MHouse GD1, GD5, GD10 User Manual

MhouseKit GD1-GD5-GD10
For the automation of a sectional or overhead door.
ISTGD10-GBR02.4865 - Rev.00 - 01-05-2010
Installation instructions and warnings
STEP 1 4
STEP 2 5
2.1 - Applications 5
2.2 - Description of the automation 5
2.3 - Description of devices 5
- 2.3.1 - GD1K, GD5K and GD10K Electromechanical Gearmotor 6
- 2.3.2 - PH1 photocells (optional) 6
- 2.3.3 - KS1 key-operated selector switch (optional) 7
- 2.3.4 -
FL1 flashing light with incorporated aerial (optional)
- 2.3.5 - TX4 radio transmitter 7
STEP 3 7
3.1 - Preliminary checks 7
- 3.1.1 - Operating limits 9
- 3.1.2 - Tools and Materials 9
- 3.1.3 - List of cables 9
3.2 - Preparing the Electrical System 10
- 3.2.1 - Connection to the Electrical Mains 10
3.3 - Installation of the Various Devices 10
- 3.3.1 - Assembly of the guide supplied with GD1 and GD5 10
- 3.3.2 - Assembly of the guide supplied with GD10 11
- 3.3.3 - Fixing of the gearmotor to the guide 12
- 3.3.4 - Fixing of the gearmotor to the ceiling 12
- 3.3.5 - Photocells (optional) 14
- 3.3.6 - KS1 key-operated selector switch (optional) 14
- 3.3.7 - FL1 flashing light (optional) 15
- 3.3.8 - Electrical connections to the control unit 16
3.4 - Power Supply Connection 16
3.5 - Initial checks 16
- 3.5.1 -
Recognition of Connected Devices
- 3.5.2 - Learning of the door's open and closed positions 17
- 3.5.3 - Testing the radio transmitter 17
3.6 - Regulations 18
- 3.6.1 - Selecting door speed 18
- 3.6.2 - Selecting the type of operating cycle 18
3.7 - Testing and Commissioning 18
- 3.7.1 - Testing 18
- 3.7.2 - Commissioning 19
STEP 4 19
STEP 5 20
5.1 - Advanced Adjustments 20
- 5.1.1 - Adjusting the Parameters with the Radio Transmitter 20
- 5.1.2 - Checking the Adjustments with the Radio Transmitter 20
5.2 - Optional Accessories 20
5.3 - Adding or Removing Devices 21
- 5.3.1 - ECSBus 21
- 5.3.2 - STOP Input 21
- 5.3.3 - Recognition of Other Devices 21
- 5.3.4 - Addition of Optional Photocells 21
5.4 - Memorization of Radio Transmitters 22
- 5.4.1 - Memorization Mode 1 22
- 5.4.2 - Memorization Mode 2 22
- 5.4.3 - Remote memorization 23
- 5.4.4 - Deleting a Radio Transmitter 23
- 5.4.5 - Deleting all the Radio Transmitters 23
5.5 - Troubleshooting 23
5.6 - Diagnostics and Signals 24
- 5.6.1 - Photocells 24
- 5.6.2 - Flashing and courtesy lights 24
- 5.6.3 - Control Unit 25
STEP 6 26
7.1 - Operating guide I
- 7.1.1 - Safety regulations I
- 7.1.2 - Door Control I
- 7.1.3 - Maintenance Operations to Be Performed by the User I
- 7.1.4 - Replacing the Remote Control Battery II
- 7.1.5 - Lamp replacement II
CE Declaration of Conformity of GD Components III
CE Declaration of Conformity of Power Operated Sectional or Overhead Door IV
• In the event that liquid substances have penetrated inside the automation devices, immediately disconnect the power supply and contact the MHOUSE customer service department. The use of GD in these conditions can be dangerous.
•Keep all components of GD away from heat sources and open flames; these could damage the components and cause malfunc­tions, fire or dangerous situations.
• Connect the gearmotor only to a power supply line equipped with safety grounding system.
• All operations requiring the opening of the protection shell of GD device must be performed with the gearmotor disconnected from the power supply; if the disconnection device is not identifiable, post the following sign on it: “WARNING: MAINTENANCE WORK IN PROGRESS”.
• In the event that any automatic switches or fuses are tripped, you must identify the failure and eliminate it before you reset them.
• If a failure occurs that cannot be solved using the information pro­vided in this manual, refer to the MHOUSE customer service depart­ment.
Particular warnings concerning the suitable use of this product in relation to the “Machine Directive” 2006/42/CE:
• This product comes onto the market as a “machine component” and is therefore manufactured to be integrated to a machine or assembled with other machines in order to create “a machine”, under the directive 2006/42/CE, only in combination with other components and in the man­ner described in the present instructions manual. As specified in the direc­tive 2006/42/CE the use of this product is not admitted until the manufac­turer of the machine on which this product is mounted has identified and declared it as conforming to the directive 2006/42/CE.
Particular warnings concerning the suitable use of this product in relation to the “Low Voltage” Directive 2006/95/CE:
• This product responds to the provisions foreseen by the “Low Voltage” Directive if used in the configurations foreseen in this instructions manual and in combination with the articles present in the Mhouse S.r.l. product catalogue. If the product is not used in configurations or is used with oth­er products that have not been foreseen, the requirements may not be guaranteed; the use of the product is prohibited in these situations until the correspondence to the requirements foreseen by the directive have been verified by those performing the installation.
Particular warnings concerning the suitable use of this product in relation to the “Electromagnetic Compatibility” Directive 2004/108/CE:
• This product has been subjected to tests regarding the electromagnetic compatibility in the most critical of use conditions, in the configurations foreseen in this instructions manual and in combination with articles pres­ent in the Mhouse S.r.l. product catalogue. The electromagnetic compati­bility may not be guaranteed if used in configurations or with other prod­ucts that have not been foreseen; the use of the product is prohibited in these situations until the correspondence to the requirements foreseen by the directive have been verified by those performing the installation.
Important installer and user safety instructions
• If this is the first time that you install a GD sectional or overhead door automation system we recommend that you dedicate some of your time to reading this manual. You should read it before you start installing the system, so you don’t have to rush to finish the work.
Keep all the components of the GD system handy so that you can read, check and verify all the information contained in this manual. However, do not carry out the adjustment and memorization stages otherwise, during the actual installation of the products, you will have to deal with settings that differ from the original factory ones.
• When reading this manual, pay special attention to the sections marked by the following symbol:
these sections are particularly important for safety.
• Store this manual safely for future use.
• This manual, as well as the design and manufacture of the devices that make up GD, comply fully with the standards and regulations in force.
• Considering the hazards that may exist during the installation and opera­tion of GD, it is necessary that also the installation be carried out in strict compliance with current legislation, standards and regulations, particularly:
• This manual contains important information regarding personal safety; before you start installing the components, it is important that you read and understand all the information contained herein. Do not proceed with the installation if you have doubts of any sort; if neces­sary, refer to the MHOUSE customer service department for clarifica­tions.
• Follow all installation instructions
• Before you start with the installation, make sure that each single GD device is suitable for the intended automation purposes; pay special attention to the data provided in chapter 6 “Technical Char­acteristics”. If even a single device is not suitable for the intended application, do not proceed with the installation.
• Before you start with the installation, check whether additional devices or materials are needed to complete the automation with GD based on the specific application requirements.
• The GD automation system must not be installed outdoors
• The GD automation system must not be used until the automation has been commissioned as described in paragraph 3.7.2 “Commis­sioning”.
• The GD automation system cannot be considered as a suitable intrusion protection system. If you require efficient protection you need to integrate GD with other devices.
• The packing materials for GD must be disposed of in compliance with local regulations.
• Do not make modifications to any components unless provided for in this manual. This type of operations will only cause malfunctions. MHOUSE disclaims any liability for damage resulting from modified products.
• Components must never be immersed in water or other liquids. Also during installation, do not allow liquids to enter the gearmotor or other open devices.
GD is a set of components designed for the automation of sectional or overhead doors in residential applications.
Any applications other than those described above or under different
conditions from those specified in this manual are forbidden.
GD operates with electric power. In the event of a power failure, the gearmo­tor can be released using a suitable cord in order to move the door manually.
As an alternative, the optional accessory can be used on the GD10 mod­el: PR1 buffer battery.
GD1, GD5 and GD10 can be made-up of the devices shown in Fig. 2 make immediately sure that they correspond to the contents of the pac­kage and verify the integrity of the devices.
Note: to adapt GD1, GD5 and GD10 to local regulations, the contents of the package may vary; an exact list of the contents is shown on the outsi­de of the package under the “Mhousekit GD1 and GD5 contains” and “Mhousekit GD10 contains” heading.
Gearmotor type
Maximum torque (corresponding to the maximum force) Max. No. of ECSBus units Emergency power supply
Guide length
10.8Nm (600N) 1
TABLE 1 - comparison of main features of the GD gearmotor
GD1 and GD5
1 GD1K or GD5K electromechanical gearmotor with incorporated control unit. 1 3-metre guide with pre-assembled belt. 2 coupling profiles 2 ceiling-mounted brackets Miscellaneous small parts: screws, washers, etc. see tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 (*). 1 TX4 radio transmitter. PH1 pair of wall-mounted photocells KS1 key-operated selector switch FL1 flashing light with incorporated aerial.
1 GD10K electromechanical gearmotor with incorporated con ­trol unit. 1 4-metre guide with pre-assembled belt. 3 coupling profiles 4 ceiling-mounted brackets Miscellaneous small parts: screws, washers, etc. see tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 (*). 1 TX4 radio transmitter. PH1 pair of wall-mounted photocells KS1 key-operated selector switch FL1 flashing light with incorporated aerial.
TABLE 2 - Component and accessories list
10.4Nm (800N) 6
con PR1
18Nm (1000N)
con PR1
To clarify a few terms and aspects of a sectional or up-and-over door automation system: In Figure 1 we provide an example of a typical GD1, GD5 and GD10 application:
A) FL1 flashing light with incorporated aerial (optional) B) KS1 key-operated selector switch (optional) C) Pair of PH1 photocells (optional) D) Mechanical stops E) GD1K, GD5K and GD10K gearmotors
* The screws required for mounting GD1, GD5 and GD10 are not supplied as they depend on the type of material and its thickness.
2.3.1 – GD1K, GD5K and GD10K Electromechanical Gearmotor
GD1K, GD5K and GD10K are electromechanical gearmotors made up of a 24Vdc motor. It features a mechanical release mechanism with cord that allows you to move the door manually in the event of a power failure. The gearmotor is fixed to the ceiling with the relative mounting brackets. The PR1 buffer battery can be used on the GD5 and GD10 version, which allows some manoeuvres in the absence of the mains power supply.
The control unit actuates the gearmotors and provides for the control of the supply of the different components; it features an electronic board with incorporated radio receiver.
The control unit can actuate the gearmotor with two speeds: “slow” and “fast”.
The yellow button [C] allows the door to be controlled during testing. The same key will also be operated during daily use, through the incorporated orange button [D].
To facilitate the electrical connections there are separate terminals for each device [A], which are removable and colour-coded based on the function performed. Next to each input terminal there is a LED that signals its status.
The connection to the power supply is very easy: just insert the plug in a power outlet.
ab cd
ef gh
List of small parts
M6 self-tapping nuts
M6x14 screws
6,3x38 tcei screws
4 pcs
4 pcs
4 pcs
List of small parts for PH1
HI LO 4X9,5 screws
3,5X25 self-tapping screw
s 5 c nylon screw anchor
4 pcs
4 pcs
4 pcs
2.3.2 – PH0 photocells (optional)
The pair of PH1 wall-mounted photocells, once they are connected to the control unit, enables the detection of obstacles found on the optical axis between the transmitter (TX) and the receiver (RX).
2 pcs
2 pcs
4 pcs
2 pcs
2 pcs
4 pcs
2.3.3 – KS1 key-operated selector switch (optional)
The KS1 key-operated two-position selector switch enables door control without using the radio transmitter. It is equipped with internal light for locating in the dark.
There are two commands, which depend on the direction of rotation of the key: “OPEN” and “STOP”; then the key, which is spring loaded, returns to the centre position.
List of small parts for KS1
HI LO 4X9.5 screw
3.5X25 self-tapping screw
s 5 c nylon screw anchor
2 pcs
4 pcs
4 pcs
2.3.4 – FL1 flashing light with incorporated aerial (optional)
The flashing light is controlled by the control unit and signals danger when the door is moving. Inside the flashing light there is also the aerial for the radio receiver.
List of small parts for FL1
4.2X32 self-tapping screw
s 6 c nylon screw anchor
4 pcs
4 pcs
2.3.5 – TX4 radio transmitter
The radio transmitter is used for the remote control of the door opening and closing manoeuvres. It features four buttons that can all be used for the 4 types of command to a single automation unit, or to control up to 4 different automation units.
The transmission of the command is confirmed by the LED [A]; an eyelet [B] allows them to be hung on a keyring.
The installation must be carried out by qualified and skilled per­sonnel in compliance with the directions provided in chapter 1 “WARNINGS”.
The GD1, GD5 and GD10 must not be used to power a door that is not efficient and safe and cannot solve defects resulting from incor­rect installation or poor maintenance of the door itself.
WARNING: incorrect installation could cause serious damage.
Before proceeding with the installation you must:
• Make sure that the door movement does not hinder roads or public footpaths.
• After the motor has been installed, remove unnecessary cables or chains and turn off any unneeded equipment
• Make sure that the weight and dimensions of the door fall within the specified operating limits (Chapter 3.1.1). If they do not, GD can­not be used.
• Make sure that the structure of the door is suitable for automation and in compliance with regulations in force.
• Make sure that there are no points of greater friction in the opening or closing travel of the door.
• Make sure that the mechanical structure of the door is sturdy enough and that there is no risk of derailing out of the guide.
• Make sure that the door is well balanced: it must not move by itself when it is placed in any position.
• Make sure that the installation area is compatible with the size of the gearmotor and that it is safe and easy to release it.
• Make sure that the mounting positions of the various devices are protected from impacts and that the mounting surfaces are suffi­ciently sturdy.
• Make sure that the mounting surfaces of the photocells are flat and that they enable the proper alignment between TX and RX.
• Pay attention in particular to the methods for securing the head of the guide and the brackets to the ceiling. The head of the guide will have to bear all the strain of opening and closing the door; the ceil­ing-mounted brackets will have to bear all the weight of GD. In both
cases, the wear and deformations that may occur in time must be taken into consideration.
• Make sure that the minimum and maximum clearances specified in fig. 8 are observed.
• The gearmotor should be mounted so that it coincides with the centre of the door, or is slightly off-centre, e.g. in order to mount the OSCILLATING ARM next to the handle (Figure 9).
• Make sure that, in the position corresponding to the door, or slight­ly to the side, (see positions “A” and “B”) the conditions are suitable for mounting the head of the guide; in particular, the material should be sufficiently sturdy and compact.
Make sure that GD can be mounted on the ceiling along position “C” using the mounting brackets.
If the door to be automated is an up-and-over type door with springs or counterweights, it will be necessary to install an GA1 OSCILLAT­ING ARM, which must be mounted next to the handle (Figure 9).
• Make sure that distance [E] in Figure 10, i.e. the minimum distance between the upper side of the guide and the maximum point reached by the upper edge of the door, is no shorter than 65 mm and no longer than 100 mm, otherwise GD cannot be installed.
If the door closes a room that has no other means of access, we rec­ommend installation of the GU1 EXTERNAL RELEASE KIT, otherwise a simple power failure will prevent access to the room (figure 11). Otherwise a fault or, for the GD1 version with buffer batteries, a sim­ple power failure could prevent access to the room.
Note: the oscillating arm and external release kit are supplied with the related assembly instructions.
2970 mm D 420 mm
B 0÷400 mm
A 40÷400 mm
280 mm280 mm
0÷400 mm
E 65÷100 mm
2) Fit the steel cable
[C] Sheath
[D] Steel cable
[E] Clamp
1) Fit the lever
[A] Lever
[B] Black screw
3.1.2 – Tools and Materials
Make sure you have all the tools and materials needed to install the system; make sure that they are in good condition and serviceable according to current safety standards. See examples in figure 12.
3.1.1 – Operating limits
Chapter 6 “Technical Characteristics” provides the fundamental data needed to determine whether all the GD1, GD5 and GD10 components are suitable for the intended application.
In general the GD1, GD5 and GD10 are suitable for the automation of sec­tional and up-and-over doors for residential applications having the values
shown in the table.
The shape of the door and the climatic conditions (e.g. presence of strong wind) may reduce this maximum limit. In this case it is necessary to measure the torque needed to move the door under the worst conditions, and to compare it to the data provided in the technical characteristics chart for the GD gearmotor.
SECTIONAL doorModel Maximum power
GD1 GD5 GD10
600N 800N
(with accessory GA1)
4.2m 5m 5m
protruding (with GA1)
or with springs (without GA1)
4.2m 5m 5m
3.1.3 – List of cables
The cables required for the installation of GD may vary depending on the type and quantity of devices to be installed; figure 13 shows the cables nee­ded for a typical installation; no cable is supplied with GD.
Note 1 – For the ECSbus, STOP and OPEN cables, there are no special contraindications to the use of a single cable that groups together multi- ple connections; for example, the STOP and OPEN inputs can be connected to the KS1 selector switch using a single 4x0,5mm2cable.
WARNING! – the cables used must be suitable for the type of installation; for example, an H03VV-F type cable is recommended for indo­or applications.
Table 8: List of cables
[A] STOP input
[B] OPEN input
[C] ECSBus input/output
[D] FLASH light output
[E] Radio aerial
Maximum length allowed
20 m (note 1)
20 m (note 1)
20 m (note 1)
20 m
20 m (recommended less than 5m)
Cable type
2 x 0,25 mm2 cable
2 x 0,25 mm2 cable
TX 2 x 0,25 mm2 cable
2 x 0,25 mm2 cable
RG58 type shielded cable
With the exception of the plug and the power cable, the rest of the system uses extra-low voltage (approx. 24V); the wiring can therefore be done by personnel that is not properly qualified, provided that all the instructions in this manual are carefully observed.
After selecting the position of the various devices (refer to figure 12) you can start preparing the conduits for the electrical cables connecting the devices to the control unit.
The shock-resistant conduits are designed to protect the electrical cables and prevent accidental breakage.
Install any fixed control close to the door but away from moving parts and at a height of 1.5m.
3.2.1 – Connection to the Electrical Mains
Although the connection of GD to the electrical mains is beyond the scope of this manual, we wish to remind you that:
• The power supply line must be laid and connected by a qualified professional electrician.
• Have a suitably protected 16A “schuko” outlet installed, where you can plug in GD.
• Make sure that the power supply cable does not hang over moving parts or hazardous areas
• The electric line must be grounded and protected against short cir­cuits; a bipolar disconnection device must also be present with con­tact separation of at least 3 mm, which allows the power supply to be disconnected during the installation and maintenance of the GD.
Depending on the model, the installation of the GD is comprised of the fol­lowing parts:
- Assembly of the guide supplied with GD1 and GD5 (see paragraph
- Assembly of the guide supplied with GD10 (see paragraph 3.3.2)
- Fixing of the gearmotor to the guide (see paragraph 3.3.3)
- Fixing of the gearmotor to the ceiling (see paragraph 3.3.4)
3.3.1 – GD1 and GD5 guide assembly
The guide that is supplied with GD1, GD5 and GD10 must be assembled as follows:
1. Slacken the adjustment screw of the belt tensioner device before
assembling the guide, as in figure 14.
2. Remove the belt from the three pieces that make up the guide
(excluding the part next to the pulley) and place them to one side.
3. With the aid of a hammer, assemble the three pieces of the guide
engaging them into the connection brackets (A) with force, as in fig­ures 15.
Important – the guides must slide into the brackets until they click into position.
4. Carefully reposition the belt into the guide making sure that it is not
5. Connect the head (B) with force into the guide, as in figure 16.
6. Finally, tension the belt with the adjustment screw (D) of the belt ten-
sioner device, as in figure 16a.
Warning - the gearmotor could break if the belt is too taut and if it is too slack, it could cause unpleasant noise.
14 15 16a
With the aid of a hammer, assemble the three pieces of the guide engaging
them into the connection brackets (F) with force, as in figures 22 and 22a.
Important – the guides must slide into the brackets until they click into position.
6 Return the belt tensioner device and carriage to the initial position. Assemble the guide head section [A], as shown in figure 23. This requires a certain force; if necessary use a rubber mallet.
7 Insert the spring, washer and M8 nut [D], in the screw of the belt ten­sioner device, as shown in figure 24.
8 Tension the belt by means of the M8 nut [D] (figure 25) until it is suffi­ciently taut.
4m version:
If the height of the door to be automated is greater than 2.5m assemble the guide as follows:
1 Loosen the M8 nut [D] completely, as shown in figure 26.
2 Slide the belt tensioner device to mid-stroke [E], as shown in figure 27,
and remove the carriage completely.
3.3.2 – Assembly of the guide supplied with GD10
The guide is made up of four 1 m long profiles, which permit 2 versions to be made:
3m version:
If the height of the door to be automated is equal to or less than 2.5 m assemble the guide as follows:
1 Cut the free end of the belt to obtain a length of exactly 2 metres, as shown in figure 17.
2 Loosen the M8 nut [D] completely, as shown in figure 18.
3 Slide the belt tensioner device to mid-stroke [E], as shown in figure 19,
and remove the carriage completely.
4 Pass the free end of the belt through the head section, as shown in fig­ure 20, and secure to the carriage by means of the screws and washers present, as shown in figure 21. Take care when positioning the belt; the teeth must be facing inwards, and it must be straight without twists.
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