MFJ MFJ-464 User Manual

MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
Front Panel ......................................................................................................................2
Back Panel ......................................................................................................................3
Connecting to a Computer ...............................................................................................5
Basic Operation...............................................................................................................5
How to Use the Menu System..........................................................................................6
The Buttons.....................................................................................................................8
Mode Button........................................................................................................8
MSG1-MSG4 Buttons..........................................................................................8
Button Combinations.......................................................................................................8
Decrement ...........................................................................................................8
Repeat Reader Buffer...........................................................................................8
Freeze Reader Buffer ...........................................................................................9
Pulse Tune ...........................................................................................................9
Carrier Tune.........................................................................................................9
Main Menus .................................................................................................................. 10
Speed................................................................................................................. 10
Weight ............................................................................................................... 10
Tone ..................................................................................................................10
Reader Speed .....................................................................................................10
Setup Menus..................................................................................................................10
Overall Speed ....................................................................................................11
Weight ............................................................................................................... 11
Character Space .................................................................................................12
Word Space ....................................................................................................... 12
Keying Compensation........................................................................................12
Keying Delay..................................................................................................... 12
PTT Hang Time .................................................................................................12
Tone ..................................................................................................................13
Serial Number....................................................................................................14
Leading Zeroes .................................................................................................. 14
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Other Zeroes ...................................................................................................... 14
Nines ................................................................................................................. 14
Queue ................................................................................................................ 15
Using the MFJ-464 Reader ............................................................................................16
Using the MFJ-464 with a Paddle ..................................................................................17
Setup Commands........................................................................................................... 17
Message Memory ..........................................................................................................18
Using the MFJ-464 with a Keyboard .............................................................................19
Quick Mode...................................................................................................................19
Keyboard Layout ...............................................................................................19
Repeat................................................................................................................ 19
Caps Lock..........................................................................................................19
Keyboard Operation ......................................................................................................19
Keyboard Key Combinations.........................................................................................21
Setup Commands........................................................................................................... 22
Message Memory ..........................................................................................................27
Quick Speeds.................................................................................................................27
Using the MFJ-464 with a Terminal Program ................................................................28
Setup Commands........................................................................................................... 28
Message Memory ..........................................................................................................33
Uploading and Downloading Messages ......................................................................... 33
Loading a Memory Block from the Computer ....................................................34
Sending Contents of a Memory Block to the Computer......................................34
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Message Memory ..........................................................................................................35
Preparing Messages.......................................................................................................35
Embedded Commands................................................................................................... 36
Resetting the Keyer .......................................................................................................39
Factory Defaults.................................................................................................39
Message Memory Reset ..................................................................................... 40
Self Test ........................................................................................................................40
Failure Message Meanings.................................................................................41
Power Down Circuit Test .............................................................................................. 41
Jumper Settings .............................................................................................................42
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................42
Technical Assistance .....................................................................................................42
Morse Code Character Set ............................................................................................. 43
Signals Used in Other Radio Services............................................................................ 44
Some CW Abbreviations ...............................................................................................44
Meaning of Q Signals....................................................................................................45
Setup Commands........................................................................................................... 46
Figure 1: MFJ-464 Front Panel .......................................................................................2
Figure 2: MFJ-464 Back Panel ....................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Qwerty Keyboard Layout ................................................................................ 4
Figure 4: Dvorak Keyboard Layout ................................................................................ 5
Figure 5: MFJ-464 Flow Chart and Button Action Chart.................................................7
Figure 6: Code Weight..................................................................................................11
Figure 7: Keying Delay and PTT Hang Time Timing ...................................................13
Figure 8: Rise Time and Decay Time Timing ...............................................................13
Figure 9: MFJ-464 Message Memory Structure ............................................................35
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
The Basics
The MFJ-464 KeyReader is a full-featured memory keyer combining dual microprocessors and a non-volatile EEPROM chip for a full featured, low cost, high reliability design. Unlike other keyers, it uses a LCD display to set keyer functions and show the sending message. The MFJ­464 keys CW from a paddle, a keyboard and a serial computer interface. All code parameters are changed with an easy to use menu interface shown on the LCD display. The MFJ-464 has four message memories of over 220 characters each which can be loaded by paddle, keyboard or from a computer with a terminal program. The MFJ-464 can repeat messages continuously, insert timed pauses within messages, insert an auto-incrementing serial number, have messages call other messages or insert embedded commands into a message. Commands also can be simply sent to the keyer in Morse code using your paddles, keyboard, terminal program on your computer, or push-button switches on the unit.
The MFJ-464 has controls for volume and speed on the front of the unit. The paddle jack connects to any iambic or single lever (dual contact) key paddle. The keyboard port allows use of an optional keyboard for keyboard keying operation. The serial interface allows connection of most RS-232 compatible computers. Some of its features:
2-line by 16-character LCD display.
Iambic keyer with dot and dash memories; automatic, semi-automatic or hand-key mode.
Four messages of over 220 characters each.
Messages may “call” other messages and contain programmed functions.
Input queue to store multiple message activation.
Auto-incrementing contest serial number from 001 to 9999.
Adjustable code speed from 5 to 99 WPM.
Farnsworth mode with speed from 10 to 99 WPM.
Ultra speed mode allows messages at speeds up to 990 WPM.
Adjustable weight on code elements from 25% to 75%.
Adjustable sidetone frequency from 300 to 1000 Hz.
Compensation for transmitter character shortening up to 25 ms.
Keying output delay up to 20 ms to accommodate switching delay.
Push-to-talk (PTT) hang time up to 10 seconds.
Direct (positive) keying.
Carrier tune and adjustable pulse tune functions for transmitter adjustment.
Timed pauses within messages and message loop capability for continuous replay.
Message and keyer configuration saved without battery backup.
Internal sidetone speaker with adjustable volume.
Support for Qwerty and Dvorak keyboards with RepeatKey feature.
190 characters type-ahead keyboard buffer with buffer-full warning.
Reader decodes Morse code up to 99 WPM with automatic speed tracking.
Reader repeat buffer of 80 characters.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Front Panel
100 1
Figure 1: MFJ-464 Front Panel.
LCD Display: A 2-line by 16-character alphanumeric display. It displays the keyer’s
various menus and the code being sent and received. Normally, the top line shows the transmitted characters and the bottom line shows the received characters. The bottom line can be toggle to show the keyboard type-ahead buffer.
Mode Button: The Mode button is time-sensitive and uses to navigate through the various
menus and to enter or exit the setup menus.
Message Buttons: The Message buttons MSG1 to MSG4 are used to program and playback
the four message memories. They also use to navigate through the setup menus. These buttons are time-sensitive.
Lock LED: The Lock LED blinks in sync with the incoming Morse code message.
PWR LED: The PWR LED illuminates when the power to the unit is on. It also blinks
when the keyer is in message program mode and command mode.
Level Control: The Level control adjusts the input level.
Volume Control: The Volume control adjusts the sidetone audio volume to the internal
speaker and Audio Out jack. Turn the control clockwise to increase the volume and counter­clockwise to decrease the volume.
Tone Control: The Tone control adjusts the tone frequency. It is factory set to 700 Hz.
Set Dial Control: The Set dial control adjusts the keyer setting for the active mode. Turn
the control clockwise to increase setting and counter-clockwise to decrease setting.
Power Button: The Power button turns the unit on and off. Press to turn power on; press
again to turn power off.
WARNING: Do not turn the power on and off rapidly, otherwise the memory (keyer
settings) would be corrupted and the unit will have to reset to factory defaults to function properly.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Back Panel
Figure 2: MFJ-464 Back Panel.
Power: The Power jack accepts a 2.1 mm coaxial plug with positive center and negative
sleeve. This unit requires 12 volts DC. An optional 500 mA power supply, the MFJ-1315, is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. This unit requires a minimum of 50 mA at no volume and without using a keyboard and a maximum of 300 mA at maximum volume into an 8-ohm audio load with a typical keyboard. It may require more current depending on the keyboard used; typical keyboard uses about 100 mA.
WARNING: Do not apply voltages greater that 18 volts to this unit, or permanent
damage to the unit may result.
Side Tone: The Side Tone is a 3.5 mm stereo phone jack for connecting to an external
speaker or headphones. This jack accepts both stereo and mono plugs. When this jack is used, the internal speaker is disabled. An optional external speaker, the MFJ-281, is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
WARNING: To prevent suffering hearing damage when using headphones, turn the
Volume control to minimum before putting on the headphones and then slowly adjust for a comfortable volume.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Radio Spkr: The Radio Spkr is a 3.5 mm stereo phone jack for connecting to an external
speaker. This jack is normally a bypass of the Radio In jack. This jack accepts both stereo and mono plugs.
Radio In: The Radio In is a 3.5 mm stereo phone jack for connecting to the radio’s
headphones or line out. This jack accepts both stereo and mono plugs, but only the tip of the plug is used.
PTT Output: The PTT Output is an RCA jack providing connection for a PTT (push-to-
talk) output that goes low when active. This jack is an open-drain output; an external pull-up can be used if so desired. Use a quality-shielded cable for connection to this jack.
Keying Output: This unit supports only positive keyed radios (most solid-state radios). Use
a quality-shielded cable for connection to this RCA jack. Consult your transmitter's manual to determine if it uses direct (positive) or grid-block (negative) keying. If your radio is negative keyed, the transmitter will either not key at all or key continuously.
Serial Port: The serial port on the back of the unit accepts a 3.5 mm stereo phone plug to a
standard 9-pin female plug for connecting the MFJ-464 to a computer for ASCII file transfers or monitoring your sending on the computer screen. A 3.5 mm to DB9 serial cable, the MFJ­5161, is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. If your computer has a 25-pin serial port, use a 9-pin-to-25-pin adapter. If you prefer you can make this cable using the following table:
Connect 3.5 mm Stereo Plug
To DB9 (female)
To DB25 (female)
Tip (TxD)
Pin 2
Pin 3
Ring (RxD)
Pin 3
Pin 2
Sleeve (GND)
Pin 5
Pin 7
To communicate with the MFJ-464, use a terminal program on your computer that is capable of transferring information in ASCII format. Configure the software for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity; set the flow control to Xon/Xoff.
Keyboard: The keyboard port accepts most standard AT style keyboards (XT keyboard
does not work with the MFJ-464). The MFJ-551 keyboard is guaranteed to be fully compatible with the keyer and available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
Configuration of the keyboard operation is set in the Quick mode (see page 19). It allows selection of whether a Qwerty or Dvorak keyboard is used (see Figures 3 and 4). The Repeat feature selects whether or not to repeat a key when it is held down. The Caps Lock power on status can also be selected. The factory defaults are Qwerty keyboard, Repeat off and Caps Lock on.
Key Input: The Key Input jack is a _-inch stereo phone jack. An iambic or single lever
(dual contact) paddle with a shielded cable should be used. When used with paddles, the dot wire should be connected to the tip of the plug, the dash wire to the ring, and the ground wire to the shield.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Figure 3: Qwerty Keyboard Layout.
Figure 4: Dvorak Keyboard Layout.
Connecting to a Computer
You may connect the MFJ-464 to a computer using the 9-pin DIN serial port on the back panel. If your computer has a 25-pin serial port, you can use a 25-pin-to-9-pin adapter.
To use a computer with the MFJ-464, run a terminal program that will upload and download ASCII files, and configure the terminal program to do so. Set the terminal program for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit and no parity; set the flow control to Xon/Xoff. If you see extraneous linefeeds on the computer screen when receiving data from the MFJ-464, you may configure your software to strip out these extra linefeeds.
During sending, the characters sent by the MFJ-464 are sent through the serial port, so you may use your computer to monitor the transmitted copy. You may find this particularly convenient.
You also may upload and download text files between the MFJ-464 and your computer. For details on this, see the discussion of “Uploading and Downloading Messages” on page 33.
2 3
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MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Basic Operation
The MFJ-464 is simple to operate. The Power button controls power to the unit. Start sending with a paddle or keyboard. Adjust the volume and speed to your preference. If the speed is still too fast or too slow, adjust the speed using the Set dial control.
All characters or code sent by the user are played on the sidetone speaker. This allows the user to hear what he is keying, typing, or sending with a computer. Only when the keyer is used with a paddle is the code sent as soon as it is keyed. When using a keyboard or keyer terminal, you may type ahead of the code that is being transmitted. This allows you to enter words and phrases faster than the transmitted code. This permits smoother code with less pauses because you can fix misspelled words and think of the right phrase to use while your previous sentence is being sent.
When you are in command mode, memory save, or configuration mode, the code sent to the speaker is not sent to the Keying Output or your radio. This keeps all erroneous code off of the air.
How to Use the Menu System
You may set up the MFJ-464 to perform any of its many functions by making the appropriate selections from its menu system. This system consists of four main mode menus, 19 setup mode menus and three quick mode menus. You make your selections using the five buttons under the LCD display - Mode, MSG1/Prev, MSG2/Next, MSG3/100 and MSG4/1. These buttons do the following:
Mode - Scrolls through the main mode menus and setup mode menus when press briefly. To
enter the setup mode, press and hold this button for two seconds. To exit the setup mode, press this button to go back to the main mode.
MSG1/Prev - Play/program message 1 or go to the previous setup menu.
MSG2/Next - Play/program message 2 or go to the next setup menu.
MSG3/100 - Play/program message 3 or select step of 100 in setup mode.
MSG4/1 - Play/program message 4 or select step of 1 in setup mode.
The main mode menus are arranged in a "wrap-around" structure, so that momentarily pressing the Mode button will bring up another main menu in a sequence. Figure 5 shows the sequence of the main mode menus. When power is turned on, the main menu displayed is the one that was displayed when the unit was last turned off.
The setup mode menus are also arranged in a "wrap-around" structure, so that pressing the Previous or Next button will bring up another setup menu in a sequence. Figure 5 shows the sequence of the setup mode menus. When entering the setup mode, the setup menu displayed is the one that was last used.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
To see how the setup mode menus system works, consider the following example.
EXAMPLE: To enter the setup mode, press and hold the Mode button for two seconds. If the display shows that you are in the Farnsworth menu, pressing the Next button would put you in the Weight menu and pressing the Previous button would put you in the Overall Speed menu. Adjusting the Set dial control would lower or raise the overall code speed. Once you have selected the speed you desire, you may leave the setup mode by pressing the Mode button again; or press Previous or Next button to go to another setup menu.
Once you have made your choices within the setup mode, they will be saved in non-volatile memory for your next session.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Press + to decrement serial number.
Press + to increment serial number.
Press + to toggle repeat reader buffer.
Press + to toggle freeze reader buffer.
Press + to enter pulse tune mode.
Press + to enter carrier tune mode.
For 2 sec.
For 2 sec.
Program Message 1 Playback Message 1
Program Message 2 Playback Message 2
Program Message 3 Playback Message 3
Program Message 4 Playback Message 4
Reader Speed
Figure 5: MFJ-464 Flow Chart and Button Action Chart.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
The Buttons
The Buttons
Mode Button [MODE]
The Mode button is used to change keyer mode. In the main mode, press Mode button to cycle among Speed, Weight, Tone and Reader Speed menus. This button is also used to enter and exit the setup mode, or used in combinations with other buttons and paddles to perform special functions.
Message Buttons [MSG1] to [MSG4]
There are four messages buttons corresponding to the four messages. To play a message, press and release the corresponding message button. To save a message, press and hold a message button for two seconds until the keyer responds with “GO” (dah-dah-dit dah-dah-dah). You may then key in a message using the paddle, keyboard or terminal. Press any message button to end the message. Refer to “The Memory” section on page 35 for explanation of the MFJ-464’s message memory.
Button Combinations
The Mode button can be pressed in combination with another button or paddle to perform special functions. To do this, press and hold the Mode button, within two seconds press another button or paddle, and then release both buttons and paddle.
Decrement [MODE] + [MSG1]
Press and hold the Mode button and within two seconds press the MSG1 button to decrement the serial number by one, effectively canceling the automatic increment applied when last played from a message. The decrement function accommodates re-sending the last serial number, as might be needed when a repeat of a contest exchange is requested, or canceling the exchange with a station that proved to be a “dupe”. The unit will echo a "D" (dah-di-dit) for every number that is decrement. Decrement serial number 0001 rolls over to 9999, because the number 0000 is not used.
Increment [MODE] + [MSG2]
Press and hold the Mode button and within two seconds press the MSG2 button to increment the serial number by one. The unit will echo an "I" (di-dit) for every number that is increment. Increment serial number 9999 rolls over to 0001, because the number 0000 is not used.
Repeat Reader Buffer [MODE] + [MSG3]
Press and hold the Mode button and within two seconds press the MSG3 button to repeat the reader buffer.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Freeze Reader Buffer [MODE] + [MSG4]
Press and hold the Mode button and within two seconds press the MSG42 button to freeze the reader buffer.
Pulse Tune [MODE] + [DIT]
Press and hold the Mode button and within two seconds tap the Dit paddle to engage the pulse tune mode. The keyer will send a continuous string of pulses to tune your station. The rate (speed of 50 to 99 WPM) and the duty cycle (weight of 1% to 35%) of the pulses can be adjusted with the message buttons. Press MSG1 button to decrease speed and MSG2 button to increase speed. Press MSG3 button to decrease weight and MSG4 button to increase weight. Press Mode button, either paddle or the ESC key to exit.
Carrier Tune [MODE] + [DAH]
Press and hold the Mode button and within two seconds tap the Dah paddle to engage the carrier tune mode. The keyer will key continuously to tune your station. Press any button, paddle or key to exit.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
The Menus
Main Mode Menus
The main mode menus allow you access to the commonly used functions. There are four main mode menus arranged in a “wrap-around” structure. When power on, keyer operation starts with the main menu that was last used. The four main menus give you easier access to the frequently adjusted settings and display their current values. Within each main menu, press the Mode button briefly to view the next main menu. Turn the Set dial control to change the setting of the current menu. Press and hold the Mode button for two seconds to enter the setup mode (see below).
This menu is placed in the main menus to allow easier access to change the overall speed in the range of 5 to 99 WPM. When s## is displayed, turn the Set dial control to change the overall
sending speed. Note that setting the overall speed higher than or equal to the Farnsworth speed will disable Farnsworth spacing.
This menu is placed in the main menu to allow easier access to change the weight of code elements in the range of 25% to 75%. Weight is the duty cycle of a continuous string of dots,
which is 50% for perfect code. When w## is displayed, turn the Set dial control to change the code weight. A higher weight produces a heavier sound, and a lower weight causes characters to sound lighter.
This menu is placed in the main menu to allow easier access to change the audio frequency of the sidetone in the range of 305 to 1006 Hz. When t## is displayed, turn the Set dial control to
change the sidetone frequency. Note the one’s digit is not displayed and 1006 Hz is displayed as t99. Most people prefer 700 to 800 Hz sidetone.
Reader Speed
This menu shows the code speed of the incoming Morse code message as ### WPM. Maximum reader speed that can be displayed is 127 WPM.
Setup Mode Menus
The setup mode menus allow you to set up how the MFJ-464 works and behaviors. There are 19 setup mode menus arranged in a “wrap-around” structure. To access these setup menus, press and hold the Mode button for two seconds. The setup menu that will display is the one that was last used. When finishing, press the Mode button again to go back to the main mode for normal operation. The LED will blink to indicate that you are in the setup mode. The Keying Output and PTT Output are also disabled.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Within each setup menu:
Press the Mode button to exit the setup mode and go back to the main mode.
Press the Next button to view the next setup menu; press the Previous button to view the
previous setup menu.
Press the “100” button to set incremental step to 100; press the “1” button to set incremental
step to 1. This affects the Set dial control in the PTT Hang Time and Serial Number setup menus.
Turn the Set dial control to change the setting for that setup menu.
Overall Speed
The Overall Speed menu allows you to set the code speed in the range of 5 to 99 words per minute (WPM). By "overall" speed, we mean the speed at which the words are sent. A "word" is defined as 50 units of time, and the word "PARIS" is exactly 50 units in length. Therefore, if "PARIS" is sent 13 times in one minute, the sending speed is 13 WPM. Standard Morse code timing defines a dit as one unit of time and a dah as three units of time. Within each character, there is one unit between elements (dits and dahs). Three units separate characters and seven units separate words. Farnsworth spacing (see below) will increase the amount of time between characters and words. Note that setting the overall speed greater than or equal to the Farnsworth speed will disable Farnsworth spacing.
The Farnsworth menu allows you to disable or enable Farnsworth mode and set the Farnsworth speed (character speed) in the range of 10 to 99 WPM. When Farnsworth mode is enabled, characters (dots, dashes, and intra-character spaces) are sent at the Farnsworth speed, but the spacing between characters and words is increased to produce a slower overall speed. This technique is useful for helping the novice learn the sounds of the code characters and avoid the tendency of counting individual dots and dashes. The Farnsworth speed is always higher than the overall speed. As a result, Farnsworth mode (if enabled) is automatically disabled when the overall speed is changed to one that is greater than or equal to the current Farnsworth speed. Also, Farnsworth speed cannot be enabled when the overall speed is at its maximum of 99 WPM.
The Weight menu is used to set the code weight in the range of 25% to 75%. Weight is the duty cycle of a continuous string of dots, where 50% for perfect code. A higher weight produces a heavier sound and a lower weight causes characters to sound lighter.
50% Weight
25% Weight
75% Weight
Figure 6: Code Weight.
MFJ-464 Instruction Manual CW Keyer/Reader
Character Space
The Character Space menu is used to increase the character space (normally three units) up to 12 units long. There are two numbers on line two of the display; the number enclosed within “[“ and “]” is the character spacing and the other number is the word spacing. Note the character space is always at least four units shorter than the word space. So you might have to increase the word spacing before adjusting the character space.
Word Space
The Word Space menu is used to increase the word space (normally seven units) up to 16 units long. There are two numbers on line two of the display; the number enclosed within “[“ and “]” is the word spacing and the other number is the character spacing. Note the word space is always at least four units longer than the inter-character space.
Keying Compensation
The Keying Compensation menu is used to increase the keying on-time and decrease the keying off-time up to 25 milliseconds (ms). Some radios have a key delay of 5 ms or more. By setting 5 milliseconds of compensation, the keyer will add 5 ms to the dots and dashes and subtract 5 ms from the intra-character spaces. Although similar to increasing weight, this adjustment is independent of the speed. This setting is used primarily to correct keying distortion by certain transceivers and to eliminate the problems with a transmitter key delay.
Keying Delay
The Keying Delay menu is used to delay the keying output up to 20 milliseconds. This setting is used primarily to accommodate switching delay in certain station setup. It is used in conjunction with the PTT line to delay the keying output until all the switching is finished; that is, the keying output is lagged behind the sidetone audio and the PTT output. This controls the time between when PTT is asserted and when CW keying will start.
PTT Hang Time
The PTT Hang Time menu is used to set the PTT hang time from 1 to 9999 milliseconds. This controls the time between when CW keying is ended and when the PTT will de-assert. You may adjust this to your liking for on-the-air sending. Press the “1” button and use the Set dial control to change time in increments of 1 ms; press the “100” button and use the Set dial control to change time in increments of 100 ms.
Note: If Keying Delay and PTT Hang Time are equal to zero, the PTT Output waveform will
be identical to the Keying Output waveform.
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