Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
== ISO/TS 16949==
•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
intended manner and under normal conditions.
•There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our
knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data
Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.
•Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.
•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not
mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”
Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our
products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts
allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.
Information contained in this publication regarding device
applications and t he lik e is provided only for your convenience
and may be su perseded by upda t es . It is y our responsibility to
ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability
arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip
devices in life supp ort and/or safety ap plications is entir ely at
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hold harmless M icrochip from any and all dama ges, claims,
suits, or expenses re sulting from such use. No licens es are
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intellectual property rights.
The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, dsPIC,
logo, rfPIC and UNI/O are registered trademarks of
Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other
FilterLab, Hampshire, HI-TECH C, Linear Active Thermistor,
MXDEV, MXLAB, SEEVAL and The Embedded Control
Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip
Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.
Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, chipKIT,
chipKIT logo, CodeGuard, dsPICDEM,,
FanSense, HI-TIDE, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP,
Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB,
MPLINK, mTouch, Omniscient Code Generation, PICC,
rfLAB, Select Mode, Total Endurance, TSHARC,
UniWinDriver, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks of
Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other
SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated
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All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their
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Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2009 certification for its worldwide
headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and
Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California
and India. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures
are for its PIC
devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and
analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design
and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.
Index ...........................................................................................................................507
Worldwide Sales and Service ..................................................................................518
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053B-page 5
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
DS52053B-page 6 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
( to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the p age number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
“DSXXXXXA”, where “XXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.
IDE online help.
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the
• Document Layout
• Conventions Used in this Guide
• Warranty Registration
• Recommended Reading
• The Microchip Web Site
• Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service
• Customer Support
• Document Revision History
This document describes how to use the MPLAB XC8 C Compiler. The manual layout
is as follows:
• Chapter 1. Compiler Overv iew
• Chapter 3. How To’s
• Chapter 4. XC8 Command-line Driver
• Chapter 5. C Language Featur es
• Chapter 6. Macro Assembler
• Chapter 7. Linker
• Chapter 8. Utilities
• Appendix A. Library Functions
• Appendix B. Error and Warning Messages
• Appendix C. Implementation-Defined Behavior
• Glossary
• Index
XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide. Items discussed in this chapter include:
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053B-page 7
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
This manual uses the following docum entat io n conven tion s:
Arial font:
Italic chara c tersReferenced booksMPLAB
Emphasized the only compiler...
Initial capsA windowthe Output window
A dialogthe Settings dialog
A menu selectionselect Enable Programmer
QuotesA field name in a window or
Underlined, italic text with
right angle bracket
Bold charactersA dialog buttonClick OK
N‘RnnnnA number in verilog format,
Text in angle brac kets < >A key on the keyboardPress <Enter>, <F1>
Courier New font:
Plain Courier NewSample source code#define START
Italic Courier NewA variable argumentfile.o, where file can be
Choice of mut ually exclus ive
arguments; an OR selection
Represents code supplied by
IDE User’s Guide
“Save project before build”
4‘b0010, 2‘hF1
any valid filename
errorlevel {0|1}
void main (void)
{ ...
Please complete the enclosed Warranty Registration Card and mail it promptly.
Sending in the Warranty Registration Card entitles users to receive new product
updates. Interim software releases are available at the Microchip web site.
This user’s guide describes how to use Chapter Name. Other useful documents are
listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as
supplemental reference resources.
DS52053B-page 8 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Readme for Chapter Name
For the latest information on using Chapter Name, read the “Readme for Chapter
Name.txt” file (an ASCII text file) in the Readmes subdirectory of the MPLAB
installation directory. The Readme file contains update information and known issues
that may not be included in this user’s guide.
Readme Files
For the latest information on using other tools, read the tool-specific Readme files in
the Readmes subdirectory of the MPLAB IDE installation directory. The Readme files
contain update information and known issues that may not be included in this user’s
Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web
site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following
• Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample
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• General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
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• Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
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Microchip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip
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updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of
To register, access the Microchip web site at, click on Customer
Change Notification and follow the registration instructions.
The Development Systems product group categories are:
• Compilers – The latest information on Microchip C compilers and other language
tools. These include the MPLAB
ASM30 assemblers; MPLINK™ and MPLAB LINK30 object linkers;
and MPLIB™ and MPLAB
• Emulators – The latest information on Microchip in-circuit emulators.This
includes the MPLAB
ICE 2000 and MPLAB ICE 4000.
• In-Circuit Debuggers – The latest information on the Microchip In-Circuit
Debugger, MPLAB
IDE – The latest information on Microchip MPLAB IDE, the Windows®
ICD 2.
Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools. This list is
focused on the MPLAB
IDE, MPLAB® SIM simulator, MPLAB® IDE Project Man-
ager and general editing and debugging features.
• Programmers – The latest information on Microchip programmers. These include
PM3 and PRO MATE® II device programmers and the PICSTART®
Plus and PICkit™ 1 development programmers.
C18 and MPLAB® C30 C compilers; MPASM™
LIB30 object librarians.
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053B-page 9
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
• Distributor or Representative
• Local Sales Office
• Field Application Engineer (FAE)
• Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the web site at:
Revision B (July 2012)
• Added 'how tos' chapter.
• Expanded section relating to PIC18 erratas.
• Updated the section relating to compiler optimization settings.
• Updated MPLAB v8 and MPLAB X IDE project option dialogs.
• Added sections describing PIC18 far qualifier and inline function qualifier.
• Expanded section describing the operation of the main() function
• Expanded information about equivalent assembly symbols for Baseline parts.
• Updated the table of predefined macro symbols.
• Added section on
• Added sections to do with inline-ing functions
• Updated diagrams and text associated with call graphs in the list file
• Updated library function section to be consistent with packaged libraries
• Added new compiler warnings and errors.
• Added new chapter describing the Common Compiler Interface Standard (CCI)
#pragma addrqual
Revision A (February 2012)
Initial release of this docu ment.
DS52053B-page 10 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Chapter 1. Compiler Overview
This chapter is an overview of the MPLAB XC8 C Compiler, including these topics.
• Compiler Description and Documentation
• Device Description
The MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler is a free-standing, optimizing ANSI C compiler. It supports all 8-bit PIC
as well as the PIC14000 device.
The compiler is available for several popular operating systems, including 32- and
64-bit Windows
The compiler is available in three operating modes: Free, Standard or PRO. The Standard and PRO operating modes are licensed modes and require a serial number to
enable them. Free mode is available for unlicensed customers. The basic compiler
operation, supported devices and available memory are identical across all modes.
The modes only differ in the level of optimization employed by the compiler.
microcontrollers: PIC10, PIC12, PIC16 and PIC18 series devices,
, Linux and Apple OS X.
Throughout this manual, the term “compiler” is used. It can refer to all, or a subset of,
the collection of applications that comprise the MPLAB XC8 C Compiler. When it is not
important to identify which application performed an action, it will be attributed to the
Likewise, “compiler” is often used to refer to the command-line driver. Although specifically, the driver for the MPLAB XC8 C Compiler package is called xc8. The driver and
its options are discussed in Section 4.7 “XC8 Driver Options”. Accordingly, “compiler
options” commonly relates to command-line driver options.
In a similar fashion, “compilation” refers to all or a selection of steps involved in
generating source code into an executable binary image.
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053B-page 11
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
This compiler supports 8-bit Microchip PIC devices with baseline, Mid-Range,
Enhanced Mid-Range, and PIC18 cores. The following descriptions indicate the
distinctions within those device cores:
The baseline core uses a 12-bit-wide instruction set and is available in PIC10, PIC12
and PIC16 part numbers.
The Mid-Range core uses a 14-bit-wide instruction set that includes more instructions
than the baseline core. It has larger data memory banks and program memory pages,
as well. It is available in PIC12, PIC14 and PIC16 part numbers.
The Enhanced Mid-Range core also uses a 14-bit-wide instruction set, but incorporates
additional instructions and features. There are both PIC12 and PIC16 part numbers
that are based on the Enhanced Mid-Range core.
The PIC18 core instruction set is 16-bits wide and features additional instructions and
an expanded register set. PIC18 core devices have part numbers that begin with
The compiler takes advantage of the target device’s instruction set, addressing modes
memory and registers whenever possible.
See Section 4.8.21 “--CHIPINFO: Display List of Supported Devices” for
information on finding the full list of devices supported by the compiler.
DS52053B-page 12 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Chapter 2. Common C Interface
The Common C Interface (CCI) is available with all MPLAB XC C compilers and is
designed to enhance code portability between these compilers. For example,
CCI-conforming code would make it easier to port from a PIC18 MCU using the MPLAB
XC8 C compiler to a PIC24 MCU using the MPLAB XC16 C compiler.
The CCI assumes that your source code already conforms to the ANSI Standard. If you
intend to use the CCI, it is your responsibility to write code that conforms. Legacy projects will need to be migrated to achieve conformance. A compiler option must also be
set to ensure that the operation of the compiler is consistent with the interface when the
project is built.
The following topics are examined in this chapter of the MPLAB XC8 C Compiler User’s
• ANSI Standard Extensions
• Using the CCI
• ANSI Standard Refinement
• ANSI Standard Extensions
All programmers want to write portable source code.
Portability means that the same source code can be compiled and run in a different
execution environment than that for which it was written. Rarely can code be one hundred percent portable, but the more tolerant it is to change, the less time and effort it
takes to have it running in a new environment.
Embedded engineers typically think of code portability as being across target devices,
but this is only part of the situation. The same code could be compiled for the same
target but with a different compiler. Differences between those compilers might lead to
the code failing at compile time or runtime, so this must be considered as well.
Y ou may only write code for one target device and only use one brand of compiler, but
if there is no regulation of the compiler’s operation, simply updating your compiler
version may change your code’s behavior.
Code must be portable across targets, tools, and time to be truly flexible.
Clearly, this portability cannot be achieved by the programmer alone, since the com-
piler vendors can base their products on different technologies, implement different features and code syntax, or improve the way their product works. Many a great compiler
optimization has broken many an unsuspecting project.
Standards for the C language have been developed to ensure that change is managed
and code is more portable. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) publishes standards for many disciplines, including programming languages. The ANSI C
Standard is a universally adopted standard for the C programming language.
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 13
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
2.2.1The ANSI Standard
The ANSI C Standard has to reconcile two opposing goals: freedom for compilers vendors to target new devices and improve code generation, with the known functional
operation of source code for programmers. If both goals can be met, source code can
be made portable.
The standard is implemented as a set of rules which detail not only the syntax that a
conforming C program must follow, but the semantic rules by which that program will
be interpreted. Thus, for a compiler to conform to the standard, it must ensure that a
conforming C program functions as described by the standard.
The standard describes implementation, the set of tools and the runtime environment
on which the code will run. If any of these change, e.g., you build for, and run on, a different target device, or if you update the version of the compiler you use to build, then
you are using a different implementation.
The standard uses the term behavior to mean the external appearance or action of the
program. It has nothing to do with how a program is encoded.
Since the standard is trying to achieve goals that could be construed as conflicting,
some specifications appear somewhat vague. For example, the standard states that an
int type must be able to hold at least a 16-bit value, but it does not go as far as saying
what the size of an int actually is; and the action of right-shifting a signed integer can
produce different results on different implementations; yet, these different results are
still ANSI C compliant.
If the standard is too strict, device architectures may not allow the compiler to conform.
But, if it is too weak, programmers would see wildly differing results within different
compilers and architectures, and the standard would loose its effectiveness.
The standard organizes source code whose behavior is not fully defined into groups
that include the following behaviors:
Implementation-defined behavior
This is unspecified behavior where each implementation documents how the choice
is made.
Unspecified behavior
The standard provides two or more possibilities and imposes no further requirements
on which possibility is chos en in any part ic ula r instance.
Undefined behavior
This is behavior for which the standard imposes no requirements.
Code that strictly conforms to the standard does not produce output that is dependent
on any unspecified, undefined, or implementation-defined behavior. The size of an
int, which we used as an example earlier, falls into the category of behavior that is
defined by implementation. That is to say, the size of an int is defined by which compiler is being used, how that compiler is being used, and the device that is being targeted.
All the MPLAB XC compilers conform to the ANS X3.159-1989 Standard for programming languages (with the exception of the XC8 compiler’s inability to allow recursion,
as mentioned in the footnote). This is commonly called the C89 Standard. Some features from the later standard, C99, are also supported.
1. Case in point: The mid-range PIC® microcontrollers do not have a data stack. Because a compiler
targeting this device cannot implement recursion, it (strictly speaking) cannot conform to the ANSI
C Standard. This example illustrate a situation in which the standard is too strict for mid-range
devices and tools.
DS52053A-page 14 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Common C Interface
For freestanding implementations – or for what we typically call embedded applications
– the standard allows non-standard extensions to the language, but obviously does not
enforce how they are specified or how they work. When working so closely to the
device hardware, a programmer needs a means of specifying device setup and interrupts, as well as utilizing the often complex world of small-device memory
architectures. This cannot be offered by the standard in a consistent way.
While the ANSI C Standard provides a mutual understanding for programmers and
compiler vendors, programmers need to consider the implementation-defined behavior
of their tools and the probability that they may need to use extensions to the C language
that are non-standard. Both of these circumstances can have an impact on code portability.
2.2.2The Common C Interface
The Common C Interface (CCI) supplements the ANSI C Standard and makes it easier
for programmers to achieve consistent outcomes on all Microchip devices when using
any of the MPLAB XC C compilers.
It delivers the following improvements, all designed with portability in mind.
Refinement of the ANSI C Standard
The CCI documents specific behavior for some code in which actions are implemen-
tation-defined behavior under the ANSI C Standard. For example, the result of
right-shifting a signed integer is fully defined by the CCI. Note that many
implementation-defined items that closely couple with device characteristics, such as
the size of an int, are not defined by the CCI.
Consistent syntax for non-standard extensions
The CCI non-standard extensions are mostly implemented using keywords with a uni-
form syntax. They replace keywords, macros and attributes that are the native compiler implementation. The interpretation of the keyword may differ across each compiler, and any arguments to the keywords may be device specific.
Coding guidelines
The CCI may indicate advice on how code should be written so that it can be ported
to other devices or compilers. While you may choose not to follow the advice, it will
not conform to the CCI.
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 15
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
The CCI allows enhanced portability by refining implementation-defined behavior and
standardizing the syntax for extensions to the language.
The CCI is something you choose to follow and put into effect, thus it is relevant for new
projects, although you may choose to modify existing projects so they conform.
For your project to conform to the CCI, you must do the following things.
Enable the CCI
Select the MPLAB IDE widget Use CCI Syntax
command-line option that is equivalent.
Include <xc.h> in every module
Some CCI features are only enabled if this header is seen by the compiler.
Ensure ANSI compliance
Code that does not conform to the ANSI C Standard does not confirm to the CCI.
Observe refinements to ANSI by the CCI
Some ANSI implementation-defined behavior is defined explicitly by the CCI.
Use the CCI extensions to the language
Use the CCI extensions rather than the native language extensions
in your project, or use the
The next sections detail specific items associated with the CCI. These items are segregated into those that refine the standard, those that deal with the ANSI C Standard
extensions, and other miscellaneous compiler options and usage. Guidelines are indicated with these item s.
If any implementation-defined behavior or any non-standard extension is not discussed
in this document, then it is not part of the CCI. For example, GCC case ranges, label
addresses and 24-bit short long types are not part of the CCI. Programs which use
these features do not conform to the CCI. The compiler may issue a warning or error
to indicate when you use a non-CCI feature and the CCI is enabled.
DS52053A-page 16 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
The following topics describe how the CCI refines the implementation-defined
behaviors outlined in the ANSI C Standard.
2.4.1Source File Encoding
Under the CCI, a source file must be written using characters from the 7-bit ASCII set.
Lines may be terminated using a line feed ('\n') or carriage return ('\r') that is immediately followed by a line feed. Escaped characters may be used in character constants
or string literals to represent extended characters not in the basic character set.
The following shows a string constant being defined that uses escaped characters.
const char myName[] = "Bj\370rk\n";
All compilers have used this character set. TO THE CCI
No action required.
Common C Interface
2.4.2The Prototype for main
The prototype for the main() function is
int main(void);
The following shows an example of how main() might be defined
int main(void)
The 8-bit compilers used a void return type for this function. TO THE CCI
Each program has one definition for the main() function. Confirm the return type for main() in all projects previously compiled for 8-bit targets.
2.4.3Header File Specification
Header file specifications that use directory separators do not conform to the CCI.
The following example sho ws two conformi ng incl ude dir ec tive s.
#include <usb_main.h>
#include "global.h"
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 17
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
Header file specifications that use directory separators have been allowed in previous
versions of all compilers. Compatibility problems arose when Windows-style separators “\” were used and the code compiled under other host operating systems. Under
the CCI, no directory specifiers should be used. TO THE CCI
Any #include directiv es that use di rectory sep arators in the header fil e specifica tions
should be changed. Remove all but the header file name in the directive. Add the directory path to the compiler’s include search path or MPLAB IDE equivalent. This will force
the compiler to search the directories specified with this option.
For example, the following code:
#include <inc/lcd.h>
should be changed to:
#include <lcd.h>
and the path to the inc directory added to the compiler’s header search path in your
MPLAB IDE project properties, or on the command-line as follows:
2.4.4Include Search Paths
When you include a header file under the CCI, the file should be discoverable in the
paths searched by the compiler detailed below.
For any header files specified in angle bracket delimiters < >, the search paths should
be those specified by -I options (or the equivalent MPLAB IDE option), then the standard compiler include directories. The -I options are searched in the order in which
they are specified.
For any file specified in quote characters " ", the search paths should first be the current working directory . In the case of an MPLAB X project, the current working directory
is the directory in which the C source file is located. If unsuccessful, the search paths
should be the same directories searched when the header files is specified in angle
bracket delimiters.
Any other options to specify search paths for header files do not conform to the CCI.
If including a header file as in the following directive
#include "myGlobals.h"
The header file should be locatable in the current working directory, or the paths specified by any -I options, or the standard compiler directories. If it is located elsewhere,
this does not conform to the CCI.
The compiler operation under the CCI is not changed. This is purely a coding guide line. TO THE CCI
Remove any option that specifies header file search paths other than the -I option (or
the equivalent MPLAB IDE option), and use the -I option in place of this. Ensure the
header file can be found in the directories specified in this section.
DS52053A-page 18 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Common C Interface
2.4.5The Number of Significant Initial Characters in an Identifier
At least the first 255 characters in an identifier (internal and external) are significant.
This extends upon the requirement of the ANSI C Standard which states a lower number of significant characters are used to identify an object.
The following example shows two poorly named variables, but names which are
considered unique under the CCI.
int stateOfPortBWhenTheOperatorHasSelectedAutomaticModeAndMotorIsRunningFast;
int stateOfPortBWhenTheOperatorHasSelectedAutomaticModeAndMotorIsRunningSlow;
Former 8-bit compilers used 31 significant characters by default, but an option allowed
this to be extended.
The 16- and 32-bit compilers did not impose a limit on the number of significant characters. TO THE CCI
No action required. You may take advantage of the less restrictive naming scheme.
2.4.6Sizes of Types
The sizes of the basic C types, for example char, int and long, are not fully defined
by the CCI. These types, by design, reflect the size of registers and other architectural
features in the target device. They allow the device to efficiently access objects of this
type. The ANSI C Standard does, however, indicate minimum requirements for these
types, as specified in <limits.h>.
If you need fixed-size types in your project, use the types defined in <stdint.h>, e.g.,
uint8_t or int16_t. These types are consistently defined across all XC compilers,
even outside of the CCI.
Essentially, the C language offers a choice of two groups of types: those that offer sizes
and formats that are tailored to the device you are using; or those that have a fixed size,
regardless of the target.
The following example shows the definition of a variable, native, whose size will allow
efficient access on the target device; and a variable, fixed, whose size is cle a rl y i n di cated and remains fixed, even though it may not allow efficient access on every device.
int native;
int16_t fixed;
This is consistent with previous types implemented by the compiler. TO THE CCI
If you require a C type that has a fixed size, regardless of the target device, use one of
the types defined by <stdint.h>.
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 19
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
2.4.7Plain char Types
The type of a plain char is unsigned char. It is generally recommended that all definitions for the char type explicitly state the signedness of the object.
The following example
char foobar;
defines an unsigned char object called foobar.
The 8-bit compilers have always treated plain char as an unsigned type.
The 16- and 32-bit compilers used signed char as the default plain char type. The
-funsigned-char option on those compilers changed the default type to be
unsigned char. TO THE CCI
Any definition of an object defined as a plain char and using the 16- or 32-bit compilers
needs review. Any plain char that was intended to be a signed quantity should be
replaced with an explicit definition, for example.
signed char foobar;
You may use the -funsigned-char option on XC16/32 to change the type of plain
char, but since this option is not supported on XC8, the code is not strictly conforming.
2.4.8Signed Integer Representation
The value of a signed integer is determined by taking the two’s complement of the integer.
The following shows a variable, test, that is assigned the value -28 decimal.
signed char test = 0xE4;
All compilers have represented signed integers in the way described in this section. TO THE CCI
No action required.
DS52053A-page 20 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Common C Interface
2.4.9Integer conversion
When converting an integer type to a signed integer of insufficient size, the original
value is truncated from the most-significant bit to accommodate the target size.
The following shows an assignment of a value that will be truncated.
signed char destination;
unsigned int source = 0x12FE;
destination = source;
Under the CCI, the value of destination after the alignment will be -2 (i.e., the bit
pattern 0xFE).
All compilers have performed integer conversion in an identical fashion to that
described in this section. TO THE CCI
No action required.
2.4.10Bit-wise Operations on Signed Values
Bitwise operations on signed values act on the two’s complement representation,
including the sign bit. See also Section 2.4.11 “Right-shifting Signed Values”.
The following shows an example of a negative quantity involved in a bitwise AND operation.
Under the CCI, the value of output after the assignment will be -2 (i.e., the bit pattern
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 21
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
All compilers have performed right shifting as described in this section. TO THE CCI
No action required.
2.4.12Conversion of Union Member Accessed Using Member With
Different Type
If a union defines several members of different types and you use one member identifier to try to access the contents of another (whether any conversion is applied to the
result) is implementation-defined behavior in the standard. In the CCI, no conversion is
applied and the bytes of the union object are interpreted as an object of the type of the
member being accessed, without regard for alignment or other possible invalid conditions.
The following shows an example of a union defining several members.
union {
signed char code;
unsigned int data;
float offset;
} foobar;
Code that attempts to extract offset by reading data is not guaranteed to read the
correct value.
float result;
result =;
All compilers have not converted union members accessed via other members. TO THE CCI
No action required.
2.4.13Default Bit-field int Type
The type of a bit-field specified as a plain int will be identical to that of one defined
using unsigned int. This is quite different to other objects where the types int,
signed and signed int are synonymous. It is recommended that the signedness of
the bit-field be explicitly stated in all bit-field definitions.
The following shows an example of a structure tag containing bit-fields which are
unsigned integers and with the size specified.
struct OUTPUTS {
int direction :1;
int parity :3;
int value :4;
DS52053A-page 22 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
Common C Interface
The 8-bit compilers have previously issued a warning if type int was used for bit-fields,
but would implement the bit-field with an unsigned int type.
The 16- and 32-bit compilers have implemented bit-fields defined using int as having
a signed int type, unless the option -funsigned-bitfields was specified. TO THE CCI
Any code that defines a bit-field with the plain int type should be reviewed. If the inten-
tion was for these to be signed quantities, then the type of these should be changed to
signed int, for example, in:
struct WAYPT {
int log :3;
int direction :4;
the bit-field type should be changed to signed int, as in:
struct WAYPT {
signed int log :3;
signed int direction :4;
2.4.14Bit-fields Straddling a Storage Unit Boundary
Whether a bit-field can straddle a storage unit boundary is implementation-defined
behavior in the standard. In the CCI, bit-fields will not straddle a storage unit boundary;
a new storage unit will be allocated to the structure, and padding bits will fill the gap.
Note that the size of a storage unit differs with each compiler as this is based on the
size of the base data type (e.g., int) from which the bit-field type is derived. On 8-bit
compilers this unit is 8-bits in size; for 16-bit compilers, it is 16 bits; and for 32-bit compilers, it is 32 bits in size.
The following shows a structure containing bit-fields being defined.
struct {
unsigned first : 6;
unsigned second :6;
} order;
Under the CCI and using XC8, the storage allocation unit is byte sized. The bit-field
second, will be allocated a new storage unit since there are only 2 bits remaining in
the first storage unit in which first is allocated. The size of this structure, order, will
be 2 bytes.
This allocation is identical with that used by all previous compilers. TO THE CCI
No action required.
2.4.15The Allocation Order of Bits-field
The memory ordering of bit-fields into their storage unit is not specified by the ANSI C
Standard. In the CCI, the first bit defined will be the least significant bit of the storage
unit in which it will be allocated.
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MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
The following shows a structure containing bit-fields being defined.
struct {
unsigned lo : 1;
unsigned mid :6;
unsigned hi : 1;
} foo;
The bit-field lo will be assigned the least significant bit of the storage unit assigned to
the structure foo. The bit-field mid will be assigned the next 6 least significant bits, and
hi, the most significant bit of that same storage unit byte.
This is identical with the previous operation of all compilers. TO THE CCI
No action required.
2.4.16The NULL macro
The NULL macro is defined in <stddef.h>; however, its definition is implementation-defined behavior. Under the CCI, the definition of NULL is the expression (0).
The following shows a pointer being assigned a null pointer constant via the NULL
int * ip = NULL;
The value of NULL, (0), is implicitly cast to the destination type.
The 32-bit compilers previously assigned NULL the expression ((void *)0). TO THE CCI
No action required.
2.4.17Floating-point sizes
Under the CCI, floating-point types must not be smaller than 32 bits in size.
The following shows the definition for outY, which will be at least 32-bit in size.
float outY;
The 8-bit compilers have allowed the use of 24-bit float and double types. TO THE CCI
When using 8-bit compilers, the float and double type will automatically be made
32 bits in size once the CCI mode is enabled. Review any source code that may have
assumed a float or double type and may have been 24 bits in size.
No migration is required for other compilers.
DS52053A-page 24 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
The following topics describe how the CCI provides device-specific extensions to the
2.5.1Generic Header File
A single header file <xc.h> must be used to declare all compiler- and device-specific
types and SFRs. You must include this file into every module to conform with the CCI.
Some CCI definitions depend on this header being seen.
The following shows this header file being included, thus allowing conformance with the
CCI, as well as allowing access to SFRs.
#include <xc.h>
Some 8-bit compilers used <htc.h> as the equivalent header. Previous versions of
the 16- and 32-bit compilers used a variety of headers to do the same job. TO THE CCI
#include <htc.h>
used previously in 8-bit compiler code, or family-specific header files as in the following
Variables and functions can be placed at an absolute address by using the __at()
construct.qualifier Note that XC16/32 may require the variable or function to be placed
in a special section for absolute addressing to work. Stack-based (auto and parameter) varia bles cannot use the __at() specifier.
The following shows two variables and a function being made absolute.
The 8-bit compilers have used an @ symbol to specify an absolute address.
The 16- and 32-bit compilers have used the address attribute to specify an object’s
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 25
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide TO THE CCI
Avoid making objects and functions absolute if possible.
In XC8, change absolute object definitions such as the following example:
int scanMode @ 0x200;
int scanMode __at(0x200);
In XC16/32, change code such as:
int scanMode __attribute__(address(0x200)));
int scanMode __at(0x200);
If the __at() and __section() specifiers are both applied to an object when using
XC8, the __section() specifier is currently ignored.
2.5.3Far Objects and Functions
The __far qualifier may be used to indicate that variables or functions may be located
in ‘far memory’. Exactly what constitutes far memory is dependent on the target device,
but it is typically memory that requires more complex code to access. Expressions
involving far-qualified objects may generate slower and larger code.
Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on
the semantics of this qualifier.
Some devices may not have such memory implemented, in which case, use of this
qualifier will be ignored. Stack-based (auto and parameter) variables cannot use the
__far specifier.
The following shows a variable and function qualified using __far.
__far int serialNo;
__far int ext_getCond(int selector);
The 8-bit compilers have used the qualifier far to indicate this meaning. Functions
could not be qualified as far.
The 16-bit compilers have used the far attribute with both variables and functions.
The 32-bit compilers have used the far attribute with functions, only.
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Common C Interface TO THE CCI
For 8-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the far qualifier, as in the following
far char template[20];
to __far, i.e., __far char template[20];
In the 16- and 32-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the far attribute, as in the
void bar(void) __attribute__ ((far));
int tblIdx __attribute__ ((far));
void __far bar(void);
int __far tblIdx;
2.5.4Near Objects
The __near qualifier may be used to indicate that variables or functions may be
located in ‘near memory’. Exactly what constitutes near memory is dependent on the
target device, but it is typically memory that can be accessed with less complex code.
Expressions involving near-qualified objects may be faster and result in smaller code.
Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on
the semantics of this qualifier.
Some devices may not have such memory implemented, in which case, use of this
qualifier will be ignored. Stack-based (auto and parameter) variables cannot use the
__near specifier.
The following shows a variable and function qualified using __near.
__near int serialNo;
__near int ext_getCond(int selector);
The 8-bit compilers have used the qualifier near to indicate this meaning. Functions
could not be qualified as near.
The 16-bit compilers have used the near attribute with both variables and functions.
The 32-bit compilers have used the near attribute for functions, only.
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MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide TO THE CCI
For 8-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the near qualifier, as in the following
near char template[20];
to __near, i.e., __near char template[20];
In 16- and 32-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the near attribute, as in the fol-
void bar(void) __attribute__ ((near));
int tblIdx __attribute__ ((near));
void __near bar(void);
int __near tblIdx;
2.5.5Persistent Objects
The __persistent qualifier may be used to indicate that variables should not be
cleared by the runtime startup code.
Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on
the semantics of this qualifier.
The following shows a variable qualified using __persistent.
__persistent int serialNo;
The 8-bit compilers have used the qualifier, persistent, to indicate this meaning.
The 16- and 32-bit compilers have used the persistent attribute with variables to
indicate they were not to be cleared. TO THE CCI
With 8-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the persistent qualifier, as in the following example:
char template[20];
to __persistent, i.e., __persistentchar template[20];
For the 16- and 32-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the persistent attribute,
as in the following
int tblIdx __attribute__ ((persistent));
int __persistent tblIdx;
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Common C Interface
2.5.6X and Y Data Objects
The __xdata and __ydata qualifiers may be used to indicate that variables may be
located in special memory regions. Exactly what constitutes X and Y memory is dependent on the target device, but it is typically memory that can be accessed independently
on separate buses. Such memory is often required for some DSP instructions.
Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on
the semantics of these qualifiers.
Some devices may not have such memory implemented; in which case, use of these
qualifiers will be ignored.
The following shows a variable qualified using __xdata, as well as another variable
qualified with __ydata.
__xdata char data[16];
__ydata char coeffs[4];
The 16-bit compilers have used the xmemory and ymemory space attribute with
Equivalent specifiers have never been defined for any other compiler. TO THE CCI
For 16-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the space attributes xmemory or
ymemory, as in the following example:
char __attribute__((space(xmemory)))template[20];
to __xdata, or __ydata, i.e., __xdata char template[20];
2.5.7Banked Data Objects
The __bank(num) qualifier may be used to indicate that variables may be located in
a particular data memory bank. The number, num, represents the bank number. Exactly
what constitutes banked memory is dependent on the target device, but it is typically a
subdivision of data memory to allow for assembly instructions with a limited address
width field.
Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on
the semantics of these qualifiers.
Some devices may not have banked data memory implemented, in which case, use of
this qualifier will be ignored. The number of data banks implemented will vary from one
device to another.
The following shows a variable qualified using __bank().
__bank(0) char start;
__bank(5) char stop;
2012 Microchip Technology Inc.DS52053A-page 29
MPLAB® XC8 C Compiler User’s Guide
The 8-bit co mpile rs hav e used the fo ur qua lifie rs bank0, bank1, bank2 and bank3 to
indicate the same, albeit more limited, memory placement.
Equivalent specifiers have never been defined for any other compiler. TO THE CCI
For 8-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the bankx qualifiers, as in the following
bank2 int logEntry;
to __bank(), i.e., __bank(2) int logEntry;
2.5.8Alignment of Objects
The __align(alignment) specifier may be used to indicate that variables must be
aligned on a memory address that is a multiple of the alignment specified. The alignment term must be a power of two. Positive values request that the object’s start
address be aligned; negative values imply the object’s end address be aligned.
Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on
the semantics of this specifier.
The following shows variables qualified using __align() to ensure they end on an
address that is a multiple of 8, and start on an address that is a multiple of 2,
__align(-8) int spacer;
__align(2) char coeffs[6];
An alignment feature has never been implemented on 8-bit compilers.
The 16- and 32-bit compilers used the aligned attribute with variables. TO THE CCI
For 16- and 32-bit compilers, change any occurrence of the aligned attribute, as in
the following example:
char __attribute__((aligned(4)))mode;
to __align, i.e., __align(4) char mode;
This feature is not yet implemented on XC8.
DS52053A-page 30 2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
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