MFJ MFJ-5004 User Manual

MFJ-5004 Instr ucti on Man ual Professional Function Generator
Thank for your purchase of the MFJ-5004 Professional Function Generator. The MFJ-5004 provides precision sine, square, and triangle waveforms from 1 Hz to 1 M H z i n six decade ranges. ' Waveform amplitude is cont inuously adjustable fro m 0 to 12 volts peak-to-peak. DC offset is adjustable from -6 to +6 VDC. Output impedance is 375 ohms, wit h sh ort- cir cuit outp ut pr otec ti on.
Control Functions
Refer to the following diagram for location of each control.
Power Section
Power Adapter: A 12 VAC power adapter included with this unit for co nne cti ng
to a 120 VAC 60 Hz wall outlet. The MFJ-5004 is designed to run from 12 VAC on ly and will not work with conventional 12 VDC power sources. Use only the wall-adapter transformer supplied or an equivalent AC source.
Power Switch: Used to turn the power on or off. When power is on,
the red LED will illuminate.
PWR LED: Illuminates to indicate the power is on.
MFJ-5004 Instruction Manual Professional Function Generator
Function Gen era tor
Multiplier Switch: A r ot a r y s w i tc h t h at s e le c t s on e o f si x f re q u en c y
ranges for the function generator.
Frequency Control:
A potentiometer that allows for the adjustment of the function generator frequency from 1 to 10 times the Multiplier switch settin g.
Amplitude Control:
A potentiometer that allows for the adjustment of the waveform amplitude from 0 to 12 Vp-p (volts-peakto­peak).
DC Offset Control: A potentiometer that allows f or the ad j ust ment of the wavefo rm D
Waveform Switch: A slide switch that selects one of three function generator
waveforms: square, triangle or sine waveform.
Output Connector: BNC co nnect i o n f or t h e f uncti o n ge n e r a t or out p ut .
To perform the following operation, you need an oscilloscope.
1. Press the Power s witch to the "OFF" p osition. In sert the 12 VA C adapte r into the Power jack at the back panel of the MFJ-5004. Plug the adapter into a wall outlet and turn on the Power switch. The PWR LED should illuminate.
2. Set the Multiplier knob to the 10
position. Set the Fre quency k nob to t he 12 o' cloc k p ositi on . Set the Amplitude knob to maximum. Set the DC Offset knob to the 12 o'clock position. Set the Wa v e f orm sw itch to sine wave.
3. Connect the scope probe to the BNC Output connector and observe the output signal. Set the oscilloscope time base and input attenuator for proper display. A sine wave should be observed.
4. Adjust the Multiplier, Frequency, Amplitude, and /or DC Offset knob an d observe the outpu t signal. Ad justin g the Multip lier or Frequenc y knob
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