Processor Module and Device Adapter Specification
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................1
2.0 TERMINOLOGY.................................................1
3.0 PROCESSOR MODULES..................................2
5.0 DEVICE ADAPTER ISSUES ..............................5


The Processor Modules for MPLAB ICE are interchangeable personality modules that allow MPLAB ICE to be reconfigured for emulation of differ­ent PICmicro ity allows the emulation of many different devices by the addition of just a Processor Module and Device Adapter , which makes for a very cos t effective mult ipro­cessor emulation system.
The Device Adapters for MPLAB ICE are interchange­able assemblies that allow the emulator system to interface to a target application system. Device Adapt­ers also hav e co ntr ol l ogic t hat all ows t he ta rge t app li­cation to provide a clock source and power to the Processor Module. The Device Adapters support PIC­micro MCUs in DIP, SDIP, and PLCC packages.
Transition Socke ts, used alo ng wit h a De vice Adap ter, provide a method o f accommod ating all PICmi cro MCU packages, including SOIC, SSOP, PQFP, and TQFP packages.
microcontrollers (MC Us ). Th is mo dul ar-


A brief overview of t he dif ferent comp onents of the sys­tem is shown in the figure below. Each component is discussed in the following subsections.
Host to Pod Cable

2.1 Host to Pod Cable

This is a standard parallel interface cable. MPLAB ICE is tested with a 6-foot cable. A longer cable may work, but is not guaranteed. The cable connects to a parallel port on the PC. If a PC has a printer connected to an LPT device, it i s rec om me nde d t hat an additional int er­face card be installe d, rather than using a splitter o r an A/B switch.

2.2 Emulator Pod

Logic Probe
Emulator Pod
Processor Module
Flexible C ir cuit
Device Adapter
The Emulator Pod cont ains emu lator memo ry and con­trol logic. MPLAB ICE 200 0 c on t ain s a m ai n b oard an d an additional board for expanded trace memory and complex control logic. There are no field serviceable parts in the pod. For more information on the pod, see the MPLAB ICE User’s Guide (DS51159).
The MPLAB ICE Processor Module is inserted into the pod for operation.

2.3 Processor Module

The Processor Module contains the emulator chip, logic and low-voltage circuitry. There are no field ser­viceable parts mounted on the printed circuit board housed within the Processor Module enclosure.
MPLAB is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. PICMASTER is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.
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2.4 Flex Circuit Cable

Once the Processor Modu le is inserted i nto the Em ula­tor Pod, the flex circ uit c able e xtends th e emu lator s ys­tem to the target applicat ion. This is a custom cable that is attached inside the Process or Module en closure and can be replaced in the fi eld by remov ing the e nd cap of the Processor Module enclosure.
Please, DO NOT PULL on the flex circuit cable to remove the Processor Module from the pod. Use the fins of the Processor Module end cap to leverage the module from the pod.

2.5 Device Adapter

The Device Adapter provides a common interface for the device being emulated. They are provided in stan­dard DIP and PLCC styles. The adapter also contains a special device that provides an oscillator clock to accurately emulate the oscillator characteristics of the PICmicro MCU.

2.6 Transition Socket

Transition Sockets are available in various styles to allow a common Device Adapter to be con nected to one of the supported surface mount package styles. Transition Sockets are available for various pin counts and pitches for SOIC, QFP and other styles. For more information on transition sockets, see the MPLAB ICE Transition Socket Specification (DS51194).
An emulator system consists of the following compo­nents which are ordered separately:
An Emulator Pod (including the host-to-pod cable
and power supply)
A Processor Module (including the flex circuit cable)
A Device Adapter
An optional Transition Socket (for surface mount


Processor Modules are identified on the top of the assembly (e .g., PCM 17X A0). To determine whic h pr o­cessors are supporte d by a specific module, refer to the latest Development Systems Ordering Guide (DS30177) or Product Line Ca rd (DS00148). Both can be found on our Web site (www.microchip.com).
A typical Processor Module contains a special bond­out version of a PICmicro MCU, device buffers to con­trol data flow an d control logic. It provides the means of configuring the MPLAB ICE em ulator for a specific PIC­micro MCU family and handles low-voltage emulation when needed.
Note: When removing the Processor Module,
DO NOT pull on the flex cable. Use the tabs on the Processor Module or damage to the flex cable may occur.


The operating voltage for most of the control logic and buffering on the Processor Module is +5V and is supplied by the Emulator Pod. Power to the emulator processor and some of its surrounding buffers is user selectable, and can be powered by the Emulator Pod (at +5V only) or the target application system (from
2.0V to 5.5V). This is software s electa ble and is co nfig­urable through the MP LAB IDE software. At no time will the emulator system directly power the target applica­tion system. ALW AYS insert the Processor Module into the Emulator Pod before applying power to the pod.
When connecting to a target application system, the user may notice a voltage level on the t arget appl ication even though they ha ve not y et applied power to th e t ar­get application ci rcuit. This is normal, an d is due to c ur­rent leakage through V current leakage will typically be less than 20 mA. However, if the target application is using a voltage regulator, it should be noted that some regulators require the use of an extern al shu nt diode be tween V and VOUT for reverse-bias protection. Refer to the manufacturers data sheets for additional information.


If the emulator system is selected to power the emulator processor i n th e Proc essor Module, the emu­lator system can be operated without being connected to a target appli cation. If the syst em is bei ng co nnected to a target application, the power to the pod should be applied before app lying power to th e target appli cation.
Note that the tar get applica tion syst ems V rience a small current load (10 mA typical) when the emulator system is connected via a Device Adapter. This is because the target system must always power the clock chip in the Processor Module.


When the MPLAB IDE softwa re is brought up, the emu­lator system is first initialized with the emulator system powering the emulator processor. The “Processor Power Supplied by Target Board option may then be selected using the Power tab of the Options>Develop­ment Mode dialog to p ower the Pr ocessor Mod ule from the target board.
When operating from external power, the Processor Module will typi cally represen t a current loa d equivalent to the device being emulated (according to its data sheet) plus approximately 100 mA. Keep in mind that the target applicat io n will affect the overall curren t loa d of the Processor Module, dependent upon the load placed upon the processor I/O.
CC of the Devic e Adapter. The
CC will expe-
DS51140D-page 2 2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
Processor Module and Device Adapter Specification
When the processor power is supplied by the target application system, an external clock (from the target board) may also be provide d. MPLAB IDE will not allow use of an external clock without the use of external power.


If the target application systems operating voltage is between 4.55V (±120 mV) and 5.5V, the Processor Module will consider this a STANDARD VOLTAGE condition. In this mode the processor can run to its highest rated speed (as indicated in its data sheet).
The recommended power-up sequence is:
1. Apply power to the PC host.
2. Apply power to the Emulator Pod and Processor
Module assembly.
3. Invoke MPLAB IDE.
4. Configure system for Processor Power Supp lied
by Target Board through the Power tab of the Options/Development Mode dialog box.
5. At the error message, apply power to the target
application circuit. Then acknowledge the error.
6. Issue a System Reset (from the Debug Menu)
before proceeding.


If the target application systems operating voltage is between 2.0V and 4.55V (±120 mV), the Processor Module will consider this a LOW VOLTAGE condition. In this mode the processor is limited to its rated speed at a given voltage level (as indicated in its data sheet).
To minimize the amount of reverse current that the tar­get system is exposed to, the recommended power-up sequence is:
1. Apply power to the PC host.
2. Apply power to the Emulator Pod and Processor
Module assembly.
3. Invoke MPLAB IDE.
4. Configure system for Processor Power Supp lied
by Target Board through the Power tab of the Options/Development Mode dialog box.
5. At the error message, apply power to the target
application circuit. Then acknowledge the error.
6. Issue a System Reset (from the Debug Menu)
before proceeding.
7. Select Options > Development Mode
the Power tab. Verify that the dialog says “Low Volt age Enabled . Click Cancel to close the dia­log.
and click
The Processor Modules will support the maximum frequency (except where noted in Section 4.0) of the device under emulation. Note that the maximum fre­quency of a PICmicro MCU de vice is signi ficantly lo wer when the operating voltage is less than 4.5V.
The Processor Modules will support a minimum frequency of 32 kHz. When operating at low frequen­cies, response to the screen may be slow.
MPLAB ICE allows internal and external clocking. When set to internal, the clock is supplied from the internal programmable clock, located in the Emulator Pod. When set to external, the oscillator on the target application system will be utilized.
3.3.1 CLOCK SOURCE FROM EMULATOR Refer to the MPLAB ICE Users Guide (DS51159),
Chapter 3, Using the On-Board Clock for configuring MPLAB IDE to supply the clock source.
If the Target Application is selected to provide th e clock source, the target board must also be selected to power the emulator processor (see the MPLAB ICE Users Guide (DS51159), Chapter 3. Using a Target Board Clock”).
At low voltage, the maximum speed of the processor will be limited to the rated speed of the device under emulation.
An oscillator circuit on the Device Adapter generates a clock to the Processor Module and buffers the clock cir­cuit on the target board. In this way, the MPLAB ICE emulator closely matches the oscillator options of the actual device. All oscillator modes are supported (as documented in the devices data sheet) except as noted in Section 4.0. The OSC1 and OSC2 inputs of the Device Adapter hav e a 5 pF to 10 pF load. Note thi s when using a crystal in HS, XT, LP or LF modes, or an RC network in RC mode.
The frequency of the emulated RC network may vary relative to the actual dev ic e due to em ula tor c ircuitry. If a specific frequency is important, adjust the RC values to achieve the desired frequency. Another alternative would be to allow the emulator to provide the clock as described in Section 3.3.1.
All CMOS chips are susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD). In the case of the Processor Mod­ules, the pins of the CMOS emulator are directly con­nected to the target connector, making the chip vulnerable to ESD. Note that ESD can also induce
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latch-up in CMOS chips, causing excessive current through the chip and possible damage. MPLAB ICE has been designed to minimize potential damage by implementing over-current protection and transient suppressors . However, care should be given to mini ­mizing ESD conditions while using the system.
During development, contention on an I/O pin is possi­ble (e.g. , wh en a n em ula tor p in i s dr ivi ng a ‘1’ and t he target board is dri ving a ‘0’). Prolong ed cont ention may cause latch-up and damage to the emulator chip. One possible precaution is to use current limiting resistors (~100 ) during the development phase on bidirectional I/O pins. Using limiting resistors can also help avoid damage to modules, device adapters and pods that occurs when a vol t age source is accidentally connected to an I/O pin on the target board.
The MPLAB ICE system allo ws th e op tio n of “freezing peripheral operati on or a llow ing th em to conti nue op er­ating when the processor is halted. This option is con­figured in the MPLAB IDE. The Freeze function is available on all Processor Modules except the PCM16XA0.
This function is u seful to halt an o n-board ti mer while at a break point. Note that at a break point and while sin­gle stepping, interrupts are disabled.


The following general limitations apply to the MPLAB ICE 2000 Emulator.
All configuration bit settings are enabled/d is abl ed through Options>Development Mode IDE rather than through MPASM __CONFIG directive.
The Reset Processor (Debug>Run>Reset tion in MPLAB IDE will not currently wake the pro­cessor if it is in SLEEP mode. To wake the processor, you must use Debug>System Reset
Do not single step into a SLEEP instr uction . If y ou do step into a SLEEP instruction, you will need to select Debug>System Reset the processor module.
Initiating a master clear on the MCLR reset the processor if you are in step or animate mode.
Debug > Power On Reset randomizes GPRs, (i.e., SFR's are not set to POR values). This can help in debuggin g. If your appl ication works on the emulator but not the simulator, try using this fea­ture.
Device-specific limi t ation s can be fou nd in MPLAB ID E by selecting Options > Development Mode the Details button.
in order to wake up
) func-
pin will not
and clicking
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