Microgate OPTOJUMP Next User Manual

User Manual
Manual Version 1.10
Software Version 1.10
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1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Single Meter .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.1 Jump Test ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.2 Tapping/Frequency Test ................................................................................................ 8
1.1.3 Reaction Test .................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Single Meter on Treadmill ..................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 Gait Analysis, Run Analysis ............................................................................................ 9
1.3 The Modular System ........................................................................................................... 10
1.3.1 Gait Test ....................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.2 Running Test................................................................................................................. 10
1.4 The Two-Dimensional System ............................................................................................. 11
1.5 The Gyko Inertial system ..................................................................................................... 13
1.5.1 Gyko to analyze walking, running and marching in place ........................................... 14 Dynamic Stability .................................................................................................. 15
1.5.2 Gyko for jump analysis ................................................................................................. 16
1.5.3 Gyko for posture analysis ............................................................................................. 17
1.6 Environmental Conditions and Disclaimers ........................................................................ 18
2 Software Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.1 Description .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Athletes ............................................................................................................................... 25
2.3 Test ...................................................................................................................................... 25
2.4 Results and Video Analysis .................................................................................................. 25
3 OptoJump Next Driver and Hardware Installation ............................................................................ 26
3.1 Driver Installation ................................................................................................................ 26
3.2 OptoJump Next Hardware Installation................................................................................ 26
3.3 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 30
3.3.1 OptoJump Next Battery life ......................................................................................... 34
4 Description of Functions .............................................................................................................................. 35
4.1 Athletes ............................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.1 Insert / Edit Athletes .................................................................................................... 35 Athlete Data Input Mask ....................................................................................... 37
Version 1.10 Page 3 of 203 Importing and Exporting Athletes' Personal Data Excel ...................................... 38 RFID Tag management .......................................................................................... 39
4.1.2 Insert / Edit Group ....................................................................................................... 41
4.1.3 MediaGallery ................................................................................................................ 43 Acquisition from Webcam .................................................................................... 46
4.2 Test ...................................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.1 Execute ......................................................................................................................... 47 Execute Configuration .......................................................................................... 51 Video Feedback ..................................................................................................... 53 Metronome ........................................................................................................... 56
4.2.2 Define / Edit Tests ........................................................................................................ 57 Main and Secondary Parameters ......................................................................... 58 Jump Test .............................................................................................................. 62 Reaction times ...................................................................................................... 63 Sprint and Gait Test .............................................................................................. 64 Treadmill Running Test ......................................................................................... 67 Treadmill Gait Test ................................................................................................ 68 Tapping Test .......................................................................................................... 69 Vertec Like Test ..................................................................................................... 70 Static Test.............................................................................................................. 71
4.2.3 Define / Edit Protocols ................................................................................................. 73
4.3 Results ................................................................................................................................. 74
4.3.1 View .............................................................................................................................. 79 Configuration Panel .............................................................................................. 81 Charts .................................................................................................................... 83 Statistics Charts..................................................................................................... 84 Table with Numerical Data ................................................................................... 86 Start Foot .............................................................................................................. 89 Video Preview Popup: First Step Preview ............................................................ 93 Viewing of the OptoJump Bars ............................................................................ 94 Print ...................................................................................................................... 97 Save Analysis ......................................................................................................... 98
Version 1.10 Page 4 of 203 Analysis Notes ....................................................................................................... 98 Signature ............................................................................................................... 98 Parameters ............................................................................................................ 98 Using Markers ....................................................................................................... 99
4.3.2 Compare ..................................................................................................................... 100 Print, Analysis, Notes, Signature ......................................................................... 101
4.3.3 History ........................................................................................................................ 102
4.3.4 Export ......................................................................................................................... 104
4.4 Utility ................................................................................................................................. 105
4.4.1 Basic Settings ............................................................................................................. 105 General ............................................................................................................... 105 Jump Test Configuration ..................................................................................... 105 Reaction Test Configuration ............................................................................... 106 Video ................................................................................................................... 106 Sprint/Gait Test Configuration ........................................................................... 108 Screen ................................................................................................................. 109 News & Events .................................................................................................... 109
4.4.2 OptoJump (only for non-Next Hardware) .................................................................. 110
4.4.3 OptoJump HW Test .................................................................................................... 111
4.4.4 Database .................................................................................................................... 112 Current Database ................................................................................................ 113 New ..................................................................................................................... 113 Select ................................................................................................................... 114 Clear .................................................................................................................... 114 Import Previous .................................................................................................. 114 Export .................................................................................................................. 114 Import ................................................................................................................. 115
4.4.5 Devices ....................................................................................................................... 118 Witty Timer and Photocells ................................................................................ 118
4.4.6 Heart-Rate Monitor .................................................................................................... 120 Installation and Setup ......................................................................................... 120 SportZone Setup ................................................................................................. 123
Version 1.10 Page 5 of 203 Save as ................................................................................................................ 126
4.4.7 Check Update ............................................................................................................. 126
4.4.8 Reset to Default values .............................................................................................. 126
4.4.9 About .......................................................................................................................... 126
4.5 BioFeedback ...................................................................................................................... 128
5 Operating Principles ................................................................................................................................... 133
5.1 Definition of Result Columns ............................................................................................. 133
5.1.1 General information ................................................................................................... 133
5.1.2 Jump and Reaction Test ............................................................................................. 134 Gyko .................................................................................................................... 135
5.1.3 Sprint/Gait Test .......................................................................................................... 139 Gyko .................................................................................................................... 141
5.1.4 Reference Indexes ...................................................................................................... 142
5.1.5 Imbalance Index ......................................................................................................... 143
5.1.6 Static Tests (Sway)...................................................................................................... 145 Area ..................................................................................................................... 147 Lengths ................................................................................................................ 149 Mean Distances .................................................................................................. 152 Root Mean Square (RMS) ................................................................................... 154 Mean Frequency ................................................................................................. 156 Velocity ............................................................................................................... 158 Total Power ......................................................................................................... 161 50% Power Frequency ........................................................................................ 164 95% Power Frequency ........................................................................................ 166 Centroidal Frequency ......................................................................................... 168 Frequency Dispersion ......................................................................................... 170
5.2 Gait Analysis Definition ..................................................................................................... 172
5.3 Invalid Times Management ............................................................................................... 176
5.4 Video Analysis .................................................................................................................... 178
5.5 Managing Images .............................................................................................................. 180
6 Default Tests and Protocols ..................................................................................................................... 181
6.1 Drift Protocol ..................................................................................................................... 182
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6.1.1 2D Drift Protocol ........................................................................................................ 185
6.2 Five Dot Drill Protocol ....................................................................................................... 186
6.3 'GG' Protocol...................................................................................................................... 190
6.4 Single Leg 3 Hops Protocol ................................................................................................ 193
6.5 MIP (March in Place) Protocol ........................................................................................... 195
6.6 VERTEC LIKE Test ............................................................................................................... 197
6.7 Ski Test ............................................................................................................................... 198
6.8 Body Sway Protocol ........................................................................................................... 199
7 Technical Data .............................................................................................................................................. 200
7.1 Technical Data TX/RX Bars ................................................................................................ 200
7.2 PC Minimum Requirements .............................................................................................. 201
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OptoJump Next is an innovative system of analysis and measurement that brings a new philosophy of performance assessment and optimization to the world of competitive sport. By acquiring the fundamental parameters that characterize the level of an individual’s performance and physical condition, OptoJump Next allows coaches, trainers and researchers to constantly test and monitor their athletes. This makes it possible to ascertain the abilities or physical fitness of an athlete in a simple and instantaneous way, creating even over a period of time a database that allows to compare values for that athlete or different athletes (even at a distance of months or years).
Quick Start: Online Video Tutorial
For a brief introduction to the software for OptoJump Next, we strongly recommend you watch the introductory webcast available on the official site:
The software modules will be illustrated in about ten minutes. After watching it, you will be able to perform the most common operations, which can be summarized as follows:
Graphic and surfing interface Checking of general parameters Checking of status of bars and webcams Insertion of athletes’ data Performance of tests Viewing results Comparison of tests and statistics Printing and exporting of data to other programs
Figure 1 – Webcast Tutorial
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In this configuration OptoJump Next allows already to carry out various test types:
A series of exercises (squat jump, counter movement jump, drop jump, continuous jumps, jumps on one leg, etc.) and protocols ('Drift' for dynamic stability, '5 Dot Drill' for reactivity and endurance, 'Single Leg Three Hops' to verify the bending capacity and stability of the knee) are pre-configured. At the same time, the user can easily create customized tests or protocols.
This type of test is ideal for exercises where separate results are required for the left and right foot (e.g. tapping/frequency test, side movement, walking on the spot, etc.)
This test detects the time between one optical/acoustic impulse and the patient's movement. It can be used to measure simple reactions or more complex movements
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Positioned on the side bars of a treadmill, OptoJump Next becomes a real portable lab for small spaces and with reduced costs. The system is compatible with the wide majority of treadmills and no synchronization is necessary to start and carry out a test.
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In this configuration, OptoJump Next allows to carry out:
Gait tests can consist of simple exercises (moving from A to B), but also of more complex ones, such as 'roundtrip' or walking backwards. They can be more complex, if needed, adding obstacles (e.g. plastic cones) or actions to be carried out between the various gait phases (sitting down and getting up before coming back, for example) or simultaneously.
Running tests, just like gait tests, can be carried out either starting from a stand or running, to analyze the various phases, how the incremental weariness acts on the patient at each round installing the system on a track, measuring the time of a change of direction and the following acceleration, and so on
Thanks to the practical and innovative assembling system using caps, the modular system is assembled in a few minutes and does not require cables to connect the bars or further net adapters. The length goes from a minimum of 2 meters to a maximum of more than 100 meters.
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Starting from version 1.8 of the OptoJump Next software it is possible to use a particular bar configuration for obtaining a two-dimensional measurement area. To the classic bars (which we will call X) more bars (Y) can be added to form a rectangle.
MAX 6 mt. (Eg. 5mt + 0,5mt. x 2 of space)
MAX 6 mt.
TX bar(s)
RX bars
TX bars
The regular closing Y TX bar is usually a bar WITHOUT interface drum. Updating the firmware of the TX bar with drum (already included with all articles having a serial number higher than 00500) this last hardware type can also be used. Therefore with a 5-meter modular system it is for example possible to use the complete hardware building a 4-meter-long linear gait system. For serial numbers lower than 00500 it is possible to ship the bar to Microgate or a distributor and receive a free update (shipping costs for sending and receiving are excluded). It is also possible to buy one or more additional single TX bars.
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If using a Y-bar with drum, make sure that the power supply is SWITCHED OFF (power off).
TX bar with interface
(only S/N >= 500)
RX bars
TX bars
RX bar
The bars situated on the perpendicular sides are connected using a variable-length cable (eg. $CAB155, 1.5m long); this allows to distance the actual measurement area (the rectangle formed by the regular bars and highlighted in gray in the following picture) of the Y bars; this area allows the patient to leave the test area without having to jump over the bars or, more frequently, turn around by 180° and go back. In fact, the software allows to carry out an undefined number of back/forth courses recording a sufficient number of steps also in case of linear systems of only a few meters.
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Gyko is a new tool, developed by Microgate, which enables obtaining information on the kinematics of any body segment while making a movement.
Gyko contains the latest generation components that are used for making accurate and repeatable measurements of acceleration, angular velocity and magnetic field in three dimensions.
3D accelerometer, to measure the linear accelerations to which the device is subjected. 3D gyroscope, to measure the angular velocities of the device. 3D magnetometer, to measure the magnetic field to which the device is subjected.
Gyko is able to provide the measured data up to 1000 times per second guaranteeing an extremely high temporal resolution of the data. The data can be transmitted to the PC via a Bluetooth connection or be stored on a MicroSD card.
From the measured data, through advanced software algorithms, it is possible to describe the kinematics of the body segment to which Gyko is fastened so as to provide the user with summary information about the quality of the analyzed movement.
Gyko can be used in combination with the OptoGait systems or independently.
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Gait analysis is one of the most widely used methods to determine any disorders of the nervous and/or musculoskeletal system. With OptoGait you can estimate the space-time parameters of the gait and isolate individual phases of the step, then accurately describe the behaviour of the lower body.
Gyko, placed in the area beneath the shoulder blade by using a special bib with a comfortable 3­button fastening, enables naturally integrating the information measured on the ground with the kinematics of the trunk in order to provide accurate information on the stability and coordination of the upper body.
The movement of the trunk is analyzed in each phase of the step and, through advanced algorithms, specific parameters of the analyzed test are estimated such as:
Antero-posterior and medio-lateral imbalance.
Main directions and breadth of the movement of the trunk.
Upper Phase Coordination Index (UPCI) that describes coordination in the rotation of the trunk.
Phase difference between the lower body and the upper body.
RMS, Harmonic Ratio and Harmonicity index describing gait stability.
For details on the various columns see Sect.
Version 1.10 Page 15 of 203 DYNAMIC STABILITY
In addition to graphics for Step, Stride, flight/contact times, etc. with Gyko there is another one called Dynamic Stability that can be activated from the legend on the left.
The graphic is an ellipse whose size represents:
how far the trunk rotates along the Antero-Posterior (AP) and Medio-Lateral (ML)
directions; the larger the area of the ellipse the more the trunk rotates.
in which direction the movement is prevalent. If the ellipse is stretched towards AP or ML
the movement of the trunk is prevalent in that direction.
The two horizontal and vertical bars below and to the right of the ellipse represent respectively the offset of the ML/AP movement. The green/orange/red colour depends on the Bad and Warning thresholds set in the Configuration panel (Area Threshold affects the colours of the ellipse and the shades above for the gauges)
Set the Mode to "Dynamic Stability", the number of data on which to calculate the averages and the two pairs of thresholds (the first pair for the two gauges and the second pair for the ellipse).
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Using field tests and in particular vertical jump analysis has always been a widely used method for evaluating lower limb muscle strength. OptoGait is the instrument used to measure and objectify the main features of a jump such as flight and contact time.
Gyko placed near the centre of mass with a special belt enables enriching the temporal data with a variety of information regarding the dynamics of the jump. It is then possible to measure lower limb strength directly and, using appropriate algorithms, accurately and repeatably provide data relating both to the eccentric loading phase and to the concentric thrust phase.
The movement of the trunk during the flight and contact phase is analyzed and provides, among other things, the following additional parameters (for all the others see Sect.
Eccentric and concentric work and duration. Force, Velocity and Maximum Power. Rate of Force Development and Landing Rate.
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Postural analysis is frequently used to evaluate the stability and balance of a quiet standing subject.
Gyko, placed on the trunk or at the level of the centre of mass, provides important information about the body sway of the subject and through appropriate protocols it enables evaluating the relative contribution made by the various components of the postural system (visual, proprioceptive of different origin, labyrinthine, etc.).
Gyko lets you simply and quickly obtain the best known indexes concerning the projection of the body's centre of gravity on the ground.
The main indexes returned are:
Projection length and area.
Projection travel speed.
Sway frequency
In this case the graphic is a "projection" showing all the movements (the red dot indicates the position at the end of the test) and an overlay of the ellipse already seen in Sect.
. To the right there are two graphs, one for the antero-posterior movements and the other for the medio-lateral movements with the time being the abscissa and the movement in mm the ordinate.
The test can be done with a custom "Static Test" (Sect. 5.1.6) or with the default Body Sway protocol (Sect. 6.8) For all the details shown in the Summary Data please see Sect. 5.1.6
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The system is intended only for indoor use and at a height of max. 2000 m a.s.l. Operating
temperature 0°C ~ +35°C
As of the manufacturer's specifications only the intended use is allowed
The estimated product life cycle is of 20 years.
Positioning of the bars on the ground
To avoid interferences between the patient and the bars, we advise a distance of at least one meter between the bars and we advise to pay attention that bars don’t hinder the gait. Maximum distance must not exceed 6 meters..
MIN 1,8 mt (suggested)
MAX 6 mt.
RX bars
TX bars
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Positioning of the bars on the treadmill
The bars must be positioned at the sides of the treadmill so that the minimal security distance planned by the producer is obeyed.We advice to fix "L" stirrups outside the chassis.
When mounting the bars on the treadmill ensure that vibrations caused by walking/running do not move or make the bars fall down or onto the mobile area.
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Start the OptojumpNext.exe setup program in the usual way for Windows.
In the first installation window the user is asked where to save the files for the installation of OptoJump Next. We advise you to leave the directory unchanged and to click on <Next> to continue.
Figure 2 – Installation wizard
In the first installation program window click on <Next>.
Figure 3 – Installation - welcome.
In the next window you can insert a folder where the software will be installed.
If you want everyone with access to the computer to be able to use the product, select “Everyone”. Otherwise, select “Just me”.
We advise you to leave the folder unchanged and select “Everyone”. Click on <Next> to continue.
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Figure 4 – Installation – data insertion.
The next window offers to launch software installation. If all the data is correct, click on <Next>.
Figure 5 – Installation – confirm installation
The setup program will install the product on the PC, showing state of progress.
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During installation the OptoJump Next and Logitech webcam drivers will also be installed.
If for any reason this does not happen, please install the drivers separately. These are available on the Microgate USB key supplied with the hardware or on the site www.optojump.it in the Support section.
Figure 6 – Driver Installation
Press <Next> to install the drivers and then <Finish> to complete installation.
Figure 7 – End of driver installation
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Figure 8 – Installation – completed.
By clicking on <Close> you exit the installation procedure.
During the entire installation procedure, it is possible to return to the previous window by clicking on <Back>.
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The welcome screen of the OptoJump Next software shows a horizontal bar with the most important menu items and an area with News and Events, automatically updated from the web site
www.optojump.com in the appropriate language. If a network connection is not present, the
information will not be downloaded; it is also possible to deactivate the Internet connection with a configuration parameter (see chap. Click on a news title or an event to open the complete description in a browser window.
Figure 9 – First page
The interface with which the OptoJump Next system is managed is divided into three main sections: Athletes, Tests and Results.
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In this section the profiles of the athletes or patients are created and catalogued. Each profile can contain many items of information (personal data, notes, athlete’s photo, etc.). Membership Groups can be created to improve subdivision into different categories when the tests are to be performed.
For example, a group “Football” can be created with its subgroups ‘Attackers’, “Midfielders” and ‘Defenders’.
2.3 TEST
This section is the software’s nerve center. It is accessed to devise and configure new tests (jump, reaction, running, etc.) and to perform tests by choosing from the pre-defined tests or those created by the user. It is then possible to program sequences of tests in order to make one or more athletes perform a number of tests.
During performance the user sees the evolution of the test in real time by means of numerical, graphical and video data. This data can be saved and stored for immediate review or future
consultation. Depending on the user’s requirements, information not of interest can be temporarily
hidden in order to highlight other information. For example, the charts and tables can be hidden to show only the videos in larger size.
In this section it is possible at any time to call up previously performed tests. By displaying the results, it is possible to compare the images with the numerical and graphical data. The video images are synchronized with the athletes’ movements. This makes it possible to accurately establish what happened when a certain piece of data was acquired. For example, if a contact time is too long, it is possible to find out why by observing the images at the time that value was recorded.
The speed of the video can be reduced down to ‘frame by frame’ or still picture. There is also a video analysis utility that makes it possible to draw on the still picture, thanks to various graphical tools (lines, arcs, circles, ruler, goniometer, etc.).
In the Results section, it is also possible to compare two or more tests without the assistance of additional software: for example, it is possible to ascertain the performance of an individual over a period of time or compare the results of tests performed by two or more different athletes.
All the data, numerical as well as graphical, can be printed or exported in the most common formats (PDF, Excel, Word and HTML).
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For correct functioning of the program, the respective drivers for the OptoJump Next hardware and the webcam must be installed.
The OptoJump Next software installation file already contains the required drivers.
In the case of the Vista operating system it has been found that if the installation program is not run
as ‘Administrator’, the drivers are not installed. In this case install the two drivers separately. These
are available on the Microgate USB key supplied with the hardware or on the site
www.optojump.com in the 'Support' section.
To check that the drivers have in fact been installed, connect the two devices (OptoJump Next hardware and webcam). If installation has not taken place, the operating system will signal an error. In this case disconnect the hardware, install the drivers again and reconnect the hardware.
Attention must be paid when installing the OptoJump Next bars, particularly when inserting the caps for connecting the bars.
The distinctions to be made between the bars are between Tx and Rx and additionally between bars with interface (silver drum at start of bar) and without interface. Only the interfaces have an OFF switch.
Figure 10 – Bar with interface
ON/OFF switch
Socket for USB cable insertion
Jack sockets for external event
Normally closed (blue socket) Normally open (green socket) Grounding (black socket)
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Below is the step-by-step procedure for bar installation:
Switch off the OptoJump Next device Place the two OptoJump Rx and Tx bars facing each other at a minimum distance of one
meter (maximum 6 meters)
Figure 11 – Maximum distance
If a number of bars connected together are used, pay attention to the insertion of the
caps (see figures below). Check that the caps are firmly inserted. If insertion is incorrect, the software may not function correctly.
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
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To mount the connection cap just insert the cap in the dedicated slots and apply light pressure on both sides until it has been completely inserted (make sure it is parallel with the two bars; the two connectors should slot in simultaneously).
The cap can only be inserted one way round. If you find that the cap will not go in, turn it 180°.
DO NOT force if insertion is difficult, as this would risk bending the connection pins!
Figure 16 – Cap mounting
Figure 17 – Inserting with light pressure
To remove the cap, grip the two side tabs and pull upwards symmetrically. Alternatively, you can hold one of the 2 bars down firmly and carefully lift the other until the cap comes off.
Figure 18 – Cap removal
Figure 19 – Alternative method for removing the cap
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Connect the USB cable from interface Rx to the computer USB port. The USB port on the
computer is marked with the symbol .
Figure 20 - PC connection
If more than three OptoJump Next meters are used (three Tx bars and three Rx bars),
we recommend you use the adaptor
Switch on the OptoJump Next device Check that the bars are correctly positioned (Rx LED green)
Figure 21 – Led indicator
If the software is being installed for the first time or being re-installed, the operating system will load the correct driver (see section above).
At this point the OptoJump device is ready for use.
If other bars are connected, remember to switch the device off and switch it back on.
If you notice that the device is not working correctly, perform an OptoJump Next bars Test (see chap. 4.4.3).
LED status indicator LED:
green: no LED interrupted red: at least one LED interrupted
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NB: Do not mix 10 mm and 30 mm bars. The bars are clearly marked and distinguishable with regard to both resolution (10 and 30) and for TX and RX
Figure 22 - RX bar
Figure 23 - TX bar
OptoJump Next runs on batteries with a life dependent on the number of bars connected (see
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