PIC18F2480/2580/4480/4580 Data Sheet Errata
Clarifications/Corrections to the Data
In the PIC18F2480/2580/4480/4580 Device Data
Sheet (DS39637C), the following clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any silicon issues related to
this device will reported in a separate silicon errata.
Please check the Microchip web site for any existing
1. Module: Enhanced Capture/Compare
The following note has been added to the end of
Section 16.4.6 “Programmable Dead-Band
Note: If the dead-band delay value is increased
after the dead-band time has elapsed, that
new value takes effect immediately. This
happens even if the PWM pulse is high
and can appear to be a glitch.
Dead-band values must be changed
during the dead-band time or before
ECCP is active.
2. Module: Master Synchronous Serial Port
(MSSP) – Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI)
The following note has been added to the end of
Section 17.3.3 “Enabling SPI I/O”.
Note: When the module is enabled and in
Master mode (CKE, SSPSTAT<6> = 1), a
small glitch of approximately half a T
may be seen on the SCK pin. To resolve
this, keep the SCK pin as an input while
setting SPEN. Then, configure the SCK
pin as an output (TRISC<3> = 0).
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80267B-page 1
Rev A Document (03/2006)
Original version of this document. Includes Data Sheet
Clarification issue 1 (Flash Program Memory – Erase
Block), 2 (Flash Program Memory – Pointer Boundaries), 3 (Figure 6-2: Table Write Operation), 4
(Section 6.2.4 Table Pointer Boundaries) 5 (Section 6.5
Writing to Flash Program Memory) 6 (Section 6.5.1
Flash Program Memory Write Sequence) and 7
(Example 6-3: Writing to Flash Program Memory).
Rev B Document (11/2007)
Removed Data Sheet Clarification issues 1-7 (Flash
Program Memory) and added new issues 1 (ECCP1)
and 2 (MSSP – SPI).
DS80267B-page 2 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.