MFJ MFJ-461 User Manual

Introduction to the MFJ Pocket CW Reader

Thank you for purchasing the MFJ-461 Pocket CW Reader. The CW Reader is a pocket size Morse code decoder that features:
Two-line 32-character LCD (liquid crystal display)
Auto track CW up to 99 WPM (words per minute)
Four scrolling display modes
Please read the following instructions before using the CW Reader. If you still have questions after reading all the instructions, please refer to the “Technical Assistance” section.

List of Components

6. Lock LED
5. Microp hone
CW Reader
2. Repeat
1. Power
3. Serial Out
4. Audio In
8. Input Level
PLL Frequency Control
– Adjusts the PLL (phase locked loop) frequency from about 500 to 1000 Hz. Rotate right to decrease frequency. Factory set to approximately 700 Hz.
Battery Cover
– Remove cover to add or replace
the 9-volt battery (not included).

Installing Battery

Remove the battery cover on the back of the CW Reader and insert a 9-volt battery. Use
fresh, high quality
batteries. Alkaline batteries are recommended.
Caution: Always make sure the pow er is off before replacing the battery.
Battery life will vary depending on usage, so always keep a spare on hand. When the LCD begins to fade, the battery life is almost gone and you should replace the battery as soon as possible.


Power on your receiver and tune it to find a clear, well­sent Morse code signal. When you have found one, power on the Reader and place its microphone near your receiver’s speaker. If necessary, adjust the Input Level control so that the Lock LED is blink ing. Now tune in the signal again to adjust its frequency (to match the PLL frequency) until you get the maximum response from the LED. Next, turn the Input Level c ontrol until the LED is blinking in sync with the Morse code. Wait for the LCD screen to start displaying something that makes sense. Once it has tracked the signal, read the messages as they scroll acros s the LCD s c reen. Repeat these steps a few times to get the best response.
7. LCD Screen
9. PLL Frequency10. Battery Cover
Power Button
– Push button in to turn power ON.
Always turn power OFF when changing the battery.
Repeat Button
– Push button momentarily to display the last 140 characters enclosed within “[“ and “]”; push button again to ex it repeat mode. Push and hold the button for two seconds to rotate through the four different display modes.
Mode 1
– Text will display from left to right along the bottom line. When filled, that entire line will display on the top line until the bottom line refilled with the speed displayed on the right side (power­on initial mode).
Mode 2
– Text will display from left to right along the bottom line. When filled, that entire line displays on the top line until the bottom line refills.
Mode 3
– T ext will s croll fr om right to lef t along the top line with the speed displayed on bottom line.
Mode 4
– T ext will s croll fr om right to lef t along the bottom line, then up and across the top line.
Serial Out Jack
– A 3.5 mm jack for connecting the Reader to the computer’s serial port to display CW text on a m onitor using a terminal sof tware. Use an MFJ-5161 serial cable. Set the term inal software to 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Audio In Jack
– A 3.5 mm jack for inputting any audio source. A plug in this jack disconnects the built-in microphone.
Microphone (Mic)
– Picks up audio signal from your receiver. This m icrophone is disabled when a plug is inserted into the Audio In jack.
Lock Indicator LED
– Indicates signal lock when it
blinks in sync with the Morse code.
LCD Screen
– Displays the CW text on the two-line
32-character LCD screen.
Input Level Control
– Adjusts the audio input level.
Rotate right to increase input level.
The Reader automatically locks on and tracks low and high speed Morse code, decoding it up to 99 WPM. Its initial power-on tracking speed is 20 WPM. It will take some time to trac k an incoming signal or to re-track an extremely slow signal after copying a fast one and vice versa. If ther e is a lot of static, it will take time to trac k slow signals. This is because the s tatic appears to the Reader as high speed Morse code.
There is a lot of sloppy code on the air and most computers cannot r ead them. Do not expect this Reader to do the incredible when it comes to copying Morse code. Nothing can clean up and copy a sloppy fist, especially with a weak signal and lots of QRM/QRN (interferences). However, you will be quite pleased when copying strong well-sent code, especially those sent with electronic keyers. Farnsworth code* and extremely negative weighted code will display with spaces between each character. Finally, invalid characters are displayed as block char acters on the LCD screen and as spaces on the computer monitor. Prosigns (procedural signs) are enclosed within “<” and “>” such as <AR> and <SN>.
When it is too nois y for microphone pickup or when you do not want to hear CW, you can connect the Reader to your receiver using the Audio In jack.
Farnsworth code is where t he dits and dahs are sent at a fast
rate and the character and word spaces are much longer.


The following accessories are sold separately:
MFJ-26B: Soft leather protective pouch with clear plastic overlay for LCD display, equipped with push buttons and jacks openings, and pocket/belt clip.
MFJ-5161: A 3.5 mm to DB-9 RS-232 serial cable.
MFJ-5162: Receiver cable that connects the Reader
to your radio’s external speaker 3.5 mm jack.

Copyright Message and Firmware Number

Press and hold the Repeat button while turning the power on. A copyright message and the firmware version number will display across the LCD s creen. T he Reader then returns to normal operation.
MFJ-461 Poc ket CW Reader, Version 0B Copyright 2001 MFJ Enterprises, Inc.


Problem Solution
The screen stays blank even though the power is ON.
Turn the power OFF. W ait a few moments and then turn the power ON.
Replace the battery.
The screen appears
Replace the battery.
faint. The LED stays on. The LED does not light at all.
Decrease the input level.
Increase the input level.
Place the Mic closer to your
audio source.
The screen displays unreadable code.
The microphone is not picking up the audio.
Adjust the PLL Frequency and Input Level controls.
Make sure nothing is plugged into the Audio In jack.
Place the unit closer to your audio source.
The terminal displays unreadable code or nothing at all.
Make sure the serial cable is securely connected.
Set the terminal software settings to 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.

Technical Assistance

If you have any problem with this unit, check the appropriate section of this instruction manual. If this manual does not reference your problem, you may call
MFJ Technical Service at Factory at
. Please have your unit, this
or the MFJ
manual, and an accessible workstation. Other ways to contact MFJ are by facsimile at
, by email at
, or by
mail at:
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. 300 Industrial Park Road Starkville, MS 39759
When writing MFJ, please send a complete description of your problem, an explanation of exactly how you are using your unit, and a complete description of your station.


Morse Code Characters

A di-dah B dah-di-di-dit C dah-di-dah-dit D dah-di-dit E dit F di-di-dah-dit G dah-dah-dit H di-di-di-dit I di-dit J di-dah-dah-dah • − − − W di-dah-dah K dah-di-dah L di-dah-di-dit M dah-dah
1 di-dah-dah-dah-dah • − − − − 6 dah-di-di-di-dit − • • • • 2 di-di-dah-dah-dah • • − − − 7 dah-dah-di-di-dit − − • • • 3 di-di-di-dah-dah • • • − − 8 dah-dah-dah-di-dit − − − • • 4 di-di-di-di-dah 5 di-di-di-di-dit
Period [.] di-dah-di-dah-di-dah Comma [,] dah-dah-di-di-dah-dah Question Mark or [?] di-di-dah-dah-di-dit • • − − • •
Request for Repetition Fraction Bar or Slash Bar [/] dah-di-di-dah-dit End of Message, <AR> di-dah-di-dah-dit
Plus Sign, or Cross End of Work <SK> di-di-di-dah-di-dah Double D ash, Equa l Sign, [=] dah-di-di-di-d ah
Pause, or Break Semicolon [;] dah-di-dah-di-dah-dit Colon [:] dah-dah-dah-di-di-dit Apostrophe ['] di-dah-dah-dah-dah-dit Quotation Mark ["] di-dah-di-di-dah-dit • − • • − • Hyphen or Dash [-] dah-di-di-di-di-dah Underline [_] di-di-dah-dah-di-dah
Dollar Sign [$] di-di-di-dah-di-di-dah • • • − • • − Left Parenthesis [(] da h-di-dah-dah-dit
or Go Only Right Parenthesis [)] dah-di-dah-dah-di-dah − • − − • − Wait or Stand By <AS> di-dah-di-di-dit Understood <SN> di-di-di-dah-dit • • • − • Starting Signal <KA> dah-di-dah-di-dah Error <HH> di-di-di-di-di-di-di-dit Paragraph <AL> di-dah-di-dah-di-dit Invitation to Transmit [K] dah-di-dah
or Go Ahead
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. warrants to the original owner of this product, if manufactured by MFJ Enterprises, Inc. and purchased from an authorized dealer or directly from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 12 months from date of purchase provided the following terms of this warranty are satisfied:
1. The purchaser must retain the dated proof-of-purchase (bill of sale, canceled check, credit card or money order receipt, etc.) describing the product to establish the validity of the warranty claim and submit the original or machine reproduction of such proof of purchase to MFJ Enterprises, Inc. at the time of warranty service. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. shall have the discretion to deny warranty without dated proof-of-purchase. Any evidence of alteration, erasure, or forgery shall be cause to void any and all warranty terms immediately.
2. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. agrees to repair or replace at MFJ's option without charge to the original owner any defective product under warrantee provided the product is returned postage prepaid to MFJ Enterprises, Inc. with a personal check, cashier s check, or money ord er for $7.00 covering p ostage a nd handling.
3. This warranty is NOT void for owners who attempt to repair defective units. Technical consultation is available by calling Service Department at 662-323­0549 or the MFJ Factory at 662-323-5869.
4. This warranty does not apply to kits sold by or manufactured by MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
5. Wired and tested PC board products are covered by this warranty provided only the wired and tested PC board product is returned. Wired and tested PC boards installed in the owner's cabinet or connected to switches, jacks, or cables, etc. sent to MFJ Enterp r ises, Inc. will be r eturned at the owner's expense unrepaire d.
6. Under no circumstances is MFJ Enterprises, Inc. liable for consequential damages to person or property by the use of any MFJ products.
7. Out-of-Warr anty Service: MFJ Ent erprises, Inc . will repair any out-of-w arranty product provided t he unit is shipp ed prep aid. All repair ed units will be shipp ed COD t o the ow ner. Re pair cha rges will be added to the COD fe e unless ot her arrangements are made.
8. This warranty is given in lie u of any other w arranty expresse d or implied.
9. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. reserves the right to make changes or improvements in design or manufacture without incurring any obligation to install such changes upon any of the products previously manufactured.
10. All MFJ products to be serviced in-warranty or out-of-warranty should be addressed to:
and must be accompanied by a letter describing the problem in detail along with a copy of your dated proof-of-purchase.
11. This war ranty give s you s pec ific right s, a nd you may als o have other right s which vary from state to state.
N dah-dit
• −
O dah-dah-dah − − −
− • • •
P di-dah-dah-dit • − − •
− • − •
Q dah-dah-di-dah − − • −
− • •
R di-dah-dit • − •
S di-di-dit
• • − •
T dah
− − •
U di-di-dah
• • • •
V di-di-di-dah • • • −
• •
X dah-di-di-dah − • • −
− • −
Y dah-di-dah-dah − • − −
• − • •
Z dah-dah-di-dit − − • •
− −
9 dah-dah-dah-dah-dit − − − − •
• • • • −
0 dah-dah-dah-dah-dah − − − − −
• • • • •
• − • − • −
− − • • − −
− • • − •
• − • − •
• • • − • −
− • • • −
− • − • − •
− − − • • •
• − − − − •
− • • • • −
• • − − • −
− • − − •
• − • • •
− • − • −
• • • • • • • •
• − • − • •
− • −
12 M
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. 300 Industrial Park Road Starkville, Mississippi 39759 USA
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• • −
• − −
MFJ-461 Poc ket CW Reader, Version 0B Copyright 2001 MFJ Enterprises, Inc.