MFJ MFJ-492, MFJ-492X User Manual

The MFJ-492 Menu Driven Memory Keyer is a full featured keyer with an easy to use menu driven interface. This unit has four soft sectored message memories for a total of 192 characters. The MFJ-492X Menu Driven Memory Keyer is the same keyer but has message memory expanded to 8 separate 1000 character message memories, giving the unit the "X" designation. The keyer can repeat messages continuously, insert timed pauses within messages, insert an auto-incrementing serial number, and have messages call other messages.

The MFJ-492 has adjustable controls for speed and volume on the front of the unit. Also, the speed, weight, and sidetone frequency are adjustable through menu selection or paddle command. Other modes such as Hand Key, Semi-auto, Reverse Paddle, Iambic On/Off, Iambic A/B, Queue, are accessed through menu selection or paddle command. The MFJ492 has both Direct and Grid-Block outputs and a port for an optional remote control.

MFJ-492 Menu Driven Memory Keyer



Four soft sectored message memories for a total of 192 characters

(MFJ-492) or eight memories of 1000 characters each (MFJ-492X).

Morse Code Trainer:

Random code generator with 5 character or random 1-8 character length words. Random characters are selectable from alphabetic, numeric, or punctuation sets or specific 6 character sets.

Embedded Commands:

Auto-incrementing serial numbers, Timed pauses up to 99 minutes 99

seconds, Message loop, Linked messages, Message insertion.

Adjustable Parameters:

Code speed is variable from 5 to 100 WPM, weight varies from 5 to

95 %.

Parameter Save:

Message memory and keyer parameters saved in nonvolatile memory.

Sidetone Speaker:

Internal sidetone speaker with adjustable volume and frequency.

Output Tune Mode:

Constant key to tune tuners or antennas

Key Output Disable:

Enable and disable key output to practice operation.

Keying Modes

Iambic On/Off, Iambic A or Iambic B, Hand Key (straight key), Semi

Auto (bug), and Reverse Paddle modes are user selectable.

Positive or Negative Key Output:

Supports both positive and negative keyed radios.

Transmitter Compensation:

Adjustable key down delays to compensate for transmitter rise-time delays.


The MFJ-492 Menu Driven Memory Keyer requires a 12 VDC 250 milliamp power supply. The power jack accepts a 2.1mm coaxial plug with the center conductor positive. An optional DC supply, the MFJ-1312B, is available from MFJ. Connect your MFJ-1312B Power Adapter or compatible DC supply (coaxial line with shield ground) into the power jack on the MFJ-492.

This unit supports both positive and negative keyed radios. Connect a standard shielded RCA cable between your radio key input and to the MFJ-492's Direct output for positive keyed radios (most solid state radios) or to the Grid-Block output for negative keyed radios (most radios with tube finals.)

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MFJ MFJ-492, MFJ-492X User Manual

A paddle connects to the stereo phone jack with a shielded cable through the back of the unit. Connect the dot wire of the paddle to the ring on the plug and the dash wire to the center conductor. The shield on the plug should be attached to the paddle ground.

The last port in the back of the unit is for the optional remote control. The remote control gives you remote access to the keyer menu if the main unit is out of reach. It is simply plugged into the connector through the back plate.


The Menu Driven Memory Keyer is simple to operate. The push-button marked PWR controls power to the unit. After turning the unit on, the keyer will light the four LEDs sequentially and send the characters "O" and "N" in Morse Code using the sidetone speaker. This tells you the MFJ-492 is ready for operation.

Start sending with the paddle. Adjust the volume and speed to your preference. If the speed is still too fast or too slow, adjust the range of the speed knob using the Speed Set feature. See Menu Operation.

Factory Reset

To reset the keyer to default settings, the MENU key is held down through power-up. This resets all settings to the factory default:

All memory messages are

Speed set to 20





Weight set to 50% duty

Sidetone frequency set to


2000 Hz.


Iambic A mode selected.

Queue mode off.


Break mode off.

Output enabled.


If the keyer is turned on in the normal mode (without the MENU key held down), then the keyer will retain all settings prior to power down.




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The MFJ-492 menu system consists of a menu button marked MENU, five function buttons marked F1-F5, and four menu LEDs marked A-D. Pressing the MENU key changes the menu level. The keyer will sound an audible key click and light the Menu LED of the new level. The row of boxes beside that LED now contains the functions of keys F1-F5.

For example, to enable the Tune (key down) function, look for the box marked Output Tune on the front panel. It is found on Row B under the column F5. Press the MENU key until the LED marked B lights up. Then press the F5 key. The keyer will respond by entering the Tune mode. Squeeze the paddles to exit that mode.

MFJ-492X Menu Operation

The MFJ-492X, a MFJ-492 with expansion RAM, works a little differently than a normal unit. On a MFJ-492X, Menu A has a LED that is lit either red or green. The red LED indicates the normal compliment of memories ( 1-4 ). The green LED indicates that there is an extra bank of memories ( 5-8 ) available. Memories are set or played the same way and F5 remains Serial Number Decrement on both levels.

Menu A

Message Memory

To play or save to a message memory, select Menu A. To save a message to memory, press and hold the function key until the keyer plays "GO" in Morse code. You may now key in the message of your choice. As you pause after every word, the keyer will play a "W" over the sidetone speaker to show that it is inserting a word break. If the keyer does not recognize your code as a valid character, the keyer will play a series of 8 dots and that character will not be saved. If you make a mistake entering a word, you can back up over it by keying in 8 continuous dots. The keyer will erase the previous word, then play the word before it (if any) to let you know where you stopped. At the end of your message hit the memory function key again to end your message. The keyer will respond by sending an end of message character (+). If you try to save more characters than you have memory, the keyer will automatically end your message, send you an end of message character and lock any unused messages. To play a message, press and release a function key quickly.

Embedded commands:

While in the save message mode you may use embedded commands for special features. To use an embedded command simply store the two

character, embedded command code within your


/N Inserts a serial number into a message.

All nines are sent as "N"

and zeros are sent as "T". A serial number is automatically incremented each time it is sent. To decrement the serial number, press the serial number Decrement menu button. A new serial number can be saved by using the serial number store menu feature. Example: YOU ARE CONTACT NR /N

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