System Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
CY920 Board Layout and Features .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Bluetooth Specifications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Packaging Information ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Appendix B: Revision History .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
The Microchip Web Site ...................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Customer Change Notification Service ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Customer Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 41
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The CY920 module can be connected to standard I/O
components in various audio, video, and control
Note:This data sheet summarizes the features
of the CY920 network media module. It is
not intended to be a comprehensive
reference source. To complement the
information in this data sheet, refer to the
various application notes available on the
Microchip web site
The CY920 module is a single-board network media
module based on Microchip's DM920 network media
processor. It enables faster product development with
formats. The CY920 module and the JukeBlox SDK
form a turnkey solution which enables rapid product
development by the Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEMs) and Original Design
Manufacturers (ODMs). The software packages
feature an intuitive Application Programming
Interface (API) that enables easy customization result
in faster time-to-market.
Figure 1-1 illustrates a typical example of the CY920
The following sections provide information on different
connectors and connections in the CY920 module.
The CY920 module uses two board-to-board connectors, basic and extended, as interfaces to the product
main board. Some of the module versions have only
the basic connector installed.
The CY920 module uses female connectors and the
product main board uses male connectors.
Table 1-1 provides part numbers for the male
connectors needed on the product main board that
mate to the female connectors on the CY920 module.
Table 1-4 provides the GPIO assignment on the CY920
Note 1: The GPIO assignments are subject to change in future revisions of this document.
DM920 Pin NameConnected ToAssigned Function
0MIICRSBT/extended connectorWLAN_ACTIVE
1MIICOLBT/extended connectorBT_PRIORITY
2MIITXERBT/extended connectorBT_ACTIVE
3MIITXCLKBT/extended connectorBT_LDO_ON
4AV3CLKBasic connectorAvailable
5AV3CTRL0Basic connectorAvailable
6AV3CTRL1Basic connectorChip select for expansion Flash
7AV0CTRL2Extended connector Available
8MIITXD2Basic connectorFactory Reset
9MIITXD3Basic connectorIR input
10MIIRXD2Basic connectorSPI_REQ for Host controller
11MIIRXD3Basic connectorAvailable
12HDDATA12Extended connectorAvailable
13HDDATA13Extended connectorAvailable
14HDDATA14Extended connectorAvailable
15HDDATA15Extended connectorAvailable
16SPF0Basic connectorHD_INT
17SPF1Basic connectorEthernet Reset
18EXT_PA_EN1_5Basic connectorFEM BSEL
19EXT_PA_EN1_24Basic connectorAvailable
In the CY920 module two external antenna sockets are
used to enable diversity operation. During the diversity
operation, the firmware selects one antenna at a time
through the on-board Tx/Rx diversity RF switch.
The surface-mounted antenna socket used in the
CY920 module is Ultra Small Surface Mount Coaxial
(U.FL) type.
Note:Do not use the CY920 module that has
two external antenna sockets with only
one external antenna connected. This will
degrade the Wi-Fi or BT performance.
UART_RXD1IUART1 input to the DM920, used for shell access. Microchip recommends
providing a connection to an external RS-232 transceiver and a DB9 connector to
connect to a PC COM port. This connection can be used for the product
development debugging, module programming control on the product
manufacturing line, and module control during certification procedures.
UART_TXD1OUART1 output from the DM920, used for shell access. Microchip recommends
providing a connection to an external RS-232 transceiver and a DB9 connector to
connect to a PC COM port. This connection can be used for the product
development debugging, module programming control on the product
manufacturing line, and module control during certification procedures.
UART_RXD0IUART0 input, used for Bluetooth (BT) in BT SKU. It can be used as an additional
UART in non-BT SKU.
UART_TXD0OUART0 output, used for Bluetooth in case of BT SKU. It can be used as an
additional UART in non-BT SKU
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
AV2CTRL0OLRCK, audio data word clock at the audio sample rate (Fs) (currently, maximum
AV2CTRL1OMCLK, audio master clock at 256 Fs. It can be used to clock an external D/A
AV2CLKOSCLK, audio data bit clock at 64 Fs. It allows up to 32 audio data bits per sample
AV4DATA0OSPDIF format output. It can support sample rate up to 192 kHz. Consequently, the
AV4DATA1ISPDIF input. Currently it is not used, do not connect.
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
Note 1:
For the audio port timing diagrams, setup and hold timing details, refer to the
I/OUsed for I
S or left justified audio data output. It is typically connected to an external D/A
converter input or an external DSP for further audio processing.
AV2DATA0 is used for the main left and right channel audio output data. AV2DATA2
and AV2DATA3 may be used for surround sound rear channels and sub-woofer.
See Note1.
S or left justified audio data input. It can be driven from an optional external A/D
converter used to interface to iPod analog output or other analog audio sources, or
aux in jack. If not used, leave it open.
supported frequency is 192 kHz).
converter or an external DSP. The Fs multiplier may vary at sample rates more than
48 kHz.
maximum instantaneous frequency on this pin is 24.576 MHz.
S or left justified audio data, depend on firmware and use case. The AV3
port control and clock signals are defined as GPIOs, see Table 1-15. If required,
succeeding use cases may use AV3 control and clock signals as audio clocks.
MII_TXD2IFactory Reset, GPIO-08. An active-high input with internal pull-down. Pull to
GND with a 10 k Ω resistor, unless return to factory settings from a hardware
control is needed. Generally, return to factory settings is controlled from the Host
controller through SPI register. This pin is monitored only during the boot up
I2C_SDA, I2C_SCLI/ONo internal pull-ups, use maximum 4.7 kΩ pull-up resistor on each pin to +3.3V.
NRESETILow-active input to reset the module. This signal must be driven by an external
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
SPF1OEthernet PHY Reset signal, GPIO-17. Do not connect if module Ethernet is
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
IInfrared sensor input, GPIO-09. A Schmitt Trigger input which can handle inputs
with slow slopes. It is used for aDMP firmware builds for infrared remote control
sensor output connection to DM920. For applications with a Host controller, pull
this pin to +3.3V through a 10 k Ω resistor.
The maximum frequency is 400 kHz.
Reset generator or by a GPIO output from a Host controller.
See Section 3.0 “Application Guidelines” for the timing requirements of
NRESET signal. The CY920 module includes internal 10K pull-up resistor to
MEthernet signals between the PHY on the module and the external magnetics
(transformer). The maximum bit rate is 100 Mbps.
O• 3.3V push-pull outputs from PHY (max. ±12 mA) to drive the Ethernet LEDs
• 100 Mbps speed mode and activity are indicated by the outputs being low
• Connect ETH_LED_SPEED to LED through 330Ω resistor to +3.3V
• Connect ETH_LED_ACT to LED through 330Ω resistor to 0V
used. If Ethernet is not available on the module, it can be used as a GPIO.
USB_VBUSMAnalog input for monitoring the USB type A connector power. Connect to the +5V
USB_PWR_ENOLogic output to control an external MOSFET, that is in series with the USB type A
USB_IDIDetermines whether the USB port is USB Host or USB device. Pull low for the
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
MUSB data signals. It is usually connected to the type A connector, USB switch,
iPod dock connector, or Lightning connector. Maximum bit rate is high-speed USB
at 480 Mbps.
power which is driving the USB type A connector power pins. If this pin drops
below 4.6V, then the DM920 module will drive the USB_PWR_EN signal low to
control an external power MOSFET to disconnect +5V power from the USB type
A connector.
connector power.
Host and pull high for the device.
TMS,TCK,TDI, TDOI/OJTAG ports for the DM920 SoC. Do not connect these pins.
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
AV0CTRL2OHD data enable, GPIO-07. This GPIO is available if HD interface is not
HDDATA [15:0]OLower 16 bits of HD video data
AV0DATA [3:0]OHDDATA [19:16]
AV1DATA [3:0]OHDDATA [23:20]
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
AV3CLKI/OGPIO-04, see Note 1
AV3CTRL0I/OGPIO-05, see Note 1
MII_RXD3I/OGPIO-11, see Note 1
HDDATA12I/OGPIO-12, see Note 2
HDDATA13I/OGPIO-13, see Note 2
HDDATA14I/OGPIO-14, see Note 2
HDDATA15I/OGPIO-15, see Note 2
SPF0I/OGPIO-16, HD_INT (for systems with HDMI transmitter)
EXT_PA_EN1_24I/OGPIO-19, see Note 1
Legend: O = Output I /O = Input /Output I = Input P = Power
Note 1: These GPIOs are available.
2:These GPIOs are available if HD interface is not used.
I/OGPIO-00, 01, 02, 03. It is used for Bluetooth control signals. For a
non-BT module, these signals can be used for other functions.
Microchip has a set of example schematics that shows
how the external circuitry is typically connected to the
module. Please contact Microchip sales team for any
related documents or for any assistance.