Using HyperTerminal With MFJ Keyers/Readers
HyperTerminal is a terminal software that comes with Microsoft Windows. You can use this
software to interface with most MFJ Keyers and Readers, such as the MFJ-461, MFJ-464, MFJ 493 and MFJ-495. Perform the following steps:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to Communications, and then
click HyperTerminal.
2. Connection Description window appears, type a name such as MFJ-464, choose an icon,
and click OK.
3. Connect To window appears, in the Connect using field, select the COM port that you will
connect your Keyer or Reader to. Ignore the other fields, and make sure this COM port is not
used by another application or device. Click OK.
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4. COM Properties window appears, set the port settings as follow and click OK.
Bits Per Second Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Flow Control
19200 8 None 1 None
9600 8 None 1 Xon / Xoff
1200 8 None 1 None
1200 8 None 1 Xon / Xoff
For example, to interface with the MFJ-464, select 9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit and Xon / Xoff flow control as shown below.
5. On the HyperTerminal window, click File and then click Save. Next time when you want
to use HyperTerminal with these settings, click Start, point to Programs, point to
Accessories, point to Communications, point to HyperTerminal, and then click MFJ-
464.ht (or whatever name you entered in Step 2). You can also create a shortcut on your
Windows desktop for easy access.
6. Connect the Keyer or Reader to your computer serial port using a RS-232 serial cable. If
there is problem, check your serial cable connection and make sure the COM port is not used
by another application or device. If HyperTerminal window shows garbage such as
[][][][]@#$%^@, then you most likely have set the wrong bits-per-second in Step 4.
A special 3.5mm-to-DB9 RS-232 serial cable is used to interface with the MFJ-461 and
MFJ-464 (DB9-to-DB25 adapter is required if your computer has the older 25-pin serial
port). This serial cable, the MFJ-5161, is available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc. or you can
make your own.
Connect 3.5 mm Stereo Plug To DB9 (female) To DB25 (female)
Tip (TxD) Pin 2 Pin 3
Ring (RxD) Pin 3 Pin 2
Sleeve (GND) Pin 5 Pin 7
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