Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
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Note: This data sheet summarizes features of this g roup
of dsPIC30F devices and is not intended to be a complete
reference source. For more information on the CPU,
peripherals, register descriptions and general device
functionality, refer to the “dsPIC30F Family ReferenceManual” (DS70046). For more informat ion on the device
instruction set and programming, refer to the “dsPIC30F/33F Programmer’s Reference Manual” (DS70157).
High-Performance Modified RISC CPU:
• Modified Harvard architecture
• C compiler optimized instruction set architecture
• 83 base instructions with flexible addressing
• 24-bit wide instructions, 16-bit wide data path
• 12 Kbytes on-chip Fla sh program space
• 512 bytes on-chip data RAM
• 1 Kbyte nonvolatile data EEPROM
• 16 x 16-bit working register array
• Up to 30 MIPs operation:
- DC to 40 MHz external clock input
- 4 MHz-10 MHz oscillator input with
PLL active (4x, 8x, 16x)
• 27 interrupt sources
• Three external interrupt sources
• 8 user-selectable priority levels for each interrupt
• 4 processor exceptions and software traps
DSP Engine Features:
• Modulo and Bit-Reversed modes
• Two 40-bit wide accumulators with optional
saturation logic
• 17-bit x 17-bit single-cycle hardw are frac tio nal /
integer multiplier
6.0F la sh Program Memory..............................................................................................................................................................43
8.0I /O Po rts.....................................................................................................................................................................................53
14.0 Motor Control PWM Module....................................................................................................................................................... 81
19.0 System Integration.............. ................................................................. ....................................................................................123
20.0 Instruction Set Summary..........................................................................................................................................................137
21.0 Development Support. .............................................................................................................................................................. 145
The Microchip Web Site..................................................................................................................................................................... 199
It is our intention to provide our valued customers with the best documentation possible to ensure successful use of your Microchip
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You can determine the version of a data sheet by examining its literature number found on the bottom outside corner of any page.
The last character of the literature number is the version number, (e.g., DS30000A is version A of document DS30000).
An errata sheet, describing minor operational differences from the data sheet and recommended workarounds, may exist for current
devices. As device/documentation issues become known to us, we will publish an errata sheet. The errata will specify the revision
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To determine if an errata sheet exists for a particular device, please check with one of the following:
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Note: This data sheet summarizes features of this g roup
of dsPIC30F devices and is not intended to be a complete
reference source. For more information on the CPU,
peripherals, register descriptions and general device
functionality, refer to the “dsPIC30F Family ReferenceManual” (DS70046). For more informat ion on the device
instruction set and programming, refer to the “dsPIC30F/33F Programmer’s Reference Manual” (DS70157).
This document contains device specific information for
the dsPIC30F2010 device. The dsPIC30F devices
contain extensive Digital Signal Processor (DSP) functionality within a high-performance 16-bit mic rocontroller
(MCU) architecture. Figure 1-1 shows a device block
diagram for the dsPIC30F2010 device.
Table 1-1 provides a brief description of device I/O
pinouts and the functions that may be multiplexed to a
port pin. Multiple functions may exist on one port pin.
When multiplexing occurs, the peripheral module’s
functional requirements may force an override of the
data direction of the port pin.
Pin Name
AN0-AN5IAnalogAnalog input channels.
DDPPPositive supply for analog module.
AVSSPPGround reference for analog module.
CN0-CN7ISTInput change notification inputs.
IC1, IC2, IC7,
Legend: CMOS = CMOS compatible input or output Analog = Analog in put
ISTCapture inputs. The dsPIC30F2010 has 4 capture inputs. The inputs are
I/PSTMaster Clear (Reset) input or programming voltage input. This pin is an active-
ST= Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels O= Output
I= Input P= Power
ST/CMOS—External clock source input. Always associated with OSC1 pin function.
Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or resonator in Crystal
Oscillator mode. Optionally functions as CLKO in RC and EC modes. Always
associated with OSC2 pin function.
Can be software programmed for internal weak pull-ups on all inputs.
ST/CMOS—Oscillator crystal input. ST buffer when configured in RC mode; CMOS
ICD Primary Communication Channel data input/output pin.
ICD Primary Communication Channel clock input/output pin.
ICD Secondary Communication Channel data input/output pin.
ICD Secondary Communication Channel clock input/output pin.
ICD Tertiary Communication Channel data input/output pin.
ICD Tertiary Communication Channel clock input/output pin.
ICD Quaternary Communication Channel data input/output pin.
ICD Quaternary Communication Channel clock input/output pin.
numbered for consistency with the inputs on larger device variants.
Quadrature Encoder Index Pulse inpu t.
Quadrature Encoder Phase A input in QEI mode.
Auxiliary Timer External Clock/Gate input in Timer mode.
Quadrature Encoder Phase A input in QEI mode.
Auxiliary Timer External Clock/Gate input in Timer mode.
RB0-RB5I/OSTPORTB is a bidirectional I/O port.
RC13-RC14I/OSTPORTC is a bidirectional I/O port.
RD0-RD1I/OSTPORTD is a bidirectional I/O por t.
RF2, RF3I/OSTPORTF is a bidirectional I/O port.
VDDP—Positive supply for logic and I/O pins.
SSP—Ground reference for logic and I/O pins.
VREF+IAnalogAnalog Voltage Reference (High) input.
VREF-IAnalogAnalog Voltage Reference (Low) input.
Legend: CMOS = CMOS compatible input or output Analog = Analog in put
I/OSTPORTE is a bidirectional I/O port.
ST= Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels O= Output
I= Input P= Power
In-Circuit Serial P rogramming™ data input/output pin .
In-Circuit Serial Programming clock input pi n.
Synchronous serial clock input/output for SPI #1.
SPI #1 Data In.
SPI #1 Data Out.
SPI #1 Slave Synchronization.
Synchronous serial clock input/output for I
Synchronous serial data input/output for I
32 kHz low-power oscillator crystal output.
32 kHz low-power oscillator crystal input. ST buffer when configured in RC
mode; CMOS otherwise.
Note: This data sheet summarizes features of this g roup
of dsPIC30F devices and is not intended to be a complete
reference source. For more information on the CPU,
peripherals, register descriptions and general device
functionality, refer to the “dsPIC30F Family ReferenceManual” (DS70046). For more informat ion on the device
instruction set and programming, refer to the “dsPIC30F/33F Programmer’s Reference Manual” (DS70157).
This document provides a summary of the
dsPIC30F2010 CPU and peripheral function. For a
complete description of this functionality, please refer
to the “dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual”
2.1Core Overview
The core has a 24-bit instruction word. The Program
Counter (PC) is 23 bits wide with the Least Significant
bit (LSb) always clear (see Section 3.1 “ProgramAddress Space ”), and the Most Significant bit (MSb)
is ignored during no rmal program exec ution, exce pt for
certain specialized instructions. Thus, the PC can
address up to 4M instruction words of user program
space. An instruction prefetch mechanism is used to
help maintain throughput. Program loop constructs,
free from loop count management overhead, are supported usin g the DO and REPEAT instructions, both of
which are interruptible at any point.
The working register array consists of 16x16-bit registers, each of which can act as data, address or offset
registers. One working register (W15) operates as a
software Stack Pointer for interrupts and calls.
The data space is 64 Kbytes (32K words) and is split
into two blocks, referred to as X and Y data memory.
Each block has its own independent Address Generation Unit (AGU). Most instructions operate solely
through the X memory AGU, which provides the
appearance of a single unified data space. The
Multiply-Accu mulate (MAC) class of dual s ource DSP
instructions operate through both the X and Y AGUs,
splitting the data address space into two parts (see
Section 3.2 “Data Address Space”). The X and Y
data space boundary is device specific and cannot be
altered by the user . Each dat a word consis ts of 2 bytes,
and most instruct ions can address data eith er as words
or bytes.
There are two methods of accessing data stored in
program memory:
• The upper 32 Kbytes of data sp ace memory can b e
mapped into the lower half (user space) of program
space at any 16K program word bound ary, defined
by the 8-bit Program Space Visibility Page
(PSVP AG) register. This le ts any instruction access
program space as if it were data space , with a lim itation that the access requires an additional cycle.
Moreover, only the lower 16 bits of eac h instruction
word can be accessed using this method.
• Linear indirect access of 32K word pages within
program space is als o possibl e using any work ing
register, via table read and write instructions.
Table read and write instructions can be used to
access all 24 bits of an instruction word.
Overhead-free circular buffers (Modulo Addressing)
are supported in both X and Y address spaces. This is
primarily intended to remove the loop overhead for
DSP algorithms.
The X AGU also supports Bit-Reversed Addressing on
destination ef fective addres ses, to greatly simplify inp ut
or output data reordering for radix-2 FFT algorithms.
Refer to Section 4.0 “Address Generator Units” for
details on Modulo and Bit-Reversed Addressing.
The core supports In here nt (n o op era nd), Relative, Literal, Memory Direct, Register Direct, Register Indirect,
Register Offset and Literal Offset Addressing modes.
Instructions are a ssociated w ith pred efined Addr essing
modes, depending upon their functional requirements.
For most i ns tru c ti o ns , the c or e i s c apa bl e of e xe c ut i ng
a data (or program data) memory read, a working register (data) read, a data memory write and a program
(instruction) memory read per instruction cycle. As a
result, 3-operand instructions are supported, allowing
C = A + B operations to be executed in a single cycle.
A DSP engine has been included to significantly
enhance the core arithmetic capability and throughput.
It features a high-speed 17-bit by 17-bit multiplier, a
40-bit ALU, two 40-bit saturating accumulators and a
40-bit bidirectional b arre l s hi fter. Data in the accumulator or any wor kin g regi ste r can be sh ifted up to 15 bi ts
right or 16 bits left in a single cycle. The DSP instructions operate seamles sly with all other in struct ion s and
have been desi gned for o ptimal re al-time p erformanc e.
The MAC class of instructions can concurrently fetch
two data operands from memory, while multiplying two
W registers. To enable this concurrent fetching of data
operands, the data space has been split for these
instructions and linear for all others. This has been
achieved in a transparent and flexible manner, by
dedicating certain working registers to each address
space for the MAC class of instructions.
The core does not support a multi-stage instruction
pipeline. However, a single stage instruction prefetch
mechanism is used, which accesses and partially
decodes instructions a cycle ahead of execution, in
order to maximize available execution time. Most
instructions execute in a single cycle, with certain
The core features a vectored exception processing
structure for traps and interrupts, with 62 independent
vectors. The exceptions consist of up to 8 traps (of
which 4 are reserved ) an d 54 int errup ts. Each interrupt
is prioritized based on a us er-assigned priority betwee n
1 and 7 (1 being the lowest priority and 7 being the
highest) in conjunction with a predetermined ‘natural
order’. Traps have fi xed prio rities, ranging from 8 to 15.
The programmer’s model is shown in Figure 2-1 and
consists of 16x16-bit working registers (W0 through
W15), 2x40-bit accumulators (ACCA and ACCB),
STATUS Register (SR), Data Table Page register
(TBLPAG), Program Space Visibility Page register
(PSVPAG), DO and REPEAT registers (DOSTART,
DOEND, DCOUNT and RCOUNT) and Program
Counter (PC). The working registers can act as data,
address or offset registers. All registers are memory
mapped. W0 acts as the W register for file register
Some of these registers have a shadow register associated with each of them, as shown in Figure 2-1. The
shadow register is used as a temp orary holding reg ister
and can transfer it s con ten ts to or from its host reg is ter
upon the occurrence of an event. None of the shadow
registers are accessible directly. The following rules
apply for transfer of registers into and out of shadows.
• PUSH.S and POP.S
W0, W1, W2, W3, SR (DC, N, OV, Z and C bits
only) are transferred.
• DO instruction
pushed on loop start, and popped on loop end.
When a byte operation is performed on a working register , o nly th e L eas t S ign ifi can t By te of t he target register is affected. However, a benefit of memory mapped
working registers is that both the Least and Most Significant B ytes can be manipulate d through byte wide
data memory space accesses.
The dsPIC® DSC devices contain a software stack.
W15 is the dedicated software Stack Pointer (SP), and
will be automatically modified by exception processing
and subroutine ca lls and return s. However , W15 can be
referenced by any instruction in the same manner as all
other W registers. This simplifies the reading, writing
and manipulation of the Stack Pointer (e.g., creating
stack frames).
Note:In order to protect against misaligned
stack accesses, W15<0> is always clear.
W15 is initialized to 0x0800 during a Reset. The user
may reprogram the SP during initialization to any
location within data space.
W14 has been dedicated as a Stack Frame Pointer as
defined by the LNK and ULNK instructions. However,
W14 can be referenced by any instruction in the same
manner as all other W registers.
The dsPIC DSC core has a 16-b it STATUS Register
(SR), the LSB of which is referred to as the SR Low
Byte (SRL) and the MSB as the SR High Byte (SRH).
See Figure 2-1 for SR layout.
SRL contains all the MCU ALU operation status flags
(including the Z bit), as wel l as the CPU Inter rupt Pri ority Level status bits, IPL<2:0>, and the REPEAT active
status bit, RA. During exception processing, SRL is
concatenated with the MSB of the PC to form a
complete word value which is then stacked.
The upper byte of the STATUS register contains the
DSP adder/subtracter status bits, the DO Loop Active
bit (DA) and the Digit Carry (DC) status bit.
The Program Counter is 23 bi ts wide. Bit 0 is a lways
clear. Therefore, the PC can address up to 4M
instruction words.
The dsPIC DSC devices feature a 16/16-bit signed
fractional divide ope rati on , as w ell as 32/16-bit and 16/
16-bit signed an d unsigned intege r divide operati ons, in
the form of single instruction iterative divides. The following instructions and data sizes are supported:
1.DIVF – 16/16 signed fractional divide – 32/16 signed divide
3.DIV.ud – 32/16 unsigned divide
4.DIV.sw – 16/16 signed divide
5.DIV.uw – 16/16 unsigned divide
The 16/16 divides are similar to the 32/16 (same number
of iterations), but the dividend is either zero-extended or
sign-extended during the first iteration.
The divide instructions must be executed within a
REPEAT loop. Any other form of exec ution (e.g. a serie s
of discrete divide instruc tions) w ill not function c orrectly
because the instruction flow depends on RCOUNT.
The divide instru ction does not automat icall y set up the
RCOUNT value, and it must, therefore, be explicitly
and correctly specified in the REPEAT instruction, as
shown in Table 2-1 (REPEAT will execute the target
instruction {operand value + 1} times). The REPEAT
loop count must be set up for 18 iterati ons of the DIV/DIVF instruction. Thus, a complete divide operation
requires 19 cycles.
Note:The Divide flow is interruptible. However,
the user needs to save the context as
DIVFSigned fractional divide: Wm/Wn → W0; Rem → W1
DIV.sdSigned divide: (Wm + 1:Wm)/Wn → W0; Rem → W1
DIV.udUnsigned divide: (Wm + 1:Wm)/Wn → W0; Rem → W1
DIV.sw (or DIV.s)Signed divide: Wm/Wn → W0; Rem → W1
DIV.uw (or DIV.u)Unsigned divide: Wm/Wn → W0; Rem → W1
The DSP engine consists of a high-speed 17-bit x
17-bit multiplier , a barrel s hifter , and a 40-bit adde r/subtracter (with two target accumulators, round and
saturation logic).
The DSP engine also has the capability to perform inherent accumulator-to-accumulator operations, which
require no additional data. These instructions are ADD,SUB and NEG.
The DSP engine has various options selected through
various bits in the CPU Core Configuration Register
(CORCON), as listed below:
1.Fractional or integer DSP multiply (IF).
2.Signed or unsigned DSP multiply (US).
3.Conventional or convergent rounding (RND).
4.Automatic saturation on/off for ACCA (SATA).
5.Automatic saturation on/off for ACCB (SATB).
6.Automatic saturation on/off for writes to data
memory (SATDW).
A block diagram of the DSP engine is shown in
Figure 2-2.
InstructionAlgebraic OperationACC WB?
CLRA = 0Yes
EDA = (x – y)
EDACA = A + (x – y)
MACA = A + (x * y)Yes
MACA = A + x
MOVSACNo change in AYes
MPYA = x * yNo
MPY.NA = – x * yNo
MSCA = A – x * yYes
The 17x17-bit multiplier is capable of signed or
unsigned operati on and can mul tiplex i ts ou tput usi ng a
scaler to support either 1.31 fractional (Q31) or 32-bit
integer results. Unsigned operands are zero-extended
into the 17th bit of the multiplier input value. Signed
operands are sign-exten ded into the 17th bit of the mu ltiplier input value. The output of t he 17x17-bit multip lier/
scaler is a 33-bit value, which is sign-extended to 40
bits. Intege r data is inherently rep resented as a signed
two’s complement value, where the MSB is defined as
a sign bit. Generally speaking, the range of an N-bit
two’s complement integer is -2
bit integer, the data range is -32 76 8 (0x 800 0) to 3276 7
(0x7FFF), including 0. For a 32-bit integer, the data
range is -2,147,483,648 (0x8000 0000) to
2,147,483,645 (0x7FFF FFFF ).
When the multiplier is configured for fractional multiplication, the data is represented as a two’s complement
fraction, where the M SB is defined as a sign b it and the
radix point is impl ied to lie just after the sign b it (QX format). The range of an N-bit two’s complement fraction
with this implied radix point is -1.0 to (1-2
16-bit fraction, the Q15 data range is -1.0 (0x8000) to
0.999969482 (0x7FFF), including ‘0’ and has a precision of 3.01518x1 0
tiply operation generates a 1.31 product, which has a
precision of 4.65661x10
The same multiplier is used to support the MCU multiply instructions, which include integer 16-bit signed,
unsigned and mixed sign multiplies.
The MUL instruction may be directed to use byte or
word-sized operands. Byt e operands will direct a 16-bit
result, and word operands will direct a 32-bit result to
the specified register(s) in the W array.
. In Fractional mode, a 16x16 mu l-
to 2
– 1. For a 16-
). For a
The data accumulator consists of a 40-bit adder/subtracter with automatic si gn extension logic. It can selec t
one of two accumulators (A or B) as its preaccumulation source and post-accumulation destination. For the ADD and LAC instructions, the data to be
accumulated or load ed ca n be optio nally sca led v ia th e
barrel shifter, prior to accumulation., Overflow and
The adder/subtracter is a 40-bit adder with an optional
zero input into one side and either true or complement
data into the other input. In the case of addition, the
true data (not complemented), whereas in the case of
subtraction, the carry/bo rrow
other input is complemented. The adder/subtracter
generates overflow status bits SA/SB and OA/OB,
which are latched and reflected in the STATUS
• Overflow from bit 39: this is a catastrophic
overflow in which the sign of the accumulator is
• Overflow into guard bits 32 through 39: this is a
recoverable overflow. This bit is set whenever all
the guard bits are not identical to each other.
The adder has an additional saturation block which
controls accumulator data saturation, if selected. It
uses the result of the adder, the overflow status bits
described above, and the SATA/B (CORCON<7:6>)
and ACCSAT (CORCON<4>) mode control bits to
determine when and to what value to saturate.
Six STATUS register bits have been provided to
support saturation and overflow; they are:
ACCA overflowed into guard bits
ACCB overflowed into guard bits
ACCA saturated (bit 31 overflow and sa turation)
ACCA overflowed into guard bits and saturated
(bit 39 overflow and s aturation)
ACCB saturated (bit 31 overflow and sa turation)
ACCB overflowed into guard bits and saturated
(bit 39 overflow and s aturation)
Logical OR of OA and OB
Logical OR of SA and SB
The OA and OB bits are modified each time data
passes through the adder/subtracter. When set, they
indicate that the most recent operation has overflowed
into the accumulator guard bits (bits 32 through 39).
The OA and OB bits can also optionally generate an
arithmetic warning trap when set and the corresponding overflow trap flag enable bit (OVATE, OVBTE) in
the INTCON1 register (refer to Section 5.0 “Inter-rupts”) is set. This allows the user to take immediate
action, for example, to correct system gain.
The SA and SB bits are modified each ti me data pass es
through the adder/subtracter, but can only be cleared by
the user. When set, they indicate that the accumulator
has overflowed its maximum range (bit 31 for 32-bit saturation, or bit 39 for 40-bit saturation) and will be saturated (if saturation is enabled). When saturation is not
enabled, SA and SB default to bit 39 overflow and thus
indicate that a catastrophic overflow has occurred. If the
COVTE bit in the INTCON1 register is set, SA and SB
bits will generate an arithmetic warning trap when
saturation is disabled.
The overflow and saturation status bits can optionally
be viewed in the S tat us Register (SR) as the logical OR
of OA and OB (i n bit OAB) , and the lo gical OR of SA
and SB (in bit SAB). This allows programmers to check
one bit in the STATUS register to determine if either
accumulator has overflowed, or one bit to determine if
either accumulator has s aturated. T his w ould be us eful
for complex number arithmetic which typically uses
both the accumulators.
The device supports three Saturation and Overflow
1.Bit 39 Overflow and Saturation:
When bit 39 overflow and saturation occurs, the
saturation logic loads the maximally positive 9.31
(0x7FFFFFFFFF) or maximally negative 9.31
value (0x8000000000) into the target accumulator. The SA or SB bit is set and remains set until
cleared by the user. This is referred to as ‘super
saturation’ and provides protection against erroneous data or unexpected algorithm problems
(e.g., gain calculations).
2.Bit 31 Overflow and Saturation:
When bit 31 overflow and saturation occurs, the
saturation logic then loads the maximally positive
1.31 value (0x007FFFFFFF) or maximally negative 1.31 value (0x0080000000) into the target
accumulator . The SA or SB bit is set and rem ains
set until cleared by the user . When this Saturation
mode is in effect, the guard bits are not used (so
the OA, OB or OAB bits are never set).
3.Bit 39 Catastrophic Overflow
The bit 39 overflow status bit from the adder is
used to set the SA or SB bit, which remain set
until cleared by the user. No saturation operation
is performed and the accumulator is allowed to
overflow (destroying it s sign). If the C OVTE bit in
the INTCON1 register is set, a catastrophic
overflow can initiate a trap exception. ‘Write-Back’
The MAC class of instructions (with the exception of
MPY,MPY.N,ED and EDAC) can optionally write a
rounded version of the high word (bits 31 through 16)
of the accumulator that is not targeted by the instructio n
into data spac e memory. The write is performed across
the X bus into combined X and Y address space. The
following addressing modes are supported:
1.W13, Regi ster Direct:
The rounded contents of the non-target
accumulator are written into W13 as a 1.15
2.[W13]+=2, Register Indirect with Post-Increment:
The rounded conten ts of the non- target accumulator are written into the address pointed to by
W13 as a 1.15 fraction. W13 is then
incremented by 2 (for a word write). Logic
The round logic is a combinational block, which performs a conventional (biased) or convergent (unbiased)
round function during an accumulator write (store). The
Round mode is determined by the state of the RND bit
in the CORCON register. It generates a 16-bit, 1.15 data
value which is passed to the data space write saturation
logic. If rounding is not indicated by the instruction, a
truncated 1.15 data value is stored and the least
significant word (lsw) is simply discarded.
Conventional rounding takes bit 15 of the accumulator,
zero-extends it and ad ds it to the AC CxH w ord (bi t s 16
through 31 of the accumulato r). If the ACCxL word (bit s
0 through 15 of the accumulator) is between 0x8000
and 0xFFFF (0x8000 included), ACCxH is incremented. If ACCxL is between 0x0000 and 0x7FFF,
ACCxH is left unchanged. A consequence of this
algorithm is that over a succ ession of ran dom roundin g
operations, the value will tend to be biased slightly
Convergent (or unbiased) rounding operates in the
same manner as conventional rounding, except when
ACCxL equals 0x8000 . If this is the case, the Least Significant bit (bit 16 of the accumulator) of ACCxH is
examined. If it is ‘1’, ACCxH is incremented. If it is ‘0’,
ACCxH is not modified. Assuming that bit 16 is effectively random in nature, this scheme will remove any
rounding bias that may accumulate.
The SAC and SAC.R instructions store either a truncated (SAC) or rounded (SAC.R) version of the c ontents
of the target accumul ator to data mem ory , via the X bu s
(subject to data saturation, see Section “DataSpace Write Saturation”). Note that for the MAC cl as s
of instructions, the accumulator write-back operation
will function in the s ame mann er , a ddressing co mbine d
MCU (X and Y) data space though the X bus. For this
class of instructions, the data is always subject to
In addition to adder/subtrac ter saturation, writes to dat a
space may also be saturated, but without affecting the
contents of the source accumulator. The data space
write saturation logic block accepts a 16-bit, 1.15 fractional value from the round logic block as its input,
together with overflow status from the original source
(accumulator) and the 16-bit round adder. These are
combined and used t o sele ct the a ppr opriate 1.15 fra ctional value as output to write to data space memory.
If the SATDW bit in the CORCON register is set, data
(after rounding or truncation) is tes te d for ove rflo w and
adjusted accordingly. For input data greater than
0x007FFF, data written to memory is fo rced to the ma ximum positi ve 1. 15 val ue, 0x 7FFF. For input data less
than 0xFF8000, da ta wr itten to me mory i s forced to th e
maximum negative 1.15 value, 0x8000. The Most Significant bit of the source (bit 39) is used to determine
the sign of the operand being tested.
If the SA TDW bi t in the CORCON regis ter is not set , the
input data is always passed through unmodified under
all conditions.
The barrel shifter is capable of performing up to 15-bit
arithmetic or logic right shifts, or up to 16-bit left shifts
in a single c ycle. The sou rce can be ei ther of th e two
DSP accumulators or the X bus (to support multi-bit
shifts of register or memory data).
The shifter requi res a signed binary val ue to de term in e
both the magnitude (num ber of bits) and direction of the
shift operation. A positive value will shift the operand
right. A negative value will shift the operand left. A
value of 0 will not modify the operand.
The barrel shifter is 40 bits wide, thereby obtaining a
40-bit result for DSP shift operati ons and a 16- bit result
for MCU shift operations. Data from the X bus is presented to the barrel shifter between bit positions 16 to
31 for right shifts, and bit positio ns 0 to 15 for left shift s.
Note: This data sheet summa rizes features o f this
group of dsPIC30 F devi ces and is not inte nded to be
a complete reference source. For more information
on the CPU, peripherals, register descriptions and
general device functionality, refer to the “dsPIC30FFamily Reference Manual” (DS70046). For more
information on the device instruction set and programming, refer to the “dsPIC30F/33F Programmer’s Reference Manual” (DS70157).
3.1Program Address Space
The program address space is 4M instruction words. It
is addressable by a 24-bit value from either the 23-bit
PC, table instruction Effective Address (EA), or data
space EA, when program space is mapped into data
space, as defined by Table 3-1. Note that the program
space address i s incr ement ed by two betw een suc cessive program words, in order to provide compatibility
with data space addressing.
User program space access is restricted to the lower
4M instruction word address range (0x000000 to
0x7FFFFE), for all acce sses other than TBLRD/TBLWT,
which use TBLPAG<7> to determine user or configuration space access. In Table 3-1, Read/Write instructions, bit 23 allows a ccess to the De vice ID, the User ID
and the Configuration bits. Otherwise, bit 23 is always
User Memory
MAP FOR dsPIC3 0F2010
Reset - GOTO Instruction
Reset - Target Address
Ext. Osc. Fail Trap
Address Error Trap
Stack Error Trap
Arithmetic Warn. Trap
Vector 0
Vector 1
Vector 52
Vector 53
Alternate Vector Table
User Flash
Program Memory
(4K instructions)
(Read 0’s)
(1 Kbyte)
Vector Tables
Note:The address map shown in Figure 3-1 is
conceptual, and the actual memory configuration may vary across individual
devices depending on available memory.
This architecture fetc hes 24 -bi t w ide prog ram me mo ry.
Consequently, instructions are always aligned. However, as the architecture is modified Harvard, data can
also be present in program space.
There are two methods by which program space can
be accessed: via special table instructions, or through
the remapping of a 16 K word program space p age in to
the upper half o f da ta space (see Section 3.1.2 “Data
Access from Program Memory Using Program
Space Visibility”). The TBLRDL and TBLWTL instruc-
tions offer a direct method of reading or writing the lsw
of any address within program space, without going
through data sp ac e. The TBLRDH and TBLWTH instruc-
tions are the only method wh ereby the upp er 8 bits of a
program space word can be accessed as data.
The PC is incremented by two for each successive
24-bit program word. This allows program memory
addresses to directly map to data space addresses.
Program memory can thus be regarded as two 16-bit
word wide address sp ac es , res id ing sid e by si de, each
with the same address range. TBLRDL and TBLWTL
access the space which contains the least significant
data word, and TBLRDH a nd TBLWTH ac cess the sp ace
which contains the Most Significant data Byte.
Figure 3-2 shows h ow th e EA is created for table op erations and data space accesses (PSV = 1). Here,
P<23:0> refers to a program space word, whereas
D<15:0> refers to a data space word.
A set of T able Instruction s are provided to move byte or
word-sized data to and from program space.
1.TBLRDL: Table Re ad Low
Word: Read the least significant word of the
program address;
P<15:0> maps to D<15:0>.
Byte: Read one of the LSBs of the program
P<7:0> maps to the destination byte when byte
select = 0;
P<15:8> maps to the d estination b yte when byte
select = 1.
2.TBLWTL: Table Write Lo w (ref er t o Section 6.0“Flash Program Memory” for details on Flash
3.TBLRDH: Table Re ad High
Word: Read the most significant word of the
program address;
P<23:16> maps to D<7:0>; D<15:8> always
be = 0.Byte: Read one of the MSBs of the program
P<23:16> maps to the destination byte when
byte select = 0;
The destination byte will always be = 0 when
byte select = 1.
4.TBLWTH: Table Write High (ref er to Section 6.0“Flash Program Memory” for details on Flash
PC Address
Program Memory
‘Phantom’ Byte
(Read as ‘0’)
TBLRDH.B (Wn<0> = 1)
The upper 32 Kbytes of data space may optionally be
mapped into any 16K word program space page. This
provides transparent access of stored constant data
from X data space, without the need to use special
instructions (i.e., TBLRDL/H, TBLWTL/H instructions).
Program space access through the data space occurs
if the MSb of the data space EA is set and program
space visibility is enabled, by setting the PSV bit in the
Core Control register (CORCON). The functions of
CORCON are discussed in Section 2.4 “DSPEngine”, DSP Engine.
Data accesses to this area add an additional cycle to
the instruction being executed, since two program
memory fetches are required.
Note that the upper half of addressable data space is
always part of the X data space. Therefore, when a
DSP operation uses program sp ace mapp ing to acc ess
this memory region , Y d at a space should ty pic al ly contain state (variable) data for DSP operations, whereas
X data space should typically contain coefficient
(constant) data.
Although each da ta sp ace addres s, 0x8000 and higher ,
maps directly into a corresponding program memory
address (see Figure 3-5), only the lower 16-bits of the
24-bit program word are used to contain the data. The
upper 8 bits shoul d be progra mmed to forc e an illeg al
instruction to maintain machine robustness. Refer to
the “dsPIC30F/33F Programmer’s Reference Manual”
(DS70157) for details on instruction encoding.
TBLRDH.B (Wn<0> = 0)
Note that by incrementing the PC by 2 for each program memory word, the Least Significant 15 bits of
data space addresses directly map to the Least Significant 15 bits in the corresponding program space
addresses. The rem aining b its a re provid ed by th e Program Space Vis ibilit y Page regi ster, PSVPAG<7:0>, as
shown in Figure 3-5.
Note:PSV access is tempor arily dis abled d uring
table reads/writes.
For instructions that use PSV which are executed
outside a REPEAT loop:
• The following instructions will require one instruction cycle in addition to the specified execution
- MAC class of instructions with data operand
- MOV instructions
- MOV.D instructions
• All other instructions will require two instruction
cycles in addition to the specified execution time
of the instruction.
For instructions that use PSV which are executed
inside a REPEAT loop:
• The following inst ances wi ll require two ins truction
cycles in addition to the specified execution time
of the instruction:
- Execution in the first iteration
- Execution in the last iteration
- Execution prior to exiting the loop due to an
- Execution upon re-entering the loop after an
interrupt is serviced
• Any other iteration of the REPEAT loop will allow
the instruction, accessing data using PSV, to
execute in a single cycle.
Data SpaceProgram Space
EA<15> =
BSETCORCON,#2; PSV bit set
MOV#0x00, W0; Set PSVPAG register
MOV0x9200, W0; Access program memory location
EA<15> = 1
Upper half of Data
Space is mapped
into Program Space
; using a data space access
Concatenat i on
Data Read
Note: PSVPAG is an 8-bit register, containing bits <22:15> of the program space address
(i.e., it defines the page in program space to which the upper half of data space is being mapped).
3.2Data Address Space
The core has two data spaces. The data spaces can be
considered either separate (for some DSP instructions), or as one unified linear address range (fo r MCU
instructions). The dat a spaces are accessed using tw o
Address Generation Units (AGUs) and separate data
The data space memory is split into two blocks, X and
Y data space. A key element of this architectur e is th at
Y space is a subset of X space, and is fully contained
within X space. In order to provide an apparent linear
addressing space, X and Y spaces have contiguous
When executing any instruction other than one of the
MAC class of instructions, the X block consists of the
256 byte data address space (including all Y
addresses). When executing one of the MAC class of
instructions, the X block consists of the 256 bytes data
address space excluding the Y address block (for data
reads only). In other word s, all other i nstructions rega rd
the entire data memory as one composite address
space. The MAC class instructions extract the Y
address space from data space and address it using
EAs sourced from W10 and W11. The remaining X data
space is addressed using W8 and W9. Both address
spaces are concurrently accessed only with the MAC
class instructions.
The X data space is used by all instructions and supports all addressing modes. There are separate read
and write data buses. The X read data bus is the return
data path for all inst ructions that view data spac e as
combined X and Y address space. It is also the X
address space data path for the dual operand read
instructions (MAC class). The X write data bus is the
only write path to data space for all instructions.
The X data space also supp orts Mod ulo Addressin g for
all instructions, subject to addressing mode restrictions. Bit-Reversed addressing is only supported for
writes to X data space.
The Y data space is used in concert with the X data
space by the MAC class of instructions (CLR, ED,EDAC,MAC,MOVSAC,MPY,MPY.N and MSC) to provide two concurrent data read paths. No writes occur
across the Y bus. This class of instructions dedicates
two W register pointers, W10 and W11, to always
address Y data space, independent of X data space,
whereas W8 and W9 always address X data space.
Note that during accumulator write-back, the data
address space is con si dere d a c om bin ati on of X and Y
data spaces, so the write occurs across the X bus.
Consequently, the write can be to any address in the
entire data space.
The Y data space can only be used for the data
prefetch operation associated with the MAC class of
instructions. It also supports Modulo Addressing for
automated circular bu f fe rs. O f c ours e, all othe r ins tru ctions can access the Y dat a address sp ace through the
X data path, as part of the composite linear space.
The boundary between the X and Y data spaces is
defined as shown in Figure 3-6 and is not user programmable. Shoul d an EA poin t to d ata out side it s own
assigned address space, or to a location outside physical memory, an all-zero word/byte will be returned. For
example, although Y address space is visible by all
non-MAC instructions using any Addressing mode, an
attempt by a MAC instruction to fetch data from that
space, usin g W8 or W9 (X spac e point ers), wi ll ret urn
The core data width is 16 bits. All internal registers are
organized as 16-bit wide words. Data space memory is
organized in byte addressable, 16-bit wide blocks.
To help maintain backward compatibility with PIC
MCU devices and improve data space memory usage
efficiency, the dsPIC30F instruction set supports both
word and byte operation s. Data i s aligned in dat a memory and registers as words, but all data space EAs
resolve to bytes. Data byte reads will rea d the comp lete
word, which contain s the byte, usi ng the LSb of an y EA
to determine which byte to select. The selected byte is
placed onto the LSB of the X data path (no byte
accesses are possible fro m the Y data pa th as the MAC
class of instruction can only fetch words). That is, data
memory and registers are organized as two parallel
byte wide entities with shared (word) address decode,
but separate write lines. Data byte writes only write to
the corresponding side of the array or register which
matches the byte address.
As a consequence of th is byte acce ssibility, all effective
address calculatio ns (in cl udi ng tho se ge nera ted by th e
DSP operations, which are restricted to word-sized
data) are internal ly scaled to ste p through word-ali gned
memory. For example, the core would recognize that
Post-Modified Register Indirect Addressing mode,
[Ws ++], will result in a value of Ws + 1 for byte
operations and Ws + 2 for word operations.
All word accesses m ust be al igned to an even addre ss.
Misaligned word data fetches are not supported, so
care must be taken when mixing byte and word operations, or translatin g from 8-bit MCU cod e. Should a misaligned read or write be attempted, an address error
trap will be generated. If the error occurred on a read,
the instruction underway is completed, whereas if it
occurred on a write, the ins truction wil l be execu ted but
the write will not occur. In either case, a trap will then
be executed, allow ing the syste m and /or user to exam ine the machine state prior to execution of the address
Attempted OperationData Returned
EA = an unimplemented address0x0000
W8 or W9 used to access Y data
space in a MAC instruction
W10 or W11 used to access X
data space in a MAC instruction
All effective addresses are 16 bits wide and point to
bytes within the data space. Therefore, the data space
address range is 64 Kbytes or 32K words.
All byte loads into any W register are loaded into the
LSB. The MSB is not modified.
A sign-extend (SE) instruction is provided to allow
users to translate 8-bit signed data to 16-bit signed
values. Alternatively, for 16-bit unsigned data, users
can clear the MSB of any W register by executing a
zero-extend (ZE) instruction on the appropriate
Although most ins truc tio ns a r e ca p ab le of operating on
word or byte data sizes, it should be noted that some
instructions, including the DSP instructions, operate
only on words.
An 8 Kbyte ‘near’ data space is reserved in X address
memory space between 0x0000 and 0x1FFF, which is
directly addressable via a 13- bit absolute address fiel d
within all memory direct instructions. The remaining X
address space and all of the Y address space is
addressable indirec tly. Additionally, the w hole of X da ta
space is addressable using MOV instructions, which
support memory direct addressing with a 16-bit
address field.
The dsPIC DSC de vice cont ain s a softwa re sta ck. W15
is used as the Stack Pointer.
The Stack Pointer always points to the first available
free word, and grows from lower addresses towards
higher addresses. It pre-decrements for stack pops,
and post-increments for stack pushes, as shown in
Figure 3-9. Note that for a PC push during any CALL
instruction, the MSB of the PC is zero-ex tende d before
the push, ensuring that the MSB is always clear.
Note:A PC push during exception processing
will concatenate the SRL register to the
MSB of the PC prior to the push.
There is a Stack Pointer Limit register (SPLIM) associated with the Stack Pointer. SPLIM is uninitialized at
Reset. As is t he case f or t h e Stack Point er, SPLIM<0>
is forced to ‘0’, because all stack operations must be
word-aligned. Whenever an EA is generated using
W15 as a sour ce or destination poi nter, the address
thus generated is compa red with the value in SPLIM. If
the contents o f the Stack Pointer (W15) and the SPLIM
register are equal and a push operation is perf ormed, a
stack error trap will not occur. The stack error trap will
occur on a subsequ ent push operatio n. Thus, for exam ple, if it is desirable to cause a stac k error trap when the
stack grows beyond address 0x2000 in RAM, initialize
the SPLIM with the value, 0x1FFE.
Similarly, a stack pointer underflow (stack error) trap is
generated when the Stack Pointer address is found to
be less than 0x0800, thus preventing the stack from
interfering with the Special Function Register (SFR)
A write to the SPLIM regis ter should not be im mediately
followed by an indirect read operati on usi ng W15.