MFJ MFJ-624D User Manual

MFJ-624D Telepatch II Hybrid Phone Patch
Thank you for purchasing the MFJ-624D Telepatch II. We believe this phone patch with its unique hybrid design is one of the finest phone patches on the market today. This patch is designed to provide undistorted audio and good receiver to transmitter isolation. The adjustable NULL control allows over 30 dB null in most telephones to provide smooth VOX operation.
Please take the time to completely read the instruction manual to get familiar with the 624D befo re opera ting, particularly if you have never operated a phone patch before.
The 624D Telepatch IT is designed to remain permanently installed between your transceiver (or transmitter/receiver), your modular telephone, and your receiver's speaker. The telephone and the radio will operate as if the phone patch were not in the circuit when the PATCH IN/BYPASS switch is in the BYPASS (out) position.
I. Connection to Telephone.
A . Disconnect the modular phone from its lin e cord.
B. Connect the line cord from the wall jack to the
modular jack on the Telepatch I I labeled L IN E.
C. Connect a second line cord from the modular jac k on
the Telepatch II labeled PHONE to your telephone.
See Figure 1 for
II. Connection to Radio.
A. Radios With Patch IN/OUT Connectors
1. Connect a shielded audio cable from AUDIO IN on the Telepatch II to PATCH OUT on the radio.
2. Connect a shielded audio cable from AUDIO OUT on the Telepatch II to PATCH IN on the radio.
3. Connect a microphone to the 8-pi n microphone jack on the front panel.
4. Connect a speaker to the speaker out jack of the Telepatch II.
B. Radios Without PATCH IN/PATCH O UT Connectors.
1. Connect a shielded audio cable from the headphones, speaker out, or monitor out jack of the radio to the AUDIO IN jack on the Telepatch II.
2. Connect the 8-pin microphon e ca ble
to the
mic input on your radio.
3. Connect your micr ophone to th e jack of the Telepatch II.
mic input
4. Connect a speaker to the SP EAKE R jack on 624D Telepatch II.
1. The Telepatch II was shipped from the factory with Headers HD2 and HD3 set for Kenwood, Icom and Alinco radios. If you have a Yeasu or Ranger 3500 radio, change the shorting clips on HD2 and HD3 according to Figure 3.
2. Examine the three jumpers on Headers HD2 and HD3. Confirm that the jumpers are on the headers according to the radio with which you are operating the Telepatch II.
NOTE: If your radio is not listed in TABLE 1, use the header
assignment for Icom if your radio uses Pin I for transmit audio. Use the Yaesu assignnment if your radio uses Pin 8 for transmit audio.
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