The PL360 is a multi-protocol modem for the Power Line Communication (PLC) device, implementing a
very flexible architecture and allowing the implementation of standard and customized PLC solutions. It
has been conceived to be bundled with an external Microchip MCU, which downloads the corresponding
PLC firmware and controls the operation of the PL360 device.
The purpose of the PL360 Host Controller is to provide the external microcontroller a way to control the
PL360 device and offer upper layers an easy way to get access to PLC communication.
As an example of the PLC system, the figure below shows the system architecture for G3 protocol based
on a PL360 device being controlled by a SAM4C MCU.
Figure 1. G3 System Architecture
The aim of this document is to clarify and detail the user interface of the PL360 Host Controller.
The PL360 Host Controller is a C source code component which provides the host MCU application
access to the API of the Power Line Communications PHY layer running in the PL360 device. Figure 1-1
shows the architecture of the software which runs on the host MCU. The components of the PL360 Host
Controller are described in the following subsections.
Figure 1-1. PL360 Host Controller Architecture
PL360 Host Controller Architecture
1.1 PL360 Host Controller File Structure
The PL360 Host Controller is provided as a component of ASF (Atmel Software Framework). The image
below shows the location of the main files of the PL360 Host Controller Software. Different blocks provide
different features. The next subsections describe the purpose of each block.
This module provides an interface to the application for all PLC operations.
This API includes the following services:
•Set custom hardware interface
•Manage Bootloader process of the PL360 device
•Manage external configuration of the PL360 device
•Enable / Disable PLC interface
•Enable / Disable secure mode
•Enable / Disable add-on module
This interface is defined in file atpl360.h and some of these services can be configured in file
conf_atpl360.h (see 5.1 Configure Application).
1.3 PLC Stack Wrapper
This module provides an interface compliant with the specific PLC communication stack, G3 or PRIME. It
includes all declarations and definitions relative to the specific communication stack.
The main function of this module is to parse/serialize frames between SPI protocol and API functions in
order to manage information from/to upper layers. It also provides a configuration function to set some
hardware- specific parameters during the initialization process.
For further details, please refer to atpl360_comm.h header file.
This module is responsible for providing compatibility with Microchip PLC tools. Its main function is to
pack/unpack frames so that they can be used by each PLC tool.
There are two add-ons available per PLC communication stack: one to connect with the Microchip PLC
Sniffer PC tool, and another one to connect with the Microchip PLC PHY Tester PC tool.
1.5 Bootloader
The PL360 device is a RAM-based device, so it is required to transfer the binary code to the device after
each reset. The main purpose of this module is to manage the download process.
During the bootloading, the integrity of the SPI communication between the PL360 Host Controller and
the PL360 device is checked in each SPI transaction. If the SPI header does not match the expected
information, the PL360 Host Controller resets the PL360 device and the bootloader downloads the binary
code to the device again. The PL360 Host Controller tries this download process up to three times and
reports a critical failure to upper layers after the last unsuccessful download process.
There are two modes of operation for the bootloader: Normal mode or Secure mode.
PL360 Host Controller Architecture
The following points should be taken into account in order to enable the Secure Boot mode:
•It is mandatory to include specific metadata in the binary file before downloading it to the PL360
device, such as number of blocks to decypher, init vector and signature. A Microchip Python script
is provided in PLC PHY Workspace as an example about how to include this metadata information
in the binary file
•It is needed to define ATPL360_SEC_BOOT_MODE in conf_atpl360.h file, and make sure that
__ATPL360B__ is defined as symbol in project properties
For further details, please check the bootloader commands defined in atpl360_hal_spi.h header file.
1.6 Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
The Hardware Abstraction Layer provides full hardware compatibility with the host device.
There are four hardware peripherals that depend on customer platform/implementation:
•Access to SPI peripheral
•Access to interrupt system
•Access to delay system
•Access to carrier detect line
For further details, please refer to section 4. Initialization Example.
Figure 2-1 shows the PL360 system architecture of the embedded firmware. The PL360 device has an
embedded Cortex M7 CPU to run the PLC firmware. This firmware can either implement the G3 or the
PRIME Physical layer depending on what has been loaded by the PL360 Host Controller. The
components of the system are described in the following subsections.
Figure 2-1. PL360 Embedded Firmware Architecture
PL360 System Architecture
2.2 Bootloader
The bootloader is an Internal Peripheral (IP) designed to load the program from an external master into
the instruction memory of the Cortex M7. This IP can access instruction memory, data memory and
peripheral registers.
For further information, please refer to the PL360 datasheet.
There are two memory configurations controlled via MEM_CONFIG bit. In the firmware loading process,
the appropriate memory configuration is established by the PL360 Host Controller according to the
firmware requisites.
MEM_CONFIGProgram memoryData memory
0128 KBytes64 KBytes
196 KBytes96 KBytes
The PL360 Host Controller code provided by Microchip sets MEM_CONFIG to 1 by default.
For further information, please refer to the PL360 datasheet.
2.4 PL360 Drivers
Each driver is responsible for managing a hardware peripheral:
•WDT: Watchdog system
•SPU: Signal Processing Unit
•APMC: Advanced Power Management Controller
•DACC: Digital to Analog Converter Controller
•ADCC: Analog to Digital Converter Controller
•SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
•XDMAC: DMA Controller
•XCORR: Correlator
•PIO: Parallel Input/Output Controller
•CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check
PL360 System Architecture
2.5 PHY PLC Service
There are several blocks in the PHY PLC service:
•Application Interface: The API provides a set of functions to access the physical medium and
different parameters relative to each communication stack
•Host Interface: This block is in charge of managing the communication with the PL360 Host
Controller through SPI. It is responsible for parsing/serializing the SPI data, managing PLC data
regions and providing control on PLC Interruption PIO
•Coupling: This block contains the hardware configuration associated to the reference design
provided by Microchip. If a customer needs to change this configuration to adapt it to its own
design, please refer to the 5.2 Configure Coupling Parameters chapter
•TX Chain: The TX chain is responsible for handling messages from upper layers (passed through
the API) to the physical output. This block controls all drivers relative to transmission and adapts
signal parameters in order to use functionalities of the transmission chain PHY Utils block:
convolutional encoder, scrambler, interleaver, modulator, IFFT and interpolator. Also, it handles the
result of the transmission in order to report it to upper layers through the API
•RX Chain: The RX chain is responsible for handling messages from the physical input to upper
layers (passed through the API). This block checks if the PLC signal is present on the PLC
medium, synchronizes with this PLC signal and drives the signal through functionalities of the
reception chain in the PHY Utils block: decimator, FFT, demodulator, deinterleaver, descrambler
and Viterbi block. Also, it builds the complete message and reports it to upper layers through the
•Shared Memory: This block defines the structure of the data memory to avoid collisions between
TX and RX chains
•Zero Cross: The Zero Cross is responsible for calculating the last Zero Cross value and providing it
to the PLC communication stack in use. For further information, please refer to 13. Appendix B: ZC
Offset Configuration
•PHY Utils: This block contains several functionalities used by the TX/RX chains
2.6 PHY Host Application
The PHY Host Application is responsible for running the main application of the PL360 device. It is in
charge of initializing the hardware and clock systems, checking the watchdog timer and managing the
PL360 PLC service described in the previous chapter.
The Advanced Software Framework (ASF) is a MCU software library providing a large collection of
embedded software for Atmel flash MCUs: megaAVR, AVR XMEGA, AVR UC3 and SAM devices.
For details on ASF please refer to Advanced Software Framework documentation:
•Advanced Software Framework - Website
•[PDF] Atmel AVR4029: Atmel Software Framework - Getting Started
This chapter aims to explain the different steps required during the initialization phase of the system. After
powering up the PL360 device, a set of initialization sequences must be executed in the correct order for
the proper operation of the PL360 device.
The steps are the following:
1.Init controller descriptor
2.Set controller callbacks
3.Enable controller
4.PL360 event handling
Failure to complete any of the these initialization steps will result in failure in the PL360 Host
Controller startup.
Initialization Example
4.1 Init Controller Descriptor
The PL360 Host Controller is initialized by calling the atpl360_init function in the API. The PL360
Host Controller initialization routine performs the following steps:
•Disable PLC interrupt and component
•Register wrapper for hardware abstraction layer (for further information, please refer to 12.1.1
Initialization Function)
•Reset the PL360 device using corresponding host MCU control GPIOs
•Configure a GPIO as an interrupt source from the PL360 device
•Initialize the SPI driver
•Register an internal event handler for the external PLC interrupt
•If an add-on is required, initialize specific add-on (configured previously). See chapter 5.1
Configure Application
•Return a descriptor to the PL360 Host Controller. This descriptor will be used to manage the PLC
4.2 Set Controller Callbacks
After initializing the PL360 Host Controller, it is important to set callbacks to manage PL360 events.
The PL360 Host Controller reports PLC events using callback functions.
There are 4 callback functions.
•Data indication: Used to report a new incoming message
•Data confirm: Used to report the result of the last transmitted message
•Add-on event: Used to report that a new add-on message is ready to be sent to the PLC application
•Exception event: Used to report if an exception occurs, such as a reset of the PL360 device
The PL360 Host Controller is enabled by calling the atpl360_enable function in the API. This PL360
Host Controller routine performs the following steps:
•Disable/enable PLC interrupt and component
•Transfer the PL360 firmware to the PL360 device and validate. In case of failure, report a critical
error in host communication with the PL360 device through exception callback
4.4 PLC Event Handling
Once the controller callbacks have been set up, the PL360 Host Controller component must be enabled.
Then, the host MCU application is required to call the PL360 Host Controller API periodically to handle
events from PL360 embedded firmware.
The PL360 Host Controller API allows the host MCU application to interact with the PL360 embedded
firmware. To facilitate interaction, the PL360 Host Controller implements the host interface protocol
described in section 6. Host Interface Management. This protocol defines how to serialize and how to
handle API requests and response callbacks over the SPI bus interface.
Initialization Example
Some PL360 Host Controller APIs are synchronous function calls, whose return indicates that the
requested action is completed. However, most API functions are asynchronous. This means that when
the application calls an API to request a service, the call is non-blocking and returns immediately, usually
before the requested action is completed. When the requested action is completed, a notification is
provided in the form of a host interface protocol message from the PL360 embedded firmware to the
PL360 Host Controller, which, in turn, delivers it to the application via callback functions. Asynchronous
operation is essential when the requested service, such as a PLC message transmission, may take
significant time to complete. In general, the PL360 embedded firmware uses asynchronous events to
notify the host driver of status changes or pending data.
The PL360 device interrupts the host MCU when one or more events are pending in the PL360
embedded firmware. The host MCU application processes received data and events when the PL360
Host Controller calls the corresponding event callback function(s). In order to receive event callbacks, the
host MCU application is required to periodically call the atpl360_handle_events function in the API.
When host MCU application calls atpl360_handle_events, the PL360 Host Controller checks for
pending unhandled interrupts from the PL360 device. If no interrupt is pending, it returns immediately. If
an interrupt is pending, atpl360_handle_events function dispatches the PLC event data to the
respective registered callback. If the corresponding callback is not registered, the PLC event is discarded.
It is recommended to call this function either:
•From the main loop or from a dedicated task in the host MCU application; or,
•At least once when the host MCU application receives an interrupt from the PL360 embedded
The Host driver function atpl360_handle_events is non re-entrant. In the operating
system configuration, it is required to protect the PL360 Host Controller from re-entrance.
The PL360 firmware has a set of configurable parameters that control its behavior. There is a set of
configuration APIs provided to the host MCU application to configure these parameters. The configuration
APIs are categorized according to their functionality: application, coupling parameters and secure mode.
Any parameter left unset by the host MCU application will use the default value assigned during the
initialization of the PL360 firmware.
Info: All configuration parameters described in this chapter can be found in conf_atpl360.h file.
5.1 Configure Application
The following parameters can be modified to alter the behavior of the device.
•Use add-on capabilities:
–Serial Interface: provides handling of messages to communicate with the Microchip PLC PHY
Tester PC tool and PLC Python scripts
–Sniffer Interface: provides handling of messages to communicate with the Microchip PLC
Sniffer PC tool
Info: These add-on modules are included in the PLC PHY workspace provided by Microchip.
This workspace contains the projects to use with the Microchip PLC tools commented on
•Only in case of G3 communication stack, the frequency band can be selected depending on
customer requirements. G3 CEN-A, CEN-B and FCC bands are available using ATPL360_WB
parameter in the file conf_atpl360.h. Take into account that this configuration requires the use
of different firmware binary files in the PL360 device. For further information, please refer to 12.2.1
Bandplan Selection.
5.2 Configure Coupling Parameters
Sometimes the hardware designed by the customer hasn’t got exactly the same performance as the
reference design provided by Microchip, so it is possible that some adjustments are needed in order to
get the best performance.
For that purpose, the following parameters can be modified:
•MAX_RMS_HI_TABLE, MAX_RMS_VLO_TABLE: Coupling parameters to define RMS values in
Hi/Vlo impedance
•TH1_HI_TABLE, TH2_HI_TABLE, TH1_VLO_TABLE, TH2_VLO_TABLE: Coupling parameters
to define threshold values to check in Hi/Vlo impedance
•PREDIST_COEF_HI_TABLE, PREDIST_COEF_VLO_TABLE: Coupling parameters to define
Predistortion Coefficients in Hi/Vlo impedance
IFFT_GAIN_HI_MAX, IFFT_GAIN_VLO_MAX : Coupling parameters to define IFFT Gain in Hi/Vlo
•DACC_CFG_TABLE: Coupling parameters to define DACC behavior
Tip: Microchip provides a specific tool called PHY Calibration Tool with the purpose of helping
customers calculate the best values for all coupling parameters depending on their own
hardware design.
During startup, the PL360 Host Controller verifies that the firmware is running in the PL360 device and
sets custom coupling parameters through the atpl360_comm_set_coup_cfg function in the API,
which should be adapted by customers depending on their hardware requirements. The PL360 Host
Controller calls this function after any unexpected reset of the PL360 device.
Tip: To apply a customized coupling configuration, ATPL360_CFG_COUP_ENABLE must be
uncommented in conf_atpl360.h file.
5.3 Configure Secure Mode
For further information, please contact the Microchip support team.
The PL360 Host Controller services are divided in two categories: synchronous and asynchronous
services. See 4.4 PLC Event Handling.
Most of the services implemented by the PL360 Host Controller are asynchronous.
The synchronous service is only used in the get_config function in order to get specific internal
parameters relative to the communication stack.
When a function from the API is called, a sequence of actions is activated to format the request and to
arrange to transfer it to the PL360 device through the SPI protocol.
When an asynchronous event occurs, the PL360 Host Controller handles the PLC interrupt, checks the
events reported by the PL360 device and extracts the information relative to the notified event.
The associated callback will be invoked in the next call to atpl360_handle_events function.
6.1 Message Transmission
The following figure shows the steps involved in the transmission of a message from the PL360 Host
Controller to the PL360 device.
Host Interface Management
Figure 6-1. Sequence of Message Transmission
6.2 Message Reception
The following figure shows the steps involved in the reception of a message from the PL360 device to the
PL360 Host Controller.
The main interface of the PL360 device is the SPI. The PL360 device employs a protocol to allow the
exchange of formatted data with the PL360 Host Controller. The PL360 SPI protocol uses raw bytes
exchanged on the SPI bus to form high level structures like requests and callbacks.
The PL360 SPI protocol consists of two layers:
•Layer 1: bootloader commands to transfer the firmware and configure the PL360 device
•Layer 2: firmware commands to allow the host MCU application to exchange high level messages
(e.g. PLC data transmission or PLC data reception) with the PL360 embedded firmware
The PL360 SPI Protocol is implemented as a command-response transaction and assumes that one part
is the master (PL360 Host Controller) and the other one is the slave (PL360 embedded firmware).
The format of Command, Response and Data frames is described in the following subsections. The
following points apply:
•There is a response for each command
•Transmitted/received data is divided into packets with variable size
•For a write transaction (slave is receiving data packets), the slave sends a response for each data
•For a read transaction (master is receiving data packets), the master does not send any response
The header field is formed by the first 15 bits and it contains the boot signature data
(0b010101100011010). This data is fixed by the PL360 device and it is used to identify the status of the
PL360 device.
The flags field contains information about the reset type of the last reset event:
•USER_RST: User reset
•CM7_RST: Cortex reset
•WDG_RST: Watchdog reset
Table 7-1. Boot Signature Data
7.3 Firmware Command Format
The following frame format is used for firmware commands, where the PL360 device supports a DMA
address of two bytes.
The address field contains the identification number of the region to access data. These region numbers
are described in section 7.5 Firmware Data Memory Regions.
The CMD field (1 bit), which is the most significant bit of the length field, contains the SPI command:
•Read command: 0
•Write command: 1
The length field (15 bits) contains the number of 16-bit blocks to read.
The payload field depends on the region number to access and on the communication stack in use, G3 or
PRIME. For further information, please refer to atpl360_comm.h file.
7.4 Firmware Response Format
The following frame format is used for firmware responses.
Figure 7-3. Firmware Response Fields
The header field contains the firmware signature data (0x1122). This field is fixed by the PL360
embedded firmware and is used to check if this firmware runs properly.
Info: Due to the 16-bit configuration used in this SPI firmware transaction, the firmware
signature is stored in memory as 0x2211.
The payload field depends on the PLC communication stack in use (G3 or PRIME). For further
information, please refer to atpl360_comm.h file.
7.5 Firmware Data Memory Regions
This section shows the data memory regions defined in the PL360 device depending on which PLC
communication stack is used.
The only difference between PRIME and G3 communication stacks regarding data memory regions is the
number of transmission messages that can be simultaneously queued. In case of G3, only one message
can be queued. In case of PRIME, two transmission messages can be queued simultaneously. This is
possible because there are two transmission buffers defined in the PRIME PL360 embedded firmware,
TX0 and TX1.
In both cases, G3 and PRIME, upper layers are responsible for managing multiple TX times in
order to avoid collisions between them.
7.5.1 G3 Memory Regions
The following table defines memory regions to use with the G3 communication stack:
Table 7-2. G3 Memory Regions Table
Region NameValueComments
ATPL360_STATUS_INFO_ID0Information relative to the system timer and system events
SPI Protocol
occurrences in the PL360 firmware
ATPL360_TX_PARAM_ID1Information relative to parameters of the last transmission
ATPL360_TX_DATA_ID2Information relative to data of the last transmission
ATPL360_TX_CFM_ID3Information relative to the confirmation of the last transmission
ATPL360_RX_PARAM_ID4Information relative to parameters of the last received message
ATPL360_RX_DATA_ID5Information relative to data of the last received message
ATPL360_REG_INFO_ID6Information relative to internal registers or PIB’s
7.5.2 PRIME Memory Regions
The following table defines memory regions to use with the PRIME communication stack:
Table 7-3. PRIME Memory Regions Table
Region NameValueComments
ATPL360_STATUS_INFO_ID0Information relative to the system timer and system events
ATPL360_TX0_PARAM_ID1Information relative to parameters of the last transmission
ATPL360_TX0_DATA_ID2Information relative to data of the last transmission (buffer 0)
ATPL360_TX0_CFM_ID3Information relative to the confirmation of the last transmission
occurrences in the PL360 firmware
(buffer 0)
(buffer 0)
ATPL360_TX1_PARAM_ID4Information relative to parameters of the last transmission
(buffer 1)
ATPL360_TX1_DATA_ID5Information relative to data of the last transmission (buffer 1)
ATPL360_TX1_CFM_ID6Information relative to the confirmation of the last transmission
In a message transmission, there are 2 SPI blocks. The first one is relative to the transmission of G3
parameters of the message, the second one is relative to the data part of the same message.
In a transmission of parameters, the following can be seen:
•Master (MOSI):
–Send ID memory region(16 bits): 0x0001 (ATPL360_TX_PARAM_ID)
–Send SPI command (1 bit): 1 (write command)
–Send SPI params length (15 bits) (in blocks of 16-bits): 0x14 (40 bytes)
–Send configuration parameters of G3 transmission (40 bytes) [example in CEN-A band]
•Slave (MISO): PL360 device responds with the Firmware Header (0x1122)
•IRQ is not used in this request operation
SPI Protocol G3: Send Data
Figure 7-6. G3 Send Data SPI Array
In a transmission of data, the following can be seen:
•Master (MOSI):
–Send ID memory region(16 bits): 0x0002 (ATPL360_TX_DATA_ID)
–Send SPI command (1 bit): 1 (write command)
–Send SPI data length (15 bits) (in blocks of 16-bits): 0x04 (8 bytes)
–Send data of G3 transmission (8 bytes)
•Slave (MISO): PL360 device responds with the Firmware Header (0x1122)
•IRQ is not used in this request operation
7.6.2 G3: Read TX confirm Information
When message transmission is complete, the PL360 device reports the status of the last transmission.
For that purpose, IRQ is used to notify the PL360 Host Controller that an event has occurred.