Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
intended manner and under normal conditions.
•There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our
knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data
Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.
•Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.
•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not
mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”
Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our
products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts
allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.
Information contained in this publication regarding device
applications and the like is provided only for your convenience
and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to
ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and
its use. Use of Microchip’s products as critical components in
life support systems is not authorized except with express
written approval by Microchip. No licenses are conveyed,
implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property
The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron,
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PRO MATE, PowerSmart, rfPIC, and SmartShunt are
registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated
in the U.S.A. and other countries.
AmpLab, FilterLab, Migratable Memory, MXDEV, MXLAB,
PICMASTER, SEEVAL, SmartSensor and The Embedded
Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of
Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A.
Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, dsPICDEM,, dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR,
FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial
Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Linear Active Thermistor,
PowerMate, PowerTool, rfLAB, rfPICDEM, Select Mode,
Smart Serial, SmartTel, Total Endurance and WiperLock are
trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the
U.S.A. and other countries.
SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated
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All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their
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Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for
its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in
Chandler and Tempe, Arizona and Mountain View, California in
October 2003. The Company’s quality system processes and
procedures are for its PICmicro
devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and
analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design
and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
( to obtain the latest documentation available, including errata
documents applicable to this product. Also, refer to the errata information in Appendix C.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
“DSXXXXXA”, where “XXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available on-line help files.
IDE on-line help.
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the
dsPICDEM 2 Development Board. Items discussed in this chapter include:
• Document Layout
• Conventions Used in this Guide
• Warranty Registration
• Recommended Reading
• The Microchip Web Site
• Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service
• Customer Support
• Document Revision History
This document describes how to use dsPICDEM 2 Development Board as a development tool to emulate and debug firmware on a target board. The manual layout is as
• Chapter 1. Introduction – This chapter introduces the dsPICDEM 2
Development Board, provides a brief description of the hardware components on
the board and introduces the demonstration software provided with each of the
supported dsPIC30F devices.
• Chapter 2. Getting Started – This chapter describes the out-of-the-box operation
of the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board. It also provides a detailed descripton of
how to perform programming and in-circuit debugging operations.
• Chapter 3. Using the dsPIC30F2010 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F2010 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F2010 using the sample application.
• Chapter 4. Using the dsPIC30F2011 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F2011 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F2011using the sample application.
• Chapter 5. Using the dsPIC30F2012 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F2012 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F2012 using the sample application.
• Chapter 6. Using the dsPIC30F3010 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F3010 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F3010 using the sample application.
• Chapter 7. Using the dsPIC30F3011 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F3011 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F3011 using the sample application.
• Chapter 8. Using the dsPIC30F3012 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F3012 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F3012 using the sample application.
• Chapter 9. Using the dsPIC30F3013 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F3013 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F3013 using the sample application.
• Chapter 10. Using the dsPIC30F3014 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F3014 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F3014 using the sample application.
• Chapter 11. Using the dsPIC30F4011 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F4011 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F4011 using the sample application.
• Chapter 12. Using the dsPIC30F4012 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F4012 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F4012 using the sample application.
• Chapter 13. Using the dsPIC30F4013 – This chapter describes how to configure
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board for use with the dsPIC30F4013 Digital
Signal Controller. It provides suggested procedures for device programming and
in-circuit debugging of the dsPIC30F4013 using the sample application.
• Chapter 14. Hardware – This chapter provides detailed information related to the
hardware components used on the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board.
• Appendix A. Hardware Drawings and Schematics – This appendix illustrates
the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board layout and includes complete schematic
• Appendix B. Writing to LCD – This appendix provides detailed instructions for
writing to the 2 x 16 character LCD.
• Appendix C. Board Errata – This appendix describes errata associated with
certain revisions of the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board.
• Index – This section provides cross-reference listing of terms, features and
sections of this document.
• Worldwide Sales and Service – A listing of Microchip sales and service locations
Please complete the enclosed Warranty Registration Card and mail it promptly.
Sending in the Warranty Registration Card entitles users to receive new product
updates. Interim software releases are available at the Microchip web site.
This user's guide describes how to use dsPICDEM 2 Development Board. Other useful
documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources.
dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual (DS70046)
Consult this document for detailed information on the dsPIC30F device operation. The
manual explains the operation of the dsPIC30F MCU family architecture and peripheral
modules but does not cover the specifics of each device. Refer to the appropriate
device data sheet, mentioned below, for device-specific information.
dsPIC30F Data Sheet, Motor Control and Power Conversion Family (DS70082)
Consult this document for information regarding the dsPIC30F Motor Control and
Power Conversion devices. Reference information found in this data sheet includes:
• Device memory map
• Device pinout and packaging details
• Device electrical specifications
• List of peripherals included on the device
dsPIC30F Data Sheet, General Purpose and Sensor Families (DS70083)
Consult this document for information regarding the dsPIC30F General Purpose and
Sensor devices. Reference information found in this data sheet includes:
• Device memory map
• Device pinout and packaging details
• Device electrical specifications
• List of peripherals included on the device
dsPIC30F Programmer’s Reference Manual (DS70030)
This manual is a software developer’s reference for the dsPIC30F 16-bit MCU family
of devices. This manual describes the instruction set in detail and also provides general
information to assist the user in developing software for the dsPIC30F MCU family.
dsPIC30F Family Overview, dsPIC
16-bit Digital Signal Controller (DS70043)
This document provides an overview of the features and functionality of the dsPIC DSC
product family. It helps determine how the dsPIC 16-bit Digital Signal Controller Family
fits a specific product application. For detailed information about any of the functionality,
refer to the
This document details Microchip Technology’s language tools for dsPIC DSC devices
based on GNU technology. The language tools discussed are:
• MPLAB ASM30 Assembler
• MPLAB LINK30 Linker
• MPLAB LIB30 Archiver/Librarian
• Other Utilities
dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual
ASM30, MPLAB LINK30 and Utilities User’s Guide (DS51317)
The purpose of this document is to help you use Microchip’s MPLAB C30 C compiler
for dsPIC DSC devices to develop your application. MPLAB C30 is a GNU-based language tool, based on source code from the Free Software Foundation (FSF). For more
information about the FSF, see
Other GNU language tools available from Microchip are:
• MPLAB ASM30 Assembler
• MPLAB LINK30 Linker
• MPLAB LIB30 Librarian/Archiver
Consult this document for more information pertaining to the installation and features
of the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software.
To obtain any of these documents, contact the nearest Microchip sales location
(see back page) or visit the Microchip web site at:
IDE Simulator, Editor User’s Guide (DS51025)
Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web
site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following
• Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample
programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents,
latest software releases and archived software
• General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program
member listing
• Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices,
distributors and factory representatives
Microchip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip
products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes,
updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of
To register, access the Microchip web site at, click on Customer
Change Notification and follow the registration instructions.
The Development Systems product group categories are:
• Compilers – The latest information on Microchip C compilers and other language
tools. These include the MPLAB C18 and MPLAB C30 C compilers; MPASM™
and MPLAB ASM30 assemblers; MPLINK™ and MPLAB LINK30 object linkers;
and MPLIB™ and MPLAB LIB30 object librarians.
• Emulators – The latest information on Microchip in-circuit emulators.This
includes the MPLAB ICE 2000 and MPLAB ICE 4000.
• In-Circuit Debuggers – The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit
• MPLAB® IDE – The latest information on Microchip MPLAB IDE, the Windows®
Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools. This list is
focused on the MPLAB IDE, MPLAB SIM simulator, MPLAB IDE Project Manager
and general editing and debugging features.
• Programmers – The latest information on Microchip programmers. These include
Plus and PICkit
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
• Distributor or Representative
• Local Sales Office
• Field Application Engineer (FAE)
• Technical Support
• Development Systems Information Line
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the web site at:
In addition, there is a Development Systems Information Line which lists the latest
versions of Microchip's development systems software products. This line also
provides information on how customers can receive currently available upgrade kits.
The Development Systems Information Line numbers are:
1-800-755-2345 – United States and most of Canada
1-480-792-7302 – Other International Locations
Customers may also exchange ideas with each other and with Microchip personnel by
The dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board is a development and evaluation tool that
helps you create embedded applications using dsPIC30F Digital Signal Controllers
(DSC) in 18-pin PDIP, 28-pin SPDIP and 40-pin PDIP packages. The dsPICDEM™ 2
Development Board provides both a hardware and software baseline capability to help
jump start your application.
Sockets are provided for 28 and 40-pin devices in the dsPIC30F Motor Control family
and 18, 28 and 40-pin devices in the dsPIC30F General Purpose and Sensor family.
For each device supported by the board, the product CD includes a sample application
program designed specifically for that device. Thus, regardless of the dsPIC30F device
you choose for your application, you also have sample code appropriate to that device.
This chapter discusses:
• dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board
• dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board Resources
• Sample Application Projects
• Host System Environment
Chapter 1. Introduction
The dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board (Figure 1-1) includes a dsPIC30F4011 Digital
Signal Processor in the 40-pin motor control socket, a power supply regulator, crystal
oscillators for each set of sockets, an ICD header for the MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit
Debugger and both UART and CAN ports for external communication. In addition, the
board is populated with prototyping hardware, including LED indicators, push-button
switches, a potentiometer, a temperature sensor and an LCD screen. All pins on all the
device sockets are accessible on prototyping areas. Also included is the dsPICDEM™
2 Development Kit CD, which contains software and this User’s Guide.
Key hardware features include:
• Multiple sockets for 18, 28 and 40-pin PDIP and SPDIP devices
• dsPIC30F4011 40-pin PDIP sample device installed on the board
• 5V regulator provides V
indicates when the power is on.
• Connector for MPLAB
• RS-232 interface
• Controller Area Network (CAN) interface
• Temperature sensor and analog potentiometer to simulate A/D inputs
• Pushbutton switches and LED indicators to simulate digital input and output
• 2x16 ASCII Character LCD with SPI™ interface
• 2x20 prototyping header area for user hardware expansion (header not provided)
DD and AVDD from a 9V DC power supply. An LED
ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger or MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit
The dsPICDEM™ 2 must be configured for the device you have chosen for your application. Switches and headers are provided to connect hardware components on the
board with corresponding pins on the dsPIC30F device. Figure 1-2 shows the location
of hardware components and configuration headers that need to be set up depending
on the dsPIC30F device.
UART Connection (J2)
CAN Connection (J3)
MPLAB® Programmer
/Debugger Connection (J1)
Selector S2 (for programming
and debugging)
Selector S3 (for debugging
motor control devices)
Oscillator for motor control
device (Y2)
Concentric sockets for
motor control devices
(U2A1 & U2B1 under
External connection prototyping
headers (H8 and H9)
Temperature Header (H10)
Temperature Sensor (U5)
LCD SPI Header (H1)
LCD Controller Programming
Header (H11)
SPI™ controller for LCD
CAN Header (H2)
Power Supply
Power Supply jumpers
(JP1 and JP2)
UART1 Header (H3)
Selector (S4) for debugging
general purpose devices
Alternate UART1 Header (H4)
Concentric sockets for
General Purpose devices
(U1A1, U1B1, U1C1)
Reset switch (S1)
Oscillator for General
Purpose device (Y5)
UART2 Header (H5)
Output LEDs (D3 and D4)
LED Header (H12)
Switches (S5 and S6)
Switches Header (H6 and H7)
Analog Pot (R15)
Pot Header (H13)
1.4.1dsPIC30F Device Sockets
For convenience, the board provides separate sockets for Motor Control family devices
and general purpose/sensor family devices. As shown in Figure 1-3, the left side of the
board includes concentric sockets (U2B1 and U2A1) for 28 and 40-pin devices, respectively, in the Motor Control family. The right side includes concentric sockets (U1C1,
U1B1 and U1A1) for 18, 28 and 40-pin devices, respectively, in the General Purpose
and Sensor family.
An RJ11 connector (J1) allows the MPLAB ICD 2 Debugger/Programmer to be used
with the dsPIC30F device you have plugged into the board. Switches S2, S3 and S4
physically connect this interface to the device sockets. Switch S2 connects the MPLAB
ICD 2 interface to the default programming and debugging pins on the dsPIC30F
devices (PGC/EMUC and PGD/EMUD). This switch should be turned on during
Switches S3 and S4 connect the MPLAB ICD 2 interface to alternative debugging pins
on the dsPIC30F devices (EMUC1/EMUD1 and EMUC2/EMUD2). These switches
should be turned off during device programming and turned on during debugging, if
1.4.3UART Connection
A DB9 connector (J2) facilitates external RS-232RS-232 communication. Headers H3,
H4 and H5 connect this interface to the UART peripheral in the dsPIC DSC device.
Header H3 selects UART1. Header H4 selects alternate pins for UART1 in all
dsPIC30F devices supported by this board. Header H5 selects UART2 in dsPIC30F
devices that provide two UARTs (dsPIC30F3011, 3013, 3014, 4011 and 4013).
1.4.4CAN Connection
A second DB9 connector (J3) is used for CAN communication. Header H2 selects the
dsPIC DSC device for the CAN interface. The CAN interface is supported by
dsPIC30F4011, 4012 and 4013 devices.
1.4.5Power Supply
The dsPICDEM™ 2 power supply IS powered from an AC/DC wall adapter that
furnishes 9 VDC to the PWR jack (J4). The power supply is split at the regulator to
provide a separate, de-coupled analog supply voltage useful in designs taking
advantage of the dsPIC30F A/D converters. The power supply includes an on-board
+5V regulator for supplying V
Jumpers (JP1 and JP2) let you disconnect the power supply from the board if you want
to supply external DC power via terminals TP1 and TP2.
DD and AVDD. An LED indicates when the power is on.
1.4.6Reset Switch
This pushbutton switch (S1) is tied to the MCLR pin on the dsPIC30F device. It is used
to reset the device regardless of the socket used.
1.4.7Device Clocking
Device clocking can be provided by on-chip RC oscillators, on-board crystal oscillators
or external sources. Crystal (Y1) provides a 7.3728 MHz oscillator for the motor control
device. Crystal (Y2) provides a 7.3728 MHz oscillator for the general purpose and
sensor devices.
1.4.8Analog and Digital Inputs
The dsPICDEM™ 2 provides the following sensors that can be used to provide input
signals to your application program:
• Temperature sensor (U5)
• Potentiometer (R15)
• Pushbutton switches (S5 and S6) SENSOR
The temperature sensor is a TC1047A that provides an analog signal to analog
channel AN3 in either the general purpose or motor control device via header H10. POTENTIOMETER
A 5-kOhm potentiometer provides an analog signal to analog channel AN2 in either the
general purpose or motor control device via header H13. The voltage source to the
potentiometer is provided by VR1, through a low-pass filter. VR1 is the main voltage
regulator for all components on the development board. SWITCHES
Two pushbutton switches, S5 and S6, are connected to external interrupt pins INT0 and
INT1, respectively, on the dsPIC30F device via headers H6 and H7, respectively.
1.4.9Digital Outputs
The dsPICDEM™ 2 provides the following output devices that can be used to display
output information from your application program:
• LED Indicators (D3 and D4)
LEDs D3 and D4 are connected to port pins RB0 and RB1, respectively on the installed
dsPIC DSC device via header H12. The LED anodes are tied to VDD through a 1.2K
resistor. DISPLAY
A 2 x 16 character dot matrix LCD display is provided on the development board. The
installed dsPIC30F device writes characters to the LCD via the clock (SCK1) and data
(SDO1) pins on the device’s SPI1 module.
1.4.10External Connections
Prototyping areas H8 and H9 provide external connections from the motor control and
general purpose devices, respectively. These connections allow you to use hardware
and test equipment not provided on the dsPICDEM™ 2 board.
The dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Kit CD contains sample projects for each of the
dsPIC DSC devices supported by the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board. These sample programs are intended to jump start your application development by showing you
how to implement and configure dsPIC30F peripherals such as A/D converters, external interrupts, timers, SPI, and UART interfaces and I/O ports. Complete C source code
is provided that shows how to how to write interrupt service routines and how to use
device control register structures for configuring peripherals and I/O ports. These sample C files are bundled into MPLAB IDE projects that let you begin work out of the box.
The sample application projects and source code were created with:
• MPLAB IDE v7.11
• MPLAB C30 v1.32
The sample application projects for each dsPIC30F device are located in the folder:
path/dsPICDEM 2 Development Kit/Example Software/
A host system is used to support the MPLAB IDE and ICD 2 development tools (as well
as HyperTerminal® communication). Minimum requirements are:
• PC-compatible system with an Intel Pentium class or higher processor, or
The dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board provides both a hardware and software baseline capability to help jump start your application. The board is pre-configured for and
populated with a dsPIC30F4011 Digital Signal Controller (DSC). The dsPIC30F4011 is
preprogrammed with a sample application program ready to run out of the box.
This chapter describes how to run the application and evaluate the program to take
advantage of the sample software.
Items discussed in this chapter include:
• Getting Started
• Out-of-the-Box Demo
• Device Programming Process
• In-Circuit Debugging Process
• Summary
Chapter 2. Getting Started
The dsPICDEM 2 sample application program demonstrates key functionality of the
dsPIC30F devices. This sample application program processes analog data from a
temperature sensor and potentiometer provided on the board. It also processes
interrupts generated from pushbutton switches on the board. Based on the input data,
the program creates output in the form of LED indicators, which blink in response to the
pushbutton switches, and an LCD screen, which displays the temperature and
potentiometer values. The program also uses the dsPIC30F’s UART module to mirror
LCD information (via RS-232 connection) to a remote terminal.
The sample application is written in C language and tailored specifically for each
dsPIC30F device supported by the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board. Figure 2-1
outlines helpful processes to get you started using the dsPICDEM 2 board.
Release device from reset
& observe application (see
Run the Application)
Evaluate program for
applicability to your need
dsPICDEM 2 Development Board User’s Guide
Out-of-the-box, you can power up the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board and run the
sample application on the dsPIC30F4011 device. The objective of this process is to
acquaint you with the board and demonstrate how the dsPIC30F device interacts with
the hardware components used for the demo (see Section 2.4 “Out-of-the-Box Demo”).
Eventually, as you develop your own application, you will need to program and debug
the dsPIC30F device. The second phase of the getting-started process is programming
the device for stand-alone operation. For this process, you attach the MPLAB ICD 2
In-Circuit Debugger to the dsPICDEM 2 board, designate it as a programmer in MPLAB
IDE, build your program in MPLAB IDE and then program the device with MPLAB ICD
2. The procedures for this process are outline in Section 2.5 “Device Programming
Process”, using the dsPIC30F4011 device as an example.
To examine program operation on a step-by-step basis, you need to set up MPLAB ICD
2 as a debugger. For this process you attach the MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger to
the dsPICDEM 2 board, designate it as a debugger in MPLAB IDE, build your program
in MPLAB IDE and then program the device for debug mode with MPLAB ICD 2. The
procedures for this process are outline in Section 2.6 “In-Circuit Debugging
Process”, using the dsPIC30F4011 device as an example.
As the first phase of your getting-started process, you only need to connect your PC to
the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board, apply power to the board and observe the
sample application on the board and on HyperTerminal
2.4.1dsPICDEM 2 Configuration
Out-of-the-box, the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board is configured to operate with
the dsPIC304011 device. When you use a different type of supported device you need
to reconfigure the board for that device. In general, you follow this process to reconfigure the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board. For the out-of-the-box configuration, you
simply can verify these settings:
1. Select a supported dsPIC30F device and plug it into the appropriate socket (not
necessary out of the box).
2. Note the hardware configuration for the dsPIC30F4011device:
This functionality:Is set up by this hardware component:
Program/Debug deviceSwitch S2 switched OFF
Alternate DebuggingSwitch S3 or S4 – all switches OFF
Temperature (A/D)H10 set to M ALL
Potentiometer (A/D)H13 set to M ALL
CANH2 open
UART1H3 open
Alternate UART1H4 set to M ALL
UART2H5 open
LCD (SPI)H1 set to M 40
SPI™ Controller ProgrammingH11 open
Switch S5 (INT0)H6 set to M ALL
Switch S6 (INT1)H7 set to M ALL
External connectionsH8 or H9 open
LEDs D3 and D4 (I/O)H12 set to M
Power SupplyJumpers JP1 and JP2
Note:Chapters 3-13 provide specific set-up instructions for each type of
dsPIC30F device supported by the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board.
Follow the information in Figure 2-2 to set up your PC to operate with the dsPICDEM™
2 Development Board.
1. Use an RS-232 cable to connect the serial port on your PC to the UART connector (J2) on the board.
2. On your PC, start a HyperTerminal session and set it up with these port settings:
9600 baud
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No flow control
Note:For convenience, each of the sample program folders contains a utility that
automatically launches HyperTerminal set up to run with the demo program. Double clicking the file (
starts the session.
PC running HyperTerminal
dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board
running sample application
To run and observe the sample application follow these steps:
1. Plug the 9 VDC cable into the DC IN connector (J4). The PWR ON indicator
should illuminate.
2. Press the RESET ALL pushbutton (S1). The LCD displays the current tempera-
ture and voltage values, which represent the A/D conversions from the temperature sensor and potentiometer, respectively.
dsPICDEM™ 2 Board
The LED indicators (D3 and D4) should initially be off and then start to blink.
3. Touch the temperature sensor for a moment and observe the temperature reading. It should increase as your finger warms the sensor.
4. Adjust the potentiometer clockwise and observe the voltage reading increase.
Then readjust it counterclockwise and observe the voltage reading decrease.
5. Observe the HyperTerminal screen and note that the information is updated to
match the LCD (see Figure 2-3).
FIGURE 2-3:TYPICAL HyperTerminal
6. Press pushbutton S5 (INT0) once and note that the rate at which D3 and D4 blink
changes. As you press S5 again, observe that the blink rate cycles from
extremely fast (both LEDs appear to be on) to fast (blinking rapidly) to moderate
(blinking slowly) to slow (appear to be switching on and off).
7. Press pushbutton S6 (INT1) once and note that D3 and D4 blink alternately. As
you press S6 again, note the LEDs cycle between blinking together and blinking
The second phase of the getting-started process introduces the MPLAB Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) and MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger. The
emphasis in this phase is to program the sample application into a dsPIC30F4011
device. After observing the demonstration, this process gets you ready to examine
what you observed.
2.5.1Connect MPLAB ICD 2
Follow the information in Figure 2-2 to set up the MPLAB ICD 2 for use as a
1. With an RJ11 cable, connect the MPLAB ICD 2 to the ICD header (J1) on the
2. Use a USB cable to connect the MPLAB ICD 2 to your PC.
Note:Make sure that the USB driver for the MPLAB ICD 2 has been installed on
your PC (see the
regarding the installation of MPLAB ICD 2).
MPLAB® ICD 2 User’s Guide
Getting Started
, DS51331, for more details
PC running MPLAB
Connect USB cable to PC
Connect RJ-11 cable to ICD
dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board
running dsPIC30F4011 sample
GP 40
GP 28
GP 18
Connect RS-232 cable to
9 VDC Power Cable
115 VAC
Apply power to the board
2.5.2Setting up MPLAB IDE
The sample application program files on the dsPICDEM 2 CD contain a workspace and
project information needed by MPLAB IDE, MPLAB ICD 2 and MPLAB C30.
The first step is to open the sample application project in MPLAB IDE.
Note:These instructions presume the use of MPLAB IDE version 7.11 or newer
and MPLAB C30 version 1.32 or newer.
A project contains the files needed to build an application (source code, linker script
files, etc.) along with their associations to various build tools and build options. A workspace contains information on the selected device, debug tool and/or programmer,
open windows and their location, and other MPLAB IDE configuration settings.
3. Select 30F4011/Demo.mcw. A project and workspace is created in MPLAB IDE.
As shown in Figure 2-6, Demo.mcw is the workspace file and Demo.mcp is the
project file.
2. Observe the progress of the build in the Output window.
3. When BUILD SUCCEEDED displays you are ready to program the device.
4. Program the dsPIC30F4011device (
Project>Build All
2.5.4Run the Application
1. From the
2. On the board, turn off the M ALL switch in S2.
3. As the code begins executing, note that the operation is identical to what you
observed out-of-the-box (see Section 2.4.3 “Observe Sample Application”)
menu, select
MPLAB IDE lets you run, halt and step the program. It lets you set breakpoints to
examine the code at specific locations or on occurrence of specific events. It also lets
you examine the contents of the RAM and registers. The MPLAB ICD 2 allows you to
run the application on the dsPICDEM 2 while monitoring it in MPLAB IDE on your PC.
The examination process requires that three changes be made to the sample
application setup.
• The dsPIC30F4011 device must be reprogrammed to recognize the MPLAB ICD
2 as a debugger rather than as a programmer.
• MPLAB IDE must be reconfigured to specify the pins on the dsPIC30F device to
be used for debugging.
• The dsPICDEM 2 board must be physically reconfigured to ensure that it connects
the MPLAB ICD 2 debugger to the pins on the dsPIC30F device that were
specified in MPLAB IDE.
Release from Reset to
enable code
Note:The primary programming and debugging functions (PGC/EMUC,
PGD/EMUD) on the dsPIC30F device are multiplexed with other peripheral
modules on the device used by the sample application. Thus it is necessary
to use an alternate pair of debugging pins (EMUC1/EMUD1,
EMUC2/EMUD2 or EMUC3/EMUD3) to examine the baseline code
provided in the sample application.
2.6.1Select MPLAB ICD 2 as Debugger
To change MPLAB ICD 2 from a programmer to a debugger for a dsPIC30F4011
1. From the
MPLAB ICD 2 as the debug tool in MPLAB IDE.
2. From the
window displays the current configuration settings for the device, as shown in
Figure 2-7.
3. Change the “Comm Channel Select” parameter to Use EMUC2 and EMUD2.
4. On the dsPICDEM 2 board, change the setting on switch S3 to turn on EMUC2
and EMUD2.
5. Program the dsPIC30F device (
6. On the dsPICDEM 2 board, turn off M ALL on switch S2.
The MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger can be used to run, halt and step the code. A
breakpoint can be set to halt the program after the code has executed the instruction
at the breakpoint. The contents of the RAM and registers can be viewed whenever the
processor has been halted.
The MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger uses the following function keys to access the
main debugging functions:
<F7>Single Step
In addition, there are more functions available by right clicking on a line of source code.
These functions include the ability to set simple and advanced breakpoints.
This chapter has provided a suggested process for using the dsPICDEM™ 2
Development Board to jump start your own application. If you have reviewed this
process, you should be able to:
• Configure the dsPICDEM™ 2 Development Board for the dsPIC30F device you
select for your application.
• Set up MPLAB IDE to use the MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger.
• Locate the sample application for your dsPIC30F device.
• Program the chip with the MPLAB ICD 2.
• View the code execution in program memory and source code.
This chapter assumes you have chosen the dsPIC30F2010 for your application. The
dsPICDEM 2 Development Board supports a dsPIC30F2010 device in a 28-pin SPDIP
package, as shown in Figure 3-1. This device provides six 10-bit A/D (500 ksps)
channels, a UART, an SPI module, an I
application program provides a software baseline for building your own embedded
• Board Setup for the dsPIC30F2010 Sample Application
• Device Programming
• Observing the Sample Application
• In-Circuit Debugging
• Summary
The dsPICDEM 2 Development Board supports dsPIC30F devices that have multiple
peripheral devices multiplexed on some pins. Therefore, the jumper set up of various
headers depends on which of the dsPIC30F peripherals are used by the application.
This section demonstrates how the board is set up for the dsPIC30F2010 device to
support the dsPIC30F2010 example software in the dsPICDEM 2 Development Kit CD.
Follow these steps to configure the hardware on the dsPICDEM 2 Development Board
for the sample application.
1. Disconnect the power source.
2. Remove any dsPIC30Fxxxx device currently plugged into the dsPICDEM 2
Development Board.
4. Configure the hardware components as shown in Table 3-1.
Header Socket U2B1
Jumper JP1JP1Jumper—5 VDC jumper installed
Jumper JP2JP2Jumper—5 VDC jumper installed
Selector SwitchS2M ALL ON 17,18 PGC and PGD
Selector SwitchS3OFF—Not used in this configuration
Selector SwitchS4OFF—Not used in this configuration
PGM U3H11Open——
CAN TxH2Open——
CAN RxH2Open——
UART1 Tx*H3Open——
UART1 Rx*H3Open——
Alternate UART1 Rx*
UART2 Tx*H5Open——
UART2 Rx*H5Open——
Temperature Sensor H10M ALL5AN3/INDX/CN5/RB3
PotentiometerH13M ALL4AN2/SS1
Switch S6H7M ALL15EMUC2/OC1/IC1/INT1/RD0
LCD - SPI™ Clock
LCD - SPI Data
* On this device, multiplexing of various peripherals on the pins does not allow the
simultaneous use of:
– Switch S5 and LCD
– Primary UART1 pins and LCD.
Since only one DB-9 connector is provided for RS-232 communication, you can
select either UART1 (primary or alternate pins) or UART2, but not both.
Load the sample application program for the dsPIC30F2010 using this process:
1. Plug the RJ11cable from the MPLAB ICD 2 into the ICD header (J1). Make sure
the USB cable from the MPLAB ICD 2 is connected to your PC.
2. Start MPLAB IDE.
3. Open the dsPIC30F2010 sample project (
path/dsPICDEM 2 Development Kit/Example Software/30F2010/Demo.mcw
Note:For detailed information and procedures on using the MPLAB IDE and ICD
2 refer to Chapter 2 “Getting Started”.
Using the dsPIC30F2010
File>Open Workspace)
4. Build the sample project in MPLAB IDE (
5. On the dsPICDEM™ 2 board set all positions on switches S3 and S4 to OFF.
Then set switch S2 to M ALL. The MPLAB ICD 2 is now connected to the PGC
and PGD pins on the dsPIC30F2010.
6. Download the sample application (
(Figure 3-2) displays the status as the download occurs and indicates when the
programming has succeeded.
Project>Build All)
). The Output window
7. Disconnect the MPLAB ICD 2 cable from the ICD header. The program is now
ready to run (see Section 3.5 “Observing the Sample Application”).