Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.
•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the
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•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not
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Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 quality system certification for
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4.0Flash Program Memory.............................................................................................................................................................. 45
8.0Power-Saving Features .............................................................................................................................................................. 97
22.0 Comparator Voltage Reference................................................................................................................................................ 177
23.0 Special Features ...................................................................................................................................................................... 179
24.0 Instruction Set Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 189
25.0 Development Support............................................................................................................................................................... 197
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 221
The Microchip Web Site..................................................................................................................................................................... 225
Customer Change Notification Service .............................................................................................................................................. 225
Customer Support .............................................................................................................................................................................. 225
Product Identification System ............................................................................................................................................................ 227
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The last character of the literature number is the version number, (e.g., DS30000A is version A of document DS30000).
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This document contains device specific information for
the following devices:
• PIC24FJ64GA006
• PIC24FJ64GA008
• PIC24FJ64GA010
• PIC24FJ96GA006
• PIC24FJ96GA008
• PIC24FJ96GA010
• PIC24FJ128GA006
• PIC24FJ128GA008
• PIC24FJ128GA010
This family introduces a new line of Microchip devices:
a 16-bit RISC microcontroller family with a broad
peripheral feature set and enhanced computational
performance. The PIC24FJ128GA family offers a new
migration option for those high-performance applications which may be outgrowing their 8-bit platforms, but
don’t require the numerical processing power of a
digital signal processor.
1.1Core Features
Central to all PIC24 devices is the 16-bit modified
Harvard architecture, first introduced with Microchip’s
dsPIC® digital signal controllers. The PIC24 CPU core
offers a wide range of enhancements, such as:
• 16-bit data and 24-bit address paths, with the
ability to move information between data and
memory spaces
• Linear addressing of up to 8 Mbytes (program
space) and 64 Kbytes (data)
• A 16-element working register array with built-in
software stack support
• A 17 x 17 hardware multiplier with support for
integer math
• Hardware support for 32 by 16-bit division
• An instruction set that supports multiple
addressing modes and is optimized for high-level
languages such as ‘C’
• Operational performance up to 16 MIPS
All of the devices in the PIC24FJ128GA family incorporate a range of features that can significantly reduce
power consumption during operation. Key items
• On-the-Fly Clock Switching: The device clock
can be changed under software control to the
Timer1 source or the internal low-power RC
oscillator during operation, allowing the user to
incorporate power-saving ideas into their software
• Doze Mode Operation: When timing-sensitive
applications, such as serial communications,
require the uninterrupted operation of peripherals,
the CPU clock speed can be selectively reduced,
allowing incremental power savings without
missing a beat.
• Instruction-Based Power-Saving Modes: The
microcontroller can suspend all operations, or
selectively shut down its core while leaving its
peripherals active, with a single instruction in
All of the devices in the PIC24FJ128GA family offer five
different oscillator options, allowing users a range of
choices in developing application hardware. These
• Two Crystal modes, using crystals or ceramic
• Two External Clock modes, offering the option of
a divide-by-2 clock output.
• A Fast Internal Oscillator (FRC) with a nominal
8 MHz output, which can also be divided under
software control to provide clock speeds as low as
31 kHz.
• A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) frequency multiplier,
available to the external oscillator modes and the
FRC oscillator, which allows clock speeds of up to
32 MHz.
• A separate internal RC oscillator (LPRC) with a
fixed 31 kHz output, which provides a low-power
option for timing-insensitive applications.
The internal oscillator block also provides a stable reference source for the Fail-Safe Clock Monitor. This
option constantly monitors the main clock source
against a reference signal provided by the internal
oscillator and enables the controller to switch to the
internal oscillator, allowing for continued low-speed
operation or a safe application shutdown.
Regardless of the memory size, all devices share the
same rich set of peripherals, allowing for a smooth
migration path as applications grow and evolve.
The consistent pinout scheme used throughout the
entire family also aids in migrating to the next larger
device. This is true when moving between devices with
the same pin count, or even jumping from 64-pin to
80-pin to 100-pin devices.
The PIC24 family is pin-compatible with devices in the
dsPIC33 family, and shares some compatibility with the
pinout schema for PIC18 and dsPIC30. This extends
the ability of applications to grow from the relatively
simple to the powerful and complex, yet still select a
Microchip device.
1.2Other Special Features
• Communications: The PIC24FJ128GA family
incorporates a range of serial communication
peripherals to handle a range of application
requirements. All devices are equipped with two
independent UARTs with built-in IrDA
encoder/decoders. There are also two independent SPI modules, and two independent I
modules that support both Master and Slave
modes of operation.
• Parallel Master/Enhanced Parallel Slave Port:
One of the general purpose I/O ports can be
reconfigured for enhanced parallel data communications. In this mode, the port can be configured
for both master and slave operations, and
supports 8-bit and 16-bit data transfers with up to
16 external address lines in Master modes.
• Real-Time Clock/Calendar: This module
implements a full-featured clock and calendar with
alarm functions in hardware, freeing up timer
resources and program memory space for use of
the core application.
• 10-Bit A/D Converter: This module incorporates
programmable acquisition time, allowing for a
channel to be selected and a conversion to be
initiated without waiting for a sampling period, as
well as faster sampling speeds.
1.3Details on Individual Family
Devices in the PIC24FJ128GA family are available in
64-pin, 80-pin and 100-pin packages. The general
block diagram for all devices is shown in Figure 1-1.
The devices are differentiated from each other in two
1. Flash program memory (64 Kbytes for
PIC24FJ64GA devices, 96 Kbytes for
PIC24FJ96GA devices and 128 Kbytes for
PIC24FJ128GA devices).
2.Available I/O pins and ports (53 pins on 6 ports
for 64-pin devices, 69 pins on 7 ports for 80-pin
devices and 84 pins on 7 ports for 100-pin
All other features for devices in this family are identical.
These are summarized in Table 1-1.
A list of the pin features available on the
PIC24FJ128GA family devices, sorted by function, is
shown in Table 1-2. Note that this table shows the pin
location of individual peripheral features and not how
they are multiplexed on the same pin. This information
is provided in the pinout diagrams in the beginning of
the data sheet. Multiplexed features are sorted by the
priority given to a feature, with the highest priority
peripheral being listed first.
The PIC24 CPU has a 16-bit (data) modified Harvard
architecture with an enhanced instruction set, and a
23-bit instruction word with a variable length opcode
field. The Program Counter (PC) is 24 bits wide and
addresses up to 4M instructions of user program
memory space. A single-cycle instruction prefetch
mechanism is used to help maintain throughput and
provides predictable execution. All instructions execute
in a single cycle, with the exception of instructions that
change the program flow, the double-word move
(MOV.D) instruction and the table instructions. Overhead-free program loop constructs are supported using
the REPEAT instructions, which are interruptible at any
PIC24 devices have sixteen 16-bit working registers in
the programmer’s model. Each of the working
registers can act as a data, address or address offset
register. The 16th working register (W15) operates as
a software Stack Pointer for interrupts and calls.
The upper 32 Kbytes of the data space memory map
can optionally be mapped into program space at any
16K word boundary defined by the 8-bit Program
Space Visibility Page (PSVPAG) register. The program
to data space mapping feature lets any instruction
access program space as if it were data space.
The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) has been significantly enhanced beyond that of the PIC18, but maintains an acceptable level of backward compatibility. All
PIC18 instructions and addressing modes are
supported either directly or through simple macros.
Many of the ISA enhancements have been driven by
compiler efficiency needs.
The core supports Inherent (no operand), Relative,
Literal, Memory Direct and three groups of addressing
modes. All modes support Register Direct and various
Register Indirect modes. Each group offers up to 7
addressing modes. Instructions are associated with
predefined addressing modes depending upon their
functional requirements.
For most instructions, the core is capable of executing
a data (or program data) memory read, a working register (data) read, a data memory write and a program
(instruction) memory read per instruction cycle. As a
result, three-parameter instructions can be supported,
allowing trinary operations (that is, A + B = C) to be
executed in a single cycle.
A high-speed 17-bit by 17-bit multiplier has been
included to significantly enhance the core arithmetic
capability and throughput. The multiplier supports
signed, unsigned and mixed mode 16-bit by 16-bit or
8-bit by 8-bit integer multiplication. All multiply
instructions execute in a single cycle.
The 16-bit ALU has been enhanced with integer divide
assist hardware that supports an iterative
non-restoring divide algorithm. It operates in conjunction with the REPEAT instruction looping mechanism,
and a selection of iterative divide instructions, to
support 32-bit (or 16-bit) divided by 16-bit integer
signed and unsigned division. All divide operations
require 19 cycles to complete but are interruptible at
any cycle boundary.
The PIC24 has a vectored exception scheme with up
to 8 sources of non-maskable traps and up to 118
interrupt sources. Each interrupt source can be
assigned to one of seven priority levels.
A block diagram of the CPU is shown in Figure 2-1.
2.1Programmer’s Model
The programmer’s model for the PIC24 is shown in
Figure 2-2. All registers in the programmer’s model are
memory mapped and can be manipulated directly by
instructions. A description of each register is provided
in Table 2-1. All registers associated with the
programmer’s model are memory mapped.
1 = A carry-out from the 4th low-order bit (for byte sized data) or 8th low-order bit (for word sized data)
of the result occurred
0 = No carry-out from the 4th or 8th low-order bit of the result has occurred
bit 7-5IPL2:IPL0: CPU Interrupt Priority Level Status bits
111 = CPU interrupt priority level is 7 (15). User interrupts disabled.
110 = CPU interrupt priority level is 6 (14)
101 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 5 (13)
100 = CPU interrupt priority level is 4 (12)
011 = CPU interrupt priority level is 3 (11)
010 = CPU interrupt priority level is 2 (10)
001 = CPU interrupt priority level is 1 (9)
000 = CPU interrupt priority level is 0 (8)
Note 1: The IPL Status bits are read-only when NSTDIS (INTCON1<15>) = 1.
2: The IPL bits are concatenated with the IPL3 bit (CORCON<3>) to form the CPU interrupt priority
level. The value in parentheses indicates the IPL when IPL3 = 1.
bit 4RA: REPEAT Loop Active bit
1 = REPEAT loop in progress
0 = REPEAT loop not in progress
bit 3N: ALU Negative bit
1 = Result was negative
0 = Result was non-negative (zero or positive)
bit 2OV: ALU Overflow bit
1 = Overflow occurred for signed (2’s complement) arithmetic in this arithmetic operation
0 = No overflow has occurred
bit 1Z: ALU Zero bit
1 = An operation which effects the Z bit has set it at some time in the past
0 = The most recent operation which effects the Z bit has cleared it (i.e., a non-zero result)
bit 0C: ALU Carry/Borrow
1 = A carry-out from the Most Significant bit of the result occurred
0 = No carry-out from the Most Significant bit of the result occurred
R = Readable bitW = Writable bitU = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’
-n = Value at POR‘1’ = Bit is set‘0’ = Bit is clearedx = Bit is unknown
bit 3IPL3: CPU Interrupt Priority Level Status bit
1 = CPU interrupt priority level is greater than 7
0 = CPU interrupt priority level is 7 or less
Note:User interrupts are disabled when IPL3 = 1.
bit 2PSV: Program Space Visibility in Data Space Enable bit
1 = Program space visible in data space
0 = Program space not visible in data space
bit 1-0Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
R = Readable bitW = Writable bitU = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’
-n = Value at POR‘1’ = Bit is set‘0’ = Bit is clearedx = Bit is unknown
2.3Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The PIC24 ALU is 16 bits wide and is capable of addition, subtraction, bit shifts and logic operations. Unless
otherwise mentioned, arithmetic operations are 2’s
complement in nature. Depending on the operation, the
ALU may affect the values of the Carry (C), Zero (Z),
Negative (N), Overflow (OV) and Digit Carry (DC)
Status bits in the SR register. The C and DC Status bits
operate as Borrow
for subtraction operations.
The ALU can perform 8-bit or 16-bit operations,
depending on the mode of the instruction that is used.
Data for the ALU operation can come from the W
register array, or data memory, depending on the
addressing mode of the instruction. Likewise, output
data from the ALU can be written to the W register array
or a data memory location.
and Digit Borrow bits, respectively,
The PIC24 CPU incorporates hardware support for
both multiplication and division. This includes a dedicated hardware multiplier and support hardware for
16-bit divisor division.
The ALU contains a high-speed 17-bit x 17-bit
multiplier. It supports unsigned, signed or mixed sign
operation in several multiplication modes:
The divide block supports 32-bit/16-bit and 16-bit/16-bit
signed and unsigned integer divide operation with the
following data sizes:
1.32-bit signed/16-bit signed divide
2.32-bit unsigned/16-bit unsigned divide
3.16-bit signed/16-bit signed divide
4.16-bit unsigned/16-bit unsigned divide
The quotient for all divide instructions ends up in W0
and the remainder in W1. 16-bit signed and unsigned
DIV instructions can specify any W register for both the
16-bit divisor (Wn) and any W register (aligned) pair
(m+1):Wm) for the 32-bit dividend. The divide algo-
rithm takes one cycle per bit of divisor, so both
32-bit/16-bit and 16-bit/16-bit instructions take the
same number of cycles to execute.
The PIC24 ALU supports both single-bit and
single-cycle, multi-bit arithmetic and logic shifts.
Multi-bit shifts are implemented using a shifter block,
capable of performing up to a 15-bit arithmetic right
shift, or up to a 15-bit left shift, in a single cycle. All
multi-bit shift instructions only support register direct
addressing for both the operand source and result
A full summary of instructions that use the shift
operation is provided below in Table 2-2.
ASRArithmetic shift right source register by one bit.
ASRFArithmetic shift right the content of the register by one bit.
ASRWArithmetic shift right source register by up to 15 bits, value held in the W register referenced
within instruction.
ASRKArithmetic shift right source register up to 15 bits. Shift value is literal.
SLShift left source register by one bit.
SLFShift left the content of the file register by one bit.
SLWShift left source register by up to 15 bits, value held in the W register referenced instruction.
SLKShift left source register up to 15 bits. Shift value is literal.
LSRLogical shift right source register by one bit.
LSRFLogical shift right the content of the register by one bit.
LSRWLogical shift right source register by up to 15 bits, value held in the W register referenced
within instruction.
LSRKLogical shift right source register up to 15 bits. Shift value is literal.
As Harvard architecture devices, PIC24 microcontrollers feature separate program and data memory
spaces and busses. This architecture also allows the
direct access of program memory from the data space
during code execution.
3.1Program Address Space
The program address memory space of
PIC24FJ128GA family devices is 4M instructions. The
space is addressable by a 24-bit value derived from
either the 23-bit Program Counter (PC) during program
execution, or from table operation or data space
remapping, as described in Section 3.3 “InterfacingProgram and Data Memory Spaces”.
User access to the program memory space is restricted
to the lower half of the address range (000000h to
7FFFFFh). The exception is the use of TBLRD/TBLWT
operations, which use TBLPAG<7> to permit access to
the Configuration bits and Device ID sections of the
configuration memory space.
The program memory space is organized in word
addressable blocks. Although it is treated as 24 bits
wide, it is more appropriate to think of each address of
the program memory as a lower and upper word, with
the upper byte of the upper word being unimplemented.
The lower word always has an even address, while the
upper word has an odd address (Figure 3-2).
Program memory addresses are always word-aligned
on the lower word, and addresses are incremented or
decremented by two during code execution. This
arrangement also provides compatibility with data
memory space addressing and makes it possible to
access data in the program memory space.
All PIC24 devices reserve the addresses between
00000h and 000200h for hard coded program execution vectors. A hardware Reset vector is provided to
redirect code execution from the default value of the
PC on device Reset to the actual start of code. A GOTO
instruction is programmed by the user at 000000h, with
the actual address for the start of code at 000002h.
PIC24 devices also have two interrupt vector tables,
located from 000004h to 0000FFh and 000100h to
0001FFh. These vector tables allow each of the many
device interrupt sources to be handled by separate
ISRs. A more detailed discussion of the interrupt vector
tables is provided in Section 6.1 “Interrupt VectorTabl e”.
In PIC24FJ128GA family devices, the top two words of
on-chip program memory are reserved for configuration information. On device Reset, the configuration
information is copied into the appropriate Configuration
registers. The addresses of the Flash Configuration
Word for devices in the PIC24FJ128GA family are
shown in Table 3-1. Their location in the memory map
is shown with the other memory vectors in Figure 3-1.
The Configuration Words in program memory are a
compact format. The actual Configuration bits are
mapped in several different registers in the configuration memory space. Their order in the Flash Configuration Words do not reflect a corresponding arrangement
in the configuration space. Additional details on the
device Configuration Words are provided in
The PIC24 core has a separate 16-bit wide data memory space, addressable as a single linear range. The
data space is accessed using two Address Generation
Units (AGUs), one each for read and write operations.
The data space memory map is shown in Figure 3-3.
All Effective Addresses (EAs) in the data memory
space are 16 bits wide, and point to bytes within the
data space. This gives a data space address range of
64 Kbytes, or 32K words. The lower half of the data
memory space (that is, when EA<15> = 0) is used for
implemented memory addresses, while the upper half
(EA<15> = 1) is reserved for the Program Space Visibility area (see Section 3.3.3 “Reading Data fromProgram Memory Using Program Space Visibility”).
PIC24FJ128GA family devices implement a total of
8 Kbytes of data memory. Should an EA point to a location outside of this area, an all zero word or byte will be
The data memory space is organized in byte addressable, 16-bit wide blocks. Data is aligned in data
memory and registers as 16-bit words, but all data
space EAs resolve to bytes. The Least Significant
Bytes of each word have even addresses, while the
Most Significant Bytes have odd addresses.
To maintain backward compatibility with PICmicro
devices and improve data space memory usage efficiency, the PIC24 instruction set supports both word
and byte operations. As a consequence of byte accessibility, all effective address calculations are internally
scaled to step through word-aligned memory. For
example, the core recognizes that Post-Modified
Register Indirect Addressing mode [Ws++] will result in
a value of Ws + 1 for byte operations and Ws + 2 for
word operations.
Data byte reads will read the complete word which contains the byte, using the LSb of any EA to determine
which byte to select. The selected byte is placed onto
the LSB of the data path. That is, data memory and registers are organized as two parallel byte-wide entities
with shared (word) address decode but separate write
lines. Data byte writes only write to the corresponding
side of the array or register which matches the byte
All word accesses must be aligned to an even address.
Misaligned word data fetches are not supported, so
care must be taken when mixing byte and word operations, or translating from 8-bit MCU code. If a
misaligned read or write is attempted, an address error
trap will be generated. If the error occurred on a read,
the instruction underway is completed; if it occurred on
a write, the instruction will be executed but the write will
not occur. In either case, a trap is then executed, allowing the system and/or user to examine the machine
state prior to execution of the address Fault.
All byte loads into any W register are loaded into the
Least Significant Byte. The Most Significant Byte is not
A sign-extend instruction (SE) is provided to allow
users to translate 8-bit signed data to 16-bit signed
values. Alternatively, for 16-bit unsigned data, users
can clear the MSB of any W register by executing a
zero-extend (ZE) instruction on the appropriate
Although most instructions are capable of operating on
word or byte data sizes, it should be noted that some
instructions operate only on words.
The 8-Kbyte area between 0000h and 1FFFh is
referred to as the near data space. Locations in this
space are directly addressable via a 13-bit absolute
address field within all memory direct instructions. The
remainder of the data space is addressable indirectly.
Additionally, the whole data space is addressable using
MOV instructions, which support Memory Direct
Addressing with a 16-bit address field.
The first 2 Kbytes of the near data space, from 0000h
to 07FFh, are primarily occupied with Special Function
Registers (SFRs). These are used by the PIC24 core
and peripheral modules for controlling the operation of
the device.
SFRs are distributed among the modules that they control, and are generally grouped together by module.
Much of the SFR space contains unused addresses;
these are read as ‘0’. A diagram of the SFR space,
showing where SFRs are actually implemented, is
shown in Table 3-2. Each implemented area indicates
a 32-byte region where at least one address is implemented as an SFR. A complete listing of implemented
SFRs, including their addresses, is shown in Tables 3-3
through 3-30.