If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to appliance.
2. Extinguish any open
3. Open Lid.
4. If odor continues, immediately call your gas supplier or your fire department.
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use shall not
be stored in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
Follow all leak-test procedures carefully in this manual before using. Do this
even if the grill was dealer
assembled. Do not try to
light this a pp lia n ce w it h ou t
reading the “Lighting” instructions in this manual.
Failure to follow the Dangers, Warnings and Cautions contained in this Owner’s Man ual may
result in serious bodily injury or death, or in a fire or an explosion causing damage to property.
Do not store a spare or disconnected liquid propane cylinder under or near the barbecue.
Improper assembly may be dangerous. Please carefully follow the assembly instructions in this manual.
After a period of storage, and/or nonuse, the MHP Gas Barbecue Grill should be checked for gas leaks and
burner obstructions before use. See instructions in this manual for correct procedures.
Do not operate the MHP Gas Barbecue Grill if there is a gas leak present.
Do not use a flame to check for gas leaks.
Combustible materials should never be within 24 inches of the top, bottom, back or sides of your MHP Gas
Barbecue Grill.
Do not put a barbecue cover or anything flammable on, or in the storage area under the barbecue.
Children should never use your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill. Accessible parts of the barbecue may be very hot.
Keep young children away while it is in use.
You should exercise reasonable care when operating yo ur MHP Ga s Ba rbe cue Grill. It will be hot during
cooking or cleaning and should never be left unattended, or moved while in operation.
Should the burners go out while in operation, turn all gas valves off. Open lid and wait five minutes before
attempting to relight, using the lighting instructions.
Do not use charcoal or lava rock in your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill.
Never lean over open grill or place hands or fingers on the front edge of cooking box.
Do not enlarge the valve orifices or burner ports when cleaning the valves or burners.
The MHP Gas Barbecue Grill should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.
Liquid propane gas is not natural gas. The conversion or attempted use of natural gas in a liquid propane
unit or liquid propane gas in a natural gas unit is dangerous and will void your warranty.
Do not attempt to disconnect any gas fitting while your barbecue is in operation.
Use heat-resistant barbecue mitts or gloves when operating barbecue.
Use the regulator that is supplied with your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill.
Do not attempt to disconnect the gas regulator or any gas fitting while your barbecue is in operation.
A dented or rusty propane cylinder may be hazardous and should be checked by your local liquid propane
supplier. Do not use a liquid propane cylinder with a damaged valve.
Although your liquid propane cylinder may appear to be empty, gas may still be present, and the propane
cylinder should be transported and stored accordingly.
If you see, smell or hear the hiss of escaping gas from the liquid propane cylinder:
1. Move away from the liquid propane cylinder.
2. Do not attempt to correct the problem yourself.
JNR/W N K G r ill A s se m b l y …………………. 14 -18
TJK Gril l A ss e m b l y ……………………… …. 19 - 20
Gas & LP Tank Connections……………… 21 - 22
Leak Testing & Lighting The Grill……….. 23
Maintenance…………………………………. 24 - 26
Annual Maintenance
General Maintenance
24 - 26
26 Tube Bending………………………………..
Troubleshooting……………………………. 27
Parts In formatio n…………………………… 28 - 31
MHP Grill upgrade options for added
versatility , convenience and cooking enjoyment.
Exclusive, rust-free anodized aluminum
cooking grids. This uniq u e c o oki ng system
heats up faster, reduc es flar e ups and cooks all
foods at a higher tem p eratur e, thereby searing
in the delicious barbe q ue j uic es . Wid e-rib be d
side for grilling steaks, ch op s, b urg ers and ribs,
branding them with se ar line s. Th e flip si de, w it h
its smooth surface is id eal for g r illing d elic ate
foods such as fish, seafood and vegetabl es.
Stainless Steel Side
Burner. The premium
commercial grade
stainless steel side
burner is 11,000 B TU
rated, has its own electronic ignition, and is factory assembled for simple
drop-in installation.
Infra-Roast™ Rotis serie
Burner Syste m. Infra-re d re ar
burner heats up fast to q uic kl y
put a seal around m e ats f or
juicier and more moist res ults.
Constructed of comm erci al
grade stainless steel and is
easy to install or remove for
normal grilling.
Modern Hom e Pro d uct s Corp. Offers to the original purc ha s er a Lim it ed W arra nty on all aluminum grill components
except the 7 year “SearMagic” cooking syst em . T h es e c omponents will be free from d efe cts in m ateri al and workmanship
(excluding paint) wh en su bje ct to n orm al do m e stic use and service. T he hig he st q uality paint is used wher e a ppli c abl e,
but due to various atm os ph ere conditions, chemicals, fertilizers, care, cleaning and a ctu al u se, no e xte n ded warranty can
be made on pai nt. Also, for the se re a so n s the lim it ed w arra nty do es not c o ver ru st or al um i nu m o xid ation, unl es s th ere i s
a loss of structural integrity o n the grill co m p on ents.
The Stainless Steel B urn er is c ov ere d for a period of 7 years, Porcelain Briqu ettes 5 years, all other grill comp on e nts
for 1 year.
Warranty covera ge be gin s o n the origin al d ate of purchase, confirmed b y retur n re gistrati on c ard a n d bill of s ale.
Proof of purchase is require d to valid ate w arr ant y.
Any component th at pro v es defective within the warranty peri o d w ill, if returne d to th e fa ctory freight prepaid, be repaired or replaced free of charge. Warranties shall not ap ply, n or w ill M .H.P. assume respon si bility for d amages that
might result from failure to follo w M .H .P.’ s in stru ction s, lo cal co de s, or when the grill has been tampered with, or altered
in any way. M.H.P. sh all n ot be liable f or any transportation charge s, lab or c ost s, or e x port d uties.
Repair or replacem ent of a M .H.P. gas grill part does not ext en d the limited warranty beyon d its origi nal ter m from
date of purchase, or begi n a new limited warranty p erio d.
This warranty does not in clu d e the c o st of a ny i nc on v eni en c e o r prop erty d amage due to the failure of th e pro d uct
and does not cover d amage due to misu se, ab us e, a c cid ent, d amage arising out of transporta tion of th e product, or damage incurred throug h c ommercial use of the prod u cts. T hi s e xp r ess warranty is the sole warra nty gi v en by th e manufacturer and is in lieu of all other warranti es, ex pre s se d or implied, including implie d w arra nty of merchantability or fitness fo r
a particular purpose.
ALL WARAN TIE S are null & void if grills are put into
commercial or co m m u nity us e s uc h a s b y h otels,
condominium a ssoci ations, apart m ent com mittee s,
Date Warranty Registration Was Mailed___________
150 S. RAM RO AD
Antioch, IL 60002
Your MHP Gas Barbecue Gr ill is identified by a model number and a serial number located on the left side of the
control panel. Always use both the model and serial numbers when contacting Modern Home Products about your
grill. For future reference, take the time now to record the model and serial numbers below:
MODEL NUMBE R:____________________ ________ _ _
SERIAL NUMBER:______________________________
DATE PURCHASED:____________________________
How to contact us: phone: 1-888-647-4745, fax: 1-800-637-2918, or E-mail:,
or write: Customer Service
Modern Home Products
150 S. Ram Road
Antioch, IL 60002
To validate your warranty, you need to fill out and send in your warranty card within 10 days. You can either
mail or Fax it to us. Or you can fill out the warranty card at our website:
General Instructions
This installation guide provides you with easy to follow illustrations and instructions to assemble your
MHP Gas Barbecue Grill.
Before you start assembling and using your MHP
Gas Barbecue Grill we recommend that you read
through all precautions, safe guards and instructions to avoid any personal injury or property
Check Local Codes. Contact your local LP dealer or
Natural Gas company for recommended installation
procedures and regulations. If there are no local
codes, installation must conform to the latest National
Fuel Gas Code: ANSI Z 223.1. For Canada, installation must comply with local codes and/or Standard
CAN/CGA-B-149-1 for natural gas installation and
CAN/CGA- B-149-2 for propane installation.
For LP Gas Models the supplied Gaslow GS-801
Regulator must be used. Any replacement pressure
regulator or hose assembly must meet or exceed the
specifications of the Gaslow GS-801 Regulator.
For Natural Gas Models the grill is designed to operate at a pressure of 7” water column (W.C.) (1.75
kPa). Check your gas utility for local pressure. Pressures other than approximately 7” W.C. could affect
the performance of your grill.
There are 9 steps to assembling your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill: The mounting, LP tank mounting, control
panel, gas supply connection, grill lid, lid handle, side
shelves, and rock grate, cooking grid and warming
The grill itself is p ar ti al l y a ss em b l e d w it h th e B u rn e r,
Venturis, Ignitor Collector Box and the Gaslow Regulator installed.
The JNR and WNK grills are specifically designed to
fit the five mounting methods: Cart, In-Ground Post,
Deck/Patio Base, Optimum Console and Built-in. The
TJK Grill is supported by the Optimum Console
mounting and Built-in.
You will need the following tools to assemble
your grill:
• A Phillips head screwdriver
• A standard flat head screwdriver
• Two 7/16” wrenches or sockets
Turn gas OFF at the LP cylinder (or at the shut OFF
valve in the case of Natural Gas) when the MHP Gas
Barbecue Grill is not in use.
Do not store spare LP cylinders under the MHP Gas
Barbecue Grill.
Store disconnected LP cylinders outdoors in a wellventilated area, do not store in shed, building, garage
or in any enclosed area.
Do not install your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill
in or on recreational vehicles and/or boats.
Never use your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill near
combustible surfaces, including roof overhangs, roofs, vinyl siding and window shutters. Maintain at least a 6-foot clearance.
Use this barbecue outdoors in a wellventilated area.
Do not use your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill in a
shed, garage, building, breezeway or a ny
other confined area.
Do not use any kind of combustible material
on or near the top, bottom, back or sides of
the grill. Maintain at least a 2-foot clearance.
Leak test all gas supply line connections.
Do not let children operate a gas grill.
Keep the area around the grill clear of combustible vapors or liquids such as gasoline.
When operating the grill do not leave unattended. Keep children and pets away.
Keep fuel supply hose and electrical supply
cord away from any heated surface.
It should also not be used in an e nclosed area such as a shed
or garage because combustion u ses available oxy gen a nd discharges carbon monoxide.
The grill must be l oc at e d no closer than 24" from any comb us tible surface behind or to the sides. Grill should not be located
under overhead unprotected comb ustible surfaces.
Keep the area a round the grill cle a r of c ombustible mater ials ,
flammable vapors or liquids such as gasoline.
Do not obstruct the flow of com bustion and ventilation air.
Cart Assembly Instructions
Cart Mounting carton contains the following
Please check to be sure that all parts are included before proceeding. Contact your dealer if any parts are
Long Legs 2
Short Legs 2
Lower Shelf Frame 1
Stainless Greas e C up 1
Grease Cup Holder 1
8” Rubber Wheels 2
Axle Hitch Pins 2
Axle Washers 2
Hub Caps 2
Hose Retaining Ring 1
LP Tank Holder Rin g A ss embly 1 (Propane Models Only)
Hardware Kit
¼-20 x 1 ½" Rd. Hd. Slt d. Bolts 11
¼-20 Kep Nuts 15
10-24 x ½" Rd. Hd. Sltd. Bolt 1
10-24 x ½" Hex Kep Nut 1
¼-20 Thumb Sc 1 (Propane Cart Only)
¼-20 x ¾" Hex Head Bolt 1 (Propane Cart Only)
12’ Natural Gas Hose 1 (Nat. Gas Cart Only)
Brass Quick-Disconnect 1 (Nat. Gas Cart Only)
Quick-Disc onnect Dust Plug 1 (Nat. Gas Cart Only)
Dust Cap 1 (Nat. Gas Cart Only)
Complete view of Cart Assembly
Step 1: Leg Assembly
(Fig. 2)
1. Tip the grill head bottom on end as shown in Fig. 2.
(TIP: work on protected area such as: carpet, tarp or
one of the boxes to protect cart finish.)
2. Attach the two short legs to the left end of the grill
head bottom with the “Hose Ring Hole” leg facing
grill front. Use two ¼-20 x 1½" slotted bolts for each
leg. Insert bolts from inside grill box, attach leg and
fasten with ¼-20 Kep nuts.
3. Attach the two long legs to the right end of the grill
head bottom. Use two ¼-20 x 1½" slotted bolts for
each leg. Insert bolts from inside grill box, attach leg
and fasten with ¼-20 Kep nuts.
4. Attached the hose clamp ring to the front left short
leg with the 10 x 24 x ½" Rd. Hd. slotted bolt.
Step 2: Lower Shelf Assembly
(Fig. 3)
1. Slip the lower shelf axle through the holes in the
short legs.
2. Slide the wheels on the axle ends, then a washer
on each, followed by a hitch pin clip through the
axle hole. Tap plastic hub cap lightly to secure
3. Align the other end of the lower shelf with the holes
in the long legs. For the JNR model, slip the axle
through the holes and fasten both ends with the
threaded ¼-20 x ¾" slotted Rd. Hd. head bolt. For
WNK model, use two ¼-20 x 1½" bolts and Kep
nuts to fasten the lower shelf to the long legs (see
Fig 3 inset).
Fig. 3
For Natural Gas Models
Note: Tank Holder Rin g is n ot incl ud ed w ith n atur al
gas models.)
If the grill is to use natural gas from the supplied 12foot hose: the hose must pass through the hose
clamp (See Fig. 1). The hose will have a quickdisconnect fitting at the source and the source will
have a gas shut off valve with easy access.
When you have completed the mount assembly
go to the appropriate Grill Assembly Section and
assemble the grill head.
Caution: Combustible material should never be
within 24 inches of the top, bottom, back or
sides of your MHP Gas Barbecue Grill.
Step 3: Tank Holder Ring Assembly For LP
Gas Models
1. The L.P. Tank Holder Ring Connects to the lower
shelf cross frame with the ring notches resting on
the axle frame.
2. Align the rear tank ring-fitting hole over the lower
cross frame hole. Insert a ¼ - 20 x
through the top and fasten with a ¼ - Kep nut
from below.
3. Fasten the thumb screw (¼- 20 x ¾") to the tank
ring fitting with the ¼ - 20 Hex nuts. The Hex nut
slips into the captive slot on the tank ring fitting.
4. Use a ¼ - 20 x 1½" slotted bolt and a ¼ - 20 Kep
nut to connect the tank holder flanges together.
(Fig. 4)
slotted bolt
Deck/Patio Mounting
Assembly Instructions (MPB)
•Either the JNR or WNK model grills may be
mounted on the Deck/Patio base.
•The gas supply may be either LP or Natural.
•The grill head bottom should not be attached
to the post until the mo unt is fasten to a
Please check to be sure that all parts are included
before proceeding. Contact your dealer if any parts
are missing.
Parts Quantity
2' Post 1
Patio Base 1
Post Access Door 1
Grease Cup H older 1
28” Stainless Steel Tubing 1
Stainless Steel Grease Cup 1
1. Turn base on edge and insert the 2’ post. Align the
notches in the post with the notches in the base. IMPORTANT: Close tolerances may require you to tap
the top of the post to seat it completely in the base
socket which will then align the bolt slots.
2. Fasten post to base with four ¼ - 20 x ¾" Hex bolts,
washers and Kep nuts. Follow exact placement of
washers as indicated. Tighten securely.
3. Attach the tube clip with the 8 - 32 self-tapping screw
either on the right or left side of the base depending
on the direction of your gas supply line.
(Fig. 5)
3. Secure the gas line with the tube clip. (Option: On a
raised deck if the gas supply line is to be run straight
up into the post from below use the tube clip to attach
the gas line to the deck for support.
4. At the access door connect a 3/8" flare coupling (not
supplied by MHP) to the gas supply line and Stainless
Steel tubing. Position the tubing in the top notch of the
post. Bend the tubing at the top end to match the Feed
Line of the grill valve. Do not kink the tubing.
TUBE BENDING: For prop er b en din g of the stainless steel
tubing, see page 26 for bending instructions.
Step 2: Deck/Patio Mounting Installation
(Fig. 6)
Position the patio base at the desired location on a
deck or patio. CAUTION: Be certain there are no
combustible mater ials abo ve, be hin d, left or right
closer than 24" away.
1. Mark the location of the four holes at the outside
corners of the patio base and drill four holes. The
base will be fastened down with lag bolts (not supplied by MHP) after you have connected the gas
supply line. The top post notch is the front and the
rear access door will be in the back of the grill.
2. Run the gas supply line into the post from the bottom to reach the access door and bend it 90° to
exit the base at either notch. The patio base is
notched on two sides to allow the gas line to exit
either right or left.
Step 3: Attaching The Grill Head Bottom To The
Deck/Patio Post
1. To make the post-to-flange connection easier, remove the g rill b u rn e r b y t a ki ng o u t th e s m a ll clip lo cated under the bottom grill head. This will allow access to hold the Kep nuts inside the post.
2. Set the grill head bottom carefully in place, align
holes and use the ¼ - 20 x ¾" bolts and ¼-20 Kep
nuts to attach the grill flange to the post.
(Fig. 7 & Fig. 8)
3. Mount the grease cup holder to the rear flange hole
with a ¼ - 20 x ¾" bolt and ¼-20 Kep nut. The
grease cup holder is supplied with the grill head.
When you complete the mount assembly go to
the appropriate Grill Assembly Section and assemble the grill head.
In-Ground Mounting
Assembly Instructions (MPP)
•Either the JNR or WNK model grills may be
mounted on the In-Ground Mounting base.
•The gas supply may be either LP or Natural.
•To protect against corr osi on, yo u mus t a pply
a suitable coating on the post to retard the
effects of corrosion existing in local areas.
•The grill head should not be attached to the
post until the post is permanently cemented
in ground.
Please check to be sure that all parts are included before proceeding. Contact your dealer if any parts are
Parts Quantity
4' Post 1
Post access door 1
28” Stainless Steel Tubing 1
Stainless Steel Grease Cup 1
Stainless Grease Cup Holder 1
¼ - 20 x ¾" Hex Head Bolts 3
¼ - 20 Kep Nuts 3
Step 1: In-Ground Mounting Installation
1. Dig a posthole about 8 inches wide by 2 feet deep. Caution: Locate the hole so that the
mounted grill head has a clearance of 24
inches away from any combustible object or
surface; above, back, left or right.
Center the post in the hole and plumb it. Pour in
(Fig. 9)
cement (gravel) up to the gas line access hole.
Keep in mind that the gas line access hole is on
the back of the post and the notch at the top if facing front. Recheck plumb and allow cement to set.
2. Run the gas supply line into the post access hole
(just above the cement). Make a 90° bend to reach
the access door opening.
The gas supply line should be trenched at least 18
inches below the surface of the ground to prevent
damage from digging. CAUTION: The gas supply
line must be regulated (in the case of natural
gas that means connected after your gas meter
and regulator) and that you have an easily accessible shut-off valve.
3. At the access door connect a 3/8" flare coupling
(not supplied by MHP) to the gas supply line and
Stainless Steel tubing. Position the tubing in the top
notch of the post. Bend the tubing at the top end to
match the Feed Line of the grill valve. Do not kink
the tubing.
TUBE BENDING: For prop er b en din g of the stainless steel
tubing, see page 26 (Fig. 47) for bending instructions.
Step 2: Attaching The Grill Head Bottom To
The In-Ground Post
To attach the grill head to the post please refer to Step
3 of the Deck/Patio installation procedures on page 8
and follow instructions.
When you complete the mount assembly Go to the
appropriate Grill head section and assemble the
Grill Head.
(Fig. 7 & 8)
Stainless Steel Optimum Console
Assembly Instructions
•The JNR, WNK or TJ K mo del grills may be
mounted on the O pti mu m Co ns ole.
•The gas supply may be either LP or
•The grill head should not be attached to the
Optimum Cons ole until th e cons ole is
completely assembled
•The Optimum C onsole comes in two cartons—Box A contains the console and all
associated hardware. Box B contains either
the pedestal or cart base and all base
Please check to be sure that all parts are included
before proceeding. Contact your dealer if any parts are
Parts Quantity
Stainless Steel Front Panel 1
Stainless Steel Console 1
Stainless Grease Cup 1
Tank Lock Ba r 1
Hardware Kit
Nylon Lock Bar Spacers 2
¼ - 20x1¼" S.S. Hex Head Bolts 4
¼ - 20 S.S. KEP Nuts 12
¼ S. S. Washers 10
¼ - 20 x ¾" S.S. Hex Bolts 8
Rectangular Washers 4
2-piece Gasket 1
Cast A luminu m Base 1
12’ Nat. Gas Hose/Quick Discoun t 1
Gas Only)
Stainless Steel Flexible Tubing, 28”
Gas Only)
Axle 1
Axle Clips 2 (
6 " Wheels 2
Hub Caps 2
(Cart Nat.
1 (Pedestal Nat.
(Cart Only
Cart Only)
(Cart Only)
(Cart Only)
Step 1: Connect the Tank Locking Bar
(Fig. 10)
1. From box “A” locate and attach the Tank Lock Bar
across the back of the pedestal column. Use the ¾"
S.S. Hex bolt, Nylon Lock Bar Spacer and a Kep nut
on each side to fasten the Tank Lock Bar in place.
This spreads and holds the correct spacing at the
back of the column.
Step 2: Attach the Base to the Pedestal
(Fig. 11)
1. Before bolting the pedestal column to the base, the
2-piece gasket must be installed to create a barrier
between the two metals. Remove the backing strips
from the gasket to expose the adhesive and stick
the gasket to the bottom lip of the pedestal column.
Make sure to align the holes.
2. Attaching the pedestal column to the base will be
easier to handle by laying the pedestal column face
down and matching the holes on the pedestal column lip to the holes on the base. Use six ¾” bolts,
four large rectangular washers, and on the underside six round washers and KEP nuts.
IMPORTANT: the large rectangular washers are
used at the sides on top of the pedestal column lip.
The round washers and KEP nuts are used under
the base. Tighten securely and stand unit upright.
Note: While assem blin g, p eel t he thi n white protective film
covering the stainle ss ste el s urfac es, especially in areas
which will be partially hidden after assembled. Do Not
Scrape off.
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