mhouse TX User Manual

IST218.4851 REV.00 del 22-12-2005
Technical Characteristics
TX3 -TX4 -TX4/U are produced by NICE S.p.a. (TV) I, MHOUSE S.r.l. is an affiliate of the Nice S.p.a. group. Nice S.p.a., in order to improve its products, reserves the right to modify their technical characteristics at any time without prior notice. In any case, the manufacturer guaran­tees their functionality and fitness for the intended purposes. Note: all the technical characteristics refer to a temperature of 20°C.
Type: Radio transmitters for control of automatic gates and doors Technology adopted: AM OOK coded modulation of radio carrier
Frequency: 433.92 Mhz Coding: Rolling code with 64 Bit code (18 billion billion
combinations) Buttons: TX3 3 - TX4 4 - TX4/U 4, each button sends a command and can be used for the different commands of the same control unit or to command different control units.
Irradiated power: Approx. 0.0001W Power supply: 6V +20% -40% with two CR2016-type
Lithium batteries Battery life: 3 years, estimated on the basis of basis of 10 commands/day, each lasting 1s at 20°C (at low tempera­tures the efficiency of the batteries decreases)
Ambient operating temperature: -20 ÷ 55°C Use in acid, saline or potentially explosive atmos­phere: No Protection class: IP40 (suitable for use indoors or in pro-
tected environments)
Dimensions / weight: 720 x 31 h 11mm / 18g
Caractéristiques techniques
TX3 -TX4 -TX4/U est produit par NICE S.p.a. (TV) I, MHOUSE S.r.l. est une société du groupe NICE S.p.a. Dans le but d’améliorer les produits, NICE S.p.a. se réserve le droit d’en modifier à tout moment et sans préavis les caracté­ristiques techniques, en garantissant dans tous les cas le bon fonctionnement et le type d’utilisation prévus. N.B.: toutes les caractéristiques techniques se réfèrent à la température de 20°C.
Typologie: Émetteurs radio pour télécommande d’automa­tismes pour portails et portes automatiques Technologie adoptée: Modulation codée AM OOK de por­teuse radio
Fréquence: 433,92 Mhz Codage: Rolling code avec code à 64 Bits (18 milliards de
milliards de combinaisons) Touches: TX3 3 - TX4 4 - TX4/U 4, chaque touche peut être utilisée pour les différentes commandes de la même logique ou pour commander différentes logiques.
Puissance irradiée: 0,0001W environ Alimentation: 6V +20% -40% avec 2 piles au lithium type
CR2016 Durée des piles: 3 ans, estimée sur la base de 10 com­mandes/jour d’une durée d’1 s à 20°C (à basse température l’efficacité des piles diminue)
Température ambiante de fonctionnement: -20 ÷ 55°C Utilisation en atmosphère acide, saline ou potentielle­ment explosive: Non Indice de protection: IP40 (utilisation à l’intérieur de la maison ou
dans des milieux protégés)
Dimensions / poids: 720 x 31 h 11 mm / 18 g
remote control
Installation instructions and warnings
Istruzioni ed avvertenze per l’installazione
Instructions et avertissements pour l’installation
Anweisungen und Hinweise für die Installation
Instrucciones y advertencias para la instalación
Installatievoorschriften en waarschuwingen
Características técnicas
TX3 -TX4 -TX4/U es un producto de NICE S.p.a. (TV) I, MHOUSE S.r.l. es una sociedad del grupo NICE S.p.a. A fin de mejorar sus productos, NICE S.p.a. se reserva el derecho de modificar las características técnicas en cual­quier momento y sin previo aviso, garantizando siempre la funcionalidad y el uso previstos. Nota: todas las características técnicas se refieren a una temperatura de 20°C.
Tipo: Transmisores radio para el control de automatizacio­nes para cancelas y portones automáticos. Tecnología adoptada: Modulación codificada AM OOK de portadora radio
Frecuencia: 433.92 Mhz Codificación: Rolling code con código de 64 Bits (18 mil
billones de combinaciones) Botones: TX3 3 - TX4 4 - TX4/U 4, cada botón envía un mando y puede utilizarse para los diferentes mandos en la misma central o para accionar diferentes centrales.
Potencia irradiada: 0,0001W aprox. Alimentación: 6V +20% -40% con 2 baterías de Litio tipo
CR2016 Duración de las baterías: 3 años, estimada sobre una base de 10 mandos/día de duración 1s a 20°C (a tempera­turas bajas la eficiencia de las baterías disminuye)
Temperatura ambiente de funcionamiento: -20 ÷ 55°C Empleo en atmósfera ácida, salobre o con riesgo de explosión: No Grado de protección: IP40 (empleo en vivienda o entornos
Dimensiones / peso: 720 x 31 h 11mm / 18g
Caratteristiche Tecniche
TX3 -TX4 -TX4/U sono prodotti da NICE S.p.a. (TV) I, MHOUSE S.r.l. è una società del gruppo NICE S.p.a. Allo scopo di migliorare i prodotti, NICE S.p.a. si riserva il diritto di modificare le caratteristiche tecniche in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso, garantendo comunque funzio­nalità e destinazione d’uso previste. Nota: tutte le caratteristiche tecniche sono riferite alla tem­peratura di 20°C.
Tipologia: Trasmettitori radio per il controllo di automatismi per cancelli, portoni automatici, tende e tapparelle Tecnologia adottata: Modulazione codificata AM OOK di portante radio
Frequenza: 433.92 Mhz Codifica: Rolling code con codice a 64 Bit (18 miliardi di
miliardi di combinazioni) Tasti: TX3 3 - TX4 4 - TX4/U 4, ogni tasto invia un coman­do e può essere utilizzato per i diversi comandi della stessa centrale oppure per comandare diverse centrali.
Potenza irradiata: 0,0001W circa Alimentazione: 6V +20% -40% con 2 batterie al Litio tipo
CR2016 Durata delle batterie: 3 anni, stimata su una base di 10 comandi/giorno della durata di 1s a 20°C (alle basse tem­perature l’efficienza delle batterie diminuisce)
Temperatura ambientale di funzionamento: -20 ÷ 55°C Utilizzo in atmosfera acida, salina o potenzialmente esplosiva: No Grado di protezione: IP40 (utilizzo in casa o ambienti pro-
Dimensioni / peso: 720 x 31 h 11mm / 18g
Technische Merkmale
TX3 -TX4 -TX4/U ist von NICE S.p.a. (TV) I hergestellt, MHOU­SE S.r.l. ist eine Gesellschaft der NICE S.p.a. Gruppe. Für eine Verbesserung der Produkte behält sich NICE S.p.a. das Recht vor, die technischen Merkmale jederzeit und ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung zu ändern, wobei aber vorgesehene Funk­tionalitäten und Einsätze garantiert bleiben. Bitte bemerken: alle technischen Merkmale beziehen sich auf eine Temperatur von 20°C.
Typik: Funksender für Automatismen von automatischen Türen und Toren Angewendete Technologie: AM OOK codierte Funkträ­germodulation
Frequenz: 433.92 Mhz Codierung: Rolling Code mit 64 Bit Code (18 Billiarden
Kombinationen) Tasten: TX3 3 - TX4 4 - TX4/U 4, jede Taste sendet einen Steuerbefehl und kann für verschiedene Befehle derselben Steuerung oder zum Steuern verschiedener Steuerungen benutzt werden.
Ausgestrahlte Leistung: ca. 0,0001W Versorgung: 6V +20% -40% mit 2 Lithiumbatterien CR2016 Dauer der Batterien: 3 Jahre, geschätzt auf 10 Befeh-
len/Tag mit einer Dauer von 1s bei 20°C (bei niedrigen Tem­peraturen verkürzt sich die Dauer der Batterien)
Umgebungs- und Betriebstemperatur: -20 ÷ 55°C Benutzung in säure- und salzhaltiger oder explosions­gefährdeter Atmosphäre: Nein Schutzart: IP40 (Benutzung im Haus oder geschützter
Abmessungen / Gewicht: 720 x 31 h 11mm / 18g
Technische kenmerkene
TX3 -TX4 -TX4/U is een artikel van NICE S.p.a. (TV) I, MHOUSE S.r.l. is een vennootschap behorende tot de groep NICE S.p.a. NICE S.p.a. zich het recht voor op ieder moment en zonder voorbericht wijzigingen aan te brengen aan de technische kenmerken zonder afbreuk te doen aan de goede werking en gebruiksbestemming daarvan. kenmerken hebben betrekking op een temperatuur van 20°C.
Type: Radiozenders voor automatisering voor hekken en automatische deuren Gebruikte technologie: Gecodeerde modulatie AM OOK van radiodrager
Frequentie: 433.92 Mhz Codering: Rolling code met 64 Bit code (18 miljard miljard
combinaties) Toetsen: TX3 3 - TX4 4 - TX4/U 4, elke toets zendt een Opdracht en kan gebruikt worden voor verschillende opdrachten van dezelfde besturingseenheid of om verschil­lende besturingseenheden te besturen.
Uitstralingsvermogen: ongeveer 0,0001W Voeding: 6V +20% -40% met 2 Lithiumbatterijen type CR2016 Duur batterijen: 3 jaar, geschat op basis van 10 opdrach-
ten/dag van een duur van 1s bij 20°C (de batterijwerking vermindert bij lage temperaturen)
Bedrijfsomgevings-temperatuur: -20 ÷ 55°C Gebruik in zure, zoute of potentieel explosieve atmo­sfeer: Nee Beschermingsgraad: IP40 (gebruik in huis of in
beschermde omgevingen) Afmetingen / gewicht: 720 x 31 h 11mm / 18g
Ter verbetering van haar artikelen behoudt
Opmerking: alle technische
“TX3 - TX4 - TX4/U” Radio Transmitters
• Before installation, check that the product is suitable for use, paying particular attention to the information in the “Technical Data” chapter.
• MHOUSE disclaims responsibility for any damage resulting from the improper use of the prod­uct, the only use authorized by the manufacturer being the one described in this manual.
• The packing materials must be disposed of in compliance with local regulations.
• The transmitter must be kept away from any sources of excessive heat, as well as flames. Any of the above may damage the motor and cause it to malfunction or create dangerous situations.
Warning: even if the batteries are used up, they may still contain pollutants and therefore must not be thrown away with the ordinary rubbish. Dispose of them properly, complying with the methods prescribed for batteries by local regulations.
• Special warnings concerning this product's suitability for use as envisaged by Directive "R&TTE" 1999/5/CE.
- This product meets the essential requirements of article 3 of Directive "R&TTE" as regards its use and the intended purpose stated in this instruction manual; any use that does not conform to this purpose is prohibited.
- The range of radio frequencies available for use is subject to national legislation. Models: EU version (including Switzerland): TX3, TX4
- If the country in which the product is going to be used is not among those specified above, it is the installer's responsibility to check that the frequency on which the product works is available for use.
Product description and intended use
The TX3 and TX4 transmitters (fig.1) allow the user to remote control the corresponding radio receivers, or alternatively the control units for gates or motors for awnings, sun screens or rolling shutters. They are only suitable for use in MHOUSE automation systems. The TX3 is designed specifically for operating motors for awnings and rolling shutters; it fea­tures 3 buttons which can be used for the 3 types of command of a single automation sys­tem, or to control up to 3 different automation systems or receivers. The TX4 is intended specifically for gates; it features 4 buttons that can be used to enter 4 types of command for a single automation system, or to control up to 4 different automation systems or receivers. Transmission of the command is confirmed by the LED [A] shown in Fig.1; an eyelet [B] Fig.1 allows it to be hung on a key ring. The TX3 transmitter is equipped with a fitting support, which allows the unit to be wall­mounted if desired. When fastening the support, if the surface is smooth and solid, the adhe­sive provided may be used; if not, the screw supplied for this purpose can be used (with the wall plug if necessary), see Fig.2.
Transmitter memorization modes
To enable the transmitter to command a control unit, a radio receiver or a motor for awnings and rolling shutters, a memorization procedure must be carried out. Two methods can be followed to memorize the new transmitter:
Mode 1: in this “mode”, all the radio transmitter buttons are used and each button per- forms the command configured in the control unit or receiver used (see table 1); in “mode 1” the radio transmitter can be used to command only one automation.
Table 1: Transmitter operation in Mode 1
Tx3 Tx4 Control unit Radio receiver Motor for awnings
Button Button T1 “OPEN” command Activation of output N.1 Raise Button Button T2 Button Button T3 “Open only” command Activation of output N.3 Raise
Mode 2: in this “mode”, each transmitter button can be associated to any command avail- able on the control units or radio receiver outputs (see table 2).
Table 2: Transmitter operation in Mode 2
Command N.1 “OPEN” Activation of output N.1 Raise Command N.2 “Open partially” Activation of output N.2 Stop Command N.3 “Open only” Activation of output N.3 Lower Command N.4 “Close only” Activation of output N.4 Stop This mode, if used properly, enables the control of 2 or more different automations or receivers with one transmitter; each transmitter is, of course, a separate unit, and while some are mem­orized in “mode 1” others can be memorized in “mode 2” on the control unit.
Memorization of the Transmitter Warning: The memorization procedures depend on which control unit or receiver is associ-
ated, this chapter outlines the routine procedures; for more unusual procedures, see the handbook. All Mhouse instruction manuals are also available from: Since the memorization procedures are timed (max. 10 seconds for each stage), you need to read the instructions in the tables before you proceed to carry them out.
Memorization of the Transmitter in “Mode 1” On control units and receivers for gates
Table 3
1. Press Button P1 [H] in Fig.3 for at least 3s; when the P1 LED [I] shown in Fig.3 goes off,
2. Within 10s, press any button on the radio transmitter to be memorized for at least 2s. If
3. If there are other remote controls to be memorized, repeat step 2 within the next 10s, oth-
USA and Canada version TX4/U
Transmitter Command
for gates and rolling shutters
“Open partially” command
Button T4 “Close only” command Activation of output N.4 Stop
Centrale Radio receiver Motor for awnings per cancelli and rolling shutters
release the button.
the memorization procedure is successful, the P1 LED will flash 3 times.
erwise the memorization stage will terminate automatically.
Activation of output N.2 Stop
On control units and receivers for awnings and rolling shutters
If you do not already have an operative transmitter (the old Tx) you will not be able to use this procedure. To memorise the new Tx, follow the procedures outlined in the product's instruc­tion manual.
Table 4
1. Hold down button on the new transmitter to be stored (New TX) until you hear a beep
(after approx. 5 seconds) then release the key
2. Slowly press button ■ three times on a transmitter that has already been stored in the
memory (Old TX)
3. Press and release button ■ on the new transmitter The 3 final beeps indicate that the new transmitter has been stored correctly in the memory. If the memory is full (30 transmitters), the automation will emit 6 beeps to signal that the transmitter cannot be stored.
Memorization of the transmitter in “Mode 2” on On control units and receivers for gates
Table 5
1. Press button P1 as many times as the number corresponding to the desired command,
according to the table 2 (e.g. 3 times for the “Open only” command).
2. Make sure that the P1 LED flashes as many times as the number corresponding to the
selected command.
3. Within 10, press any button on the radio transmitter to be memorized for at least 2s. If the memorization procedure is successful, the P1 LED will flash 3 times.
4. If there are other remote controls to be memorized for the same type of command, repeat step 3 within the next 10, otherwise the memorization stage will terminate automatically.
On control units and receivers for awnings and rolling shutters
If you do not already have an operative transmitter (the old Tx) you will not be able to use this procedure. To memorise the new Tx, follow the procedures outlined in the product's instruc­tion manual.
Table 6
1. Hold down the required key on the new transmitter (New TX) until you hear a beep (after
approx. 5 seconds) then release the key
2. Within 5 seconds press and hold down a key that has already been stored on a transmit­ter (old TX) until hearing 2 short beeps (after approx. 5 seconds) then release the key
3. Within 3 seconds press the same key on the already stored transmitter (old TX) for a num­ber of times equivalent to the required command: 1 = Step-by-Step; 2 = Open; 3 = Close; 4 = Stop Old TX Key 1-4
4. After approximately 3 seconds you will hear a number of beeps equivalent to the chosen command
5. Within 2 seconds press the required key on the new transmitter (new TX) again to confirm the programming.
The 3 final beeps signal that the new transmitter has been stored correctly. If the memory is full (30 transmitters), the automation will emit 6 beeps to signal that the transmitter cannot be stored.
Remote Memorization
It is possible to memorize a new transmitter without directly operating the buttons on the control unit or radio receiver, provided you have an “OLD” pre-memorized operational trans­mitter. The NEW transmitter to be memorized will inherit the characteristics of the OLD one, i.e. if the OLD transmitter was memorized in “mode 1”, the NEW one will also be memorized in “mode 1”. In this case, during the memorization stage you can press any key on the two transmitters. If, on the other hand, the OLD transmitter was memorized in “mode 2”, you must press the button on the OLD transmitter which corresponds to the desired command, and the button on the NEW transmitter to which you wish to associate that command.
Holding the two transmitters, position yourself near the control unit or receiver and perform the following operations:
1. Press the button on the NEW transmitter and hold it down for at least 5s, then release it.
2. Press the button on the OLD transmitter 3 times slowly.
3. Press the button on the NEW transmitter once slowly.
At this point the NEW transmitter will be recognized by the control unit or receiver and will assume the characteristics of the OLD one. If there are other transmitters to be memorized, repeat all the steps above for each new transmitter.
Testing the Transmitter
To test the operation of the transmitter, just press any button, make sure that the red LED flashes and that the automation performs the desired command. The command associated to each button depends on the memorization “mode”.
Replacing the Transmitter Batteries
When the range of the transmitter is significantly diminished and the light emitted by the LED is feeble, the battery is probably exhausted. The transmitter houses two CR2016 type lithi­um batteries. To replace them proceed as follows:
1. Open the bottom by pulling it (Fig.4)
2. Insert a small pointed tool in the slit (Fig.5) and push out the batteries
3. Insert the new batteries, observing the polarity (the “+” symbol towards the top).
4. Close the bottom until it clicks.
Warning: The product runs on batteries which may contain pollutants and
therefore must not be thrown away with the ordinary rubbish. . After remov­ing the batteries (Fig.2) dispose of them properly, complying with the meth­ods prescribed for batteries by local regulations.
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