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For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB
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This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the
MCP2150 Developer’s Board. Items discussed in this chapter include:
This document describes how to use the MC P2150 Developer’s Board. The manual
layout is as follows:
• Chapter 1. “Product Overview” – Important information about the MCP2150
Developer’s Board.
• Chapter 2. “Installation and Operation” – Includes instructions on how to get
started with this user’s guide and a desc rip tio n of th e use r’s guide.
• Appendix A. “Schematic and Layouts” – Shows the schematic and layout
diagrams for the MCP2150 Developer’s Board.
• Appendix B. “Bill Of Materials (BOM)” – Lists the parts used to build the
MCP2150 Developer’s Board.
• Appendix C. “Board Testing” – Discusses what is and is not tested on the
MCP2150 Developer’s Board.
• Appendix D. “Configuring the HyperTerminal
configuration of the HyperTerminal application.
• Appendix E. “Continuously Transmitted Data Table” – Shows the data table
that the MCP2150 Developer’s Board transmits.
• Appendix F. “Programming the MCP2150DM” – Gives information to assis t in
the programming of the MCP2150 Developer’s Board.
This user's guide describes how to use MCP2150 Developer’s Board. Other useful
documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and
recommended as supplemental reference resources.
• MCP2150 Data Sheet, “IrDA Standard Protocol Stack Controller Supporting
DTE Applications”, DS21655
• MCP2155 Data Sheet, “IrDA Standard Protocol Stack Controller Supporting
DCE Applications”, DS21690
This data sheet provides detailed information regarding the MCP2150 product family.
You can also find important information in the following Microchip documents:
• AN941 - “Programming Windows XP® for Embedded IR Applications”,
• AN926 - “Programming the Pocket PC OS for Embedded IR Applications”,
• AN927 - “Data Throughput and the MCP215X”, DS00927.
• AN923 - “Using the MCP2120 Developer's Board for IR Sniffing", DS00923.
• AN888 - “Programming the Palm OS™ for Embedded IR Applications”,
• AN858 - “Interfacing the MCP215X to a Host Contro ll er” , DS00858.
Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web
site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following
• Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample
programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents,
latest software releases and archived software
• General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program
member listing
• Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
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distributors and factory representatives
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
• Distributor or Representative
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• Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sa les of fices ar e also available to help cu stomers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the web site at:
This chapter provides an overview of the MCP2150 Developer’s Boards’ features, the
system configurations that can be used in and the system requirements for the
Items discussed in this chapter are:
• What is the MCP2150 Developer’s Board?
• MCP2150 Developer’s Board Features
• PC Requirements
• What the MCP2150 Developer’s Board Kit includes
The MCP2150 Developer’s Board allows for the easy demonstration and development
of IrDA applications. The board can be powered via USB o r the power test point s (V
and GND). When using the power test points, if JP2 is shorted, the voltage must not
exceed the PIC18F65J50 voltage specification.
The Host interface can be connected to the UART driver device for communication over
the DB-9 connector (for IrDA to UART operation), connected to the PIC18F65J50 for
stand alone operation, or connected to the PIC18F65J50 with the PIC18F65J50
connected to the UART driver device (for pass-through operation).
The USB interface signals are fully connected to the PIC18F65J50, so programs can
be created where the PIC18F65J50 can communicate to the USB Host and to the
MCP2150. This would allow the board to be used as an IrDA to USB converter.
The MCP2150 Developer’s Board has five functional blocks. These are:
• Host Microcontroller
• MCP2150
• Optical Transceiver circuitry
• RS-232 circuitry/interface
The MCP2150 Developer’s Board power can come from either the USB connection or
the power test points. The USB power is regulated to 3.3V, due to requirements from
the PIC18F65J50. To allow the other circuitry to operate at higher voltages, the
MCP2150 Developer’s Board has two power planes. One for the PIC18F65J50
circuitry and the other for the MCP2150/Optical Transceiver/RS-3238 Driver circuitry.
An LED is used to indicate when power is applied to the MCP2150/Optical
Transceiver/RS-232 Driver circuitry . A jumper (JP2) is used to tie the two power planes
The MCP2150 uses a standard 11.0592 MHz crystal as the device clock. The Host
Controller can be programmed via the ICSP interface with user developed programs.
The PIC18F65J50 has a maximum operational voltage of 3.6V. If the MCP2150
Developer’s Board is powered by the VDD and GND Test Points, then care must be
taken to ensure that the PIC18F65J50 is not over voltaged. The PIC18F65J50 can be
isolated from the MCP2150’s power plane by removing the jumper shunt on jumpers
JP1 and JP2.
The MCP2150DM has the MCP2150 device mounted on the PCB ( TSSOP package).
There is a DIP footprint (requires the TSSOP package to be removed) which allows the
MCP2150 to be easily updated if a device revision occurs.
The board supports up to four optical transceivers circuit implementations. Two
implementation share the same general circuit layout. Only one optical transceiver
circuit is installed at the time of manufacture. The others are for user implementation
and evaluation. Jumpers are used to select the optical transceiver that is used by the
A MAX3238 compatible level-shifting IC has all the necessary hardware to support
connection of a RS-232 host through the DB-9 connector. The port can be connected
to a PC using a straight-through cable. Refer to the MCP2150 Dat a She et (DS2165 5)
for more information on the Host Interface signals.
Due to the flexibility of the interface between the MCP2150 and the PIC18F65J50, the
board has limited support for the MCP2155 device. This board’s firmware does not
support the MCP2155. To better understand the MCP2155’s Host Interface operation,
please refer to the MCP215X/40 Data Logger Demo Board (MCP215XDM) firmware.
1.3.1Selecting Power Source, and Optical Transceiver Interface
VDD’s planes are isolated
DD’s planes are connected
This jumper isolates the PIC19’s VDD
from the MCP2150 V
DD plane (see
Section A.8 “Board - Power Layer”)
These two jumpers select the optical transceiver logic.
Both jumpers should connect the same pin positions.
JP1x1 and JP2x1
Optical Transceiver connected to
MCP2150 IR Interface
Optical Transceiver not connected
to MCP2150 IR Interface
Jumper Descriptions
Figure 1-2 shows the jumpers used to control the power source, and the optical
transceiver used.
Jumper JP2 connects to the boards two power planes. The MCP2150 Developer’s
Board has a power plane for the PIC18F65J5 0 and the re lated circuitry, and a second
power plane for all other circuitry . Removing the jumper allows the MCP2150 portion to
operate through the full voltage range of the MCP2150 (2.0V to 5.5V). When JP2 is
connected, then the maximum voltage is restricted to the ma xim u m vo ltage of the
PIC18F65J50 device (3.6V). See Figure A.8 for the power plane layout. When JP2 is
open, then the PIC18F65J50 must be isolated from the MCP2150. Th is is done with
the JMP1:JMP14 jumpers as well as the R26, R27, R28, and R29 resisto rs.
Jumpers JP1C1 and JP2C1 are used to connect the default installed optical transceiver
to the MCP2150’s RXPD and TXIR pins. There are footprints for two other optical
transceiver implementations. If either of those implementations are installed, then the
jumpers may be switched to the desired optical transceiver.
The PC used has three main requirements. These are:
1. Standard serial port.
2. USB port (to power the MCP2150 Developer’s Board).
3. Terminal emulation program.
4. IrDA standard driver installed, which treats the IR port as a vir tual serial port.
A non-legacy-free Intel
would meet these requirements. The Windows
program called Hyperterminal. Section Appendix D. “Configuring the
demonstrate the developer’s boards.
This MCP2150 Developer’s Board kit includes:
• MCP2150 Developer’s Board, 102-00265
• Important Information Sheet
compatible model with Windows Operating System (OS)
OS includes a terminal emulation
Program” shows instructions to configure HyperTerminal and
The Kits no longer ship with CD-ROMs. Any other material is available for download from
the Developments Boards product page. This material can include such items as:
T o d emonstrate the operation of the MCP2150 Develope r’s Board (Secondary Device)
a Primary Device is required. The Primary Device can be a PC with an IR port
(integrated IR port or IR Dongle).
The MCP2150 Developer’s Board default firmware program has four different
programs that are selected by the state of the RD7:6 pins .
These demonstration programs have the following operation:
• Demo #1 Operation - Direct IR / UART (DB-9) Mode
• Demo #2 Operation - Data Streaming Mode
• Demo #3 Operation - Echo Data Mode
• Demo #4 Operation - IR / UART (DB-9) Pass Through PIC Mode
Each demonstration program’s operation will be described in the Demo section.
The component layout floor plan of the MCP2150 Developer’s Board (MCP2150DM)
PCB is shown in Figure 1-1 while Table 2-1 shows the hardware requirements to
demonstrate the MCP2150 Developer’s Board.
1PC with: (1)
a) IR port
PC with USB/Serial port and
USB/Serial port to IR Dongle
b) One USB port to power the
MCP2150 Developer’s
c) one serial port to
communicate to the
MCP2150 Developer’s
1Serial CableTo connect the PC serial ports to the MCP2150 Developer’s
1USB CableTo power the MCP2150 Developer’s Board from the PC’s USB
—MCP2150 Developer’s Board This is the demonstration unit
Note 1: This can be done with one PC, but depending on the features of the selected PC, a second PC
may be required due to number of serial ports available (see Figure 2-1).
T o keep the board cost low , only a por tion of the MCP2150 Developer’s Board is tested.
This test covers the major portions of the system. The portions th at ar e not tested a re
shown in Appendix C. “Board Testing”.
As a Primary Device, this device will initiate communication to
the MCP2150 Developer’s Board. The PC’s USB port will also
power the MCP2150 Developer’s Board.
The PC’s UART port will “talk” with the MCP2150’s UART
interface, while the PC’s IR port will “talk” with the MCP2150’s
IR interface.
The PC will run two instances of HyperTerminal, one
connected to the PC’s serial port (UART) and the other
connected to the PC’s IR port.
The demo system setup requires a Primary Device and a MCP2150 Developer’s Board
(Secondary Device). The Primary Device is a PC with an IR port (integrated IR port or
IR Dongle). The Secondary Device is the embedded system, which is the MCP2150
Developer’s Board.
The MCP2150 Developer’s Board can be powered by one of two sources:
• The USB sourced power
• The Power supply test points
For the demo descriptions, the board will be powered via USB, so, a PC with a UART
and USB port is required. The USB voltage is regulated to 3.3V, due to the PIC18
device’s voltage operating range.
This developer board either communicates between the DB-9 interface and the IR
interface or acts as an embedded syste m and communicates between the IR interface
and the PIC microcontroller.
2.2.1The PIC18F65J50 Firmware
The PIC18F65J50 firmware program looks at the state of the RD7:4 pins to determine
the board’s operation (program an d Host UART baud rate).
The configuration of the JMP14:JMP1 jumpers determines how th e UART signals are
connected between the MCP2150, PIC and the MAX3238 compatible driver.
The programs have the following operations:
• Data is directly passed from the IR interface to the MAX3238 device
• Data is passed from the IR interface to the MAX3238 device af ter pa ssing through
the PIC microcontroller
• Once a data byte has been received by the PIC, the PIC continuously stream s a
data table
• The PIC echoes whatever character it receives, after changing the case (upper to
lower, and lower to upper)
2.2.2The PC with IR Port
A PC with IR Port can be configured to operate as the Primary Device. The PC will need
to run an appropriate application program to communicate with the Second ary Device.
For a PC with IR port, this program will be HyperTerminal. The IRCOMM2K driver may
need to be installed so that HyperTerminal can communicate to the IR port as if it was
a serial port. When installing IRCOMM2K, select COM7 as the desired port.
Configuring the HyperTerminal program on the PC is shown in D.1.2 “Configuring HyperTerminal to connect to the IrDA Port (Virtual Port)”.
The PC will run a second instance of HyperT erminal when running Demo #1 and Demo
#4. This instance of HyperTerminal will communicate to the PC’s serial port which will
be connected to the MCP2150DM’s serial port. This allows the transmitted data (from
the IR port) to be seen on the serial port (and vice versa). Configuring the
HyperTerminal program on the PC is shown in D.1.3 “HyperTerminal Configuration
for the Secondary Device”.
Note:HyperTerminal should be disabled before establishing a connection
between the PC and the MCP2150 Developer’s Board. Make sure that any
other programs (e.g., HotSync