MFJ-949E Versa Tuner II
MFJ-949E Versa Tuner II
Instruction Manual
General Information
The MFJ-949E is a 300 watt RF output power antenna tuner that will match any transmitter
or transceiver to virtual ly any antenna. Peak or average forward and reflected power and
SWR can be read on the illuminated cross-needle meter.
The MFJ-949E uses a "T" matching network and covers all bands between 160 and 10
meters. This network will tune dipoles, inverted-vees, verticals, mobile whips, beams,
random wires, and many other antennas. The MFJ-949E has rear panel connectors for
coaxial, single wire or two wire feedlines. A built-in 4:1 balun allows the use of balanced
open wire, twinlead, or twin-axial feedlines.
An internal eight position antenna-selector switch selects a built-in 50 ohm dummy load,
two separate coaxial line outputs, or a single wire line-balanced line output. All of these
functions can be selected in tuned (with tuner's "T" network in line) or bypassed (no tuning
circuit) configurations.
Peak Reading SWR/Wattmeter
The illuminated cross-needle meter measures the peak or average FORWARD power,
REFLECTED power, and SWR. The wattmeter is active in all the ANTENNA
SELECTOR positions. To use the wattmeter without the tuning circuit select one of the
The meter's full scale forward and reflected power range is controlled by the left METER
switch that selects 300W or 30W. If your transmitter runs more than 30 watts of output
power, set this switch to 300W (in position). If your transmitter has less than 30 watts of
output, set this switch to the 30W switch position (out).
Peak envelope power (PEP) is measured when the PEAK or AVERAGE METER push
button (right-hand side) in placed in the PEAK (in) position. Peak power and average
power values are equal with steady unmodulated carriers, FSK, or FM. The PEP power is
twice the average power with SSB two tone test modulation, and may be any amount larger
than the average power with SSB voice signals.
Forward power is displayed on the left-hand FORWARD meter scale. This scale is
calibrated from 0 to 300 watts and is read directly in the 300 watt position. Each picket
(scale mark) represents 25 watts between 300 and 100 watts, 10 watts between 100 and 10
watts, and has a single 5 watt picket below 10.

MFJ-949E Versa Tuner II
In the 30W position the forward power scale must be divided by 10. Each picket
represents 1/2 watt below 1 watt, 1 watt from 1 to 10 watts, and 2.5 watts from 10 to 30
The reflected power is read on the right-hand REFLECTED meter scale. This scale
indicates 60 watts full scale when the 300W power sensitivity is selected, and 6 watts full
scale when the 30W power scale is selected. This scale has a picket every 5 watts above 10
watts and at each watt below 10 watts. This scale is al so divided by 10 when using the
30W switch position.
When trying to measure power with a less than perfect match, the reflected power should
be subtracted from the forward power readings. The most accurate peak power readings
are obtained only with a sustained carrier, voice or two tone test modulation. During
normal voice modulation the wattmeter will typically indicate 70% of the true peak power.
The SWR is read directly from eleven red SWR curves that range from 1:1 to infinity.
SWR is measured by observing the point where the forward and reflected power needles
cross. The SWR is indicated by the red curve closest to the needle crossing point. No
cumbersome or time consuming SWR sensitivity adjustments are required with this meter.
The wattmeter has an internal lamp that backlights the meter scale. The lamp circuit
requires power from an external 12 Vdc source, such as the optional MFJ-1312C power
supply. The rear panel jack accepts a 2.5 mm coaxial plug with a positive center pin
polarity. The METER LAMP ON / OFF switch turns the meter lamp off and on.
Antenna Selector
The ANTENNA SELECTOR switch has eight positions. From counter-clockwise to
clockwise the positions are: DUMMY LOAD, BALANCED or SINGLE WIRE LINE,
COAX 1, and COAX 2 with the tuner matching circuits in line, and the reverse sequence
from COAX 2 back to DUMMY LOAD with the antenna tuning circuits bypassed.
Dummy Load
The MFJ-949E has a built-in 50 ohm dummy
load. The internal load will dissipate 300 watts
for 30 seconds, or 100 watts for 90 seconds.
Power levels above 100 watts require a three
minute cooling off period between transmissions.
The load will operate continuously at power
levels of 25 watts or less.

MFJ-949E Versa Tuner II
1. Locate the tuner in a convenient location at the operating position. Avoid placing the
tuner near microphones, speech processors, computers, TNC's or other RF sensitive
WARNING: If random wire or balanced feeders are connected directly to this tuner,
position the tuner so the rear panel terminals can not be accidentally
contacted by persons or conductors. When transmitting with random wire
or balanced lines, the rear panel feed-through insulators can operate with
high RF voltages. These voltages may cause serious RF burns. These
high RF voltages may also damage anything contacting or within a half
inch of the terminals.
2. Install the MFJ-949E between the transmitter and antenna as shown in the diagram
above. Use a 50 ohm coaxial cable to connect the transmitter or transceiver to the SO239 (UHF female) labeled TRANSMITTER on the back of the tuner.
3. Coaxial feedlines attach to the SO-239 (UHF female) connectors labeled COAX 1 and
4. A random wire (longwire) antenna may be connected to the five-way binding post
marked WIRE. See the ANTENNA HINTS section for detailed suggestions on
bringing a single wire feeder into the operating position.