Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
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4.0Flash Program Memory................................................................................ .............................................................................. 37
14.0 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)...............................................................................................................................................125
17.0 10-bit/12-bit Analog-to-Digital Convert er ( ADC)........................................................................... ............................................ 151
18.0 Special Features...................................................................................................................................................................... 163
19.0 Instruction Set Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 171
20.0 Development Support............................................................................................................................................................... 179
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 225
The Microchip Web Site........................................... .......................................................................................................................... 229
Customer Change Notification Service .............................................................................................................................................. 229
It is our intention to provide our valued customers with the best documentation possible to ensure successful use of your Microchip
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The last character of the literature number is the version number, (e.g., DS30000A is version A of document DS30000).
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of the PIC24HJ12GP201/2 02 devices. It i s
not intended to be a co mp rehe ns iv e re ference source. To complement the information in this dat a sheet, refe r to the “PIC24HFamily Reference Manual”. Please see
the Microchip web site ( for the latest PIC24H Family
Reference Manual chap ters.
This documen t conta i ns dev ic e spec if i c in for m at i on fo r
the following devices:
• PIC24HJ12GP201
• PIC24HJ12GP202
Figure 1-1 shows a general block diagram of the core
and periph eral modules in the PIC24 HJ12GP201/ 202
family of devices. Table 1-1 lists the functions of the
various pins shown in the pinout diagrams.
VREF+IAnalogAnalog voltage referenc e (h igh) input.
REF-IAnalogAnalog voltage reference (low) input.
Legend: CMOS = CMOS compatible input or output; Analog = Analog input
ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels; O = Output; I = Input; P = Power
ISTChange notification inputs.
ISTCapture inputs 1/2
ST/CMOS—External clock source input. Alwa ys associated with OSC1 pin fu nction.
Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or resonator in Crystal Oscillator
mode. Optionally functions as CLKO in RC and EC modes. Always associated
with OSC2 pin function.
ST/CMOS—Oscillator crystal input. ST buffer when configured in RC mode; CMOS otherwise.
ST/CMOS—32.768 kHz low-powe r os ci lla t or cry stal in put; C M O S ot her wi se.
Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or resonator in Crystal Oscillator
mode. Optionally functio ns as C LKO in R C an d EC m odes.
32.768 kHz low-powe r os ci lla t or cry stal out put.
Can be software programmed for internal weak pull-ups on all inputs.
Capture inputs 7/8
Compare Fault A input (for Compare Channels 1 and 2).
Compare outputs 1 through 2.
External interrupt 0.
UART1 clear to send.
UART1 ready to send.
UART1 receive.
UART1 transmit.
Synchronous serial clock input/output for SPI1.
SPI1 data in.
SPI1 data out.
SPI1 slave synchronization or frame pulse I/O.
Synchronous serial clock input/output for I2C1 .
Synchronous serial data input/output for I2C1.
Alternate synchronous serial clock input/output for I2C1.
Alternate synchronous serial data input/output for I2C1.
JTAG Test mode select pin.
JTAG test clock input pin.
JTAG test data input pin.
JTAG test data output pin.
Data I/O pin for programmin g/ deb ugging communication channel 1.
Clock input pin for progr am m i ng/ d ebugging communica tion channel 1.
Data I/O pin for programmin g/ deb ugging communication channel 2.
Clock input pin for progr am m i ng/ d ebugging communica tion channel 2.
Data I/O pin for programmin g/ deb ugging communication channel 3.
Clock input pin for progr am m i ng/ d ebugging communica tion channel 3.
of this group of PIC24HJ12GP201/202
devices. It is not intended to be a comprehensive reference sourc e. To complement
the information in this data sheet, refer to
the “PIC24H Family Reference Manual”.
Please see the Microchip web site
( for the latest
PIC24H Family Reference Manual
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 CPU module has a 16-bit
(data) modified H arvard architecture with an enhanced
instruction set and addressing modes. The CPU has a
24-bit instruction word with a variable length opcode
field. The Program Counter (PC) is 23 bits wide and
addresses up to 4M x 24 bits of user program memory
space. The actual amount of program memory
implemented varies by device. A single-cycle
instruction prefetch mechanism is used to help
maintain throughput and provides predictable
execution. All instructions execute in a single cycle,
with the exception of instructions that change the
program flow, the double-word move (MOV.D)
instruction and the table instructions. Overhead-free,
single-cycle program loop constructs are supported
using the REPEAT instructio n, which is in terruptib le at
any point.
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 devices have sixteen, 16-bit
working regist ers in the program mer’s model. Each of th e
working registers can serve as a data, address or
address offset register. The 16th working register (W15)
operates as a software Stack Pointer (SP) for interrupts
and calls.
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 instruction set includes
many addressing modes and is designed for optimum
C compiler efficiency. For most instructions, the
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 is capable of executing a data
(or program data) memory read, a working register
(data) read, a data memory write and a program
(instruction) memory read per instruction cycle. As a
result, three parameter instructions can be supported,
allowing A + B = C operations to be executed in a single
A block diagram of the CPU is shown in Figure 2-1,
and the programmer’s model for the
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 is sh ow n in Figu re 2-2.
2.1Data Addressing Overvi ew
The data space can be linearly addressed as 32K words
or 64 Kbytes using an Addr ess Generation Uni t (AGU).
The upper 32 Kby tes of the data s pace mem ory map ca n
optionally b e mapped into pro gram space at any 16K program word boundary defined by the 8-bit Program Space
Visibility Page ( PSVPAG) register. The program to data
space mapping feature lets any instruction access program space as if it were data spac e .
The data space also includes 2 Kbytes of DMA RAM,
which is primarily us ed for DMA dat a transfers, but may
be used as general purpose RAM.
2.2Special MCU Features
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 features a 17-bit by 17-bit,
single-cycle multiplier. The multiplier can perform
signed, unsigned and mixed-sign multiplication. Using
a 17-bit by 17-bit multiplier for 16-bit by 16-bit
multiplication makes mixed-sign multiplication
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 supports 16/16 and 32/16
integer divide operations. All divide instructions are
iterative operations. They must be executed within a
REPEAT loop, resulting in a total execution time of 19
instruction cycles. The divide operation can be
interrupted during any of those 19 cycles without loss
of data.
A multi-bit data shifter is used to perform up to a 16-bit,
left or right shift in a single cycle.
C = Clear only bitR = Readable bitU = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’
S = Set only bitW = Writable bit-n = Value at POR
‘1’ = Bit is set‘0’ = Bit is clearedx = Bit is unknown
bit 15-9Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
bit 8DC: MCU ALU Half Carry/Borrow
1 = A carry-out from the 4th low-order bit (for byte-si zed data) or 8th lo w-order bit (for word-s ized data)
0 = No carry-out from the 4th low-order bit (for byte-sized data) or 8th low-order bit (for word-sized
bit 7-5IPL<2:0>: CPU Interrupt Priority Level Status bits
111 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 7 (15), user interrupts disabled
110 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 6 (14)
101 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 5 (13)
100 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 4 (12)
011 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 3 (11)
010 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 2 (10)
001 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 1 (9)
000 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 0 (8)
bit 4RA: REPEAT Loop Active bit
1 = REPEAT loop in progress
0 = REPEAT loop not in progress
bit 3N: MCU ALU Negative bit
1 = Result was negative
0 = Result was non-negative (zero or positive)
bit 2OV: MCU ALU Overflow bit
This bit is used for signed arithm etic (2’s c omplement). It indic ates an overflow of th e magnitude wh ich
causes the sign bit to change state.
1 = Overflow occurred for signed arithmetic (in this arithmetic operation)
0 = No overflow occurred
bit 1Z: MCU ALU Zero bit
1 = An operation which affects the Z bit has set it at some time in the past
0 = The most recent operation which affects the Z bit has cleared it (i.e., a non-zero result)
bit 0C: MCU ALU Carry/Borrow
1 = A carry-out from the Most Significant bit (MSb) of the result occurred
0 = No carry-out from the Most Significant bit of the result occurred
Note 1: The IPL<2:0> bits are concaten ated with the IPL<3 > bi t (CORCON<3 >) to form the CPU Inte rrup t Prio rity
Level. The value in parentheses indicates the IPL if IPL<3> = 1. User interrupts are disabled when
IPL<3> = 1.
2: The IPL<2:0> Status bits are read only when NSTDIS = 1 (INTCON1<15>).
of the result occurred
data) of the result occurred
Legend:C = Clear only bit
R = Readable bitW = Writable bit-n = Value at POR‘1’ = Bit is set
0’ = Bit is cleared‘x = Bit is unknownU = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’
bit 15-4Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
bit 3IPL3: CPU Interrupt Priority Level Status bit 3
1 = CPU interrupt priority level is greater than 7
0 = CPU interrupt priori ty level is 7 o r less
bit 2PSV: Program Space Visibility in Data Space Enable bit
1 = Program space visible in data space
0 = Program space not visible in data space
bit 1-0Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
Note 1: The IPL3 bit is concatenated with the IPL<2:0> bits (SR<7:5>) to form the CPU interrupt priority level.
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 ALU is 16 bits wide and is
capable of addition, subtraction, bit shifts and logic
operations. Unless otherwise mentioned, arithmetic
operations are 2’s complement in nature. Depending
on the operation, the ALU may affect the values of the
Carry (C), Zero (Z), Negative (N), Overflow (OV) and
Digit Carry (DC) Status bits in the SR register. The C
and DC S tatus bits op erate as Bo rrow
bits, respectively, for subtraction operations.
The ALU can perform 8-bit or 16-bit operations,
depending on the mode of the instruction that is used.
Data for the ALU operation can come from the W register array , or dat a memory, depending on the addressing mode of the instruction. Likewise, output data from
the ALU can be written to the W regis ter array or a data
memory locatio n.
Refer to the “dsPIC30F/33F Programmer’s ReferenceManual” (DS70157) for information on the SR bits
affected by each instruction.
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 CPU incorporates hardware support for both multiplication and division. This
includes a dedicated hardware multiplier and support
hardware for 16-bit divisor division.
Using the high-speed 17-bit x 17-bit multiplier, the ALU
supports unsigned, signed or mixed-sign operation in
several multiplication modes:
1.16-bit x 16-bit signed
2.16-bit x 16-bit unsigned
3.16-bit signed x 5-bit (literal) unsigned
4.16-bit unsigned x 16-bit unsigned
5.16-bit unsigned x 5-bit (literal) unsigned
6.16-bit unsigned x 16-bit signed
7.8-bit unsigned x 8-bit unsigned
and Digit Borrow
The divide block support s 32-bit/16-bit and 16-b it/16-bit
signed and unsig ne d in teg er d iv ide ope rati on s w it h th e
following data si zes:
1.32-bit signed/16-bit signed divide
2.32-bit unsigned/16-bit unsigned divide
3.16-bit signed/16-bit signed divide
4.16-bit unsigned/16-bit unsigned divide
The quotient for all divide instructions ends up in W0
and the remainder in W1. Sixteen-bit signed and
unsigned DIV instructions can specify any W register
for both the 16-bit divisor (Wn) and any W register
(aligned) pair (W(m + 1):Wm) for the 32-bit dividend.
The divide algorithm takes one cycle per bit of divisor,
so both 32-bit/16-bit and 16-bit/16-bit instructions take
the same number of cycles to execute.
The multi-bit data shifter is capable of performing up to
16-bit arithmetic or logic right shifts , or up to 16-bit left
shifts in a single cycle. The source can be either a
working register or a memory location.
The shifter requi res a signed binary value to determine
both the magnitude (num ber of bits) and direction of the
shift operation. A po sitive value shif ts the operand right.
A negative value shifts the operand left. A value of ‘0’
does not modify the operand.
of the PIC24HJ 12GP201/202 d evices. It is
not intended to be a c om preh ens iv e re ference source. To complement the information in this data sheet, refer to the “PIC24HFamily Reference Manual”. Please see
the Microchip web site ( for the latest PIC24H Family
Reference Manual chapters.
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 architecture features separate program and data memory spaces and buses.
This architecture also allows the direct access of program memory from the data space during code execution.
3.1Program Address Space
The program address memory space of the
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 devices is 4M instructions. The
space is addressable by a 24-bit value derived either from
the 23-bit Program Counter (PC) during program execution, or from table operation or data space remapping as
described in Section 3.4 “Interfacing Program and DataMemory Spaces”.
User application a ccess t o the pr ogram me mory s pace is
restricted to the lower half of the address range (0x000000
to 0x7FFFFF). The exception is the use of TBLRD/TBLWT
operations, which use TBLPAG<7> to permit access to the
Configura tion bi ts an d Devic e ID sect ions of the
configuration memory space.
The memory map for the PIC24HJ12GP201/202 device is
shown in Figu re3-1.
The program memory space is organized in wordaddressable blocks. Although it is treated as 24 bits
wide, it is more appropriate to think of each address of
the program memory as a lower and upper word, with
the upper byte of t he upper word being unimplemented.
The lower word always has an even address, while the
upper word has an odd address (Figure 3-2).
Program memory addresses are always word-aligned
on the lower word, and addresses are incremented or
decremented by two during code execution. This
arrangement provides compatibility with data memory
space addressing and makes data in the program
memory space accessible.
All PIC24HJ12GP201/202 devices reserve the
addresses between 0x00000 and 0x000200 for hardcoded program execution vectors. A hardware Reset
vector is provided to redirect code execution from the
default value of the PC on device Reset to the actual
start of code. A GOTO in stru ction is programmed by the
user application at 0x000000, with the actual address
for the start of code at 0x000002.
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 devic es al so ha ve tw o in terrupt
vector tables, lo cated from 0x 00000 4 to 0x 0000F F and
0x000100 to 0x0001FF. These vector tab les allow each
of the many device interrupt sources to be handled by
separate Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs). A more
detailed discussion of the interrupt vector tables is
provided in Section6.1 “Interrupt Vector Table”.
The PIC24HJ12GP201/202 CPU has a separate 16bit-wide data memory space. The data space is
accessed using separate Address Generation Units
(AGUs) for read and write operations. The data
memory maps is shown in Figure 3-3.
All Effective Addresses (EAs) in the data memory space
are 16 bits wide and point to bytes within the data space.
This arrangement gives a data space address range of
64 Kbytes or 32K words. The lower half of the data
memory space (that is, when EA<15> = 0) is used for
implemented memory addresses, while the upper half
(EA<15> = 1) is reserved for the Program Space
Visibility area (see Section 3.4.3 “Reading D ata From
Program Memory Using Program Space Visibility”).
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 devices implement up to
30 Kbytes o f data memory. Should an EA poi nt to a
location outside of this area, an all-zero word or byte
will be returned.
The data memory space is organized in byte addressable, 16-bit-wide blocks. Data is aligned in data
memory and registers as 16-bit words, but all data
space EAs resolve to bytes. The Least Significant
Bytes (LSBs) of each word have even ad dresses, whil e
the Most Significant Bytes (MSBs) have odd
To ma intain backwa rd compatibili ty with PIC
and improve data space memory usage efficiency, the
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 instruction set supports both
word and byte operations. As a consequence of byte
accessibility , a ll effect ive address calcu lations are internally scaled to step through word-aligned memory. For
example, the core recognizes that Post-Modified
Register Indirect Addre ssing mode [Ws++] w ill resu lt in
a value of W s + 1 for by te operat ions and Ws + 2 for
word operations.
Data byte reads will read the complete word that
contains the byte, using the LSB of any EA to determine which byte to select. The selected byte is placed
onto the LSB of the data path. That is, data memory
and registers are organized as two parallel byte-wide
entities with shared (word) address decode but separate write lines. D at a by te writ es only wri te to t he co rresponding side of the array or register that matches the
byte address.
All word accesses m ust be al igned to an even addre ss.
Misaligned word data fetches are not supported, so
care must be taken when mixing byte and word operations, or translating from 8-bit MCU code. If a misaligned read or write is attempted, an address error
trap is generated. If the error occurred on a read, the
instruction underway is completed. If the instruction
occurred on a write, the instruction is executed but the
write does not occur. In either case, a trap is then executed, allowing the system and/or user application to
examine the machine state prior to execution of the
address Fault.
All byte loads into any W register are loaded into the
Least Significant Byte. The Most Significant Byte is n ot
A sign-extend instruction (SE) is provided to allow
users to translate 8-bit signed data to 16-bit signed
values. Alternatively, for 16-bit unsigned data, user
applications can clear the MSB of any W register by
executing a zero-extend (ZE) instruction on the
appropriate address.
3.2.3SF R SPAC E
The first 2 Kbytes of the near data space, from 0x0000
to 0x07FF, is primarily occupied by Special Function
Registers (SFRs). These are used by the
PIC24HJ12GP201/202 core and peripheral modules
for controlling the operation of the device.
SFRs are distributed among the modules that they
control, and are generall y grouped together by mod ule.
Much of the SFR space contains unused addresses;
these are read as ‘0’. A co mplete listing o f implemented
SFRs, including their addresses, is shown in Table 3-1
through Table 3-21.
Note:The actual set of peripheral features and
interrupts varies by the device. Refer to
the corresponding device tables and
pinout diagrams for device-specific
The 8 Kbyte area between 0x0000 and 0x1FFF is
referred to as t he near data space. Locations in this
space are directly addressable via a 13-bit absolute
address field within all memory direct instructions.
Additionally, the whole data spa ce is addressa ble using
MOV instructions, which support Memory Direct
Addressing mode with a 16-bit address field, or by
using Indirect Addressing mode using a working
register as an address pointer.
WREG00000Working Re gis ter 0
WREG10002Working Re gis ter 1
WREG20004Working Re gis ter 2
WREG30006Working Re gis ter 3
WREG40008Working Re gis ter 4
WREG5000AWorking Re gis ter 5
WREG6000CWo rkin g Re gis ter 6
WREG7000EWorking Re gis ter 7
WREG80010Working Re gis ter 8
WREG90012Working Re gis ter 9
WREG100014Working Register 10
WREG110016Working Register 11
WREG120018Working Register 12
WREG13001AWorking Register 13
WREG14001CWorking Register 14
WREG15001EWorking Register 15
SPLIM0020Stack Pointer Limit Register
PCL002EProgram Counter Low Word Register
PCH0030————————Program C ounte r Hi gh B yte Re gi ster
TBLP A G0032————————Table Page Address Pointer R egis ter
PSVPAG0034————————Program Memory Visibility Page Address Pointer Register
RCOUNT0036Repeat Loop Counter Register
Legend:x = unknown value on Reset, — = unimplemented, read as ‘0’. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.
IC1BUF0140Input 1 Capture Register
IC2BUF0144Input 2 Capture Register
IC7BUF0158Input 7 Capture Register
IC8BUF015CInput 8C ap tu re R eg iste r
Legend:x = unknown value on Reset, — = unimplemented, read as ‘0’. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.
OC1RS0180Output Comp ar e 1 S ec ond ary Reg iste r
OC1R0182Output Compare 1 Register
OC2RS0186Output Comp ar e 2 S ec ond ary Reg iste r
OC2R0188Output Compare 2 Register
Legend:x = unknown value on Reset, — = unimplemented, read as ‘0’. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.
I2C1RCV0200————————Receive Register
I2C1 T R N0202————————Transmi t Re gister
I2C1BRG0204———————Baud Rate Generat or Regis ter
I2C1ADD020A——————Address Register
I2C1MSK020C——————Address Mask Re gist er
Legend:x = unknown value on Reset, — = unimplemented, read as ‘0’. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.
U1TXREG0224———————UART T r an smit R e gister
U1RXREG0226———————UART Receive Re gister
U1BRG0228Baud Ra te G en era to r P r es ca le r
Legend:x = unknown value on Reset, — = unimplemented, read as ‘0’. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.
ADC Data Buffer 1xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 2xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 3xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 4xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 5xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 6xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 7xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 8xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 9xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 10xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 11xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 12xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 13xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 14xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 15xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 1xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 2xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 3xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 4xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 5xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 6xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 7xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 8xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 9xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 10xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 11xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 12xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 13xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 14xxxx
ADC Data Buffer 15xxxx
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