Microcom 450 User Manual

1100, 1400, 2000 2150, M450, M460
REV 2.2
NOVEMBER 11, 1988
The Label Design Software (LDS) is a powerful and easy to use package that allows the user to create his own label formats. LDS supports printing multiple copies, serial numbering, and logos. It can be driven from a dumb terminal, PC, or mainframe computer.
A large number of predefined label formats can be stored in EPROM memory. The maximum amount limited only by the amount of available memory. The same is true for user defined label formats.
A large variety of character generators are supported which are used to create the size and style of text desired.
All the popular barcodes are supported. Special or proprietary codes can be accommodated.
The following characters control special functions. All other control characters are ignored.
SOH ^A Enter accumulator mode.
STX ^B Begin text string entry mode.
ETX ^C Start print cycle mode.
EOT ^D Enter command mode.
ENQ ^E Enquiry mode.
ESC ^[ Instructs the printer to leave its current mode of operation. Only used in special cases. Also used to implement Epson printer graphic commands.
CR ^M Terminates a text or data string.
DEL Deletes the last printable character entered. Cannot delete the effect of a control code.
CAN ^X Deletes all printable characters previously entered up to the last control code. Cannot delete the effect of a control code.
BS ^H Same as DEL but has another special function.
LF ^J No effect.
VT ^K Print a test label.
FF ^L Print a blank label.
DC3 ^S Instructs the printer to stop sending data.
DC1 ^Q Instructs the printer to continue sending data.
The accumulator mode is used in conjunction with the command mode to load data or control numbers into the printer. See the section on command mode.
The text entry mode is used to load the information to be printed on the label. Data is sent in strings of printable ASCII characters separated by carriage returns. The first string entered is text string one the next is two and so on. Each label format field specifies a text string number to retrieve the data from.
A text entry starting position can be specified with the ^An^D61 control sequence (Where n is the text string number). This allows text entry mode to start at a specific text string number. This feature is useful in protecting fixed text on a label.
Text can also be fixed at the beginning of each text string. The text that is to be fixed is loaded into the text strings by entering text mode. Then the ^D62 control sequence will start at the current starting text position and fix the data at the beginning of the text strings. If no data is entered in a text string before the ^D62 control sequence is executed then no data will be fixed in that string.
The print mode instructs the print to start the print cycle. If the printer has not been instructed to print multiple copies then only one label will be printed.
The command mode is used for sending the printer set-up and control information. Command mode is begun by entering a control-D code (^D). Then a command number is entered followed by a carriage return or another control code. Some commands load data or control numbers into the machine. The accumulator mode is used to send the data, then a control-D command can use the data in the accumulator.
Example: ^A3^D75^C This sequence will print three labels.
The following is a list of command codes:
63 Load text mode control byte 0 Disable auto text mode entry and clear text control 1 Enable auto text mode entry (^B is optional) 2 Enable clear all text on entry to text mode 3 Enable both
64 Load auto-print string count 65 Load Label Centering and Low Density control byte 0 Disable Label Centering and Low Density Compatible Mode 1 Enable Label Centering 2 Enable Low Density Compatible Mode 3 Enable Both
Note: Low Density Compatible Mode is for the M450 only
66 Load Clear EEPROM function 66 Clear EEPROM formats
69 Load Skip Speed
70 Clear 71-76 71 Disable repeat/copies function 72 Enable repeat/copies function 73 Load copies count 75 Load label count 76 Load inner label delay
(The next commands will only function with a single field) 80 Clear 86, 88, 89 81 Disable serial number function 84 Load text string number 85 Load step value 86 Load inc or dec status 0 Disable increment and decrement 1 Enable increment 2 Enable decrement
(The next commands will function on more than one field) 87 Load field number to clear increment or decrement 88 Load field number to increment 89 Load field number to decrement
93 Load control codes recognition status
0 Enable control code recognition 1 Disable control code recognition
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