MICROCHIP AN851 Technical data

A FLASH Bootloader for PIC16 and PIC18 Devices
Author: Ross M. Fosler and
Rodger Richey Microchip Technology Inc.


Among the many features built into Microchip’s Enhanced FLASH Microcontroller devices is the capa­bility of the program memory to self-program. This very useful feature has been deliberately included to give the user the ability to perform bootloading operations. Devices like the PIC18F452 are designed with a desig­nated “boot block”, a small section of protectable pro­gram memory allocated specifically for bootload firmware.
This application note demonstrates a very powerful bootloader implementation for the PIC16F87XA and PIC18F families of microcontrollers. The coding for the two device families is slightly different; however, the functionality is essentially the same. The goals of this implementation stress a maximum performance and functionality, while requiring a minimum of code space.


Basic Operation

Figure 1 summarizes the essential firmware design of the bootloader. Data is received through the USART module, configured in Asynchronous mode for compat­ibility with RS-232 and passed through the transmit/receive engine. The engine filters and parses the data, storing the information into a data buffer in RAM. The command interpreter evaluates the com­mand information within the buffer to determine what should be done (i.e., Is the data written into a memory unit? Is data read from a memory unit? Does the firm­ware version need to be read?). Once the operation is performed, data is passed back to the transmit/receive engine to be transmitted back to the source, closing the software flow control loop.
Data Bus
Command Interpreter


The microcontroller’s USART module is used to receive and transmit data; it is configured as a UART to be compatible with RS-232 communications. The device can be set up in an application to bootload from a computer through its standard serial interface. The following communications settings are used:
• 8 data bits
•No parity
•1 STOP bit
The baud rate setting is variable depending on the application. Baud rate selection is discussed later.
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All data is moved through a buffer (referred to as the Receive/Transmit Buffer). The buffer is a maximum of 255 bytes deep. This is the maximum packet length supported by the protocol. However, some devices may not support the largest packet size due to memory limitations. Figure 2 shows an example of the mapping of the buffer within the PIC18F452.
Note: The actual packet length supported by a
particular device depends on the size of its data memory.
A useful feature of the receive/transmit buffer is that it retains its memory between packets, thus allowing very fast repeat and replication operations. That is, if an empty packet is sent, the data currently in memory will be executed as if it were just received.
Bootloader Work Area

Memory Organization


Currently, PIC18F devices reserve the first 512 bytes of Program Memory as the boot block. Future devices may expand this, depending on application require­ments for these devices. However, this bootloader is designed to occupy the current designated boot block of 512 bytes (or 256 words) of memory. Figure 3 shows a memory map of the PIC18F452. The boot area can be code protected to prevent accidental overwriting of the boot program.
Boot Program
RESET Vector
High Priority Interrupt Vector
Low Priority Interrupt Vector


The command interpreter decodes and executes ten different commands, seven base commands and three special commands. A complete list of the commands is provided in Appendix A. The base commands allow for read, write, and erase operations on all types of non-volatile memory. The other three commands are for special operations, such as repeating the last command, replicating the data, and resetting the device.
Note that the PIC18F devices have greater access to, and control of, memory than PIC16F devices. For example, PIC16F devices do not have access to the configuration memory, thus they do not use the config­uration commands. Therefore, not all instructions are available in the PIC16F bootloader.
Program Memory
User Memory Space
Note: Memory areas not shown to scale.
PIC16F87XA enhanced microcontrollers are designed to use the first 256 words of program memory. Figure 4 shows the memory map of the PIC16F877A. Like the PIC18F452 and other PIC18F devices, the boot area can be write protected to prevent accidental overwriting of the boot program.
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Boot Program
RESET Vector
Interrupt Vector
Program Memory
Note: Memory areas not shown to scale.
User Memory Space


Since the hardware RESET and interrupt vectors lie within the boot area and cannot be edited if the block is protected, they are remapped through software to the nearest parallel location outside the boot block. Remapping is simply a branch for interrupts, so PIC18F users should note an additional latency of 2 instruction cycles to handle interrupts. Upon RESET, there are some boot condition checks, so the RESET latency is an additional 10 instruction cycles (as seen in the example source code).
For PIC16F87XA devices, the interrupt latency is an additional 9 instruction cycles on top of the 3 to 4 nor­mally experienced; the RESET latency is 18 instruction cycles. This additional latency comes from saving device context data in shared memory. The example code uses locations 7Dh, 7Eh, and 7Fh to store the PCLATH, STATUS, and W registers, respectively. The source code can be changed, but the saved data must remain in the shared memory area.


The last location in data memory of the device (Figure 5) is reserved as a non-volatile Boot mode flag. This location contains FFh by default, which indicates Boot mode. Any other value in this location indicates normal Execution mode.
EE Data
Boot Control Byte

Communication Protocol

The bootloader employs a basic communication protocol that is robust, simple to use, and easy to implement.


All data that is transmitted to or from the device follows the basic packet format:
where each <...> represents a byte and [...] represents the data field.
The start of a packet is indicated by two ‘Start of TeXt’ control characters (<STX>), and is terminated by a sin­gle ‘End of TeXt’ control character (<ETX>). The last byte before the <ETX> is always a checksum, which is the two’s complement of the Least Significant Byte of the sum of all data bytes.
The data field is limited to 255 data bytes. If more bytes are received, then the packet is ignored until the next <STX> pair is received.
Note: Although the protocol supports 255 bytes of
data, the specific device that contains the bootloader firmware may have a sufficiently large data memory to support the largest packet size. Refer to the data sheet for the particular device for more information.


There are three control characters that have special meaning. Two of them, <STX> and <ETX>, are intro­duced above. The last character not shown is the ‘Data Link Escape’, <DLE>. Table 1 provides a summary of the three control characters.
Control Value Description
<STX> 0Fh Start of TeXt
<ETX> 04h End of TeXt
<DLE> 05h Data Link Escape
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The <DLE> is used to identify a value that could be interpreted in the data field as a control character. Within the data field, the bootloader will always accept the byte following a <DLE> as data, and will always send a <DLE> before any of the three control charac­ters. For example, if a byte of value 0Fh is transmitted as part of the data field, rather than as the <STX> con- trol character, the <DLE> character is inserted before the <STX>. This is called “byte stuffing”.
Note: Control characters are not considered data
and are not included in the checksum.


The data field for each packet contains one command and its associated data. The commands are detailed in Appendix A.


Flow control is built into the protocol. Thus, for every received command (except RESET), there is a response. If there is no response, then one (or more) of the following has happened:
• the data was corrupted (bad checksum)
• the packet was never received
• the data field was too long
• RESET was executed
So how long do you wait before deciding a problem has occurred? The response latency (shown in Figure 6) is dependent on the amount of data sent, the command being executed, and the clock frequency.
For read commands, the latency is highly dependent on the clock frequency, and the size of the packet. For a small packet at high frequency, the response is almost immediate, typically on the order of a few micro­seconds. For large packets, the latency could be on the order of hundreds of microseconds.
In general, read commands require very little time com­pared to write commands. Write commands are mostly dependent on internally timed write cycles. For exam­ple, the typical write time required for a single EEPROM location is 4 ms. If the maximum packet size (250 bytes of writable data) was sent, the receive to transmit latency would be about 1 second.

Automatic Baud Rate Detection

The bootloader is provided with an automatic baud rate detection algorithm that will detect most baud rates for most input clock frequencies (F determines the best value for the Baud Rate Generator and then loads the SPBRG register on the microcontroller with the determined value.
Note: Refer to the specific device data sheet for
information about the USART module and its associated registers.
OSC). The algorithm


The first <STX> in the protocol is the synchronization byte. It is used to match the device’s baud rate to the source’s baud rate. Thus, the device is synchronized to the source on every new packet.
Note: If a ‘Start of TeXt’ condition is received
during the reception of a packet, then no synchronization occurs.


The recommended baud rate for this application is 9600 bps. This is the ideal rate for a device operating from 4 MHz, to the device’s maximum operating fre­quency (40 MHz in most cases). Higher baud rates are possible, but degenerate conditions can occur.
There are a few clock frequency/standard baud rate combinations that lead to a degenerate baud rate selection during synchronization; under such condi­tions, the device will never synchronize to the source. Clock frequencies that avoid such degenerate conditions are given by the equation:
FOSC = (1 ± E)(X + 1)(16)(B)
where E is the error (typically 2%), X is the value for the SPBRG register, and B is the baud rate. A table of cal­culated clock oscillator ranges for most of the common baud rates is provided in Appendix B for quick reference.


Entering and Leaving Boot Mode

With the bootloader firmware loaded, there are two dis­tinct modes of operation: Boot Mode and User Mode. The bootloader uses the last location of data memory to determine which mode to run in. A value of FFh indi­cates Boot mode. Any other value indicates User mode. Thus, a new part with its data memory not initialized will automatically enter Boot mode the first time.
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To leave Boot mode, the last location must be changed to some value other than FFh. Then, a device RESET (hardware or software) is initiated. For PIC18F devices, the RESET command actually generates a true RESET via the RESET instruction (same as MCLR tying a port pin to MCLR in firmware on PIC16F87XA devices. Although the RESET command is supported, it only causes the PIC16F device to jump to the RESET vector; the regis­ters used to perform bootload operations are not changed to their RESET states.
, a true RESET is not possible
). Other than

Reading/Writing/Erasing Program Memory


For the PIC18F devices, commands 1 through 3 sup­port operations to FLASH program memory. Read operations occur at the byte level. Write operations are performed on multiples of 8 bytes (one block). Erase operations are performed on 64 bytes (one row).
When writing program memory on a PIC18F device, the memory should be erased. The default operation is: bits can only be cleared when written to. An erase oper­ation is the only action that can be used to set bits in program memory. Thus, if the bootloader protection bits are not setup in the configuration bytes, operations on memory from 000h to 1FFh could partially, or completely disable the bootloader firmware.
User IDs (starting at address 200000h) are considered to be part of program memory and are written and erased like normal FLASH program memory. The Device ID (addresses 3FFFFEh and 3FFFFFh) is also considered program memory. While they can be accessed, however, they are read only and cannot be altered.


The PIC16F87XA devices support reading and writing to program memory. Commands 1 and 2 support oper­ations to FLASH program memory. Read operations occur at the word level (2 bytes). Write operations are performed on multiples of 4 words (8 bytes). Since write operations are erase-before-write, the erase com­mand is not supported. The bootloader area, from 000h to 0FFh, should be write protected to prevent overwriting itself.
Neither the User ID nor the Device ID locations are accessible during normal operation on the PIC16 archi­tecture; therefore, these areas can neither be read nor written.

Reading/Writing Data Memory

Data memory is read or written one byte at a time, through commands 4 and 5. Since it is not actually mapped to the normal FLASH memory space, the address starts at 000h and continues to the end of EEDATA memory.
Note that the last location of the data memory is used as a boot flag. Writing anything other than FFh to the last location indicates normal code execution.

Configuration Bits


PIC18F devices allow access to the device configura­tion bits (addresses starting at 300000h) during normal operation. In the bootloader, commands 6 and 7 pro­vide this access. Data is read one byte at a time and, unlike program memory, is written one byte at a time. Since configuration bits are automatically erased before being written, there is no erase command for configuration memory.
Having access to configuration settings is very power­ful; it is also potentially very dangerous. For example, assume that the system is designed to run in HS mode, with a 20 MHz crystal. If the bootloader changes the oscillator setting to LP mode, the system will cease to function — including the bootloader! Basically, the system has been killed by improperly changing one bit.
It is also important to note some configuration bits are single direction bits in Normal mode; they can only be changed to one state, and cannot be changed back. The code protection bits in Configuration Registers 5L and 5H are a good example. If any type of code protec­tion is enabled for a block, it cannot be disabled without a device programmer. Essentially, the bootloader cannot reverse code protection.


The configuration memory is not accessible during nor­mal operation on the PIC16 architecture; therefore, this area can neither be read nor written.
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The bootloader operates as a separate entity, which means that an application can be developed with very little concern about what the bootloader is doing. This is as it should be; the bootloader should be dormant code until an event initiates a boot operation. Under ideal circumstances, bootloader code should never be running during an application’s intended normal operation.
When developing an application with a resident bootloader, some basic principles must be kept in mind:

Writing in Assembly

When writing in assembly, the boot block and new vec­tors must be considered. For modular code, this is gen­erally just a matter of changing the linker script file for the project. An example is given in Appendix D. If an absolute address is assigned to a code section, the address must point somewhere above the boot block.
For those who write absolute assembly, all that is nec­essary is to remember that for PIC18F devices, the new RESET vector is at 200h, and the interrupt vectors are at 208h and 218h. For PIC16F87XA devices, the RESET vector is at 100h and the interrupt vector is at 104h. No code, except the bootloader, should reside in the boot block.

Writing in C

When using the MPLAB® C18 C compiler to develop PIC18F firmware for an application, the standard start-up object (c018.o or c018i.o) must be rebuilt with the new RESET vector. Like modular assembly, the linker file must be changed to incorporate the pro­tected boot block and new vectors. Appendix D shows an example linker file.
For users of other compilers, for either PIC16F87XA or PIC18F devices, check with the compiler’s software user guide to determine how to change the start-up code and vectors.

Bootloader Re-Entry

If the need exists to re-enter Boot mode from the appli­cation (and it usually does), the last location of the data memory must be set to FFh. The code in Example 1 demonstrates how this might be done in an application on a PIC18F device. Since the bootloader assumes RESET conditions, a RESET instruction should be initiated after setting the last location.
setf EEADR ; Point to the last byte setf EEADRH setf EEDATA ; Bootmode control byte movlw b'00000100 ; Setup for EEData movwf EECON1 movlw 0x55 ; Unlock movwf EECON2 movlw 0xAA movwf EECON2 bsf EECON1, WR ; Start the write nop btfsc EECON1, WR ; Wait bra $ - 2 reset


For most situations, it is not necessary to have the bootloader firmware in memory to do debugging of an application with either the MPLAB ICD 2 or ICE devices. However, branch statements must be inserted at the hardware vectors to get to the new designated vectors. It may also be useful to have the start-up tim­ing match exactly to the bootloader entry. When devel­opment of the application is finished, either remove the branches and rebuild the project, or export only the memory above the boot block. This code can then be distributed to those who are updating their firmware.
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The Microchip PIC16/PIC18 Quick Programmer is a simple application designed to run on IBM desktop computers; it is provided with the FLASH boot­loader to perform basic programming operations. The Quick Programmer should be used as a starting point for users to create their own programming applications.

Selecting a Device

The first thing to appear after launching P1618QP.EXE is the device selection dialog box (Figure 7). This float­ing box gives the user the option to manually select a device to communicate with, from a drop-down menu. For PIC18F devices, the automatic detection feature is available. PIC16F devices must be manually selected.


The Main Toolbar

The main program menu (Figure 8) appears as a float­ing toolbar over any other running applications, and not as its own window. It provides some basic commands, as well as information from the device.


Before anything can happen, communications to the attached device must be opened. This is done with the Connect to Device button. If automatic detection was selected, then the software will read the device ID and try to match it with device information provided in the P1618QP.INI. If a device is manually selected, then
the settings for that particular device are forced. In either event, the device identity is shown in the Device Identifier area.
Note that PIC16F devices cannot access device ID memory during normal execution; thus, PIC16F devices must be manually selected.


The Read Device, Write To Device and Erase Device buttons are used for reading, writing, and erasing the attached device. The Read Device button tells the pro­gram to read the entire device. The Write to Device but­ton writes only the data imported from a HEX file. The Erase Device button erases the entire device; the command is not available for PIC16F devices.


Basic file import and export operations are available. The Microchip PIC16/PIC18 Quick Programmer uses formatted text files to store data, rather than large chunks of memory. Importing converts the HEX file into a formatted text file; exporting does the opposite. The program uses the formatted text file for storage and display.
When importing a file, always be certain that the HEX file is padded and aligned to a 16-byte boundary. MPLAB IDE automatically pads to 16 bytes when an integer multiple of 16 bytes of data is selected on a 16-byte boundary when using the Export feature.


The View Data and Clear Data buttons allow the user to view or clear the data that was imported, or read from the device. The program does not include any type of text viewer, and uses the viewer specified in the PIC1618QP.INI file. By default, the viewer used in Windows
is Notepad.


When the desired data is loaded onto the device, selecting this button will put the device into User mode, by writing 00h to the last location of the data memory.
End Current Operation
View Imported File
Clear Imported File from Memory
Export HEX File
Import HEX File
Status Message
Revision Level
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Connect to Device
Read Program Memory
Write to Program Memory
Erase Device
Run Program on Device
Baud Rate Identifier
Port Identifier
Device Identifier


The default serial port and its baud rate (COM1, 9600) are specified in the PIC1618QP.INI file. The user may change these settings while the application is run­ning by right-click on either the port, or baud rate iden­tifier. A menu of valid options that the user may select from (COM ports or baud rates) will appear.

Menu Options

Right-clicking on the status or the toolbar displays a pop-up menu that gives access to some settings and advanced operations. Figure 9 shows the menu options available.



This menu option gives the user the ability to re-select a device, or select a new device (see “Selecting a Device” and Figure 7).


The memory types are either checked or unchecked to determine access. As an example, Figure 9 shows access to FLASH program memory and data memory, while access to CONFIG memory and User ID memory is ignored. Since normal access to CONFIG and User ID memory is not allowed in PIC16F devices, these options are not available when a PIC16F device is selected.


The check access for CONFIG in Figure 9 is for read operations only, due to the danger imposed by writing all configuration bits sequentially. The “Send Config Settings” dialog box (Figure 10) is used to actually write configuration register settings.
Selecting a configuration register label from the Address list box will automatically load the current data at that address. The value in the Data field can be edited, then written back to the device by clicking on the Send button.


Because of architectural enhancements in PIC18F devices, there are two main differences between the PIC16F87XA and PIC18F bootloaders.
1. The PIC16F87XA bootloader does not support the following commands:
• Erase FLASH
• Write CONFIG
2. The RESET command is only partially sup­ported. When the microcontroller receives a RESET command, it executes a goto 0x0000. This is not a true RESET of the microcontroller. The following registers are not set to their default RESET states on execution of the command:
This is particularly important when leaving Boot mode via a software RESET. The application soft­ware must be prepared to accept non RESET val­ues in the registers listed above. If RESET conditions are necessary, then the listed registers should be initialized in the application code. The alternative is to always perform a hardware RESET (MCLR operation.
) after completing a bootload
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Name Number Description
RESET ANY Reset the Device [<COM><0x00>] none XX
RD_VER 00h Read Bootloader
Version Information
RD_FLASH 01h Read <LEN> bytes
from Program Memory
WT_FLASH 02h Write <LEN> blocks to
Program Memory
ER_FLASH 03h Erase <LEN> rows of
Program Memory
RD_EEDATA 04h Read <LEN> bytes
from EE Data Memory
WT_EEDATA05h Write <LEN> bytes to
EE Data Memory
RD_CONFIG 06h Read <LEN> bytes
from Configuration Memory
WT_CONFIG 07h Write <LEN> bytes to
Configuration Memory
REPEAT COM Repeat last Command [Empty data field] Refer to the appropriate
REPLICATE COM Write old Buffer Data
to another area
Command Device
[data field]
[<0x00><0x02>] [<0x00><0x02><VERL
[<0x02><LEN><ADDRL ><ADDRH><ADDRU>... LEN bytes of Data ...]
[<0x04><LEN><ADDRL ><ADDRH><0x00>]
[<0x05><LEN><ADDRL ><ADDRH><0x00>... LEN bytes of Data ...]
[<0x06><LEN><ADDRL ><0x00><0x30>]
[<0x07><LEN><ADDRL ><0x00><0x30>... LEN bytes of Data ...]
where <COM> is any write command
Response [data field]
><VERH>] [<0x01><LEN><ADDRL
><ADDRH><ADDRU>... LEN bytes of Data ...]
[<0x02>] XX
[<0x03>] X
[<0x04><LEN><ADDRL ><ADDRH><0x00>... LEN bytes of Data ...]
[<0x05>] XX
[<0x06><LEN><ADDRL ><0x00><0x30>... LEN bytes of Data ...]
[<0x07>] X
command response for the last command sent
[<COM>] XX
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0 0.04 0.04 0.15 0.16 0.3 0.31 0.6 0.63 0.9 0.94 1.81 1.88 1 0.08 0.08 0.3 0.31 0.6 0.63 1.2 1.25 1.81 1.88 3.61 3.76 2 0.11 0.12 0.45 0.47 0.9 0.94 1.81 1.88 2.71 2.82 5.42 5.64 3 0.15 0.16 0.6 0.63 1.2 1.25 2.41 2.51 3.61 3.76 7.23 7.52 4 0.19 0.2 0.75 0.78 1.51 1.57 3.01 3.13 4.52 4.7 9.03 9.4 5 0.23 0.24 0.9 0.94 1.81 1.88 3.61 3.76 5.42 5.64 10.84 11.28 6 0.26 0.27 1.05 1.1 2.11 2.19 4.21 4.39 6.32 6.58 12.64 13.16 7 0.3 0.31 1.2 1.25 2.41 2.51 4.82 5.01 7.23 7.52 14.45 15.04 8 0.34 0.35 1.35 1.41 2.71 2.82 5.42 5.64 8.13 8.46 16.26 16.92
9 0.38 0.39 1.51 1.57 3.01 3.13 6.02 6.27 9.03 9.4 18.06 18.8 10 0.41 0.43 1.66 1.72 3.31 3.45 6.62 6.89 9.93 10.34 19.87 20.68 11 0.45 0.47 1.81 1.88 3.61 3.76 7.23 7.52 10.84 11.28 21.68 22.56 12 0.49 0.51 1.96 2.04 3.91 4.07 7.83 8.15 11.74 12.22 23.48 24.44 13 0.53 0.55 2.11 2.19 4.21 4.39 8.43 8.77 12.64 13.16 25.29 26.32 14 0.56 0.59 2.26 2.35 4.52 4.7 9.03 9.4 13.55 14.1 27.1 28.2 15 0.6 0.63 2.41 2.51 4.82 5.01 9.63 10.03 14.45 15.04 28.9 30.08 16 0.64 0.67 2.56 2.66 5.12 5.33 10.24 10.65 15.35 15.98 30.71 31.96 17 0.68 0.71 2.71 2.82 5.42 5.64 10.84 11.2 8 16.26 16.92 32.51 33.84 18 0.72 0.74 2.86 2.98 5.72 5.95 11 .44 11.9 1 17.16 17.86 34.32 35.72 19 0.75 0.78 3.01 3.13 6.02 6.27 12.04 12.53 18.06 18.8 36.13 37.6 20 0.79 0.82 3.16 3.29 6.32 6.58 12.64 13.16 18.97 19.74 37.93 39.48 21 0.83 0.86 3.31 3.45 6.62 6.89 13.25 13.79 19.87 20.68 39.74 NA 22 0.87 0.9 3.46 3.6 6.92 7.21 13.85 14.41 20.77 21.62 NA NA 23 0.9 0.94 3.61 3.76 7.23 7.52 14.45 15.04 21.68 22.56 NA NA 24 0.94 0.98 3.76 3.92 7.53 7.83 15.05 15.67 22.58 23.5 NA NA 25 0.98 1.02 3.91 4.07 7.83 8.15 15.65 16.29 23.48 24.44 NA NA 26 1.02 1.06 4.06 4.23 8.13 8.46 16.26 16.92 24.39 25.38 NA NA 27 1.05 1.1 4.21 4.39 8.43 8.77 16.86 17.55 25.29 26.32 NA NA 28 1.09 1.14 4.37 4.54 8.73 9.09 17.46 18.17 26.19 27.26 NA NA 29 1.13 1.18 4.52 4.7 9.03 9.4 18.06 18.8 27.1 28.2 NA NA 30 1.17 1.21 4.67 4.86 9.33 9.71 18.67 19.43 28 29.14 NA NA 31 1.2 1.25 4.82 5.01 9.63 10.03 19.27 20.05 28.9 30.08 NA NA 32 1.24 1.29 4.97 5.17 9.93 10.34 19.87 20.68 29.8 31.02 NA NA 33 1.28 1.33 5.12 5.33 10.24 10.65 20.47 21.31 30.71 31.96 NA NA 34 1.32 1.37 5.27 5.48 10.54 10.97 21.07 21.93 31.61 32.9 NA NA 35 1.35 1.41 5.42 5.64 10.84 11.28 21.68 22.56 32.51 33.84 NA NA 36 1.39 1.45 5.57 5.8 11.14 11.59 22.28 23.19 33.42 34.78 NA NA 37 1.43 1.49 5.72 5.95 11.44 11.91 22.88 23.81 34.32 35.72 NA NA 38 1.47 1.53 5.87 6.11 11.74 12.22 23.48 24.44 35.22 36.66 NA NA 39 1.51 1.57 6.02 6.27 12.04 12.53 24.08 25.07 36.13 37.6 NA NA 40 1.54 1.61 6.17 6.42 12.34 12.85 24.69 25.69 37.03 38.54 NA NA 41 1.58 1.65 6.32 6.58 12.64 13.16 25.29 26.32 37.93 39.48 NA NA 42 1.62 1.68 6.47 6.74 12.95 13.47 25.89 26.95 38.84 NA NA NA 43 1.66 1.72 6.62 6.89 13.25 13.79 26.49 27.57 39.74 NA NA NA 44 1.69 1.76 6.77 7.05 13.55 14.1 27.1 28.2 NA NA NA NA 45 1.73 1.8 6.92 7.21 13.85 14.41 27.7 28.83 NA NA NA NA 46 1.77 1.84 7.07 7.36 14.15 14.73 28.3 29.45 NA NA NA NA 47 1.81 1.88 7.23 7.52 14.45 15.04 28.9 30.08 NA NA NA NA 48 1.84 1.92 7.38 7.68 14.75 15.35 29.5 30.71 NA NA NA NA 49 1.88 1.96 7.53 7.83 15.05 15.67 30.11 31.33 NA NA NA NA
50 1.92 2 7.68 7.99 15.35 15.98 30.71 31.96 NA NA NA NA
Note: Shaded cells indicate discontinuous region of operation, which could lead to a degenerate condition. Verify your oscillator
2400 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High
selection to be certain you can synchronize to the device at the selected baud rate.
Baud Rate (B)
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Baud Rate (B)
51 1.96 2.04 7.83 8.15 15.65 16.29 31.31 32.59 NA NA NA NA 52 1.99 2.08 7.98 8.3 15.96 16.61 31.91 33.21 NA NA NA NA 53 2.03 2.12 8.13 8.46 16.26 16.92 32.51 33.84 NA NA NA NA 54 2.07 2.15 8.28 8.62 16.56 17.23 33.12 34.47 NA NA NA NA 55 2.11 2.19 8.43 8.77 16.86 17.55 33.72 35.09 NA NA NA NA 56 2.15 2.23 8.58 8.93 17.16 17.86 34.32 35.72 NA NA NA NA 57 2.18 2.27 8.73 9.09 17.46 18.17 34.92 36.35 NA NA NA NA 58 2.22 2.31 8.88 9.24 17.76 18.49 35.52 36.97 NA NA NA NA 59 2.26 2.35 9.03 9.4 18.06 18.8 36.13 37.6 NA NA NA NA 60 2.3 2.39 9.18 9.56 18.36 19.11 36.73 38.23 NA NA NA NA 61 2.33 2.43 9.33 9.71 18.67 19.43 37.33 38.85 NA NA NA NA 62 2.37 2.47 9.48 9.87 18.97 19.74 37.93 39.48 NA NA NA NA 63 2.41 2.51 9.63 10.03 19.27 20.05 38.54 NA NA NA NA NA 64 2.45 2.55 9.78 10.18 19.57 20.37 39.14 NA NA NA NA NA 65 2.48 2.59 9.93 10.34 19.87 20.68 39.74 NA NA NA NA NA 66 2.52 2.62 10.09 10.5 20.17 20.99 NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 2.56 2.66 10.24 10.65 20.47 21.31 NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 2.6 2.7 10.39 10.81 20.77 21.62 NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 2.63 2.74 10.54 10.97 21.07 21.93 NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 2.67 2.78 10.69 11.12 21.37 22.25 NA NA NA NA NA NA 71 2.71 2.82 10.84 11.28 21.68 22.56 NA NA NA NA NA NA 72 2.75 2.86 10.99 11.44 21.98 22.87 NA NA NA NA NA NA 73 2.78 2.9 11.14 11.59 22.28 23.19 NA NA NA NA NA NA 74 2.82 2.94 11.29 11.75 22.58 23.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 75 2.86 2.98 11.44 11.91 22.88 23.81 NA NA NA NA NA NA 76 2.9 3.02 11.59 12.06 23.18 24.13 NA NA NA NA NA NA 77 2.94 3.06 11.74 12.22 23.48 24.44 NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 2.97 3.09 11.89 12.38 23.78 24.75 NA NA NA NA NA NA 79 3.01 3.13 12.04 12.53 24.08 25.07 NA NA NA NA NA NA 80 3.05 3.17 12.19 12.69 24.39 25.38 NA NA NA NA NA NA 81 3.09 3.21 12.34 12.85 24.69 25.69 NA NA NA NA NA NA 82 3.12 3.25 12.49 13 24.99 26.01 NA NA NA NA NA NA 83 3.16 3.29 12.64 13.16 25.29 26.32 NA NA NA NA NA NA 84 3.2 3.33 12.79 13.32 25.59 26.63 NA NA NA NA NA NA 85 3.24 3.37 12.95 13.47 25.89 26.95 NA NA NA NA NA NA 86 3.27 3.41 13.1 13.63 26.19 27.26 NA NA NA NA NA NA 87 3.31 3.45 13.25 13.79 26.49 27.57 NA NA NA NA NA NA 88 3.35 3.49 13.4 13.94 26.79 27.89 NA NA NA NA NA NA 89 3.39 3.53 13.55 14.1 27.1 28.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 90 3.42 3.56 13.7 14.26 27.4 28.51 NA NA NA NA NA NA 91 3.46 3.6 13.85 14.41 27.7 28.83 NA NA NA NA NA NA 92 3.5 3.64 14 14.57 28 29.14 NA NA NA NA NA NA 93 3.54 3.68 14.15 14.73 28.3 29.45 NA NA NA NA NA NA 94 3.58 3.72 14.3 14.88 28.6 29.77 NA NA NA NA NA NA 95 3.61 3.76 14.45 15.04 28.9 30.08 NA NA NA NA NA NA 96 3.65 3.8 14.6 15.2 29.2 30.39 NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 3.69 3.84 14.75 15.35 29.5 30.71 NA NA NA NA NA NA 98 3.73 3.88 14.9 15.51 29.8 31.02 NA NA NA NA NA NA
99 3.76 3.92 15.05 15.67 30.11 31.33 NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 3.8 3.96 15.2 15.82 30.41 31.65 NA NA NA NA NA NA 101 3.84 4 15.35 15.98 30.71 31.96 NA NA NA NA NA NA
102 3.88 4.03 15.5 16.14 31.01 32.27 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Note: Shaded cells indicate discontinuous region of operation, which could lead to a degenerate condition. Verify your oscillator
2400 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High
selection to be certain you can synchronize to the device at the selected baud rate.
ã 2002 Microchip Technology Inc. DS00851B-page 11
Baud Rate (B)
103 3.91 4.07 15.65 16.29 31.31 32.59 NA NA NA NA NA NA 104 3.95 4.11 15.81 16.45 31.61 32.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA 105 3.99 4.15 15.96 16.61 31.91 33.21 NA NA NA NA NA NA 106 4.03 4.19 16.11 16.76 32.21 33.53 NA NA NA NA NA NA 107 4.06 4.23 16.26 16.92 32.51 33.84 NA NA NA NA NA NA 108 4.1 4.27 16.41 17.08 32.82 34.15 NA NA NA NA NA NA 109 4.14 4.31 16.56 17.23 33.12 34.47 NA NA NA NA NA NA 110 4.18 4.35 16.71 17.39 33.42 34.78 NA NA NA NA NA NA 111 4.21 4.39 16.86 17.55 33.72 35.09 NA NA NA NA NA NA 112 4.25 4.43 17.01 17.7 34.02 35.41 NA NA NA NA NA NA 113 4.29 4.47 17.16 17.86 34.32 35.72 NA NA NA NA NA NA 114 4.33 4.5 17.31 18.02 34.62 36.03 NA NA NA NA NA NA 115 4.37 4.54 17.46 18.17 34.92 36.35 NA NA NA NA NA NA 116 4.4 4.58 17.61 18.33 35.22 36.66 NA NA NA NA NA NA 117 4.44 4.62 17.76 18.49 35.52 36.97 NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 4.48 4.66 17.91 18.64 35.83 37.29 NA NA NA NA NA NA 119 4.52 4.7 18.06 18.8 36.13 37.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA 120 4.55 4.74 18.21 18.96 36.43 37.91 NA NA NA NA NA NA 121 4.59 4.78 18.36 19.11 36.73 38.23 NA NA NA NA NA NA 122 4.63 4.82 18.51 19.27 37.03 38.54 NA NA NA NA NA NA 123 4.67 4.86 18.67 19.43 37.33 38.85 NA NA NA NA NA NA 124 4.7 4.9 18.82 19.58 37.63 39.17 NA NA NA NA NA NA 125 4.74 4.94 18.97 19.74 37.93 39.48 NA NA NA NA NA NA 126 4.78 4.97 19.12 19.9 38.23 39.79 NA NA NA NA NA NA 127 4.82 5.01 19.27 20.05 38.54 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 128 4.85 5.05 19.42 20.21 38.84 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 129 4.89 5.09 19.57 20.37 39.14 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 130 4.93 5.13 19.72 20.52 39.44 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 131 4.97 5.17 19.87 20.68 39.74 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 132 5.01 5.21 20.02 20.84 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 133 5.04 5.25 20.17 20.99 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 134 5.08 5.29 20.32 21.15 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 135 5.12 5.33 20.47 21.31 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 136 5.16 5.37 20.62 21.46 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 137 5.19 5.41 20.77 21.62 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 138 5.23 5.44 20.92 21.78 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 139 5.27 5.48 21.07 21.93 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 140 5.31 5.52 21.22 22.09 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 141 5.34 5.56 21.37 22.25 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 142 5.38 5.6 21.53 22.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 143 5.42 5.64 21.68 22.56 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 144 5.46 5.68 21.83 22.72 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 145 5.49 5.72 21.98 22.87 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 146 5.53 5.76 22.13 23.03 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 147 5.57 5.8 22.28 23.19 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 148 5.61 5.84 22.43 23.34 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 149 5.64 5.88 22.58 23.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 150 5.68 5.91 22.73 23.66 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 151 5.72 5.95 22.88 23.81 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 152 5.76 5.99 23.03 23.97 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 153 5.8 6.03 23.18 24.13 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
154 5.83 6.07 23.33 24.28 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Note: Shaded cells indicate discontinuous region of operation, which could lead to a degenerate condition. Verify your oscillator
2400 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High
selection to be certain you can synchronize to the device at the selected baud rate.
DS00851B-page 12 ã 2002 Microchip Technology Inc.
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