Microchip Maxtouch Curiosity PRO User Manual

maXTouch Curiosity Pro Users Guide


The maXTouch® Curiosity Pro (AC320007) is an extension board to the Curiosity MCU kit family line and Atmel Xplained Pro evaluation platform, which enables users to experiment with graphical user interface (GUI) applications with maXTouch and LCD.
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Table of Contents

Preface........................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1. Features....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Kit Overview................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Additional Resources................................................................................................................... 3
2. Overview................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. maXTouch® Capacitive Touchscreen Controller.......................................................................... 4
2.2. maXTouch® Controller Interface...................................................................................................4
3. Getting Started........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. Connecting maXTouch Curiosity Pro to the Curiosity Board or Xplained Pro Board ...................5
4. Curiosity and Xplained Pro Boards......................................................................................................... 6
4.1. Curiosity Board or Xplained Pro Headers and Connectors.......................................................... 6
4.2. maXTouch Parallel LCD Extension Connector.............................................................................6
4.3. Hardware Connection at J2..........................................................................................................7
4.4. FPC or FFC Connector Pinout..................................................................................................... 7
4.5. maxTouch LCD Extension Header Implementation .....................................................................8
4.6. Interface Selector (SW1).............................................................................................................. 9
4.7. Debug Header.............................................................................................................................. 9
5. Specifications........................................................................................................................................ 11
6. Schematics............................................................................................................................................13
7. Mounting............................................................................................................................................... 14
8. Document Revision History...................................................................................................................15
The Microchip Website.................................................................................................................................16
Product Change Notification Service............................................................................................................16
Customer Support........................................................................................................................................ 16
Microchip Devices Code Protection Feature................................................................................................ 16
Legal Notice................................................................................................................................................. 16
Trademarks.................................................................................................................................................. 17
Quality Management System....................................................................................................................... 17
Worldwide Sales and Service.......................................................................................................................18
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1. Introduction

This section describes Microchip maXTouch Curiosity Pro features and overview of the maXTouch Curiosity Pro kit.

1.1 Features

The following are key features of the Microchip maXTouch Curiosity Pro board:
• Display – 3.5 inch display module – ILI9488 LCD driver – 320 x 480 resolution – 30 ms maximum response time – White back light – Parallel interface (up to 18 bit) – Parallel RGB interface – 3-wire and 4-wire SPI interface
• Touch – maXTouch capacitive touch screen controller – Supports up to 4 touches
• Cover panel – 1.1 mm soda-lime glass
• Xplained Pro hardware identification system
Kit contents
• One 3.5 inch display module
• One 50-way flexible flat cable (FFC)
• One 20-way ribbon cable (also known as multi-wire planar cable)

1.2 Kit Overview

The Microchip maXTouch Curiosity Pro is an extension board for the Xplained Pro platform with a 320 x 480 RGB LCD and a capacitive touch sensor with a maXTouch controller. The LCD can be controlled using different interfaces, such as 3-wire and 4-wire SPI, Parallel, and RGB Parallel interface mode using the DIP switch to select the interface.
The maXTouch Curiosity Pro kit can be connected to any Curiosity boards or Xplained Pro standard extension header, any curiosity Pro or Ultra kit, and many other Microchip MCUs using the 20-pin header, but is limited to 3-wire and 4-wire SPI mode.
The maXTouch Curiosity Pro also features a standard LCD connector (FFC), which enables using the parallel interfaces. Both connectors, FFC and 20-pin header, feature a SPI interface for the LCD and I2C for the maXTouch device.

1.3 Additional Resources

For additional information, refer to these websites:
• ILI Technology Corp ILI9488 Driver IC (www.ilitek.com)
• Precision Design Associates (http://www.pdaatl.com/index.htm)
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2. Overview

2.1 maXTouch® Capacitive Touchscreen Controller

The module touch screen interface is based on the Atmel maXTouch mXT336U Touch Controller and operates on the touch sensor at connector J4. The touch controller scans the touch sensor and signals the host with an active-low interrupt signal (~MXT_CHG on J2 & J3) when a new touch data is available. Data communication with the maXTouch controller is performed over the I2C interface (on J2 & J3). The I2C address of the touch controller is fixed at 0 x 4A, and is not configurable.
Note:  The maXTouch has pull-up resistors on the I2C SCL (R17) and SDA (R16) lines. A pull-up resistor for the maXTouch ~CHG interrupt signal is located at R18 (10k).

2.2 maXTouch® Controller Interface

Details of the maXTouch communication protocol are beyond the scope of this document. This module is pre-loaded with a configuration already optimized for the maXTouch touch sensor and panel, hence the developer will only focus on interfacing with the device. When developing the maXTouch controller interface during evaluation and host development, care should be taken to avoid changing the maXTouch configuration or committing changes to NV storage on the maXTouch controller. To start with host interface development, users need to leverage the existing code available from MPLAB® Harmony, which is available at https://www.microchip.com/mplab/mplab-harmony.
For additional information regarding the maXTouch devices, refer to http://www.microchip.com.
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3. Getting Started

This section covers getting started with Curiosity MCUs or Xplained Pro Quick Start.
Follow these steps to exploring the Microchip Curiosity Pro platform:
1. Download and launch MPLAB® X IDE.
2. Launch the plug-in manager and install MPLAB Harmony Code Configurator.
3. Connect the maXTouch Curiosity Pro to any Microchip Curiosity platform or Xplained Pro MCU board, and connect a USB cable to the DEBUG USB port on the MCU board.
When the Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro MCU kit is connected to your computer for the first time, the operating system will perform a driver software installation. The driver file supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
After the Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro MCU board is powered, the green power LED will be lit and MPLAB X IDE will auto detect which Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro MCU and extension boards are connected. MPLAB X IDE will present relevant information, such as data sheets and kit documentation.
The target device is programmed and debugged by the on-board debugger, therefore no external programmer or debugger tool is needed.
Getting Started

3.1 Connecting maXTouch Curiosity Pro to the Curiosity Board or Xplained Pro Board

Microchip maXTouch Curiosity Pro is designed to connect to the Curiosity board or Xplained Pro header marked EXTx (x = 1 - 3). Refer to the pin out of the Curiosity MCU board or Xplained Pro evaluation kit to find out which Xplained Pro EXT headers can be used. The FFC connector can be used if the parallel interface from the MCU to the display is used on the kits featuring the graphical user interface. Any time only one cable must be connected.
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Curiosity and Xplained Pro Boards

4. Curiosity and Xplained Pro Boards

The Curiosity boards and Xplained Pro boards are evaluation platforms that provide a full Microchip microcontroller experience to users. This platform consists of a series of microcontrollers and extension boards, which are integrated with MPLAB X IDE, MPLAB Harmony drivers, demo code, support data streaming, and so on.
The Curiosity boards or Xplained Pro boards support a wide range of Xplained Pro extension boards, which are connected through a set of standardized headers and connectors. Each extension board has an identification (ID) chip to uniquely identify which boards are connected to a Curiosity board or Xplained Pro board. This information is used to present relevant user guides, application notes, data sheets, and example code through MPLAB X IDE.

4.1 Curiosity Board or Xplained Pro Headers and Connectors

Table 4-1. Xplained Pro Standard Extension Header
Pin number Name Description
1 ID Communication line to the ID chip on an extension board
2 GND Ground
3 ADC(+) Analog-to-digital converter, alternatively positive part of differential ADC
4 ADC(-) Analog-to-digital converter, alternatively negative part of differential ADC
5 GPIO1 General purpose I/O
6 GPIO2 General purpose I/O
7 PWM(+) Pulse-width modulation, alternatively positive part of differential PWM
8 PWM(-) Pulse-width modulation, alternatively negative part of differential PWM
9 IRQ/GPIO Interrupt request line or general purpose I/O
10 SPI_SS_B/GPIO Slave select for SPI or general purpose I/O
11 I2C_SDA Data line for I2C interface. Always implemented, bus type.
12 I2C_SCL Clock line for I2C interface. Always implemented, bus type.
13 UART_RX Receiver line of target device UART
14 UART_TX Transmitter line of target device UART
15 SPI_SS_A Slave select for SPI. Should preferably be unique.
16 SPI_MOSI Master Out Slave In (MOSI) line of serial peripheral interface. Always
implemented, bus type
17 SPI_MISO Master In Slave Out (MISO) line of serial peripheral interface. Always
implemented, bus type.
18 SPI_SCK Clock for serial peripheral interface. Always implemented, bus type.
19 GND Ground
20 VCC Power for extension board

4.2 maXTouch Parallel LCD Extension Connector

The LCD connector can be connected to display extensions that have a parallel interface. The connector implements signals for an MCU parallel bus interface and a LCD controller interface, as well as signals for a touch controller. For connector pin-out definition, refer to maXTouch parallel LCD Connector.
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