MGA Entertainment 247845 response to admin request

Marianne Bosley From: Alice Wong [] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:15 AM To: Marianne Bosley Cc:; Greg Czumak; EED - Choy, Kitty Subject: FCC ID: LU9247845 - MG A Entertainme nt (HK) Lt d.
Dear Marianne,
FCC ID: LU9247845 MGA Entertainment (HK) Ltd.
Thank you for your e-mail, Here is the service agreement & user manual. Please see attached "Agreement" file for service agreement, "manual 1 and manual 2" for user manual.
Best Regards Alice
> 1. LU9247845 - MGA Entertainment > > a. Service Agreement - I cannot locate this. Did you send one in for > this company? Would you either send me a copy of one you have on record, or > get one completed? > > b. 15.21 Statement - I cannot find this statement in the manual. >
Agreement.PDF manual1.pdf manual2.pdf