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The MRF24J40MC is a 2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4™
compliant, surface mount module with integrated
crystal, internal voltage regulator, matching circuitry,
Power Amplifier (PA), Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) with
50Ω external antenna connector. The MRF24J40MC
module operates in the non-licensed 2.4 GHz
frequency band. The integrated module design frees
the integrator from extensive RF and antenna design,
and regulatory compliance testing, allowing quicker
time to market.
The MRF24J40MC module is compatible with
Microchip’s ZigBee
Environment software stacks. The MiWi Development
Environment software stack is available as a free
download, including source code, from the Microchip
web site:
The MRF24J40MC module has received regulatory
approvals for modular devices in the United States
(FCC) and Canada (IC). Modular approval removes the
need for expensive RF and antenna design, and allows
the end user to place the MRF24J40MC module inside
a finished product and not require regulatory testing for
an intentional radiator (RF transmitter). To maintain
, and MiWi™ Development
conformance, refer to module settings in Section 3.1.1,
MRF24J40MC SETTINGS for the United States and
Section 3.2.1, MRF24J40MC SETTINGS for Canada.
The MRF24J40MC module has been tested and
conforms to ETS EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (2006-10)
European Standards. The module tests can be applied
toward final product certification and Declaration of
Conformity (DoC). To maintain conformance, refer to
module settings in Section , . Additional testing may be
required depending on the end application.
1.1Interface Description
Figure 1-1 shows a simplified block diagram of the
MRF24J40MC module. The module is based on the
Microchip Technology MRF24J40 IEEE 802.15.4™
2.4 GHz RF Transceiver IC. The module interfaces to
many popular Microchip PIC
through a 4-wire SPI interface, interrupt, wake, reset,
power and ground, as shown in Figure 1-2. Table 1-1
provides the pin descriptions.
Serial communication and module configuration for the
MRF24J40MC module are documented in the
“MRF24J40 IEEE 802.15.4™ 2.4 GHz RF Transceiver
Data Sheet” (DS39776). Refer to the “MRF24J40 Data
PinSymbolT ypeDescription
Legend: Pin type abbreviation: D = Digital, I = Input, O = Output
The MRF24J40MC is a surface mountable module.
Module dimensions are shown in Figure 1-3. The
module Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is 0.032" thick with
castellated mounting points on the edge. Figure 1-4 is
a recommended host PCB footprint for the
MRF24J40MC .
The MRF24J40MC has 50Ω ultra miniature coaxial
(U.FL) connector.
The MRF24J40MC module is based on the Microchip
Technology MRF24J40 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 RF
Transceiver IC. Serial communication and
configuration are documented in the “MRF24J40 Data Sheet” (DS39776).
This section emphasizes operational settings that are
unique to the MRF24J40MC module design that must
be followed for proper operation.
Operation of the PA U3 and LNA U2 is controlled by the
MRF24J40 internal RF state machine through RF
switches, U1 and U4, and the GPIO1 and GPIO2 pins on
the MRF24J40. Figure 1-5 shows the PA/LNA block
diagram. Figure 2-2 is the schematic diagram for the
The internal RF state machine is configured for the PA/
LNA mode by setting TESTMODE (0x22<2:0>) = 111.
Pins GPIO1 and GPIO2 control the RF switches, PA
and LNA automatically when the MRF24J40 receives
and transmits data.
Note:A complete explanation of the operation of
the PA/LNA control is documented in the
“MRF24J40 Data Sheet” (DS39776),
Section 4.2 “External PA/LNA Control”.
Voltage regulator U5 supplies a regulated 2.2V to the
PA. This provides a stable voltage to the PA over the V
voltage range of the module. U5 is enabled or shutdown
from GPIO3. Ensure that the GPIO3 direction has been
set to output (TRISGP3 (0x34<3>) = 1). Setting a logic
high (GPIO3 (0x33<3>) = 1) enables the voltage
regulator and supplies voltage to the PA. Setting a logic
low (GPIO3 (0x33<3>) = 0) will shutdown the voltage
regulator, disabling the PA, and provides the lowest
shutdown current.
Before performing an energy detection (see Section
3.6.1 “RSSI Firmware Request (RSSI Mode 1)” in the
“MRF24J40 Data Sheet” (DS39776)), perform the
following steps:
1.Configure the internal RF state machine to normal
operation (TESTMODE (0x22F<2:0>)
2.Configure GPIO2 and GPIO1 direction for
output (TRISGP2 (0x34<2>) = 1 and TRISGP1
(0x34<1>) = 1).
3.Set GPIO2 (0x33<2>) = 1 and GPIO1
(0x32<1>) = 0. This enables the LNA and
disables the PA.
4.Perform the energy detection following the steps
in Section 3.6.1 “RSSI Firmware Request (RSSI
Mode 1)” in the “MRF24J40 Data Sheet”
Note:The LNA will amplify the received signal.
The RSSI value will include the receive
signal strength plus the LNA amplification.
= 000).
To get the lowest power consumption from the
MRF24J40MC module during Sleep, it is necessary to
disable the PA, PA voltage regulator and LNA. To do
this, perform the following steps:
1.Configure the internal RF state machine to normal
operation (TESTMODE (0x22F<2:0>) = 000).
2.Configure the GPIO3, GPIO2 and GPIO1
direction for output (TRISGP3 (0x34<3>) = 1,
TRISGP2 (0x34<2>) = 1 and TRISGP1
(0x34<1>) = 1).
3.Set GPIO2 (0x33<2>) = 0 and GPIO1 (0x32<1>)
= 0. This disables the LNA and the PA.
4.Set GPIO3 (0x33<3>) = 0. This shuts down the
voltage regulator U5 that supplies 2.2 volts to
the PA.
5.Put the MRF24J40 to Sleep following the steps
in the “MRF24J40 Data Sheet” (DS39776).
When waking the module, re-enable the PA/LNA mode.