MHP Grills W3G4DDNS Assembly Guide

W3G4DD and T3G4DD Assembly Instructions
Prior to assembling your W3G4DD or T3G4DD grill
with the Column, Patio Base or In-Ground Post, the following instructions must be followed to gain access to the mounting holes in the grill head bottom. Assem­bly of grills with the WCP or WCN base begins on page 6 of the Owner’s Manual.
1. With a slotted screwdriver or 1/4" wrench, remove the rear mounting screw on the back of the left and right burner where they meet the grill head bottom. Use a 11/32" or adjustable wrench on the nut on the outside of the grill head bottom (Fig. 1).
2. Under the control panel, remove the screw on the burner where it meets the orifice. Use a 1/4" wrench or a slotted screwdriver for this. (Fig. 2).
3. Once these screws are removed from the burner, carefully lift each out of the grill. For the Column, the right and left burners need to be removed. For the MPB Patio Base and the MPP In-Ground Post, only the center burner needs to be removed.
4. For mounting the grill head on the Column, follow the instructions on page 10 and 11 of the MHP Own­er’s Manual.
8-32 x 1/2"
Hex Head
Nut On Outside
of Casting
Fig. 1
5. For mounting the grill head on the MPB Deck/Patio Base follow the instructions on page 8 of the MHP Owner’s Manual.
6. For mounting the grill head on the MPP In-Ground Post, follow the instructions on page 9 of the MHP Owner’s Manual.
7. After the grill head is mounted, reinstall the burners into the grill head bottom. Insert the venturi tube through the opening at the front of the grill head, and over the orifice holder. Make sure the burner venturi is fully engaged over the orifice holder, then tighten the venturi set screw securely.
8. Install the (3) Flavor Plates. Please note that the center plate does not have any protruding tabs, it
should be marked “center”. Evenly align them, the tabs
will help do this. (Fig. 3)
9. Place the SearMagic Cooking Grids above the 3 Oval Cast Stainless Steel Burners and Heat Plates.
10. The Warming Rack drops onto the top edge of the grill head bottom. (see Fig. 35 page 18)
Fig. 2
8-32 X 1/2"
Hex Head Slotted