MPLAB® ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger
The MPLAB® ICD 2 (In-Circuit Debugger 2) is the next advanced step for In-Circuit Debugging from Microchip Technology. The MPLAB ICD 2 allows debugging of selected PIC®FLASH microcontrollers using the powerful graphical user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is available as a free tool and included with each unit. It is the ideal tool for embedded control designers looking for a low cost alternative to expensive in-circuit emulators.
In-Circuit debugging is achieved using the two dedicated hardware lines (microcontroller pins used only during debugging mode) that allow In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) of the device and debugging capability through proprietary firmware. The MPLAB ICD 2 debug feature is built into the microcontroller and activated by programming the debug code into the target processor. Shared overhead is one stack level, several general purpose file registers and a small bank of program memory when in the debug mode.
The MPLAB ICD 2 firmware is FLASH-based, which allows it to be enhanced to support future microcontroller products and new features, extending the life of the tool – making it a good investment. Firmware downloads are available from the Microchip web site at: www.microchip.com.
RS-232 interface to host PC
Real-time background debugging
MPLAB IDE compatible (free copy included)
Built-in over voltage/short circuit monitor
Firmware upgradeable from PC/web download
Supports low voltage debug to 2.0 volts
Diagnostic LED's (Power, Busy, Error)
Reading/Writing memory space and stack of target
Erase of program memory space with verification
MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger Set-Up
The MPLAB ICD 2 interfaces between the design engineer's PC operating with MPLAB IDE and the product board (target) being developed. The in-circuit debugger acts as an intelligent interface/translator between the two allowing the engineer to look into the active target board's microcontroller permitting real-time viewing of variables and registers using watch windows. A single break point can be set, halting the program at a specific point. Memory read/writes can also be achieved. Additionally, the MPLAB ICD 2 can be used to program or reprogram the PIC FLASH microcontroller while installed on the target board.
Microchip Technology Inc. · The Embedded Control Solutions Company®
PIC® FLASH Products Supported
The PIC FLASH microcontrollers currently supported include: PIC18C601, PIC18C801, PIC18F452, PIC18F248, PIC18F258, PIC18F442, PIC18F448, PIC18F452, PIC18F458, PIC18F6620, PIC18F6720, PIC18F8620 and PIC18F8720.
The MPLAB ICD 2 firmware is continually being updated. A review of the README.ID2 file located in MPLAB IDE is recommended for the most current list of supported parts. As new device firmware becomes available, free downloads are available at www.microchip.com.
Ordering Information:
Model Name: MPLAB®ICD 2
Part Number Description
DV164005* ICD 2 Module
DV164006* ICD 2 Evaluation Kit
DV164007* ICD 2 Module ws
AC162049 Programming Module
AC162048 RS-232 and Power Supply Kit
DM163022 PICDEM 2 Plus Demonstration Board
*USB Ready – To enable the USB feature, please check the Microchip web site for version 6.00 or later of MPLAB IDE. This is a free download at www.microchip.com
MPLAB® IDE Integrated Development Environment (IDE) MPASM™ Assembler Universal PICmicro® Macro-assembler MPLINK™ Linker/MPLIB™ Librarian Linker/Librarian MPLAB C18 C Compiler for PIC18XXXX MCUs C Compiler Sold by Third-party Vendors (HI-TECH, IAR, CCS) MPLAB SIM Simulator Software Simulator MPLAB ICE 2000 Full-featured Modular In-Circuit Emulator PICSTART® Plus Programmer Entry-level Development Kit with Programmer PRO MATE® II Device Programmer Full-featured, Modular Device Programmer KEELOQ® Evaluation Kit Encoder/Decoder Evaluator KEELOQ Transponder Evaluation Kit Transmitter/Transponder Evaluator microID® Developer’s Kit 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz RFID Development Tools MCP2510 CAN Developer’s Kit MCP2510 CAN Evaluation/Development Tool
(Includes ICD 2 Module and USB Cable)
(Includes ICD 2 Module, USB Cable, RS-232 Cable, Power Supply and PICDEM™ 2 Plus Demonstration Board - DV163022)
(Includes ICD 2 Module, USB Cable, RS-232 Cable and Power Supply)
(Works with DV164005, DV164006 and DV164007 above)
(Use with DV164005 above for RS-232 communication)
(Includes PIC18F452, PIC16F877, LCD 2 x 16 Display, LED’s, RS-232 Port, Piezo Sounder, Temperature Sensor, Demonstration Programs, Unassembled Source Code and More)
Development Tools from Microchip
Host System Requirements:
PC-compatible system with a Intel Pentium® class or
higher processor, or equivalent
A minimum of 16 MB RAM
A minimum of 40 MB available hard drive space
CD-ROM drive (for use with the accompanying CD)
Available RS-232 port
Microsoft®Windows 98, Windows NT®4.0 or Windows
Customer Support:
Microchip maintains a worldwide network of distributors, representatives, local sales offices, Field Application Engineers and Corporate Application Engineers. Microchip’s Internet home page can be reached at: www.microchip.com.
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As of 4/1/02
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Microchip Technology Inc. 2355 W. Chandler Blvd. • Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 USA • (480) 792-7200 FAX (480) 792-9210
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