Microcom 428TM Operator's Manual

PART NUMBER: 880042-0141
August 28, 2013 CPC
Printed in the United States of America
Proprietary Statement
This manual contains information proprietary to Microcom Corporation. This information is intended solely for the use of parties operating and maintaining such equipment described herein.
Product Enhancements
Microcom Corporation is committed to the continual improvement of performance and quality in our products. For this reason, specifications are subject to change without notice.
Liability Disclaimer
Microcom Corporation makes every effort to assure that all information and specifications contained in this manual are accurate; however, mistakes are sometimes made. Microcom Corporation shall not be liable for any damages resulting in the use or misuse of this product. The exclusion or limitation involving consequential or incidental damage does not apply to all states; therefore limitation mentioned above may or may not apply.
FCC Compliance Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
HyperTerminal® and HyperAccess® are trademarks of Hilgraeve Inc. Centronics
is a registered trademark of Data Computer Corporation.
HP® and LaserJet II® are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Arial® is a registered trademark of The Monotype Corporation. TrueType® is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................VII
CHAPTER 1: PRINTER SPECIFICATIONS............................................... 1-1
1.1 General Specifications ......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Printing Specifications.......................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Media Specifications ............................................................................................ 1-2
CHAPTER 2: FEATURES AND OPTIONS ................................................ 2-1
2.1 Fonts .................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Graphics............................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Bar codes............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.4 Special Features.................................................................................................. 2-2
2.5 Options................................................................................................................. 2-2
CHAPTER 3: GETTING STARTED............................................................ 3-1
3.1 Unpacking and Inspection.................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Printer Power ....................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 RS232 Serial Communication Interface ............................................................... 3-2
3.3.1 RS-232 Serial Cables ................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 USB Communication Interface............................................................................. 3-3
3.4.1 USB Driver Setup.......................................................................................... 3-3
3.5 Parallel Communication Interface ........................................................................ 3-5
3.6 Ethernet Communication Interface....................................................................... 3-5
3.6.1 Device Installer ............................................................................................. 3-5
3.7 Cash Drawer Option........................................................................................... 3-10
3.8 AUX Option........................................................................................................ 3-10
3.9 MICPrinter USB Windows Driver ....................................................................... 3-10
3.10 Loading Media ................................................................................................... 3-27
3.11 Print Button and Status Indicator Light............................................................... 3-28
3.11.1 Print Button ................................................................................................. 3-29
3.11.2 Status Indicator Light .................................................................................. 3-29
3.12 Printer Modes..................................................................................................... 3-30
3.12.1 Idle Mode: GREEN .................................................................................... 3-30
3.12.2 Halted Mode: RED ..................................................................................... 3-30 Clear >LOW STOCK< error ................................................................. 3-30 Clear error with “single button error clear” ........................................... 3-30 Automatic Stock Eject on >LOW STOCK< .......................................... 3-30
3.12.3 Paused Mode: Solid or Flashing AMBER .................................................. 3-30
3.12.4 Diagnostic Mode ......................................................................................... 3-31 Entering Diagnostic Mode.................................................................... 3-31 Statistics Label..................................................................................... 3-31
3.13 Printer Integration .............................................................................................. 3-32
3.13.1 Environmental Considerations .................................................................... 3-33
3.13.2 Printer Mounting Orientations ..................................................................... 3-33
3.13.3 Media Mounting Considerations.................................................................. 3-34
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3.13.4 Designing a Roll Support ............................................................................ 3-34
3.13.5 Designing for Fan-Fold Media..................................................................... 3-35
3.13.6 Designing Media Guides .............................................................................3-35 Designing the Media Dispense Path .................................................... 3-35 Cables and Routing.............................................................................. 3-35
3.13.7 Power Supply Requirements....................................................................... 3-36
3.13.8 Electrostatic Discharges and Ground Connections..................................... 3-36
3.14 TOF Sensor........................................................................................................ 3-37
3.15 Wristband Media Adapter Option .......................................................................3-39
CHAPTER 4: DESIGNING LABELS USING LDS ......................................4-1
4.1 Control Characters ...............................................................................................4-1
4.2 LDS Design Exercises.......................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Format Creation ............................................................................................ 4-2
4.3 Label Design: An Overview ..................................................................................4-3
4.4 Label Header........................................................................................................ 4-4
4.4.1 HFM (Number of Fields in Layout) ................................................................4-5
4.4.2 LSX (Print Head Size X)................................................................................ 4-6
4.4.3 LSY (Label Size Y)........................................................................................ 4-6
4.4.4 WEB (Web Size) ...........................................................................................4-6
4.4.5 GAP (GAP Size)............................................................................................ 4-6
4.4.6 DPS (Print Speed)......................................................................................... 4-6
4.4.7 LCB (Label Control Byte) .............................................................................. 4-7 Die-Cut and Blow-Hole Media (setting = 0) ...................................................4-7 Continuous Media (setting = 2) .....................................................................4-7 Black Line Media (Reflective) (setting = 3).................................................... 4-8
4.4.8 AGD (Activate Gap Detector)........................................................................ 4-8
4.4.9 SPG (Steps Past Gap).................................................................................. 4-8
4.4.10 OFX (Offset X Direction) ............................................................................. 4-10
4.4.11 OFY (Offset Y Direction) ............................................................................. 4-10
4.5 Sample Header .................................................................................................. 4-10
4.6 Label Format Fields............................................................................................4-11
4.6.1 TSN (Text String Number).......................................................................... 4-12
4.6.2 XB (X Beginning Coordinate) ......................................................................4-12
4.6.3 YB (Y Beginning Coordinate) ......................................................................4-12
4.6.4 CC (Character Count) ................................................................................. 4-12
4.6.5 TCI (Text Conversion Identifier).................................................................. 4-12
4.6.6 CGN (Character Generator Number) ..........................................................4-14 Embedded Fonts......................................................................................... 4-14 Downloadable Fonts and Graphics .............................................................4-14 Embedded Bar Codes................................................................................. 4-16
4.6.7 FO (Field Orientation) ................................................................................. 4-17
4.6.8 FJ (Field Justification) ................................................................................4-17
4.6.9 CMX (Character Multiplier X Direction) ....................................................... 4-18
4.6.10 CMY (Character Multiplier Y Direction) ....................................................... 4-18
4.6.11 CS (Character Spacing) .............................................................................. 4-18
4.6.12 TSP (Text Starting Position)........................................................................ 4-18
4.6.13 ,,, (Reserved Spaces) ................................................................................ 4-18
4.6.14 AN (Attribute Number)................................................................................. 4-18
4.7 Line Draw ...........................................................................................................4-19
ii 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
4.8 Reverse Video ................................................................................................... 4-21
4.8.1 Black Box Reverse Video ........................................................................... 4-21
4.8.2 Auto Reverse Video.................................................................................... 4-22
CHAPTER 5 PRINTER COMMANDS ....................................................... 5-9
5.1 Special Printer Control Codes.............................................................................. 5-9
5.1.1 Enquiry Responses..................................................................................... 5-11
5.2 Printer Configuration Commands....................................................................... 5-13
5.2.1 Software Switches ...................................................................................... 5-13 Software Switch #1 ..................................................................................... 5-13 Software Switch #2 ..................................................................................... 5-14 Software Switch #3 ..................................................................................... 5-15 Software Switch #4 ..................................................................................... 5-16 Software Switch #5..................................................................................... 5-17 Software Switch #6 ..................................................................................... 5-19 Software Switch #7 ..................................................................................... 5-25 Software Switch #8 ..................................................................................... 5-26
5.2.2 Communication Port Configuration ............................................................. 5-28 Baud Rate................................................................................................... 5-28 Set Serial Port Source Command (Non-volatile- ^D108) ............................ 5-29 Set Serial Port Source Command (Volatile - ^D109) .................................. 5-29 Ethernet Telnet Pass-Through Mode.......................................................... 5-29
5.2.3 Print Head Size Commands........................................................................ 5-31
5.3 General Purpose I/O .......................................................................................... 5-32
5.4 Specialized Print Modes..................................................................................... 5-34
5.4.1 Synchronous Print Mode............................................................................. 5-34
5.4.2 USB Image Print Mode ............................................................................... 5-35
5.4.3 Contrast Adjustment Commands ................................................................ 5-36 Adjust Contrast Window (Volatile - ^D35) ................................................... 5-36 Adjust Contrast Base (Non-volatile - ^D36)................................................. 5-36
5.4.4 Slice Buffer Size and Set Starting Slice Number Commands ..................... 5-37
5.4.5 Printer Restart / Reboot Commands ........................................................... 5-37
5.4.6 Registration Commands ............................................................................. 5-38
5.4.7 Auto-size Commands.................................................................................. 5-39
5.4.8 AutoHeader Commands ............................................................................. 5-40
5.5 AutoLoad Media Commands.............................................................................. 5-41
5.5.1 AutoLoad + Form Feed............................................................................... 5-41
5.5.2 AutoLoad + Top-Of-Form............................................................................ 5-42
5.6 Printing Commands............................................................................................ 5-43
5.6.1 Basic Printing Commands........................................................................... 5-43
5.7 Label Header Parameter Override Commands.................................................. 5-44
5.7.1 Serial Number Commands.......................................................................... 5-45
5.8 Text String Commands ...................................................................................... 5-47
5.9 Cutter Configuration Commands........................................................................ 5-49
5.9.1 Cutter Type ................................................................................................. 5-49
5.9.2 Kiosk Cutter Commands ............................................................................. 5-49 Kiosk Cutter Mode ...................................................................................... 5-49 Kiosk Cutter Advance Distance Command................................................. 5-49
5.9.3 Volatile Cutter Operation............................................................................. 5-50
5.9.4 Cutter Hold-off............................................................................................. 5-51
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5.10 Dispensing Commands ......................................................................................5-51
5.10.1 Tag/Tear Operation..................................................................................... 5-51
5.10.2 Peel-and-Dispense Operation ..................................................................... 5-52
5.10.3 Load Advance/Retract Distance and Load Advance Delay......................... 5-52
5.11 View Printer Configuration and Statistics ........................................................... 5-52
5.12 Memory Commands ...........................................................................................5-53
5.13 Printer Code Update...........................................................................................5-58
5.14 Miscellaneous Commands .................................................................................5-59
CHAPTER 6: DOWNLOADABLE GRAPHICS ...........................................6-1
6.1 FLASH Data Types ..............................................................................................6-1
6.2 RAM Data Types .................................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Using the BMP2MIC.exe GRAPHIC Conversion Utility ........................................ 6-1
6.3.1 BMP2MIC.exe GRAPHIC Conversion Utility Procedure ...............................6-2
6.4 Graphic Download Methods................................................................................. 6-3
6.4.1 Uncompressed Graphic Downloads.............................................................. 6-3
6.4.2 Compressed Binary GRAPHIC Downloads................................................... 6-3
6.5 Advanced GRAPHIC Format Conversion for Programmers................................. 6-3
6.5.1 Save Compressed Graphics to RAM (D107).................................................6-4
6.5.2 Save Compressed Graphics to FLASH (D133) .............................................6-4
6.5.3 Binary Compression Algorithm...................................................................... 6-5
6.5.4 Uncompressed FONT to RAM (^D104)......................................................... 6-5
6.6 Graphic Image Data Format................................................................................. 6-6
6.7 Downloadable Graphics Commands .................................................................... 6-8
CHAPTER 7: DOWNLOADABLE FONTS ..................................................7-1
7.1 FLASH Data Types ..............................................................................................7-1
7.2 RAM Data Types .................................................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Using the Font Conversion Utilities ...................................................................... 7-1
7.3.1 SFP2MIC.exe Program ................................................................................. 7-2
7.3.2 FONTCV16.exe Program ..............................................................................7-2
7.4 Font Download Methods ...................................................................................... 7-2
7.4.1 Compressed Binary Commands ................................................................... 7-2 Save Compressed FONT to RAM (D127) .....................................................7-3 Save Compressed FONT to FLASH (D135)..................................................7-3
7.4.2 Uncompressed FONT to RAM (^D104)......................................................... 7-3
7.4.3 Save FONTS to FLASH (^D135)................................................................... 7-4
7.5 Font Structure....................................................................................................... 7-5
7.6 Downloadable Font Command Summary............................................................. 7-6
CHAPTER 8: BAR CODES ........................................................................8-1
8.1 Types of Bar Codes..............................................................................................8-1
8.1.1 Universal Product Code – Version A (UPC-A), TCI 12..................................8-1
8.1.2 Universal Product Code – Version E (UPC-E), TCI 13..................................8-1
8.1.3 Universal Product Code (UPC-E, send 6 digits), TCI 14............................... 8-2
8.1.4 Interleaved 2 of 5 (I2 of 5), TCI 15 ................................................................ 8-2
8.1.5 Code 3 of 9 (Code39), TCI 16 .......................................................................8-2
8.1.6 European Article Numbering System 13 (EAN-13), TCI 20........................... 8-3
8.1.7 European Article Numbering System 8 (EAN-8), TCI 21............................... 8-3
iv 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
8.1.8 Modified Plessey (MSI 1), TCI 24 ................................................................. 8-3
8.1.9 Modified Plessey (MSI 2), TCI 25 ................................................................. 8-3
8.1.10 Modified Plessey (MSI 3), TCI 26 ................................................................. 8-3
8.1.11 GS1 Databar, TCI 35 .................................................................................... 8-3 GS1 Databar Omni-Directional .............................................................. 8-4 GS1 Databar Truncated......................................................................... 8-4 GS1 Databar Stacked............................................................................ 8-4 GS1 Databar Stacked Omni-directional................................................. 8-4 GS1 Databar Limited ............................................................................. 8-5 GS1 Databar Expanded......................................................................... 8-5 How to Print an GS1 Databar Barcode .................................................. 8-5
8.1.12 Postnet (ZIP+4), TCI 36................................................................................ 8-6
8.1.13 Postnet (ZIP+6), TCI 37................................................................................ 8-7
8.1.14 MaxiCode, TCI 38 ......................................................................................... 8-7
8.1.15 Code 128 (Automatic Compression), TCI 40 ................................................ 8-9
8.1.16 Code 128 (Manual Compression), TCI 41 .................................................. 8-10
8.1.17 Codabar (Rationalized), TCI 42 .................................................................. 8-11
8.1.18 Code 93, TCI 43.......................................................................................... 8-11
8.1.19 PDF-417, TCI 46......................................................................................... 8-11
8.1.20 Datamatrix, TCI 47 ...................................................................................... 8-14
8.1.21 Intelligent Mail Barcode, TCI 48.................................................................. 8-19
8.1.22 Planet Code, TCI 49 ................................................................................... 8-21
8.1.23 UCC/EAN 128, TCI 50 ................................................................................ 8-22
8.1.24 UCC/EAN Text Information, TCI 51 ............................................................ 8-26
8.2 Bar Code Rotation ............................................................................................. 8-26
8.3 Bar Code Human Readable Text ....................................................................... 8-27
CHAPTER 9 CODE PAGE SWITCHING................................................... 9-1
9.1 What is Code Page Switching?............................................................................ 9-1
9.2 Character Sets ..................................................................................................... 9-1
9.3 Code Pages ......................................................................................................... 9-1
9.3.1 Code Pages .................................................................................................. 9-2
9.3.2 Danish Code Page........................................................................................ 9-3
9.3.3 860 Code Page............................................................................................. 9-4
9.3.4 Spanish Code Page...................................................................................... 9-5
9.3.5 850 Code Page............................................................................................. 9-5
9.3.6 German Code Page...................................................................................... 9-7
9.3.7 865 Code Page............................................................................................. 9-8
9.3.8 Swiss Code Page.......................................................................................... 9-9
9.3.9 852 Code Page............................................................................................. 9-9
9.3.10 French Code Page...................................................................................... 9-11
9.3.11 863 Code Page........................................................................................... 9-12
9.3.12 Swedish Code Page ................................................................................... 9-13
9.3.13 437 Code Page........................................................................................... 9-13
9.3.14 Italian Code Page ....................................................................................... 9-15
9.3.15 British Code Page....................................................................................... 9-16
9.3.16 USA Code Page.......................................................................................... 9-17
CHAPTER 10 PRINTER MAINTENANCE................................................ 10-1
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10.1 Maintenance Schedule....................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Thermal Printer Cleaning Card........................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Internal Cleaning ................................................................................................10-3
10.4 Print Head Maintenance..................................................................................... 10-4
10.5 Replacing the Drive Roller.................................................................................. 10-5
10.6 Adjusting Printhead Pressure............................................................................. 10-7
CHAPTER 11: TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................11-1
11.1 Troubleshooting Tips.......................................................................................... 11-1
INDEX ........................................................................................................12-1
General Index .......................................................................................................... 12-1
List of Figures .......................................................................................................... 12-7
List of Tables............................................................................................................12-9
Appendix A: Limited Warranty.................................................................................. 13-1
Appendix B: RMA Procedure ................................................................................... 13-3
Appendix C: ^D Command Summary .......................................................................13-5
Glossary...................................................................................................................... 13-23
Appendix D: User Notes ......................................................................................... 13-27
vi 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
The Model 428TM printer has been designed to provide solutions for the ticketing industry. The printer uses the same reliable print mechanism found in the Model 428M printer. The lockable printer box not only houses the media but protects your ticketing investment as well. The print mechanism has been designed with a 4” printhead capable of printing up to 8” per second and is available in 203 or 300 dpi. It incorporates the latest features of the proven LDS software found in earlier Microcom Corporation printers and also is capable of using the STL (Standard Ticketing Language) found in a number of existing Ticket counters.
428TM Rear Side View
428TM Front Side View
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viii 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
Chapter 1: Printer Specifications
1.1 General Specifications
Width* 7.3” (185 mm) Height* 7.4” (188 mm) Depth* 5.8” (148 mm) Weight* 10.2 lbs. (4.6 kg) Electrical +24 VDC Current 3 Amps maximum Temperature** 40° F – 122° F (5° C – 50° C), operating Humidity 10% – 85%, non-condensing SRAM Memory 512 K Code Flash Memory 512 K User Flash Memory 8 MB
Agency Approvals
Interface Communications
Flow Control XON/XOFF and CTS/RTS Hardware Baud Rate 115200 Parity Odd, Even, and None Data Bits 7 or 8
Table 1-1 General Specifications
* NOTE: Listed specifications are based on a standard print mechanism and may vary
** NOTE: Higher temperature applications are possible; please contact your Microcom
Corporation Sales representative for more information.
Designed to meet CUL, CE, and complies with FCC Class A
RS232, USB, Version 1.1 supported, Optional Centronics Parallel, and Ethernet Ports
based on final configuration.
1.2 Printing Specifications
Print Type Direct Thermal
Print Resolution
Maximum Print Speed 8”/sec. (203 mm/sec.)
Maximum Print Width
Maximum Print Length 50” (1,270 mm)
Minimum Print Length 0.25” (6 mm)
428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141 1-1
203 DPI (8 dots/mm = 0.0049” per dot) 300 DPI (12 dots/mm = 0.0032” per dot)
203 DPI = 4.098” (104.10mm); 832 dots 300 DPI = 4.252” (108 mm); 1,280 dots
Table 1-2 Printing Specifications
Printer Specifications Chapter 1
1.3 Media Specifications
Media Types
Maximum Media Thickness* .011” (.2794 mm) Maximum Media Width
Continuous, die-cut, preprinted and tag stock either rolled or fanfold
4.38” (111 mm)
*NOTE: The printers may print on thicker media types depending on the pliability of the material; however, this requires testing and evaluation. Contact your authorized Microcom Corporation representative for additional information regarding testing and evaluation of thicker or rigid media types.
Table 1-3 Media Specifications
1-2 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
2.1 Fonts
7 (203 DPI) smooth bitmapped alpha-numeric fonts from 6pt to 14pt.
TrueType® font capability using Microcom Corporation utility program.
19 downloadable standard font set.
All bitmapped fonts expandable in height and width.
Reverse image printing.
Rotated: 0 º, 90 º, 180 º, and 270 º.
2.2 Graphics
Resident Lines feature.
Chapter 2: Features and Options
Storage of fonts, label formats and graphics in both volatile RAM and non-
volatile FLASH memory.
All BMP files may be converted using a Microcom utility program.
Rotated: 0 º, 90 º, 180 º, and 270 º.
2.3 Bar codes
Code 39
Interleaved 2 of 5
Code 128 (A, B, C and
Code 93
Modified Plessey
EAN 13
Planet Code
GS1 Databar
Stacked Omni-
PDF-417 Maxi code Data matrix
Rotated: 0 º, 90 º, 180 º, and
270 º.
Expandable in height and
428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141 2-1
Features and Options Chapter 2
2.4 Special Features
USB 1.1
Easy print head cleaning
Tool less platen roller replacement
Adjustable media guides for easy label centering
Automatically adjustable reflective blackline sensor in media guide
Software controlled contrast adjustment
Detects label gap, black line, and blow-hole using reflective and
transmissive sensors
Field incrementing, decrementing, and serialization
Downloadable fonts and graphics (with data compression)
Internal statistical counters for inches and labels printed
Remote printer interrogation
On-site programmable flash memory updates
Autoload / Alignment of media
Automatic stock eject on paper-out
2.5 Options
+24 VDC Universal 100W Desktop Power Supply
300 dpi print head
Heavy Duty Rotary Cutter
Centronics Parallel Port
Ethernet Port
Pre-Stock Out Sensor Assembly
Low Paper Sensor Assembly
Wristband Option
Paper Supply Holders
Media Catch Trays
Cleaning kit
2-2 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
Chapter 3: Getting Started
3.1 Unpacking and Inspection
The printer has been packaged in protective foam to help reduce the damage during shipment.
Inspect the shipping container(s) for signs of damage. If damage is evident, contact the shipping company immediately to file a damage claim.
After the printer is removed from the container(s), verify that all the items on the packing list are present and in good condition. The picture below (See Figure 3-1) shows a 428TM and optional power cord. Your shipment may contain different items.
The foam and shipping container(s) should be kept and used if the printer is to be shipped at a later time. Additional shipping materials can be ordered by contacting the Microcom Corporation Service Department.
Figure 3-1 Typical Printer Accessories
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Getting Started Chapter 3
Figure 3-2 Printer Rear Panel
External Media
Entry Slot
Optional Cash
Drawer Port
Optional Parallel
3.2 Printer Power
The printer has a universal auto-sensing internal power supply that operates in the 100-240 VAC; 50-60 Hertz range. The three-prong female end of the power cord plugs into the mating connector located on the back of the printer.
3.3 RS232 Serial Communication Interface
The printer provides a 9-pin female D-Sub connector, on the rear panel, for RS-232D serial communication. The printer is configured as DCE (Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) so a NULL modem cable is not necessary. A serial data cable is required to use serial communications, refer to Table 3-1 below for correct cable configurations.
The factory settings, unless otherwise requested, are set at 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity with hardware handshaking enabled. The baud rate is user selectable from 110 to 115,200 and uses software XON/XOFF flow control and/or hardware CTS/RTS handshaking.
If XON/XOFF handshaking is used, the only signals that the printer requires are the RXD, TXD, and GND signals. If the hardware handshaking is used, then the CTS and RTS signals are required. The other signals are offered in the event that the host computer would require them.
3-2 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
Chapter 3 Getting Started
3.3.1 RS-232 Serial Cables
The printer uses a standard through serial cable, typically referred to as a modem cable, which may be purchased through Microcom Corporation or a local computer supply company. A NULL-modem cable is not required because the printer is configured as DCE.
For a 25-pin serial communication port – Use a 25-pin female to 9-pin male cable.
For a 9-pin serial communication port – Use a 9-pin female to 9-pin male cable.
9 to 9 Pin Cable 9 to 25 Pin Cable
HI 9 +5V
Pin #
Signals /
Pin #
+5V 9 HI 9 +5V -
1 HI 1 DCD
5 LO 5 GND
Pin #
Signals /
DSR 20
Pin #
Table 3-1 RS-232 Cable Configurations
3.4 USB Communication Interface
The 428TM printer provides a single USB port for communication to a host device. In order to communicate with the printer, the USB driver must be installed on the host computer. This may be downloaded at http://www.microcomcorp.com/drivers.htm. The Windows combined driver model (CDM) may be installed on XP, VISTA, Windows 7 or Windows 8 allowing applications to access FTDI devices through either the D2XX DLL or a COM port without having to change driver type. However, it should be noted that an application can only communicate through one of these interfaces at a time and cannot send commands to the D2XX DLL and the associated COM port at the same time.
3.4.1 USB Driver Setup
The Windows combined driver model (CDM) may be installed on XP, VISTA, Windows 7 or Windows 8 allowing applications to access FTDI devices through either the D2XX DLL or a COM port without having to change driver type. However, it should be noted that an application can only communicate through one of these interfaces at a time and cannot send commands to the D2XX DLL and the associated COM port at the same time.
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Getting Started Chapter 3
If there is an available Internet connection, Windows will silently connect to the Windows Update website and install any suitable driver it finds for the device once connected. If an manual install is desired, follow the instructions below.
Run the CDM.exe driver to install the FTDI based USB.
Click “Continue Anyway” if this dialog box pops up.
The next step is to install the D2xx.dll. While this is a communication port (RS-232) emulator, no configuration of the RS-232 port is required.
Once installed, the FTDI USB device will show up as a USB SERIAL PORT (COMx) listed under the “COMM PORTS AND LPT” within Device Manager. The “x” indicates the COMM port number this will be used for that USB port connection to the printer.
Connect the power cable and the USB cable to the printer and turn the printer on. If already connected, disconnect USB and then reconnect the USB. The FTDI USB device should now recognize and install.
3-4 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
Chapter 3 Getting Started
3.5 Parallel Communication Interface
The printer may be configured with a standard Uni-directional parallel port. The connector on the printer side is a DB25 pin female type of connector.
3.6 Ethernet Communication Interface
Either type in your Web Browser or run the Device Installer software. Please note that you will need to add the address to your network in order to communicate to the printer via the Web Interface.
Please note that the printer’s Ethernet port is configured with an IP address of, a NET mask of, and a local port of 9100.
3.6.1 Device Installer
After starting the Device Installer software, you will see a screen similar to the picture below.
Select the Search button to search for the XPORT device.
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Getting Started Chapter 3
To change or configure the IP address, first click to highlight the XPOT-03 device and select the Assign IP button.
Select Assign a specific IP address and select Next.
This screen allows you to assign the IP Address and the Subnet Mask. You will need to obtain these two items from your network administrator and select Next.
3-6 428TM Operator’s Manual - 880042-0141
Chapter 3 Getting Started
The next screen prompts you to confirm your selection by pressing the Assign button.
Once the task is complete, select the Finish button to return to the main Device Installer screen.
The XPORT device is now configured. Before the printer will use the Ethernet port, the printer needs to have the Ethernet port selected as the active port.
Configuring the printer to use Ethernet:
Connect to the printer using either the Serial or USB port and a VT100 terminal emulation software package at 115200,n,8,1 serial parameters. Please note: Before using the USB port, the Prolific USB to Serial driver must be installed. The process below shows how to configure the Ethernet port using Hyperterminal.
Connect to the printer using a Serial or USB connection.
Install media/paper into the printer.
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Getting Started Chapter 3
Turn the printer ON with the print button pressed and held in. Release the button after the printer starts to feed media.
Open a Hyperterminal session and type TEST for the name, select OK.
Select the COM port that you are using to communicate and then select OK.
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Chapter 3 Getting Started
Set the COM parameters up for 115200,n,8,1 and Hardware flow control and select OK.
Type ^D29 in the window (you will not see the characters being echoed back, this is okay) and press the Enter key.
You should see information from the printer reported to the screen if communicating properly.
Type a ^A1^D108 followed by the Enter key to change the active port to Ethernet. Power cycle the printer and the unit should be configured for Ethernet operation.
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Pin 1
Pin 3
Pin 2
3.7 Cash Drawer Option
The printer provides a DB15 connector to support the use of 24v cash drawer applications. The Draw Kick-out solenoid current must be 1 amp or less to avoid current overloads. This option is only available when using the STL mode.
Figure 3-3 Cash Drawer Pin-out
3.8 AUX Option
The AUX port option or auxiliary port on the printer is for custom application support.
3.9 MICPrinter USB Windows Driver
MICPrinter is a driver that allows most traditional Windows applications to print to a Microcom printer equipped with fast USB capability. The Micprinter utility may also be used in a command line environment if more than one device instance is needed. The MicOptions GUI will only support one device at a time
The installation of the driver will require that the user has Administration privileges on the host computer to complete the installation. Please note that the drivers should be installed before connecting the printer and turning it on.
The first step would be to execute the MICPrinter installer (MICPrinter-Setup.exe) to install the utility onto your system. The first screen will be similar to:
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Chapter 3 Getting Started
Click the Next button to continue.
You will see a screen similar to this showing the progress of the installation.
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Click “Continue Anyway” if this dialog box pops up.
The next step is to install the FTDI USB driver. While this is a communication port (RS-232) emulator, no configuration of the RS-232 port is required.
Once installed, the FTDI USB device will show up as a USB SERIAL PORT (COM) listed under the “COMM PORTS AND LPT” within Device Manager. The “x” indicates the COMM port number this will be used for that USB port connection to the printer.
Connect the power cable and the USB cable to the printer and turn the printer on. The FTDI USB device should try to install. If it is unable to install, please manually install the by following the example below.
Select YES to install the communications driver.
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Chapter 3 Getting Started
Select the FINISH button to complete the installation process.
The Micoption GUI may now be configured for the printer being used. You may access the Micoptions GUI from either the PRINTERS and FAXES folder and select Micprinter\Properties\Advanced Options\Setup Printer or START button\Programs\Micoptions\Micoptions.
Micprinter listed under the Printers and Faxes folder.
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Getting Started Chapter 3
Selecting this will
This is a Micoptions configuration window sample.
Select the COMM port # that the FTDI device is connected to.
If selected, the driver will auto detect the communication port. This should be disabled if using the command
report the port that the USB device is detected on.
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