This document describes how to use the SEGGER JLINK debugger to enable software debugging of 8051 MCU core
that is part of the IS2083BM. The SEGGER debugger makes use of IS2083BM 2-wire JTAG interface to download
8051 firmware images into IS2083BM SQI flash. It then controls the IS2083BM SQI CPU register to provide
debugging features. The following chapters describe the software and hardware prerequisites, setup and procedure
to enter the Debugging mode.
The Microchip Website.................................................................................................................................19
Please go to or to get the following documents.
• IS2083 Bluetooth® Stereo Audio SoC Data Sheet
• BM83 Bluetooth® Stereo Audio Module Data Sheet
• BM83 Bluetooth® Audio Development Board User's Guide
• IS2083 SDK User's Guide
1.2 Software Prerequisites
• IS2083 Software Development Kit
• isUpdate tool
• Please refer to the IS2083 SDK User’s Guide Section 1.2 to know what Keil® μVision® version should be used.
Furthermore, please be sure your PK51 license is valid in the support period. If your license expires on or before
the support period, Keil C51 may not allow you to use the debugger support. It depends on if your license
expiration date is on or before the C51 release date. For example, C51 9.59 released in May 2018. If your
license expired before that, you cannot use the debugger with C51 9.59. On the other hand, if your license
expired after May 2018, you can still use the debugger support. For example, the figure below shows that this
license has expired, but it can still work with C51 9.59 because it is after May 2018.
Quick References
– The following DLL files enable debugging in the IS2083BM using Keil μVision:
• JLinkARM.dll
• JLinkIS2083.dll
– Initsession.ini – this file stops the Keil μVision at the first execution of SDK.
Note: The DLL files and Initsession.ini file are available in the following folder:
release-package at or
This section describes the setup procedure of Keil uVision and IS2083 SDK to work with the debug probes.
2.1 Keil μVision Setup
This section describes the step-by-step procedure for Keil μVision setup. The user needs to first set up μVision and
connect to J-Link debug probes and later to the BM83 EVB. See 3.1 J-Link Probes Connection.
2.1.1 File Settings
Visit the Keil website to download and install the required Keil C51 (See IS2083 SDK User Guide, Section 1.2,
Software Prerequisites for the latest SDK Keil supported version.).
IS2083 SDK requires a specific Keil μVision tool to compile and operate with J-Link probes. The .dll files
customized for SEGGER J-Link debugger allows Keil μVision to communicate with the IS2083BM through J-Link
Note: After Keil μVision installation, ensure that it is not running.
Keil C51 v9.59 requires the following steps, 1 to 3 for file settings. The version v9.60 and above contains the DLL
files. Perform only step 3 for Keil C51 v9.60 and above.
Software Setup
Perform the following steps for the setup:
1.Go to C:\Keil_v5\ and use the text editor to open the TOOLS.INI file.
2.Insert the text TDRV10=BIN\JLinkIS2083.dll (J-Link / J-Trace IS2083 Driver) into the file as
shown below:
Figure 2-1. TOOLS.INI
3.Go to C:\Keil_v5\C51\BIN and copy the following files from the debug package to the directory:
– JLinkIS2083.dll
– JLinkARM.dll
2.1.2 Debug Settings
After verifying the J-link connection and Keil file settings, unplug and plug in the power cord to reset the IS2083BM.
This turns the J-Link LED to steady green.
Perform the following steps for debug settings:
1.Launch Keil μVision and double click MSPKv2_Application_IS2083B.uvproj and Keil uVision automatically