto-negotiation is reset (power-up, reset bit, restart auto-negotiation bit,
power down bit, or link loss) and follows the duplex status otherwise. It drives the
ML2653’s FD input, and prevents the ML2653 from attempting to transmit during autonegotiation. For 10BASE-T transceivers without pin-selectable MAU loopback disable,
DUPLEX can be used to disable the 10BASE-T transceiver’s receive and collision outputs
to the controller during auto-negotiation.
48, 49 (50, 51) 10BTTXINN/P 10BASE-T transmit waveform inputs. The ML6692 presents a linear copy of the input at
10BTTXINP/N to the TPOUTP/N outputs when the ML6692 functions in 10BASE-T mode.
Signals presented to these pins must be centered at VCC/2 and have a single ended
amplitude of ±0.25V.
50 (53)10BTRCV10BASE-T receive activity TTL input. The external 10BASE-T transceiver drives this pin
high to indicate 10BASE-T packet reception from the network.
51 (54)10BTLNKEN 10BASE-T link control TTL output. This output is low if the ML6692 is in 10BASE-T mode,
or if the auto-negotiation function indicates to the 10BASE-T PMA to scan for carrier. This
output is high if the 10BASE-T PMA should be disabled.
52 (55)AVCC1Analog +5V power supply.
Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which
the device could be permanently damaged. Absolute
maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional
device operation is not implied.
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) .....................260°C