• Self calibration of Internal Offset and Gain per
each conversion
• On-board Voltage Reference:
- Accuracy: 2.048V ± 0.05%
• On-board Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA):
- Gains of 1,2, 4 or 8
• On-board Oscillator
• INL: 10 ppm of FSR (FSR = 4.096V/PGA)
• Programmable Data Rate Options:
- 15 SPS (16 bits)
- 60 SPS (14 bits)
- 240 SPS (12 bits)
• One-Shot or Continuous Conversion Options
• Low current consumption:
- 145 µA typical
= 3V, Continuous Conversion)
• One-Shot Conversion (1 SPS) with V
- 9.7 µA typical with 16 bit mode
- 2.4 µA typical with 14 bit mode
- 0.6 µA typical with 12 bit mode
• Supports I
- Standard, Fast and High Speed Modes
• Single Supply Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V
• Extended Temperature Range: -40°C to 125°C
C Serial Interface:
= 3V:
The MCP3425 is a single channel low-noise, high
accuracy ΔΣ A/D converter with differential inputs and
up to 16 bits of resolution in a small SOT-23-6 package.
The on-board precision 2.048V reference voltage
enables an input range of ±2.048V differentially
(Δ voltage = 4.096V). The device uses a two-wire I
compatible serial interface and operates from a single
2.7V to 5.5V power supply.
The MCP3425 device performs conversion at rates of
15, 60, or 240 samples per second (SPS) depending
on the user controllable configuration bit settings using
the two-wire I
board programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The user
can select the PGA gain of x1, x2, x4, or x8 before the
analog-to-digital conversion takes place. This allows
the MCP3425 device to convert a smaller input signal
with high resolution. The device has two conversion
modes: (a) Continuous mode and (b) One-Shot mode.
In One-Shot mode, the device enters a low current
standby mode automatically after one conversion. This
reduces current consumption greatly during idle periods.
The MCP3425 device can be used for various high
accuracy analog-to-digital data conversion applications
where design simplicity, low power, and small footprint
are major considerations.
C serial interface. This device has an on-
Block Diagram
Typical Applications
• Portable Instrumentation
• Weigh Scales and Fuel Gauges
• Temperature Sensing with RTD, Thermistor, and
†Notice: Stresses above those listed under “Maximum Rat-
ings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a
stress rating only and functional operation of the device at
those or any other conditions above those indicated in the
Differential Input Voltage ...................................... |V
............... –0.3V to VDD+0.3V
- VSS|
operational listings of this specification is not implied.
Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods
may affect device reliability
Output Short Circuit Current .................................Continuous
Current at Input Pins ....................................................±2 mA
Current at Output and Supply Pins ............................±10 mA
Storage Temperature.....................................-65°C to +150°C
Ambient Temp. with power applied ...............-55°C to +125°C
ESD protection on all pins ................ ≥ 6kV HBM, ≥ 400V MM
Maximum Junction Temperature (T
Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise specified, all parameters apply for TA = -40°C to +85°C, VDD = +5.0V, VSS = 0V,
+ = VIN- = V
ParametersSym Min Typ MaxUnits Conditions
Analog Inputs
Differential Input Range—±2.048/PGA—VV
Common-Mode Voltage Range
Differential Input Impedance
(Note 2)
Common Mode input
System Performance
Resolution and No Missing
(Note 8)
Data Rate
Output Noise—2.5—µV
Integral Nonlinearity
Internal Reference VoltageV
Gain Error
PGA Gain Error Match
Gain Error Drift
Note 1:Any input voltage below or greater than this voltage causes leakage current through the ESD diodes at the input pins.
2:This input impedance is due to 3.2 pF internal input sampling capacitor.
3:The total conversion speed includes auto-calibration of offset and gain.
4:INL is the difference between the endpoints line and the measured code at the center of the quantization band.
5:Includes all errors from on-board PGA and V
6:Full Scale Range (FSR) = 2 x 2.048/PGA = 4.096/PGA.
7:This parameter is ensured by characterization and not 100% tested.
8:This parameter is ensured by design and not 100% tested.
Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise specified, all parameters apply for TA = -40°C to +85°C, VDD = +5.0V, VSS = 0V,
+ = VIN- = V
ParametersSym Min Typ MaxUnits Conditions
Offset ErrorV
Offset Drift vs. Temperature—300—nV/°CV
Common-Mode Rejection —100—dBat DC and PGA =1,
Gain vs. V
Power Supply Rejection at DC —95—dBT
Power Requirements
Voltage RangeV
Supply Current during
Supply Current during Standby
C Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs
High level input voltageV
Low level input voltageV
Low level output voltageV
Hysteresis of Schmitt Trigger
for inputs
(Note 7)
Supply Current when I
line is active
Input Leakage CurrentI
Pin Capacitance and I
Pin capacitance C
C Bus CapacitanceC
Thermal Characteristics
Specified Temperature RangeT
Operating Temperature RangeT
Storage Temperature RangeT
Note 1:Any input voltage below or greater than this voltage causes leakage current through the ESD diodes at the input pins.
2:This input impedance is due to 3.2 pF internal input sampling capacitor.
3:The total conversion speed includes auto-calibration of offset and gain.
4:INL is the difference between the endpoints line and the measured code at the center of the quantization band.
5:Includes all errors from on-board PGA and V
6:Full Scale Range (FSR) = 2 x 2.048/PGA = 4.096/PGA.
7:This parameter is ensured by characterization and not 100% tested.
8:This parameter is ensured by design and not 100% tested.
/2. All ppm units use 2*V
as full-scale range.
—30—µVTested at PGA = 1
—105—dBat DC and PGA =8,
—5—ppm/VTA = +25°C, VDD = 2.7V to 5.5V,
C bus
C Bus Capacitance
—0.1 0.5µA
0.7 V
—— 0.4VI
—— 10µA
—— 1 µAV
-1——µAVIL = GND
This parameter is ensured by characterization and not 100% tested.
Note:The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of
samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein
are not tested or guaranteed. In some graphs or tables, the data presented may be outside the specified
operating range (e.g., outside specified power supply range) and therefore outside the warranted range.
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, TA = -40°C to +85°C, VDD = +5.0V, VSS = 0V, VIN+ = VIN- = V
The descriptions of the pins are listed in Table 3-1.
Pin NoSymFunction
+Non-Inverting Analog Input Pin
Ground Pin
Serial Clock Input Pin of the I2C Interface
Bidirectional Serial Data Pin of the I
-Inverting Analog Input Pin
Positive Supply Voltage Pin
C Interface
3.1 Analog Inputs (VIN+, VIN-)
VIN+ and VIN- are differential signal input pins. The
MCP3425 device accepts a fully differential analog
input signal which is connected on the V
+ and VIN-
input pins. The differential voltage that is converted is
defined by VIN = (VIN+ - VIN-) where VIN+ is the voltage
applied at the V
+ pin and VIN- is the voltage applied
at the VIN- pin. The input signal level is amplified by the
programmable gain amplifier (PGA) before the
conversion. The differential input voltage should not
exceed an absolute of (V
measurement, where V
/PGA) for accurate
is the internal reference
voltage (2.048V) and PGA is the PGA gain setting. The
converter output code will saturate if the input range
exceeds (V
The absolute voltage range on each of the differential
input pins is from V
-0.3V to VDD+0.3V. Any voltage
above or below this range will cause leakage currents
through the Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) diodes at
the input pins. This ESD current can cause unexpected
performance of the device. The common mode of the
analog inputs should be chosen such that both the
differential analog input range and the absolute voltage
range on each pin are within the specified operating
range defined in Section 1.0 “Electrical
Characteristics” and Section 4.0 “Description of
Device Operation”.
3.2 Supply Voltage (VDD, VSS)
VDD is the power supply pin for the device. This pin
requires an appropriate bypass capacitor of about
0.1 µF (ceramic) to ground. An additional 10 µF
capacitor (tantalum) in parallel is also recommended
to further attenuate high frequency noise present in
some application boards. The supply voltage (V
must be maintained in the 2.7V to 5.5V range for specified operation.
is the ground pin and the current return path of the
device. The user must connect the V
pin to a ground
plane through a low impedance connection. If an
analog ground path is available in the application PCB
(printed circuit board), it is highly recommended that
the V
pin be tied to the analog ground path or
isolated within an analog ground plane of the circuit
3.3 Serial Clock Pin (SCL)
SCL is the serial clock pin of the I2C interface. The
MCP3425 acts only as a slave and the SCL pin
accepts only external serial clocks. The input data
from the Master device is shifted into the SDA pin on
the rising edges of the SCL clock and output from the
MCP3425 occurs at the falling edges of the SCL clock.
The SCL pin is an open-drain N-channel driver.
Therefore, it needs a pull-up resistor from the V
to the SCL pin. Refer to Section 5.3 “I2C Serial Communications” for more details of I2C Serial Interface
3.4 Serial Data Pin (SDA)
SDA is the serial data pin of the I2C interface. The SDA
pin is used for input and output data. In read mode, the
conversion result is read from the SDA pin (output). In
write mode, the device configuration bits are written
(input) though the SDA pin. The SDA pin is an opendrain N-channel driver. Therefore, it needs a pull-up
resistor from the V
start and stop conditions, the data on the SDA pin must
be stable during the high period of the clock. The high
or low state of the SDA pin can only change when the
clock signal on the SCL pin is low. Refer to Section 5.3
The MCP3425 is a low-power, 16-Bit Delta-Sigma A/D
converter with an I2C serial interface. The device
contains an on-board voltage reference (2.048V),
programmable gain amplifier (PGA), and internal
oscillator. The user can select 12, 14, or 16 bit
conversion by setting the configuration register bits.
The device can be operated in Continuous Conversion
or One-Shot Conversion mode. In the Continuous
Conversion mode, the device converts the inputs
continuously. While in the One-Shot Conversion mode,
the device converts the input one time and stays in the
low-power standby mode until it receives another
command for a new conversion. During the standby
mode, the device consumes less than 0.1 µA typical.
4.2Power-On-Reset (POR)
The device contains an internal Power-On-Reset
(POR) circuit that monitors power supply voltage (VDD)
during operation. This circuit ensures correct device
start-up at system power-up and power-down events.
The POR has built-in hysteresis and a timer to give a
high degree of immunity to potential ripples and noises
on the power supply. A 0.1 µF decoupling capacitor
should be mounted as close as possible to the V
for additional transient immunity.
The threshold voltage is set at 2.2V with a tolerance of
approximately ±5%. If the supply voltage falls below
this threshold, the device will be held in a reset
condition. The typical hysteresis value is approximately
200 mV.
The POR circuit is shut-down during the low-power
standby mode. Once a power-up event has occurred,
the device requires additional delay time (approximately 300 µs) before a conversion can take place.
During this time, all internal analog circuitries are
settled before the first conversion occurs. Figure 4-1
illustrates the conditions for power-up and power-down
events under typical start-up conditions.
When the device powers up, it automatically resets
and sets the configuration bits to default settings. The
default configuration bit conditions are a PGA gain of
1 V/V and a conversion speed of 240 SPS in
Continuous Conversion mode. When the device
receives an I
performs an internal reset similar to a Power-On-Reset
C General Call Reset command, it
FIGURE 4-1:POR Operation.
4.3Internal Voltage Reference
The device contains an on-board 2.048V voltage
reference. This reference voltage is for internal use
only and not directly measurable. The specifications of
the reference voltage are part of the device’s gain and
drift specifications. Therefore, there is no separate
specification for the on-board reference.
4.4Analog Input Channel
The differential analog input channel has a switched
capacitor structure. The internal sampling capacitor
(3.2 pF) is charged and discharged to process a
conversion. The charging and discharging of the input
sampling capacitor creates dynamic input currents at
the V
+ and VIN- input pins, which is inversely
proportional to the internal sampling capacitor and
internal frequency. The current is also a function of the
differential input voltages. Care must be taken in setting
the common-mode voltage and input voltage ranges so
that the input limits do not exceed the ranges specified
in Section 1.0 “Electrical Characteristics”.
4.5Digital Output Code
The digital output code produced by the MCP3425 is a
function of PGA gain, input signal, and internal
reference voltage. In a fixed setting, the digital output
code is proportional to the voltage difference between
the two analog inputs.
The output data format is a binary two’s complement.
With this code scheme, the MSB can be considered a
sign indicator. When the MSB is a logic ‘0’, it indicates
a positive value. When the MSB is a logic ‘1’, it
indicates a negative value. The following is an example
of the output code:
(a) for a negative full-scale input voltage: 100...000
(b) for a zero differential input voltage: 000...000
(c) for a positive full-scale input voltage: 011...111.
The MSB is always transmitted first through the serial
port. The number of data bits for each conversion is 16,
14, or 12 bits depending on the conversion mode selection.
The output codes will not roll-over if the input voltage
exceeds the maximum input range. In this case, the
code will be locked at 0111...11 for all voltages
greater than +(V
voltages less than -V
of output codes of various input levels using 16 bit
conversion mode. Table 4-3 shows an example of
minimum and maximum codes for each data rate
The device performs a self-calibration of offset and
gain for each conversion. This provides reliable
conversion results from conversion-to-conversion over
variations in temperature as well as power supply
4.7 Input Impedance
The MCP3425 uses a switched-capacitor input stage
using a 3.2 pF sampling capacitor. This capacitor is
switched (charged and discharged) at a rate of the
sampling frequency that is generated by the on-board
clock. The differential mode impedance varies with the
PGA settings. The typical differential input impedance
during a normal mode operation is given by:
Since the sampling capacitor is only switching to the
input pins during a conversion process, the above input
impedance is only valid during conversion periods. In a
low power standby mode, the above impedance is not
presented at the input pins. Therefore, only a leakage
current due to ESD diode is presented at the input pins.
The conversion accuracy can be affected by the input
signal source impedance when any external circuit is
connected to the input pins. The source impedance
adds to the internal impedance and directly affects the
time required to charge the internal sampling capacitor.
Therefore, a large input source impedance connected
to the input pins can increase the system performance
errors such as offset, gain, and integral nonlinearity
(INL) errors. Ideally, the input source impedance
should be zero. This can be achievable by u sing an
operational amplifier with a closed-loop output
impedance of tens of ohms.
Aliasing occurs when the input signal contains timevarying signal components with frequency greater than
half the sample rate. In the aliasing conditions, the
device can output unexpected output codes. For
applications that are operating in electrical noise
environments, the time-varying signal noise or high
frequency interference components can be easily
added to the input signals and cause aliasing. Although
the MCP3425 device has an internal first order sinc
filter, its’ filter response may not give enough
attenuation to all aliasing signal components. To avoid
the aliasing, an external anti-aliasing filter, which can
be accomplished with a simple RC low-pass filter, is
typically used at the input pins. The low-pass filter cuts
off the high frequency noise components and provides
a band-limited input signal to the MCP3425 input pins.