Compact size (38.5 x 20.0 mm)
High RX sensitivity (-103 dBm)
Outperforming link budget (up to +112 dB)
Up to +9.0 dBm output power
Very low power consumption:
8.7 mA in RX mode
34.8 mA in TX mode
0.6 µA in sleep mode
Preassigned Atmel
Capability to use MAC address into the internal EEPROM
802.15.4 compliant Transceiver
900MHz ISM band
Serial bootloader
High Performance Low power AVR XMEGA 8/16-bit Microcontroller
Rapid design-in with built-in Chip Antenna
RF Test point using MS-147 RF connector
Small physical footprint and low profile for optimum fit in very small application
Mesh networking capability
Easy-to-use low cost development kit
Single source of support for HW and SW
Worldwide license-free operation
MAC address that can be used on end product
Note: 1. MCU is in active state with 3V Supply, CPU clock @ 16MHz, RX RPC enabled (for RX current),
PHY_TX_PWR=0x0 (for TX current), All digital outputs pulled high.
ATZB-X0-256-4-0-CN ZigBit® is an ultra-compact and low-power 900 MHz IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee® OEM module from
Atmel®. Based on the innovative mixed-signal hardware platform from Atmel, this module uses the ATXMEGA256A3U
[1] Microcontroller and AT86RF212B [5] 700/800/900 MHz ISM band Transceiver. The radio transceiver provides high
data rates from 20 kb/s up to 1 Mb/s, frame handling, outstanding receiver sensitivity and high transmit output power
enabling a very robust wireless communication. The module is designed for wireless sensing, monitoring, control, data
acquisition applications, to name a few. This ZigBit module eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming RF
development, and shortens time-to-market for wireless applications.
The module has an MS-147 RF connector that can be used as an RF test port. The built-in chip antenna is designed
and tuned for the ZigBit design to enable quick integration of the ZigBit into any application.
1.2 Applications
The ZigBit module is compatible with robust IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee stack that supports a self-healing, self-organizing
mesh network, while optimizing network traffic and minimizing power consumption.
For detailed Software support information, please visit
The applications include, but are not limited to:
Building automation & monitoring
o Lighting controls
o Wireless smoke- and CO-detectors
o Structural integrity monitoring
HVAC monitoring & control
Inventory management
Environmental monitoring
Water metering
Industrial monitoring
o Machinery condition and performance monitoring
o Monitoring of plant system parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, tank level, humidity, vibration, etc.
Automated meter reading (AMR)
1.3 Abbreviations and acronyms
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
API Application Programming Interface
DC Direct Current
DTR Data Terminal Ready
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
GPIO General Purpose Input/Output
HAF High Frequency
HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
HW Hardware
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IRQ Interrupt Request
ISM Industrial, Scientific and Medical radio band
JTAG Digital interface for debugging of embedded device, also known as IEEE 1149.1 standard
MAC Medium Access Control layer
MCU Microcontroller Unit. In this document it also means the processor, which is the core of a ZigBit
NRE Network layer
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OTA Over-The-Air upgrade
PA Power Amplifier
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PER Package Error Ratio
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RPC Reduced Power Consumption
RTS/CTS Request to Send/ Clear to Send
RX Receiver
SMA Surface Mount Assembly
SoC System on Chip
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
SW Software
TTM Time-To-Market
TX Transmitter
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB Universal Serial Bus
ZigBee, ZigBee PRO Wireless networking standards targeted at low-power applications
802.15.4 The IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard applicable to low-rate wireless Personal Area Network
1.4 Related documents
[1] ATXMEGA256A3U Datasheet in
[2] MS-147 Series Interface RF Connector with Switch, 3.9mm High, DC to 6GHz
[3] IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 IEEE Standard for Information technology - Part 15.4 Wireless Medium Access Control
(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)
[4] ZigBee Specification. ZigBee Document 053474r17, October 19, 2007
[5] AT86RF212B Datasheet in
The ATZB-X0-256-4-0-CN ZigBit is a compact, low-power, high sensitivity IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee OEM module. Based
on a solid combination of the latest Atmel MCU Wireless hardware platform, 900 MHz ISM band transceiver and Atmel
Studio Wireless Composer - the ZigBit offers an unmatched combination of superior radio performance, ultra-low power
consumption and exceptional ease of integration.
Figure 2-1. ATZB-X0-256-4-0-CN user interface diagram
This ZigBit module contains Atmel’s ATXMEGA256A3U Microcontroller and AT86RF212B 900 MHz ISM band
Transceiver for ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 [1]. The module features 256KB In-System Self-Programmable flash
memory, 16KB SRAM and 4KB EEPROM.
The compact all-in-one board design of MCU and Radio Transceiver with very minimal components on the RF path to
Antenna dramatically improves the ZigBit’s compact size, range performance on signal transmission and increases its
sensitivity. This ensures stable connectivity within a larger coverage area, and helps develop applications on smaller
footprint. The MS-147 connector [2] can be used as an RF Test port.
ZigBit Module contains a complete RF/MCU design with all the necessary passive components included. The module
can be easily mounted on a simple 2-layer PCB with a minimum of required external connection. The ZigBit Module
Evaluation kit containing the ZigBit Extension board for the Atmel Xplained PRO HW Evaluation platform can be used to
develop FW using the Atmel Studio and evaluate using the Wireless Composer. Compared to a custom RF/MCU
solution, a module-based solution offers considerable savings in development time and NRE cost per unit during the
HW/FW design, prototyping, and mass production phases of product development.
All ZigBits are preloaded with a Bootloader when they are sold as Modules, either in Single units or T&R.