• Single supply with op eration from 1.7 V to 5.5 V for
24AA024/24AA025 device s, 2.5V for 24LC024/
24LC025 devices
• Low-power CMOS technology:
- Read current 1 mA, typical
- Standby current 1 μA, typical
• 2-wire serial interface, I
• Cascadable up to eight devices
• Schmitt Trigger inputs for noise suppression
• Output slope control to eliminate ground bounce
• 100 kHz and 400 kHz clock compatibility
• Page write time 5 ms maximu m
• Self-timed erase/write cycle
• 16-byte page write buffer
• Hardware write-protect on 24XX024 devices
• ESD protection >4,000V
• More than 1 million erase/write cycles
• Data retention >200 years
• Factory programming available
• Packages include 8-lead PDIP, SOIC, TSSOP,
• Pb-free and RoHS compliant
• Temperature ranges:
- Industrial (I): -40°C to +85°C
C™ compatible
The Microchip Technology Inc. 24AA024/24LC024/
24AA025/24LC025 is a 2 Kbit Serial Electrically
Erasable PROM with a voltage range of 1.7V to 5.5V.
The device is organi zed as a singl e block of 256 x8-bit
memory with a 2-wire serial interface. Low current
design permits operation with typical standby and
active currents of only 1 μA and 1 mA, respectively.
The device has a page write capability for up to 16
bytes of data. Functional address lines allow the
connection of up to eight 24AA024/24LC024/
24AA025/24LC025 devices on the same bus for up to
16K bits of contiguous EEPROM memory. The device
is available in the standard 8-pin PDIP, 8-pin SOIC
(3.90 mm), TSSOP, 2x3 DFN and MSOP packages.
Storage temperature ...............................................................................................................................-65°C to +150°C
Ambient temperature with power applied................................................................................................-40°C to +125°C
ESD protection on all pins ......................................................................................................................................................≥ 4 kV
† NOTICE: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the
device. This is a stres s ratin g only and func tional operati on of the devic e at thos e or any other co nditio ns abov e thos e
indicated in the operational listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability.
SS .........................................................................................................-0.6V to VCC +1.0V
All parameters apply across the
specified operating ranges unless
otherwise noted.
SDA5555 5 Serial Address/Data I/O
SCL6666 6 Serial Clock
WP7777 7 Write-Protect Input
CC8888 8 +1.7 to 5.5V Power Supply
2.1SDA Serial Data
SDA is a bidirectional pin used to transfer addresses
and data into and out of the device. It is an open-drain
terminal, therefore, the SDA bus requires a pull-up
resistor to V
400 kHz).
For normal data transfer, SDA is allowed to change
only during SCL low. Changes during SCL high are
reserved for indicating the Start and Stop conditions.
CC (typical 10 kΩ for 100 kHz, 2 kΩ for
2.2SCL Serial Clock
The SCL input is used to sync hro ni ze th e da t a tra ns fer
from and to the device.
2.3A0, A1, A2
The levels on the A0, A1 and A2 inputs are compared
with the corresponding bits in the slave address. The
chip is selected if the compare is true.
Up to eight 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025
devices may be connected to the same bus by using
different Chip Select bit combinations. These inputs
must be connected to either V
CC or VSS.
2.4WP (24XX024 Only)
2.5Noise Protection
The 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025 employs a
CC threshold detector circuit which disables the
internal erase/write logic if th e V
nominal conditions.
The SCL and SDA inputs have Schmitt Trigger and
filter circuits which suppress noise spikes to assure
proper device operation, even on a noisy bus.
CC is below 1.5 v olt s at
The 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025 supports
a bidirectional, 2-wire bus and data transmission
protocol. A device that sends data onto the bus is
defined as transmitter, while a device receiving data
is defined as receiver. The bus has to be controlled
by a master device which generates the Serial Clock
(SCL), controls the bus access and generates the
Start and Stop conditions, while the 24AA024/
24LC024/24AA025/24LC025 works as slave. Both
master and slave can operate as transmitter or
receiver, but the master device determines which
mode is activated.
WP is the hardware write-protect pin. It must be tied to
CC or VSS. If tied to Vcc, hardware write protection is
enabled. If WP is tied to Vss, the hardware write
protection is disabled. Note that the WP pin is avail able
only on the 24XX024. This pin is not internally
connected on the 24LC025.
• Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus
is not busy.
• During data transfer, the data line must remain
stable wheneve r the c lock lin e is high . Changes i n
the data line while the clock line is high will be
interpreted as a Start or Stop condition.
Accordingly, the following bus conditions have been
defined (Figure 4-1).
4.1Bus Not Busy (A)
Both data and clock lines remain high.
4.2Start Data Transfer (B)
A high-to-low transition of the SDA line while the clock
(SCL) is high determines a Start condition. All
commands must be preceded by a Start condition.
4.3Stop Data Transfer (C)
A low-to-high transition of the SDA line while the clock
(SCL) is high determines a Stop condition. All
operations must be ended with a Stop condition.
4.4Data Valid (D)
The state of the data line represents valid data when,
after a Start condition, the data line is stable for the
duration of the high period of the clock signal.
The data on the line must be changed during the low
period of the clock signal. There is one bit of data per
clock pulse.
Each data transfer is initiated with a S tart condition and
terminated with a Stop condition. The number of the
data bytes transferred between the Start and Stop
conditions is determined by the master device and is,
theoretically , u nlimited, (thoug h only the last six teen will
be stored when performin g a write ope ration). When an
overwrite does occur, it will replace data in a first-in
first-out fashion.
Each receiving device, when addressed, is required to
generate an acknowledge after the reception of each
byte. The ma ster devi ce m ust gener at e an ex tr a cloc k
pulse which is associated with this Acknowledge bit.
Note:The 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025
does not generate any Acknowledge bits if
an internal programming cycle is in
The device that acknowledges has to pull dow n the SDA
line during the acknowledge clock pulse in such a way
that the SDA line is stable low during the high period of
the acknowledge-related clock pulse. Of course, setup
and hold times must be taken into account. A master
must signal an end of data to the slave by not generating
an Acknowledge bit on the last byte that has been
clocked out of the slave. In this case, the slave must
leave the data line high to enable the master to generate
the Stop condition (Fi gure4-2).
Address or
to Change
Transmitter must release the SDA line at this point allowing
the Receiver to pull the SDA line low to acknowledge the
previous eight bits of data.
Data from transmitterData from transmitter
Receiver must release the SDA line at this
point so the Transmitter can continue
sending data.
A control byte is the first byte received following the
Start condition from the master device (Figure 5-1).
The control byte co nsi sts of a four-bit control cod e. F or
the 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025, this is set
as ‘1010’ binary for read and write operations. The next
three bits of the control byte are the Chip Select bits
(A2, A1, A0). The Chip Select bits allow the use of up
to eight 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025
devices on the same bus and are used to select which
device is accessed. The Chip Select bits in the control
byte must correspond to the logic levels on the corresponding A2, A1 and A0 pins for the device to respon d.
These bits are in effect t he three Mos t Significant bits of
the word address.
The last bit of the control byte defines the operation to
be performed. When set to a one, a read operation is
selected. When set to a zero, a write operation is
selected. Following the Start condition, the 24AA024/
24LC024/24AA025/24LC025 monitors the SDA bus
checking the control byte being transmitted. Upon
receiving a ‘1010’ code and appropriate Chip Select
bits, the slave device outputs an Acknowledge signal
on the SDA line. Depending on the state of the R/W
the 24AA024/24LC024/24AA0 25/24LC025 wi ll select a
read or write operation.
Start Bit
Chip Select
Control Code
101 0A2A1 A0SACKR/W
Slave Address
Acknowledge Bit
5.1Contiguous Addressing Across
Multiple Devices
The Chip Select bits A2, A1 and A0 can be used to
expand the co ntiguous address space for up to 16K bits
by adding up to eight 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/
24LC025 devices on the same bus. In this case, software can use A0 of th e con tro l byt e as address bit A8,
A1 as address bit A9 and A2 as address bit A10. It is
not possible to sequentially read across device
Following the Start signal from the master, the device
code(4 bits), the Chip Select bits (3 bits) and theR/W
bit (which is a logic-low) is placed onto the bus by the
master transmitter. The device will acknowledge this
control byte during the ninth cloc k pulse. The ne xt byte
transmitte d by th e maste r is the word ad dr ess and w ill
be written into the Address Pointer of the 24AA024/
24LC024/24AA025/24LC025. After receiving another
Acknowledge signal from the 24AA024/24LC024/
24AA025/24LC025, the master device will transmit the
data word to be written into the addressed memory
location. The 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025
acknowledges again and the master generates a Stop
condition. This ini tiates the interna l write cycle an d, during this time, the 24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/
24LC025 will not generate Acknowledge signals
(Figure 6-1). If an attempt is made to write to the
protected portion of the array when the hardware write
protection (24XX024 only) has been enabled, the
device will acknowledge the command, but no data will
be written. The write cycle time must be observed even
if write protection is enabled.
6.2Page Write
The write control byte, word address and the first data
byte are transmitted to the 24AA024/24LC024/
24AA025/24LC025 in the same way as in a byte write.
However, instead of generating a Stop condition, the
master transmits up to 15 additional data bytes to the
24AA024/24LC024/24AA025/24LC025, which are
temporarily stored in the on-chip pa ge buffer and will be
written into the memory once the master has transmitted a Stop condition. Upon receipt of each word, the
four lower-order Address Pointer bits are internally
incremented by one.
The higher-order four bits of the word address remain
constant. If the master should transmit more than 16
bytes prior to generating the Stop condition, the
address counter will roll over and the previously
received data w ill be ov erwritten . As w ith t he by te-write
operation, once the Stop condition is received, an
internal write cycle wil l begin (Figure6-2). If an attempt
is made to write to the protected portion of the array
when the hardware write protection has been enabled,
the device will ack nowled ge th e comma nd, but no dat a
will be written. The write cycle time must be observed
even if write protection is enabled.
Note:Page write operations are limite d to writing
bytes within a single physical page,
of the number of bytes
actually being written. Physical page
boundaries start at addresses that are
integer multiples of the page buf fer size (or
‘page size’) an d end at addresses that are
integer multiples of [page size – 1]. If a
Page Write command attempts to write
across a physical page boundary, the
result is that the data wraps around to the
beginning of the current page (overwriting
data previously stored there), instead of
being written to the next page, as might b e
expected. It is therefore necessary for the
application software to prevent page write
operations that would attempt to cross a
page boundary.
6.3Write Protection
The WP pin (available on 24XX024 only) must be tied
CC or VSS. If tie d to VCC, the entire array will be
to V
write-protected. If the WP pin is tied to V
operations to all address locations are allowed.