Microlab Electronics VIRTUOSO User Manual

Made in China
Disclaimer: All symbols and logos belong to the respective brand holder or registered holder. All specifications and information are subject to changes without further notice. Slight variations and differences might appear between the printed photos and actual product due to product enhancement.
Microlab Micmusic Bluetooth Speaker System
Prior to i nitia l use, pleas e read the man ual carefu lly
Micmusi c \ Vi rtuoso
User Manual
ETL certificati on d eclarat io n
15. The highest environmental temperature suitable for this product is 0 to 35 for indoor use only .
16. Appliable to altitude below 2000 meters
DU Wh en appa ratus o perat ion and i nstal latio n instr uctio ns conta in inst ructi ons con tain in struc tions f or use by s ervic e perso nnel, s uch ins truct ions sh all be se parat e in form at from o ther in struc tions a nd prec eded by t he word “ CAUTIO N” and th e follo wing or t he equi valen t. “Th ese ser vicin g instr uctio ns are fo r use by qu alifi ed serv ice per sonnel o nly. To r educe t he risk o f elect ric sho ck do not p erfor m any ser vicin g other t han tha t conta ined is t he oper ating i nstru ction s unless y ou are qu alifi ed to do so ”
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