Microchip Technology PSMC Designer User guide

PSMC Designer
User’s Guide
2012-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001671B
Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
== ISO/TS 16949 ==
Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
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ISBN: 9781620772737
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Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2009 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.
code hopping
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. PSMC Designer Overview
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2. Main PSMC Configuration GUI
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Function Selection ........................................................................................ 12
2.3 Device Selection ........................................................................................... 12
2.4 PSMC Selection ........................................................................................... 12
2.5 PSMC Enable ............................................................................................... 12
2.6 Interrupt Enables .......................................................................................... 12
2.6.1 Timed Event Interrupt Enable .................................................................... 12
2.6.2 Auto-Shutdown Interrupt Enable ............................................................... 12
2.7 Comments .................................................................................................... 12
2.8 Copy and Show Button ................................................................................. 13
2.8.1 PSMC SFR Displays ................................................................................. 13
2.9 Paste Button ................................................................................................. 13
2.10 Clear Button ............................................................................................... 13
2.11 Pull-down Menu .......................................................................................... 13
2.11.1 Save Assy ............................................................................................... 13
2.11.2 Save C ..................................................................................................... 13
2.11.3 Load Code ............................................................................................... 14
2.12 Clock .......................................................................................................... 14
2.12.1 Clock Source ........................................................................................... 14
2.12.2 Prescale .................................................................................................. 14
2.13 Timer .......................................................................................................... 14
2.13.1 Sync Source ............................................................................................ 15
2.13.2 Timer Interrupt ......................................................................................... 15
2.14 Blanking ...................................................................................................... 15
2.14.1 Blanking Times ........................................................................................ 16
2.14.2 Rising Event Trigger ................................................................................ 16
2.14.3 Falling Event Trigger ............................................................................... 17
2.14.4 Asynchronous Input Pin Polarity ............................................................. 17
2.15 Period Event ............................................................................................... 17
2.15.1 Synchronous Selection ............................................................................ 17
2.15.2 Asynchronous Selection .......................................................................... 18
2.15.3 Asynchronous Polarity (not available on PIC16(L)F1782/3) .................... 18
2.15.4 Interrupt ................................................................................................... 18
2.16 Rising Event ............................................................................................... 18
2.16.1 Synchronous Selection ............................................................................ 19
2.16.2 Asynchronous Selection .......................................................................... 19
2.16.3 Interrupt ................................................................................................... 20
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PSMC Designer User’s Guide
2.17 Falling Event ............................................................................................... 20
2.17.1 Synchronous Selection ............................................................................20
2.17.2 Asynchronous Selection ..........................................................................21
2.17.3 Asynchronous Polarity (not available on PIC16(L)F1782/3) ....................21
2.17.4 Interrupt ....................................................................................................21
2.18 Modulation .................................................................................................. 21
2.18.1 Modulation Source Selection ...................................................................22
2.18.2 Modulation Enable ...................................................................................22
2.19 PSMC Modes ............................................................................................. 22
2.19.1 Dead-Band Control ..................................................................................23
2.19.2 SPWM: Single PWM Mode ......................................................................23
2.19.3 SPWMC: Single PWM Mode with Complementary Outputs ....................24
2.19.4 PP: Push-Pull Mode .................................................................................25
2.19.5 PPC: Push-Pull with Complementary Output ...........................................25
2.19.6 FBPP: Full-Bridge Push-Pull ....................................................................26
2.19.7 FBPPC: Full-Bridge Push-Pull with Complementary Mode Outputs ........27
2.19.8 PS: Pulse-Skipping Mode ........................................................................27
2.19.9 PSC: Pulse-Skipping with Complementary Output ..................................28
2.19.10 ECCPR: ECC PWM Full-Bridge Mode, Reverse Direction ....................29
2.19.11 ECCPF: ECC PWM Full-Bridge Mode, Forward Direction .....................30
2.19.12 FDC: Fixed Duty Cycle Mode ................................................................30
2.19.13 Fine Frequency Adjust ...........................................................................31
2.19.14 FDCC: Fixed Duty Cycle with Complementary Output ..........................31
2.19.15 3PH: 3-Phase PWM ...............................................................................32
2.20 Output Control ............................................................................................ 33
2.20.1 Output Enable ..........................................................................................34
2.20.2 Output Steering ........................................................................................34
2.20.3 Output Steering Synchronization .............................................................34
2.20.4 Output Polarity .........................................................................................35
2.20.5 Shutdown Level .......................................................................................35
2.21 Auto-Shutdown ........................................................................................... 35
2.21.1 Shutdown Enable .....................................................................................35
2.21.2 Shutdown Sources ...................................................................................35
2.21.3 Shutdown Override ..................................................................................35
2.21.4 Auto/Manual Restart ................................................................................35
2.22 Sync Control (not available on the PIC16(L)F1782/3) ................................ 36
Chapter 3. PSMC Tips
3.1 Variable Period with Fixed Off-time .............................................................. 37
3.2 3-Phase Variable Duty Cycle ....................................................................... 38
3.3 Center Weighted Variable PWM .................................................................. 39
DS40001671B-page 4 2012-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site (www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is “DSXXXXXA”, where “XXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the document.
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB IDE online help. Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the PSMC Designer. Items discussed in this chapter include:
Conventions Used in this Guide
The Microchip Web Site
Customer Support
Document Revision History
This document describes how to use the PSMC Designer. The document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1. “PSMC Designer Overview”
Chapter 2. “Main PSMC Configuration GUI”
Chapter 3. “PSMC Tips”
2012-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS40001671B-page 5
PSMC Designer User’s Guide
This manual uses the following documentation conventions:
Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic characters Referenced books MPLAB IDE User’s Guide
Emphasized text ...is the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or
Underlined, italic text with right angle bracket
Bold characters A dialog button Click OK
N‘Rnnnn A number in verilog format,
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier New font:
Plain Courier New Sample source code #define START
Italic Courier New A variable argument file.o, where file can be
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mcc18 [options] file
Curly brackets and pipe character: { | }
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [,
A menu path File>Save
A tab Click the Power tab
where N is the total number of digits, R is the radix and n is a digit.
Filenames autoexec.bat File paths c:\mcc18\h Keywords _asm, _endasm, static Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa- Bit values 0, 1 Constants 0xFF, ‘A’
Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection
Represents code supplied by user
“Save project before build”
4‘b0010, 2‘hF1
any valid filename
errorlevel {0|1}
var_name...] void main (void)
{ ... }
DS40001671B-page 6 2012-2013 Microchip Technology Inc.
Microchip provides online support via our web site at www.microchip.com. This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information:
Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software
General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing
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Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
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• Field Application Engineer (FAE)
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Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers.
Technical support is available through the web site at:
Revision A (December 2012)
• Initial Release of this Document.
Revision B (June 2013)
• Updated Figure 2-3, Figure 2-6, Figure 2-7, Figure 2-18, and Figure 2-19.
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PSMC Designer User’s Guide
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Chapter 1. PSMC Designer Overview


The PSMC peripheral is a sophisticated programmable switch mode controller intended to operate power conversion applications with little or no software intervention. The peripheral capabilities range from simple, single channel PWM generation to multi-channel complementary waveforms with dead bands between transitions. PWM modes include:
• Push-Pull
• Full-bridge
• Push-Pull Full-bridge
• Pulse skipping
• High resolution fixed duty cycle
• 6-step 3-phase operation
Every mode, except the 6-step, has a complementary output mode, which drives at least two channels that are the complement of each other.
The PSMC also supports various driver and feedback configurations with the following programmable features:
• Dead band – delays the output drive for a time after the complement of that output turns off
• Blanking – Suppresses feedback signals for a time after the drive transitions on and off
• Asynchronous inputs – pulse Start and Stop events can be triggered by external asynchronous signals in combination with, or independent of, an internal time base
• Shutdown – immediate safe shutdown driven by an external asynchronous Fault signal
• Modulation – the PWM can be operated as a carrier and modulated by an independent input
There are thirty Special Function Registers (SFRs) in the PSMC configuration setup. Setting all thirty registers with the appropriate values for desired operation can be a daunting task. The PSMC Designer GUI was created to simplify that effort.
The GUI divides the PSMC into up to eleven major functions. These functions are shown in relation to each other in block diagram format in the main GUI window. Clicking on a block opens the control GUI for that function. The user is guided through the PSMC configuration design by completing signal paths and control options within each function by selecting switch positions. Entry boxes for times and frequencies appear within the diagrams where numeric entry is required.
There are two options for transferring the completed PSMC configuration to your project. One is to copy the code into the clipboard buffer which can then be pasted into your source code. The other transfer method is to generate an output file that can be included by reference in your source code. Include files are also the means by which PSMC configurations are stored for later retrieval by the PSMC designer.
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PSMC Designer User’s Guide
Although a brief description of each function is included at the beginning of each function section, please refer to the device data sheet for a more detailed description of the PSMC operation. The sections of this guide are arranged in the same order of progression that a user would follow when creating a PSMC configuration.
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Chapter 2. Main PSMC Configuration GUI


Figure 2-1 shows the main PSMC Designer user interface, referred to hereafter as the
main GUI. Here you will see the eleven major functions of the PSMC:
1. Clock 2. Timer
3. Blanking 4. Period Event
5. Rising Event 6. Falling Event
7. Modulation 8. PSMC Modes
9. Output Control 10. Auto-Shutdown
11. Sync Output Control (not available
on the PIC16(L)F1782/3)
The main GUI also contains the following:
1. Device Selection 2. PSMC Selection
3. Copy and Show Button 4. Paste Button
5. Clear Button 6. Copy and Show Button
7. PSMC SFR Displays 8. PSMC Enable
9. Interrupt Enables 10. Pull-down Menu


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PSMC Designer User’s Guide


As you move your cursor around the display, you will notice that the cursor shape changes to a hand whenever it is within the bounds of one of the function blocks. Clicking on the mouse when the cursor is a hand will open a control GUI for the function to which the hand is pointing. When you are finished configuring that block you can either close the associated GUI or leave it open. All functions remain active whether or not they are visible.


Selecting the device is the first step in creating a PSMC configuration. The Device combination box lists all devices with PSMC peripherals. Make the selection by scrolling through the list to the desired device. The device selection also configures controls for all PSMC instances in that device with the proper input and output names associated with that device.


Selecting the desired PSMC instance is the second step in creating a PSMC configuration. Make the selection by scrolling through the list to the desired PSMC instance. The PSMC selection also configures all other controls with the proper input and output names associated with that PSMC instance.


This checkbox in the main GUI enables or disables the currently selected PSMC of the currently selected device.


The interrupt enable checkboxes in the main GUI enable or disable the corresponding bit of the PIEx register for the currently selected PSMC of the currently selected device.

2.6.1 Timed Event Interrupt Enable

The timed event enable is the summary enable bit for the timed event interrupts.

2.6.2 Auto-Shutdown Interrupt Enable

The auto-shutdown enable is the enable bit for auto-shutdown events.


The comments section in the lower center of the main GUI is where user comments about the PSMC configuration can be entered. Each PSMC instance has its own comment data, which is displayed when that PSMC is selected. Comments entered in this box are included as comments in the saved file output.
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The Copy and Show button does two things: It shows all SFR values in the PSMC instance configuration, and it copies those values to the clipboard. The clipboard format is consistent with the type selected by the Code Type radio buttons. C and Assembly are the two options. The clipboard capture can be pasted into your source code, however, code for only the presently selected PSMC instance is in the clipboard. Multiple copy and paste operations are required when working with multiple PSMC instances. A better method for saving multiple PSMC instances of the same device is the File Save option. Files can be saved in either C or Assembly format (see Save Assy or Save C).

2.8.1 PSMC SFR Displays

The PSMC SFRs are displayed by name and value in the 30 text boxes between the Copy and Show button and the Paste button. Only the SFRs for the selected PSMC instance are displayed as indicated by each of the SFR name prefixes.


The Paste button transfers SFR values of the PSMC instance, from which they were copied with the Copy and Show button, to the presently selected PSMC instance. In this manner, one PSMC configuration can be created then quickly copied to other desired PSMC instances. It is usually easier to make a few changes to a copied configuration than it is to re-enter the entire configuration for each PSMC instance. Note that the Paste button will not paste values copied from your source code.
Main PSMC Configuration GUI


The Clear button clears all SFRs in the presently selected PSMC instance to zero. All GUIs of the various functions adjust accordingly.


In the upper left of the main GUI display there is a pull-down menu titled “File”. This pull-down menu includes the following:
• Save Assy Code
• Save C Code
• Load Code
A file selection dialog will appear when the desired menu item is selected for both saving and loading code. A comment section, that includes the device number and clock frequency, is included in the saved code. This is used to reconstruct those parts of the configuration when the code is loaded back into the designer tool.

2.11.1 Save Assy

Selecting the Save Assy code menu option creates an include file containing assembly configuration code for all PSMCs in the selected device that have been configured. Any PSMC instance in the selected device that is clear will not be included in the output.

2.11.2 Save C

Selecting the Save C code menu option creates an include file containing C configuration code for all PSMCs in the selected device that have been configured. Any PSMC instance in the selected device that is clear will not be included in the output.
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