Microchip Technology A092722 Users manual

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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Hardware Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Software Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Software Installation................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1. Atmel Studio 7 Installation ......................................................................................................................... 4
4.2. Wireless Composer Installation ................................................................................................................. 7
Hardware and Driver Installation (Automatic): ........................................................................................... 8
Programming the hex file in SAMR30-XPRO (If required): ....................................................................... 9
SAM R30 Part Pack Intallation ................................................................................................................ 12
Performance Analyzer ............................................................................................................................. 13
Connecting kit in Tx Test (Single node / CW): ......................................................................................... 15
Tx Test Modes: ........................................................................................................................................ 19
10.1. Tx Test (Single node / CW) for Sub-1GHz FCCTesting: ......................................................................... 19
10.1.1. Operating mode #1: BPSK-40-ALT , 40kbps, 7dBm: ...................................................................... 19
10.1.2. Operating mode #2: OQPSK-SIN-250, 250kbps, 7dBm: ................................................................ 21
10.1.3. Operating mode #3: OQPSK-SIN-1000-SCR-ON , 1Mbps, 7dBm: ................................................ 22
10.2. Tx Test (Single node / CW) for Sub-1GHz CE Testing ........................................................................... 23
10.2.1. Operating Mode#4: BPSK-20, 20kbps, 7dBm: ............................................................................... 23
10.2.2. Operating Mode#5: OQPSK-SIN-RC-100, 100kbps, 7dBm: ........................................................... 24
Connecting kit in Tx-Rx Test mode (Transmit and Receive test): ........................................................... 25
TRX Test Modes: ..................................................................................................................................... 27
12.1.1. Tx-Rx Test (Transmit and Receive test) for Sub-1GHz FCC Testing ............................................... 27
12.1.2. Tx-Rx Test - Operating mode #1 : BPSK-40-ALT , 40kbps, 7dBm: ................................................ 27
12.1.3. Tx-Rx Test - Operating mode #2: OQPSK-SIN-250, 250kbps, 7dBm: ........................................... 30
12.1.4. Tx-Rx Test - Operating mode #3: OQPSK-SIN-1000-SCR-ON, Mbps, 7dBm: ............................ 31
12.2. Tx-Rx Test (Transmit and Receive test) for Sub-1GHz CE Testing ........................................................ 32
12.2.1. Tx-Rx Test - Operating Mode#4: BPSK-20, 20kbps, 7dBm: ........................................................... 32
12.2.2. Tx-RxTest - Operating Mode#5: OQPSK-SIN-RC-100, 100kbps, 7dBm: ....................................... 33
1.1. Scope:
The scope of this document is to explain how to install and setup up the required hardware and programming tool for the certification test.
Figure 1 : Atmel ATSAMR30-XPRO Board
Hardware Setup
2.1. - 2 Nos
2.2. Micro USB cable - 2 Nos
Note: SMA cables not included in the box
Software Setup
3.1. Atmel Studio 7 (
3.2. Wireless Composer
3.3. Drivers - Installed automatically
ATSAMR30-XPRO Performance Analyzer firmware flash-Install if required
ATSAMR30-XPRO Part Pack Intallation
no need to install again if it is already available in Test PC)
Software Installation
4.1. Atmel Studio 7 Installation
Note: If Atmel Studio 7 is already available in Test PC, jump to step 4.2 in this section and install wireless composer
4.1.1. Open the DVD containing the Atmel Studio 7 Software package.
4.1.2. Double click the “as-installer-7.0.1006-full.exe” icon to launch Atmel Studio Installation.
4.1.3. Click Run icon.
4.1.4. Once you clicked the Run icon,the Atmel Studio 7 installer Wizard dialog box opens and agree the licence terms and conditions.Then click “Next”
4.1.5. Ensure all the Architectires are selected and click “Next”.
4.1.6. Select ASF extensions and click “Next”
4.1.7. Click “Next”,ignore if any video card driver error shows,
4.1.8. Click “Install”.
4.1.9. Atmel Studio 7 installion starts and once completed click ok.
4.2. Wireless Composer Installation
4.2.1. Next install the Wireless Composer extension by double clicking the “wireless-composer-7.0.130.vsix” icon found in the DVD as shown in the following figure and follow the instakkation wizard to comple the installation
Figure 2 : Wireless Composer Installation
4.2.2. In case if you I get an error message saying,
4.2.3. To overcome the above error, you have to change the file association as follows
(i) Right click on the “wireless-composer-7.0.130.vsix” file and select 'Open with', and then 'Choose default
(ii) Click the 'Browse' button (Windows 7) or click on 'More' and 'Look for another app on this PC' (Windows 8 and
(iii) Browse to VSIXInstaller.exe located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
(iv) After initializing, it will pop-up as follows.Click ‘ok’ and now the installation gets completed.
Hardware and Driver Installation (Automatic):
5.1. Connect a micro USB cable from PC to the micro USB port (USB for programming).
Figure.6 Hardware Setup
5.2. Next, EDBG Virtual COM port driver installation will begin automatically
Figure.7 EDBG Virtual COM PORT Driver installation
5.3. Click the taskbar notification. When the driver installation is successfully completed, there will be a
notificaion as shown below.
Figure.8 EDBG Virtual COM PORT Driver installation
Note: COM17 from the above figure is an example. The COM Port number varies depending upon the PC.
Programming the hex file in SAMR30-XPRO (If required):
Board was already programmed with certification software/performance analyzer. In case if required to flash the program file, follow the below steps.
If programming the SAMR30-Xpro board for the first time, follow the section 7(SAMR30 part pack installation) before start programming.
6.1. Connect the SAMR30 XPRO board to the PC via EDBG micro USB connector.
* PC should have the Atmel Studio 7 installed in it
6.2. In Atmel studio,select Tools Device Programming
6.3. In Device Programming dialog box, select the edbg serial number and ensure the Device is “ATSAMR30G18A”
and select ‘SWD’ as Interface. Then click “Apply”
In case if you noticed that the Device “ATSAMR30G18A” is unsupported,see the section 7 to overcome the error.
6.4. Once connected to the board,the device programming window will look like as follows
6.5. Read the Device signature and Target Voltage and ensure it is as follows
Device Programming: 0x1081021E
Target Volatge: 3.3V
6.6. Once ensured the device signature and Target Voltage, Click on Memories and then click “Erase now” to erase the already existing program in the chip.
Then browse the hex file which you would like to program into the device and click Program.
6.7. Flashing the hex file in the SAMR30-XPRO board completed.
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