Microcom LDSII User Manual

PART NUMBER 880019-0123
Revised: September 5, 2006 CPC © Copyright 2006 by Microcom Corporation, Lewis Center, Ohio – All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America
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This manual contains information proprietary to Microcom Corporation. This information is intended solely for the use of parties operating and maintaining such equipment described herein.
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Microcom Corporation is committed to the continual improvement of performance and quality in our products. For this reason, specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Microcom Corporation makes every effort to assure that all information and specifications contained in this manual are accurate; however, mistakes are sometimes made. Microcom Corporation shall not be liable for any damages resulting in the use or misuse of this product. The exclusion or limitation involving consequential or incidental damage does not apply to all states; therefore limitation mentioned above may or may not apply.
FCC Compliance Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
SolarWinds® is a registered trademark of SolarWinds.Net, Inc. Tera Term Pro® is a registered trademark of T. Teranishi. HyperTerminal® and HyperAccess® are trademarks of Hilgraeve Inc. Centronics® is a registered trademark of Data Computer Corporation. Procomm Plus® is a registered trademark of Intuitive Communications. Arial® is a registered trademark of The Monotype Corporation. TrueType® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft®, Windows 95®, Windows 98®, Windows 2000®, Windows NT
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: DESIGNING USING LDSII.......................................................................3
1.1 SPECIAL CONTROL CODES .....................................................................................3
1.2 SCRIPT CREATION: AN OVERVIEW...........................................................................5
1.3 BEGIN SCRIPT - ^A)FILENAME .................................................................................6
1.4 SCRIPT HEADER ....................................................................................................6
1.4.1 LSX (Label Width).......................................................................................7
1.4.2 LSY (Label Height)......................................................................................7
1.4.3 GAP (Gap Size)...........................................................................................7
1.4.4 DRM (Distance to Registration Mark)..........................................................8
1.4.5 SPD (Print Speed).......................................................................................8
1.4.6 DET (Detection Method)..............................................................................8
1.4.7 OFX (Offset X Direction)..............................................................................9
1.4.8 OFY (Offset Y Direction)..............................................................................9
1.5 FORMAT ENTRY COMMAND - ^FN)...........................................................................9
1.5.1 XB (X Coordinate) .....................................................................................10
1.5.2 YB (Y Coordinate) .....................................................................................10
1.5.3 CI (Conversion Identifier)..........................................................................10
1.5.4 SW (Size Width).........................................................................................13
1.5.5 SH (Size Height)........................................................................................13
1.5.6 AI (Attribute Index).....................................................................................14
1.5.7 DN (Direction).............................................................................................15
1.5.8 FO (Field Orientation)................................................................................15
1.5.9 FJ (Field Justification).................................................................................15
1.5.10 FW (Field Width)........................................................................................16
1.5.11 CS (Character Spacing) .............................................................................16
1.5.12 FC (First Character)...................................................................................17
1.5.13 CC (Character Count).................................................................................17
1.6 TEXT ENTRY COMMAND - ^TN)..............................................................................17
CHAPTER 2: PRINTER COMMANDS..........................................................................19
2.1 SCRIPT MANAGEMENT COMMANDS........................................................................19
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2.1.1 Begin Script - ^A)filename...........................................................................20
2.1.2 Begin Temporary Script - ^AT)filename......................................................20
2.1.3 Format Entry Command - ^Fn)XB,YB,CI,SW,SH,AI,DN,FO,FJ,FW,CS,FC,CC .......20
2.1.4 Text Entry Command - ^Tn)text data..........................................................20
2.2 2XX SERIES COMMANDS.......................................................................................21
2.2.1 ^D200) LSX, LSY, GAP, DRM, SPD, DET, OFX, OFY (Script Header) ......21
2.2.2 ^D202)n (Text Replacement Header) .......................................................21
2.3 3XX SERIES COMMANDS.......................................................................................22
2.3.1 ^D300)n (Print Command) ........................................................................23
2.3.2 ^D305)1 (Infinity Print Command).............................................................23
2.3.3 ^D311)1 (Top-OF-Form)...........................................................................23
2.3.4 ^D312)n (Form Feed) ...............................................................................23
2.3.5 ^D313)n1,n2 (Advance Media) ..................................................................23
2.3.6 ^D315)n (Calibrate Sensor Thresholds)....................................................23
2.3.7 ^D323)n (List Enablements).....................................................................24
2.3.8 ^D324)n (List Statistics)............................................................................24
2.3.9 ^D325)n (List Selections)..........................................................................24
2.3.10 ^D326)n (List Settings)............................................................................ 24
2.3.11 ^D327)1 (List Status) ................................................................................24
2.3.12 ^D340)filename (Load/Save File)...............................................................25
2.3.13 ^D341)type (List Catalog) ........................................................................25
2.3.14 ^D342)filename (Delete File) .....................................................................25
2.3.15 ^D343)filename (List Script).......................................................................26
2.3.16 ^D345)filename (Load Volatile File)...........................................................26
2.3.17 ^D346)1 (Defragment Flash Files)............................................................26
2.3.18 ^D350)filename (Execute Script) ...............................................................27
2.3.19 ^D360)1 (List Memory Available)..............................................................27
2.3.20 ^D365)? (List Status Response List)........................................................27
2.3.21 ^D390)1 (Reset Printer)............................................................................29
2.3.22 ^D391)1 (Restore Configuration Defaults) ................................................29
2.3.23 ^D392)1 (Restore Property Defaults)........................................................29
2.3.24 ^D394)1 (Draw Platen Roller Compensation Line) ...................................30
2.4 5XX SERIES COMMANDS.......................................................................................30
2.4.1 ^D501)n (Select Emulation Mode)............................................................30
ii LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
2.4.2 ^D506)n (Select Cutter Type)...................................................................30
2.4.3 ^D507)n (Select Printed Media Handler) ..................................................31
2.4.4 ^D508)n (Select Label Present Detector Type) ........................................31
2.4.5 ^D509)n (Select INPUT1 Response Polarity and Action) .........................31
2.4.6 ^D541)n (Select Button 1 Response) .......................................................32
2.4.7 ^D550)n (Select Printer Response Set)....................................................32
2.4.8 ^D564)n (Select Measurement Units).......................................................33
2.4.9 ^D565)n (Select Speed Units) ..................................................................33
2.4.10 ^D566)n (Select Temperature Units) ........................................................34
2.4.11 ^D567)filename (Select Power-up Script).................................................34
2.4.12 ^D570)n (Select Active Port) ....................................................................34
2.4.13 ^D581)n (Select Stock Out Handling Method)..........................................34
2.4.14 ^D597)n (Select Dispense Mode).............................................................35
2.5 6XX SERIES COMMANDS.......................................................................................36
2.5.1 ^D631)n (Set Media Width) ......................................................................36
2.5.2 ^D632)n (Set Media Height) .....................................................................36
2.5.3 ^D633)n (Set GAP Size)...........................................................................36
2.5.4 ^D634)n (Distance To Registration Mark).................................................36
2.5.5 ^D635)n (Set Print Speed)........................................................................37
2.5.6 ^D636)n (Set Detection Mode) ................................................................37
2.5.7 ^D637)n (Offset X Direction).....................................................................39
2.5.8 ^D638)n (Offset Y Direction).....................................................................39
2.5.9 ^D639)n (Set Centering Offset) ................................................................39
2.5.10 ^D640)n (Set Delay Time Between Labels)..............................................39
2.5.11 ^D641)n (Set Retraction Delay Time).......................................................39
2.5.12 ^D642)n (Set Advance/Retract Distance).................................................40
2.5.13 ^D643)n (Set Print Head to LPD Distance)..............................................40
2.5.14 ^D644)n (Set Idle Recognition Delay)......................................................40
2.5.15 ^D645)n1 (Set Advance/Retract Speed)..................................................40
2.5.16 ^D646)n (Set Platen Roller Compensation).............................................40
2.5.17 ^D647)dc,dp (Set Print Head Parameters) ...............................................41
2.5.18 ^D648)n (Set Blackline Sensor to Print Head Distance)...........................41
2.5.19 ^D649)n (Set Gap Sensor to Print Head Distance)...................................42
2.5.20 ^D655)n (Set Labels Printed) ...................................................................42
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123 iii
2.5.21 ^D670) (Set Serial Port)..........................................................................42
2.5.22 ^D674)n (Set Ethernet Port Number)........................................................43
2.5.23 ^D675)n (Set Printer IP Address)..............................................................43
2.5.24 ^D676)n (Set Server/Host IP Address) .....................................................43
2.5.25 ^D677)n (Set Gateway IP Address)..........................................................43
2.5.26 ^D678)n (Set Broadcast Mask Address)...................................................44
2.5.27 ^D679)n (Set Net Mask Address) .............................................................44
2.5.28 ^D680)n (Set Gap Threshold)...................................................................44
2.5.29 ^D681)n (Set Blackline Threshold) ...........................................................44
2.5.30 ^D682)n (Set Stock Sensor Threshold).................................................... 44
2.5.31 ^D683)n (Set LPD PWM)..........................................................................44
2.5.32 ^D690)n (Set Darkness Range)................................................................45
2.6 7XX SERIES COMMANDS.......................................................................................45
2.6.1 ^D701)n (Enable Force LDS1 on Power-up).............................................45
2.6.2 ^D720)n (Enable Auto Power-Up Script) .................................................. 45
2.6.3 ^D721)n (Enable Auto Enquiry After Print)................................................45
2.6.4 ^D723)n (Enable Auto TOF on Power up) ................................................45
2.6.5 ^D726)n (Enable Auto ACK/NAK).............................................................46
2.6.6 ^D727)n (Enable Auto Error Reporting) ....................................................46
2.6.7 ^D735)n (Enable Immediate Graphic Printing)..........................................46
2.6.8 ^D736)n (Enable Immediate Graphic Centering) ......................................46
2.6.9 ^D740)n (Enable Cutter)...........................................................................47
2.6.10 ^D741)n (Enable PMH)............................................................................. 47
2.6.11 ^D760)n (Enable Auto Defrag on Power-up).............................................47
2.6.12 ^D770)n (Enable Software Flow Control)..................................................47
2.6.13 ^D771)n (Enable Hardware Flow Control) ................................................47
2.7 9XX SERIES COMMANDS.......................................................................................48
2.7.1 ^D900)d, s (Diagnostic Tic-Tic Mode).......................................................48
2.7.3 ^D930)level (Get Access Code Key).........................................................53
2.7.4 ^D931)level, password (Change Access Level).........................................53
2.7.5 ^D932) (List Access Passwords) .............................................................53
2.7.6 ^D945)n (List Diagnostic Dump) ...............................................................53
2.7.7 ^D960)n (Print Test Pattern).....................................................................54
2.7.8 ^D971)n (Edit Inches Printed Statistic) .....................................................54
iv LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
2.7.9 ^D972)n (Edit Total Inches Run Statistic).................................................54
2.7.10 ^D973)n (Edit Power on Time Statistic)....................................................54
2.7.11 ^D974)n (Edit Head Up Cycles Statistic)..................................................54
2.7.12 ^D975)n (Clear All Statistics)....................................................................55
2.7.13 ^D976)n (Edit Unit Serial Number) ...........................................................55
2.7.14 ^D977)n (Edit Cutter Cycles Statistic).......................................................55
2.7.15 ^D978)0xn (Edit Ethernet MAC Address) .................................................55
2.7.16 ^D979)n (Edit CPU Serial Number)..........................................................55
2.7.17 ^D980)n (Calibrate Sensors) ....................................................................55
CHAPTER 3: UPDATING FLASH MEMORY...............................................................57
3.1 COMPRESSED FILE UPDATE..................................................................................57
3.2 MCA COMPRESSED FILE RECOVERY.....................................................................58
CHAPTER 4: SPECIAL FEATURES............................................................................61
4.1 REVERSE VIDEO ..................................................................................................61
4.2 LINE DRAW..........................................................................................................62
CHAPTER 5: BAR CODES ..........................................................................................65
5.1 GENERATING BAR CODES.....................................................................................65
5.1.1 CI Parameter ..............................................................................................65
5.1.2 SW Parameter............................................................................................65
5.1.3 SH Parameter.............................................................................................65
5.1.4 AI Parameter..............................................................................................65
5.2 LINEAR BAR CODES .............................................................................................66
5.2.1 Codabar (Rationalized)...............................................................................66
5.2.2 Code 128 (Manual Compression)...............................................................66
5.2.3 Code 128 (Automatic Compression)...........................................................67
5.2.4 Code 39......................................................................................................68
5.2.5 Code 93......................................................................................................68
5.2.6 Code I2of5 (Interleaved 2 of 5)...................................................................68
5.2.7 MSI0 (Modified Plessey).............................................................................68
5.2.8 MSI1 (Modified Plessey).............................................................................68
5.2.9 MSI2 (Modified Plessey).............................................................................69
5.2.10 Postnet .......................................................................................................69
5.3 2D BAR CODES ...................................................................................................69
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123 v
5.3.1 Data Matrix .................................................................................................69
5.3.2 PDF-417 .....................................................................................................74
CHAPTER 6: DIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTING........................................77
6.1 DIAGNOSTIC MODE...............................................................................................77
6.1.1 Entering Diagnostic Mode...........................................................................77
6.1.2 Status Label................................................................................................77
6.2 ENQUIRY RESPONSES ..........................................................................................80
6.3 FATAL ERROR RESPONSES...................................................................................83
6.3.1 >STOCK OUT< (01) ...................................................................................83
6.3.2 >STOCK OVERADVANCED< (02).............................................................84
6.3.3 >STOCK JAMMED< (03)............................................................................84
6.3.4 >INCORRECT STOCK< (04)......................................................................84
6.3.5 >CUTTER JAMMED< (10)..........................................................................84
6.3.6 >CUTTER INOPERATIVE< (11).................................................................84
6.3.7 >CUTTER WATCHDOG STOPPED CUTTER< (12)..................................85
6.3.8 >CUTTER WATCHDOG WON”T RESET< (13) .........................................85
6.3.9 >MISSING LABEL< (1C) ............................................................................85
6.3.10 >INCOMPLETE FORM< (1D).....................................................................85
6.3.11 >CATCH TRAY FULL< (20)........................................................................85
6.3.12 >SCRIPT ERROR< (30).............................................................................85
6.3.13 >INVALID PARAMETER< (31)...................................................................85
6.3.14 >PARSER ERROR< (32)............................................................................86
6.3.15 >COMM ERROR< (40)...............................................................................86
6.3.16 >FLASH ERROR< (51)...............................................................................86
6.4 BASIC STATUS RESPONSES ..................................................................................86
6.4.1 >OK< (06)...................................................................................................86
6.4.2 >INPUT 1< (21) ..........................................................................................87
6.4.3 >INPUT 2< (22) ..........................................................................................87
6.4.4 >RESTARTED< (80)...................................................................................87
6.4.5 >READY< (81)............................................................................................87
6.4.6 >BUSY< (82) ..............................................................................................87
6.4.7 >PAUSED< (83) .........................................................................................87
6.4.8 >PRINTING< (84) .......................................................................................87
vi LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
6.4.9 >FEEDING< (85)........................................................................................88
6.4.10 >LABEL/TAG PRESENT< (86)...................................................................88
6.4.11 >STOCK ADVANCED< (87).......................................................................88
6.4.12 >FLASH DEFRAGMENTING< (8A)............................................................88
6.3.13 >STOCK NOT LOADED< (8F)...................................................................88
6.4.14 >RETRACTION DELAY< (90)....................................................................88
6.4.15 >PRINT DELAY< (91) ................................................................................88
6.4.16 >FLASH MEMORY LOW< (B0)..................................................................89
6.4.17 >BUTTON 1 TAPPED< (C0) ......................................................................89
6.4.18 >BUTTON 1 HELD< (C1)...........................................................................89
6.4.19 >TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGE< (D0) ................................................89
6.4.20 >NONEXISTENT COMMAND< (D1)..........................................................89
6.4.21 >INCOMPLETE COMMAND< (D2)............................................................89
6.4.22 >ZIP FILE ERROR< (D3) ...........................................................................89
6.4.23 >FILE CONVERSION ERROR< (D4).........................................................90
6.4.24 >UNSUPPORTED FILE TYPE< (D5).........................................................90
6.4.25 >FILE NOT FOUND< (D6)..........................................................................90
6.4.26 >INADEQUATE ACCESS MODE< (D7).....................................................90
6.4.27 >FILE IS READ ONLY< (D9)......................................................................90
6.4.28 >INADEQUATE FLASH SPACE< (DA)......................................................90
6.4.29 >I/O FAILURE< (DB)..................................................................................90
6.4.30 >FONT/GRAPHIC NOT FOUND< (DC) .....................................................91
6.3.31 >SWITCH 0 ACTUATED< (E1) ..................................................................91
6.3.32 >SWITCH 1 ACTUATED< (E2) ..................................................................91
6.3.33 >SWITCH 2 ACTUATED< (E3) ..................................................................91
6.3.34 >TOF SWITCH ACTUATED< (E4).............................................................91
6.4.35 >FIELD OFF IMAGE< (F0).........................................................................91
6.3.36 >GRAPHIC TOO LARGE< (F2)..................................................................91
6.4.37 >POWERED DOWN< (FF).........................................................................91
CHAPTER 7: COMMUNICATIONS............................................................................93
7.1 RS-232 SERIAL...................................................................................................93
7.1.1 RS-232 Printer Cables................................................................................93
7.2 ETHERNET - 10/100 BASE-T...............................................................................94
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123 vii
7.3 USB PORT ..........................................................................................................94
APPENDIX A – ASCII CHART......................................................................................95
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................. 97
USER NOTES ............................................................................................................. 103
viii LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
List of Tables
Table 1 Resident Bitmapped Fonts................................................................................ 11
Table 2 Bar Code Index ................................................................................................. 12
Table 3 Attribute Index................................................................................................... 14
Table 4 Field Justifications............................................................................................. 16
Table 5 ^Dxxx Series Commands .................................................................................. 19
Table 6 ^D365) Status Response List............................................................................ 29
Table 7 Print Head Parameters...................................................................................... 41
Table 8 Blackline Sensor to Print Head Distance........................................................... 42
Table 9 Gap Sensor to Print Head Distance................................................................... 42
Table 10 ^D670) Parameters ........................................................................................... 43
Table 11 ^D900) and ^D902) Parameters........................................................................ 48
Table 12 Access Levels ................................................................................................... 53
Table 13 Code 128 Special Function Access................................................................... 66
Table 14 Data Matrix Configuration Parameters .............................................................. 71
Table 15 Data Matrix Encoding Schemes ........................................................................ 71
Table 16 ASCII Codeword Values.................................................................................... 72
Table 17 Data Matrix Special Characters......................................................................... 74
Table 18 PDF-417 Error Correction Level........................................................................ 75
Table 19 Enquiry Responses........................................................................................... 83
Table 20 RS-232 Cable Configurations............................................................................ 93
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x LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
List of Figures
Figure 1 Sample Script Format.......................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Script Parameters................................................................................................ 7
Figure 3 Distance-to-Registration Mark (DRM).................................................................. 8
Figure 4 Format Entry Command ...................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 Text Entry Command......................................................................................... 18
Figure 6 Detection Mode - None...................................................................................... 37
Figure 7 Detection Mode - Blackline................................................................................ 38
Figure 8 Detection Mode - Die-cut and Blowhole ............................................................ 39
Figure 9 ^D900 Blackline Listing ..................................................................................... 49
Figure 10 ^D900 Blackline Threshold Example .............................................................. 50
Figure 11 ^D900 Die-cut Listing...................................................................................... 51
Figure 12 ^D900 Die-cut Threshold Example................................................................. 52
Figure 13 Auxiliary Button............................................................................................... 60
Figure 14 Reverse Video................................................................................................ 61
Figure 15 Line Draw Reverse Video............................................................................... 62
Figure 16 Line Draw Feature.......................................................................................... 63
Figure 17 Two Lines....................................................................................................... 63
Figure 18 Box Creation................................................................................................... 64
Figure 19 Code 128 Subset Switching ........................................................................... 67
Figure 20 Data Matrix Format Structure ......................................................................... 69
Figure 21 PDF-417 Format Structure............................................................................. 74
Figure 22 ^D323) - List Enablements Example.............................................................. 77
Figure 23 ^D326) - List Settings Example...................................................................... 78
Figure 24 ^D325) - List Selections Example................................................................... 79
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123 xi
Figure 25 ^D324) - List Statistics Example.....................................................................79
Figure 26 ^D960)1 or ^K Test Pattern.............................................................................80
Figure 27 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet Port.........................................................................94
xii LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
This programming guide provides the user with an overview of the LDSII command structure and label formatting requirements.
The Label Design Software (LDSII) is the resident printer control language that is used to create, store and print label scripts, while also controlling the other various printer features.
LDSII can be used in conjunction with mini-computers, mainframes, personal computers, and most other special purpose computers. The examples provided within this guide use
an IBM emulation software program (i.e., Procomm Plus, HyperTerminal, HyperAccess or Tera Term Pro). Microcom Corporation printers are shipped with serial parameters set to 9600­baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit unless setup with a custom configuration. The emulator program will have to be set to these parameters for proper serial communication. LDSII printers require the use of hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) for proper data management to occur.
During the power-up, the indicator light will flash amber and green, the printer copies the current application (source code or firmware) to the RAM memory. This allows for faster transfer and operation after the printer has been powered-up. The second phase of the
power up is the printer’s initialization process and flash file system restore. This process
restores all of the files saved in the flash memory. The power-up process will vary in time depending on the files that have been saved into the printer’s flash memory
compatible personal computer with an available serial port, and a terminal
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123 1
2 LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
Chapter 1: Designing Using LDSII
Label formats or scripts are very easy to design using LDSII by following these basic steps below. LDSII printers require the use of hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) for proper data management to occur. Software flow control should not be used to manage data being sent to an LDSII printer.
1. Determine the media type, media size, and print speed desired for your application; enter this data into the script header.
2. Determine the type of handling operation desired and use the appropriate LDSII printer control commands.
3. Define the formatting instructions for the type and placement of data.
4. Enter the text data that corresponds to the formatting instructions.
5. Send the script to the printer.
1.1 Special Control Codes
The printer can accept either the one-character control code (“Ctrl + E”) or the two-character caret (^) plus alpha character (“^E”). Control codes are processed immediately while the
^Dxx commands are processed in the order they are issued. It is recognized that some mainframe and mini-computers cannot use the ASCII carat “^” character. The ASCII pipe
symbol “|” can be used as a substitute for these instances. Below is a list of special control
codes used by LDSII. A one (1) second delay should follow all control codes before executing the next command to assure that the code and/or command executed correctly.
^A Begin Script: Marks the beginning of an LDSII script file entry. ^C Clear Halting Error: When issued five consecutive times with a one second delay
between each ^C the printer will clear blocking or halting error conditions returning ^Dxx command responsiveness. If the printer has remaining jobs in the queue, the printer will return to a >PAUSED< state instead of the >READY< state. Please note that if the condition that caused the error still exists, pressing the print button and/or sending further scripts will cause this error to be reported again. Halting error messages are conditions that must be corrected before printing may resume. Refer to section 6.3 for additional information regarding error conditions.
^D Standard Command Preface: Combined with three-digit number issues a
command. See Chapter 2 for more information regarding ^D commands.
^E Printer Enquiry: Causes the printer to list its current status to an active
communications port.
^H Back Space: Causes the printer to issue a back space.
LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123 3
Designing Using LDSII Chapter 1
^J Line Feed: Represents a Line Feed (LF) character or 0x0A. ^K Print Test Label: Causes the printer to print a test pattern consisting of diagonal
lines used to test the condition of the dots on the print head.
^L Form Feed: Scrolls one label out of the printer using the previous formats layout. ^M Carriage Return: Represents a Carriage Return (CR) character or 0x0D. ^O Top-of-Form (TOF): Instructs the printer to perform a TOF operation which uses the
Label Present Detector (LPD) in order to retract the media to the proper alignment in regards to the print head.
^P Print: Causes the printer to print. Note: If no label scripts are loaded or stored in the
printer’s memory, the printer will not print a label until a script is processed.
^Q Send Data: Instructs the printer to send data or resume sending data (XON). ^R Reset Printer: Instructs the printer to perform a reset through software that
duplicates a hard reset. Issuing the ^R causes the reset to occur immediately, bypassing commands sent but not yet processed. The ^D390)0 command is a queued or serialized version of the ^R and should be used if a reset condition is desired programmatically.
^S Stop Sending Data: Instructs the printer to stop sending data (XOFF). ^U List Selections: Causes the printer to list the current configured selections of the
printer through an active communications port.
^V List Settings: Causes the printer to list the current configured settings of the printer
through an active communications port.
^W List Statistics: Causes the printer to list the current statistics of the printer through
an active communications port.
^X Toggle Pause: Pauses the printer if printing, resumes if the printer is currently
^Y List Enablements: Causes the printer to list the current configured enablements of
the printer through an active communications port.
^Z End Script: Marks the end of a script file.
^] Cancel All Jobs: Causes all jobs currently queued to be deleted returning the printer
to its idle state. Refer to the ^D330 command.
4 LDSII Programming Guide - 880015-0123
Chapter 1 Designing Using LDSII
1.2 Script Creation: An Overview
This section is intended to show a sample script file that will be used to explain the individual components of the script.
A script consists of printer commands, a script header, field formats, and text data. The
script is initiated by sending an “^A)” (Begin Script) and continues until a “^Z)” (End Script)
has been received. All commands, unless otherwise noted, are terminated with either another command or carriage return (ASCII 0x0D) character. The printer ignores the LF (0x0A) character so it may be helpful to terminate each line with a CR+LF to assist in the creation and troubleshooting of script files. Script files may contain up to a maximum total of 20,000 characters and up to 1000 different commands. Each command may contain up to
a total of 20 characters for the argument. This provides the flexibility in script creation to
handle even the most demanding applications.
The sample label script is listed below and will be referred to as the individual components are discussed in the subsequent sections of Chapter 1. The actual programming instructions that have been typed into a text file, using Windows Notepad, are in bold typeface. These instructions are followed by a brief explanation shown within the parentheses “()”.
^A)Sample Script
(^A indicates the beginning of the script file followed by an optional script title)
^D200)3.3, 1.9, 0.125, 1.063, 5 , 1 , 0, 0
(Script header used to define the label format or script file. Units have been entered using inches as the unit of measure in this example.)
^F1)0.15, 1.50, @normal_14
(Field #1 formatting instructions containing text using a normal 14 point font)
^F2)0.30, 0.50,@code128auto, 3, 0.70
(Field #2 formatting instructions containing a Code128 bar code using automatic compression)
^F3)0.60, 0.13, @normal_10
(Field #3 formatting instructions containing text using a normal 10 point font)
(Text data for field #1)
(Text data for field #2)
^T3)12345 678 90123 45 6 7 8901234
(Text data for field #3)
^D300 )1
(Instructs the printer to print one copy once the ^Z instruction is received)
^Z) (Marks the end of the script file)
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12345 678 90123 45 6 7 8901234
Field #1 – The ^F1) and ^T1) commands are formatting this field.
Field #3 – The ^F3) and ^T3) commands are used to format this field.
Field #2 – The ^F2) and ^T2) commands are used to format this bar code.
Figure 1 Sample Script Format
1.3 Begin Script - ^A)filename
This command is used to mark the beginning of a script file. The script may be saved into the printer’s non-volatile flash memory if a title or filename is placed after the command. The filename may contain to a maximum of 20 characters in length and include any character from ASCII 0x20 and 0x41 to 0x7A (alphabetical characters plus [\]_’and SP (space character)) with the exception of the caret (^) character. Script filenames can not use a leading zero (“0”) or 0x30 characters. A script that contains a “filename” will only save
the script and will not process and print. The “^D350)filename” would be issued to recall and process the saved script. If the script does not contain a “filename”, the script is
processed normally and will be volatile in nature.
For Example: The previous example script’s first line is “^A)Sample Script” which would save this script into the printer’s flash memory (non-volatile) as “Sample Script”.
1.4 Script Header
The script header consists of the “^D200)” command followed by eight parameters that control the media layout as well as printer operation. The parameters must be separated by a delimiter, comma by default, and are entered using the current unit of measure selected
by the “^D564)” command. The origin or the starting coordinate is always the lower left
corner as the media exits the printer. This command may be issued from outside a script but is typically created within a script file.
The script header is used to temporarily override the individual header parameters when issued from within a script file. The parameters may be defaulted to the current persistent value by not entering a value between the delimiters. Each of the header parameters has
an “^D6xx)” command equivalent that when set outside a script file remains persistent. For Example: “^D200)LSX,LSY,,DRM”, would cause the “GAP” parameter to be defaulted
to the current “^D633)” value that was set outside a script file.
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Y Direction
12345 678 90123 45 6 7 8901234
X Direction
The persistent commands are helpful in setting the printer up for a basic configuration and then override them within the script. It is recommended that a script header contain values for each and every parameter if access to the persistent command listings is not available.
is the origin
1.4.1 LSX (Label Width) LSX
Specifies the width or “X” direction of the label in the unit of measure selected by the
“^D564)” command. The maximum LSX is the width of the print head installed in the printer.
This parameter is always required for proper script operation. See also ^D631)n command.
1.4.2 LSY (Label Height) LSX,
Specifies the height or “Y” direction of the label in the unit of measure selected by the
“^D564)” command. The maximum LSY height is 24”. This parameter is always required
for proper script operation. See also ^D632)n command.
1.4.3 GAP (Gap Size) LSX, LSY, The GAP is the height of the registration mark on each label and/or tag. This would be the backing material found between die-cut labels, blowhole sense mark, and/or the blackline
height. The value is entered using the current unit of measure selected by the “^D564)”
command. See also ^D633)n command.
Print Direction
(Print head limitation)
Figure 2 Script Parameters
(Virtually unlimited)
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an offset registration
1.4.4 DRM (Distance to Registration Mark) LSX, LSY, GAP, DRM, SPD, DET, OFX, OFY This parameter is typically only used when the registration mark is not located at the edge of the media. The “DRM” is the distance from the leading edge of the media to the beginning of the registration mark. The DRM is entered using the current selected unit of measure selected by the “^D564)” command. See also ^D634)n command.
Print Direction
DRM, (0.72”)
Media height (LSY)
The perforation indicates the separation of individual tags.
Media that contains mark.
(Black line)
Figure 3 Distance-to-Registration Mark (DRM)
1.4.5 SPD (Print Speed)
This is the speed of the printer while printing, which is defined in either “inches/second (ips)”
or “centimeters/second (cms) as selected by the “^D564)” command. The print speed can
be adjusted anywhere from 1 ips (2.54 cms) to 6 ips (15.24 cms). See also ^D635)n command.
1.4.6 DET (Detection Method)
This parameter selects the type of method the printer uses for detecting registration marks on different media types. A selection of a “0” disables registration detection and is used in conjunction with media that does not contain a registration mark like continuous media. The
detectors are only used to detect Stock Out conditions when a selection of “0” is selected. A
selection of a “1” uses the reflective detection method and is used when detecting
registration marks located on the bottom side of the media. A selection of a “2” uses the
transmissive detection method which requires both the upper and the lower gap detectors to be installed on the printer. This method can be used with any type of media but is not recommended when only detecting registration marks located on the bottom side of the
media. A selection of a “3” also uses the transmissive detection method and is used in
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^Fn) XB, YB, CI, SW, SH, AI, DN, FO, FJ, FW, CS, FC, CC
conjunction with media containing a blowhole. The blowhole and die-cut selections differ on how they detect an out of stock condition. See also ^D636)n command.
0 None (gap sensors are disabled) 1 Blackline (lower gap sensor is enabled) 2 Die-cut (upper and lower gap sensors are enabled) 3 Blowhole (upper and lower gap sensors are enabled)
1.4.7 OFX (Offset X Direction)
This parameter moves or offsets all fields in the “X” direction without altering the field’s
insertion points. The value is entered using the current unit of measure selected by the “^D564)” command. See also ^D637)n command.
1.4.8 OFY (Offset Y Direction)
This parameter moves or offsets all fields in the “Y” direction without altering the field’s insertion points. The value is entered using the current unit of measure selected by the “^D564)” command. See also ^D638)n command.
1.5 Format Entry Command - ^Fn)
The Format Entry command is used to define the characteristics, placement and representation of the corresponding text data of the individual fields. This command starts
with the “^Fn)” structure which is then followed by thirteen different parameters that define
and control the desired field. The “n” is an identifier that represents the field number being formatted and corresponds to the equivalent “^Tn)” line. As with the ^Dxxx commands,
multiple parameters must be separated by the comma (“,”) delimiter. The format entry command can be issued from outside a script but is typically created within a script file.
Unlike the “^Dxx)” commands and the script header, the Format Entry Command typically
does contain default values as there are no equivalent commands for the individual parameters. The default values are discussed under the individual parameter descriptions.
The “n” identifies the field
number which always starts at “1” and not “0”.
Figure 4 Format Entry Command
Field parameters
The comma delimiter
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1.5.1 XB (X Coordinate) XB, YB, CI, SW, SH, AI, DN, FO, FJ, FW, CS, FC, CC This parameter is used to set the X coordinate of the field. The X coordinate is measured from the left edge of the media, as viewed from the front of the printer. The value is entered
using the current unit of measure selected by the “^D564)” command and may contain any
number of digits desired. A leading zero before the decimal point is not required but should be used to make trouble shooting scripts easier (i.e., .75 should be entered as 0.75). This parameter does not contain a default value and is required.
1.5.2 YB (Y Coordinate)
This parameter is used to set the Y coordinate of the field. The Y coordinate is measured from the bottom edge of the media, as viewed from the front of the printer. The value is
entered using the current unit of measure selected by the “^D564)” command and may
contain any number of digits desired. A leading zero before the decimal point is not required but should be used to make trouble shooting scripts easier (i.e., .75 should be entered as 0.75). This parameter does not contain a default value and is required.
1.5.3 CI (Conversion Identifier)
The Conversion Identifier (CI) determines how the associated text field will be rendered. This parameter can be used to select from the available fonts, graphics, line draw feature, and/or bar codes that will be used to render the associated Text Entry command line
(“^Tn)”). Objects that are stored in the printer’s flash memory are selected using the system
character (“@”) and the appropriate text identifier. This parameter can also be used to
select other user stored files by entering the name of the saved file into the CI parameter. The entered values for the CI parameter are not case sensitive because the printer will internally translate as lower case.
Resident Bitmapped Fonts
The resident fonts stored in the printer are listed in the table below. To access the resident fonts, enter the appropriate Font Name into the CI parameter. The printer may store up to nineteen bitmapped fonts and custom font sets are available upon request.
CI - Font Name
@normal_06 @bold_06 @normal_08 @bold_08 @normal_10 @bold_10 @normal_12
6 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxwy
6 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk lmnopqrstuvwxwy
8 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxwy
8 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxwy
Font Sample
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CI - Font Name
@bold_12 @normal_14 @bold_14 @normal_16 @bold_16
@normal_20 @bold_20
@bold_24 @ocra_12
Font Sample
14 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST
16 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKL
16 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKL
20 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHIJ
20 Point – 01234567890ABCDEFGHI
24 Point – 0123456ABCDEGabc
24 Point – 012345ABCabcdefgh
@ocrb_08 @ocrb_12
Font File Type Example:
If a normal 8 point font is desired then “@normal_08” should be entered for the CI parameter in order for the proper font to be printed. Fonts are accessed by entering the
system character “@”, font name followed by the underscore character and then the point
size into the CI parameter.
Line Draw
The line draw feature is selected by entering “@line” into the CI parameter. The line draw feature easily creates lines by using the XB and YB coordinates as an insertion point for the line to start and then adjusting the SW and SH parameters to define the width and the height of the line.
Line Draw Example:
^A) ^D200)3.3, 1.9, 0.125, 1.063, 5, 1 ^F1)1.0, 1.0,@line, 1.11, 0.01 ^F1)1.0, 1.0,@normal_14 ^T1)Line Draw Feature ^D300)1 ^Z)
8 Point – 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZYabcdefghijklmnopqr
Table 1 Resident Bitmapped Fonts
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This script would cause a line to be inserted an inch from the left side and an inch from the bottom. The line would be 1.11” in width or length (X direction) and would be 0.01” in height
(Y direction). The “^Fn)” field must reference a “^Tn)” field for proper operation. The line
draw does not have to reference its own specific Text Entry command (“^Tn)”) and may
reference an existing Text Entry field in the script file as demonstrated in the above example. Refer to Ch apter 4 for additional information regarding the line draw feature.
Bar Codes
The bar codes or symbologies are stored in the printer and can be selected by entering the
system character “@” followed by the text equivalent code of the desired symbology in the
CI parameter, refer to Table 2 for the available bar codes. The bar codes that provide optional check digits can be accessed and printed by entering
“cs” immediately following the bar code text equivalent code. This is helpful to meet the
individual bar code specifications. For example: If the user wanted to generate a human readable MSI1 that included the
check digits, “msi1cs_hr” would then be entered while “msi1_hr” would not include the check digits in human readable form.
See Chapter 5 for more detailed information pertaining to bar codes and their individual formatting requirements.
CI - Barcode Name Bar code Type
@codabar Codabar @code128 Code 128 using manual compression @code128auto Code 128 using automatic compression @code39 Code 3 of 9 @code93 Code 93 @codei2of5 Code I2 of 5 @msi0 Modified Plessey, User provides both check digits @msi1 Modified Plessey, User provides one check digit @msi2 Modified Plessey, User provides no check digits @postnet POSTNET @uccean128 UCC/EAN 128 @data Data Matrix 2D Bar code @pdf417 PDF417 2D Bar code
Table 2 Bar Code Index
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The printer is capable of processing monochrome 1-bit bitmaps. If color 1-bit bitmaps are used, it is recommended that the user use Burkes dithering method at the print resolution of the printer. The bitmap graphic does not need a separate converter to convert to the
printer’s recognized graphic structure as the printer will do this internally. The actual “.bmp”
may be saved to the printer’s non-volatile flash memory using the “^D340)” command or into volatile RAM using the “^D345)” command. User definable graphic images are accessed
and printed by entering the file name of the appropriate stored graphic, that was used to
save the graphic using the “^D340)” command, into the CI parameter.
Graphics may also be sent to the printer in “zipped” (.zip file extensions) form without
specifying the file size. The file size would be provided by the zipped files header and should not be included in the command line. This also reduces the transfer time of sending the graphic to the printer improving throughput.
Graphic File Type Example:
If a BMP graphic is saved as “my graphic” then “my graphic” should be entered for the CI
parameter in order for the graphic to be printed.
1.5.4 SW (Size Width)
This parameter is used to adjust the width multiple of fonts, bar codes and/or lines.
Bitmapped Fonts
For bitmapped fonts, the SW can be used to adjust the width multiple of the font chosen using the CI parameter. The parameter is entered in as an integer and has a valid range of 1 to 256. The SW default for bitmapped fonts is set a 1.
Bar Codes
The SW has a different effect when used in conjunction with bar codes. When a 0 or 180 degree bar code is selected using the CI parameter, the SW is used to modify the bar code
width by a multiple of the narrowest rendition. This means that a value of “1” will produce the narrowest rendition related to the bar elements while a value of “3” would produce a Bar
code that is three times this width. The default value of “1” will be used if a bar code is selected and this field is left blank. For 90 or 270 degree bar codes, the SW field would specify the actual width or height using the current selected unit of measure. The default SW height, 90 and 270 degree rotations, is set a value of 0.5 inches or 12.7mm depending
on the current unit of measure (“^D564)” command) setting with the default for 0 and 180
degree rotation being set to a 1.
Line Draw
The SW determines the width of a line when the CI field has selected the line draw feature. This is a required field when used in conjunction with the line draw feature.
1.5.5 SH (Size Height)
This parameter is used to adjust the height multiple of fonts, bar codes and/or lines.
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Bitmapped Fonts
For bitmapped fonts, the SH can be used to adjust the height of the font chosen using the CI parameter. The parameter is entered in as an integer and has a valid range of 1 to 256. The SH default for bitmapped fonts is set a 1.
Bar Codes
The SH has a different effect when used in conjunction with bar codes. When a 90 or 270 degree bar code is selected using the CI parameter, the SH is used to modify the bar code
width by a multiple of the narrowest rendition. This means that a value of “1” will produce
the narrowest rendition related to the bar elements while a value of “3” would produce a bar
code that is three times this width. The default value of “1” will be used if a bar code is
selected and this field is left blank. For 0 or 180 degree bar codes, the SH field would specify the actual height of the bar code using the current selected unit of measure. The default SH height, 0 and 180 degree rotations, is set a value of 0.5 inches or 12.7mm depending on the current unit of measure (“^D564)” command) setting with the default for 90 and 270 degree rotation being set to a 1.
Line Draw
The SH determines the height of a line when the CI field has selected the line draw feature. This is a required field when used in conjunction with the line draw feature.
1.5.6 AI (Attribute Index)
The attribute index controls the type of effect that is placed on text and/or bar codes. The default is a setting of “0”, which is normal text or a method called OR. This causes new black dots to be placed regardless of existing dots that may be black or white. Also, a white area added to an existing black area does not become white, but the original black dots stay black. The default value may be entered in as “1” or may be omitted by just entering the
comma delimiter (“,,” would use the default value). The valid values for the AI parameter
are listed in Table 3 below.
Attribute Index
Conversion / Effect
0 OR (Default)
2 Reverse Video 2:1 Wide to Narrow Bar Ratio 3:1 Wide to Narrow Bar Ratio 4:2 Wide to Narrow Bar Ratio (3:1 bar; 4:2 space) 5:2 Wide to Narrow Bar Ratio 8:3 Wide to Narrow Bar Ratio
Table 3 Attribute Index
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