MFJ MFJ-414 User Manual

MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor









Getting Started: How to Use the Menu System.........................................................................



Fast Start: Using the MFJ-414 ..................................................................................................



Using the MFJ-414 As a Standalone Morse Code Trainer..................................................



Using the MFJ-414 As a Keyer...........................................................................................



Using the MFJ-414 For Over-the-Air Code Practice ..........................................................



Connecting to a Computer..........................................................................................................



Connecting to a Printer...............................................................................................................



Learning Morse Code.................................................................................................................






The Menus: Detailed Descriptions............................................................................................



Setup Mode.........................................................................................................................



Keyer Menu ......................................................................................................................



Overall Speed Menu .........................................................................................................



Farnsworth Menu ..............................................................................................................



Tone Menu........................................................................................................................



Set Menu...........................................................................................................................



Beginner Sets .............................................................................................................



The Combine Menu: ...........................................................................................



The Group Menu: ...............................................................................................



Advanced Sets ...........................................................................................................



The Random Words Database: ...........................................................................



Transferring a Random Words Database From the Computer.....................


Transferring the Random Words Database to the Computer .......................


Custom Sets ...............................................................................................................



Custom Characters:.............................................................................................



Custom Words: ...................................................................................................



Memory Sets..............................................................................................................



Preparing Messages: ...........................................................................................



Uploading and Downloading Messages:.............................................................



Loading a Memory Bank From the Computer.............................................



Sending Contents of a Memory Bank to the Computer ...............................


Interactive Menu ...............................................................................................................



New Play Menu.................................................................................................................






MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

Repeat Play Menu .............................................................................................................


Print Play Menu ................................................................................................................


The Front and Back Panels ......................................................................................................




Factory Defaults.......................................................................................................................


Self Test ...................................................................................................................................


Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................


Error Messages.........................................................................................................................


MFJ Pre-wired Cables and Open End Cables ..........................................................................


Morse Code Character Set .......................................................................................................


Some CW Abbreviations..........................................................................................................


Meaning of Q Signals...............................................................................................................


Menus System Chart ................................................................................................................




Memory Banks Chart ...............................................................................................................


Technical Assistance................................................................................................................



MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

The Basics


The MFJ-414 Professional Classroom Code Tutor is the most capable and versatile Morse code training tool on the market. This unit can be used by individuals to practice receiving and sending code, by instructors to provide practice to their classes, by clubs and other groups to provide on- the-air code practice through all types of radios and repeaters, by Volunteer Examiners in preparing and administering code examinations, and as a keyer by amateur operators on all bands.

Its strong, high-quality audio, its ability to work with a computer and its printer output port make it a valuable tool for any training environment. The MFJ-414 can provide:

Individual or group code practice with random sending of:

Basic, advanced or custom-configured character groups, including: All characters in the FCC code tests and more Preprogrammed or custom-configured sets of words Exam-style sample amateur QSOs

Printouts of practice sessions, for grading purposes, via its printer port

Ability to tape-record practice sessions via its audio port

Practice, demonstrations or examinations for large groups via either its built-in speaker or by feeding its audio output to a Public Address system

Custom practice sessions downloaded from a computer, including the ability to generate a complete FCC code test for a VE session

Over-the-air code practice via its radio interface for FM, AM or SSB transceivers

Iambic or semi-automatic keying of CW transceivers.

In this manual, we'll start by explaining the basics of the MFJ-414, then show how you can quickly start using it for some of its major functions. In this Fast Start section, we'll concentrate on putting the unit to work for you immediately. As you'll see, you can start using it in just a few minutes. In later sections, we'll cover all its capabilities and features in full detail.

Getting Started: How to Use the Menu System

You may set up the MFJ-414 to perform any of its many functions by making the appropriate selections from its menu system. This system consists of eleven main menus, eight of which have submenus. You make your selections using the three buttons under the LCD displayPrevious, Next and Select. These buttons do the following:


MFJ MFJ-414 User Manual

MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

PreviousSelects the previous main menu, or the previous item in a submenu.

NextSelects the next main menu, or the next item in a submenu.

SelectEnters a submenu to allow changing your choices within that submenu. To do this, press and release the Select button within one second (as we'll see later, this button does other things when held down longer than one second).

The menus are arranged in a "wrap-around" structure, so that pressing the Next or Previous button will bring up another menu or submenu item in a sequence. Figure 1 shows the sequence of the main menus. Notice the availability of the Combine, the Group and the Interactive menus depends on the selection in the Set menu. When power is turned on, the menu displayed is the one that was displayed when the unit was last turned off.

Figure 1. MFJ-414 Main Menu System.

To see how the menu system works, consider the following example.


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

EXAMPLE: If the display shows that you are in the Overall Speed menu, pressing the Next button would put you in the Farnsworth menu and pressing the Previous button would put you in the Keyer menu. Pressing the Select button would put you in the Overall Speed submenu. This is indicated by a blinking block at the right side of the LCD display. While this block appears, you may raise the speed by pressing the Next button or lower it by pressing the Previous button. Once you have selected the speed you desire, you may leave the submenu by pressing the Select button again.

Once you have made your choices within the unit's submenus, they will be saved in non-volatile memory for your next session.

Fast Start: Using the MFJ-414

In the following sections, we'll show how you can quickly set up the MFJ-414 to perform each of its major functions. To start, power up the unit and press the Next button until you reach the first menu mentioned, then follow the instructions.

Using the MFJ-414 As a Standalone Morse Code Trainer

Keyer MenuSet to "Keyer Off"

Overall Speed MenuEnter this submenu by pressing Select and choose your overall sending speed (using the Next and Previous buttons), then exit the submenu by pressing Select again.

Farnsworth MenuFarnsworth spacing means that individual characters are sent faster than the overall sending speed. For example, many 13-wpm Amateur Radio examinations consist of characters sent at 18 wpm, but spaced out to reduce the overall sending speed to 13 wpm. To choose Farnsworth spacing, press Select. The blinking block will appear. Use the Next and Previous buttons to select the Farnsworth speed you desire. Setting the Farnsworth speed the same as the overall sending speed will turn Farnsworth spacing off.

Tone MenuPress Select to enter this submenu and select the audio tone you desire. If you're preparing for a code examination, you should know that most exams are given using audio tones between 700 and 800 Hz, so you may want to stay within that range so it sounds familiar to you during the exam. Pressing Select again will exit the Tone menu and return you to the main menu sequence.

Set MenuThis selects the set of characters (or words or QSOs) that will be randomly sent. The MFJ-414 offers a wide variety of practice sessions applicable to many different codetraining techniques and to all stages of your code training. The character sets available are: nine beginner sets, eleven advanced sets, four custom sets you may program yourself, and sixteen memory sets you may program yourself. As you step through these options, the contents of the sets are displayed on the LCD.


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

When you have selected the second or higher Beginner Set or the second or higher Custom Character Set, the Combine menu allows you to combine previous Beginner or Custom Character sets into a single set for practice purposes.

When you have selected a character set, the Group menu lets you set the number of characters to be sent in each group.

For complete details of the Set menu, see page 12.

To decide which of these sets to choose, you must first decide how you are going to approach the task of gaining code proficiency. See the section titled "Learning Morse Code" on page 8 for information about different code-training techniques.

Interactive MenuWith the Interactive function turned on, the unit will halt after sending one or more (your choice) words or code groups and wait for you to press the Next button before sending the next word(s) or group(s). If you want this feature activated, press Select to turn Interactive on, then Next or Previous to choose how many words or groups the unit should send before halting. When you have made this selection, press Select again to exit this menu.

New Play MenuPress Select to have the unit start sending code. To pause the sending, press Select again (the word "PAUSE" will appear in the display). To stop the sending, press the Select button and hold it down for more than one second (the word "STOP" will appear in the display).

Repeat Play MenuIf you wish to hear the previous session sent again, press Select.

Print Play MenuPressing Select in this menu also will cause the previous session to be replayed, and in addition will send the text to a printer. This is particularly useful if you wish to grade yourself on how accurately you copied.

Using the MFJ-414 As a Keyer

With the MFJ-414, you may send Morse code in all the major ways commonly in use. This includes both Iambic A and B automatic keyer modes with dual-lever paddles, semi-automatic key mode using a single-lever paddle, or even with a straight key or mechanical, semi-automatic "bug." The unit comes with Iambic A selected as the default keyer mode. To change this, you enter the Setup menu, which is described on page 9.

The Key Input jack accepts a 1/4-inch stereo phono plug. For dual-lever "squeeze" keys, connect the dot wire to the tip of the plug and the dash wire to the ring. Use two-conductor shielded cable, or, if two shielded cables are used, connect the shields together. The shield must be connected to the plug's ground.

To use a straight key or "bug," also use a stereo phono plug; a mono plug will not work. Connect one wire to the plug's ring and the other to the ground (the tip is not used). You then must enable the Semi-Auto mode and disable the Reverse function (both done from the Setup menu).


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

Keyer MenuPress Select to turn the keyer to "on." The keyer speed and the audio tone will be the same as those last selected from those menus. However, you can change both (as well as the PTT hang time for the radio interface) from within the Keyer menu when the keyer is turned on. To do this, press Select briefly. Three numbers showing, from left to right, speed, tone and PTT hang time will be displayed on the second line of the display. One of these will have a set of square brackets around it. Pressing the Select button will move the brackets to the next parameter, such as from speed to tone. You can change the value within the brackets by pressing the Next or Previous buttons. To turn the keyer off, press the Select button and hold it down for more than one second.

PTT hang time indicates the amount of time the PTT line will be active after you have sent your last character. You may adjust this to your liking for on-the-air sending.

Overall Speed MenuWhen the keyer is turned "on," it is automatically set to the last speed selected. Speed can be selected from within the Keyer menu as described above. This menu has no effect when using a straight key or bug.

Farnsworth MenuNot used in this function.

Tone MenuWhen the keyer is turned "on," the tone is automatically set to the last tone selected. The tone can be selected from within the Keyer menu as described above.

Set MenuNot used in this function.

Combine MenuNot used in this function.

Group MenuNot used in this function.

Interactive MenuNot used in this function.

New Play MenuNot used in this function.

Repeat Play MenuNot used in this function.

Print Play MenuNot used in this function.

Display During Keyer Operation: When using the unit in Keyer mode, except when the SemiAuto function is enabled, the code sent is displayed on the front-panel LCD and sent to the Serial Port. If the Keyer Memory is enabled, the code sent with the paddles also is stored in the nonvolatile Keyer Memory. The keyer memory bank has a maximum capacity of 1022 characters. If more than that are sent, the newest characters will replace the oldest onesa "circular" memory arrangement. Invalid code is displayed as a lowercase "x" and is not stored in memory.

Using the MFJ-414 For Over-the-Air Code Practice

The MFJ-414 allows you to send code practice sessions over the air, using all types of transceivers. The Key Output jack on the rear panel provides keying for solid-state CW transmitters. The Radio


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

Output jack, also on the rear panel, provides PTT switching and audio for sending Morse code as audio tones through an FM, SSB or AM transmitter. With this function, you may, for example, send Morse code using FM transceivers on VHF simplex frequencies or over repeaters.

Important Note: With the MFJ-414, you may send Morse code using several different emission types as defined by the FCC. The FCC regulations regarding emission types apply whether you're sending Morse code or voice signals with that type of emission. Thus, for example, when you connect this unit to an FM transmitter, you are sending Morse code by FM, not by CW. That means you must remain within the band limits designated for FM transmissions. In the amateur sixand two-meter bands, the subbands 50.0 - 50.1 MHz and 144.0 - 144.1 MHz are reserved exclusively for CW transmissions. If you're sending Morse code as audio tones with an SSB transmitter on the HF bands, you must remain within the band segments designated for SSB; you cannot transmit this type of emission in the CW bands.

Also remember to identify your station at least once every 10 minutes during your code practice transmission.

Hooking Up to the Radio

Connect your radio to the unit, using a cable run from the Radio Output jack on the MFJ-414 to your radio. MFJ sells cables for most major brands of radios. See the list on page 30 for the appropriate stock number. If you wish to make your own table, below is a diagram of the standard 5-pin DIN jack on the MFJ-414 and a table showing its connections.


Radio Output Function


Transmit Audio






No Connection


No Connection

Keyer MenuIf your over-the-air code practice is to be sent using the unit's character sets or text loaded into its memory, turn the keyer function off. If you're going to send the practice session yourself with a key or paddle, select the type of keying you want to use, as described above in the section on using the 414 as a keyer.

Overall Speed MenuSelect the overall speed at which you wish the practice session to be sent. If you're sending the session yourself using the keyer function, select the speed just as you would any other keyer.


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

Farnsworth MenuIf you're sending from the MFJ-414's character sets or from text you entered into the unit's memory banks, you may choose a Farnsworth speed for the over-the-air practice session. If you're sending the code practice yourself using the keyer function, the Farnsworth mode is temporarily disabled.

Tone MenuIf you're using the MFJ-414 to key a CW transceiver, the Tone menu is not applicable. If, however, you're using the MFJ-414 to send Morse code as audio tones over an FM, AM or SSB transceiver, the Tone menu allows you to choose the audio tone sent.

Set MenuChoose a set for transmission unless you're sending the code practice yourself with the keyer.

Combine MenuNot used if you're sending the practice yourself. Otherwise configure accordingly just as you would if using the unit as a standalone tutor.

Group MenuNot used if you're sending the practice yourself. Otherwise choose the number of characters per group just as you would if using the unit as a standalone tutor.

Interactive MenuNot used in this function.

New Play MenuNot used if you're sending the practice yourself. Otherwise start a new session just as you would if using the unit as a standalone tutor.

Repeat Play MenuNot used if you're sending the practice yourself. If sending a Tutor session over the air, you can repeat the session if desired.

Print Play MenuNot used in this function.

When you begin sending, make sure your radio goes into transmit mode. If it does not, or if it transmits continuously whether or not the MFJ-414 is sending, you will need to adjust the PTT Keying Adjust trimpot, accessible from the back panel. Use a small, flathead screwdriver to adjust this pot so that your radio transmits when the MFJ-414 is sending and does not transmit when the unit is not sending. You may adjust the level of the transmitted audio with the Line Audio Adjust trimpot, also on the back panel. Monitor the signal transmitted by your radio or have someone else do this and adjust for a comfortable audio level.

Connecting to a Computer

You may connect the MFJ-414 to a computer using the unit's serial port, on the back panel. A 9- pin-to-9-pin serial cable is provided with the unit. If your computer has a 25-pin serial port, you can use a 9-pin-to-25-pin adapter.

To use a computer with the MFJ-414, run a terminal program that will upload and download ASCII files, and configure the terminal program to do so. Set the terminal program for 1200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit. If you see extraneous linefeeds on the computer screen


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

when receiving data from the MFJ-414, you may configure your software to strip out these extra linefeeds.

During New Play, Repeat Play or Print Play, the characters sent by the MFJ-414 are sent through the serial port, so you may use your computer to monitor the transmitted copy. You may find this particularly convenient.

You also may upload and download text files between the MFJ-414 and your computer. For details on this, see the discussion of the Set Menu starting on page 12.

Connecting to a Printer

The printer port will send your practice session to any Epson compatible printer. This function is only active during Print Play, which repeats the previous session. The printer must be connected and turned on before starting Print Play; otherwise you will get an error message saying "PRINTER FAULT." This message includes Abort and Retry options. If you selected Print Play by mistake, press Previous to abort the operation; if you wish a printout, make sure the printer is properly connected and powered up, then press Select to retry.

Learning Morse Code

Learning Morse code is a matter of practice, practice and more practice. Whether you're just starting to learn the characters or working on high-speed "head copying," you'll succeed through regular, frequent practice. That is why the MFJ Classroom Morse Code Tutor is the ideal tool for learning the code. It provides an extremely wide variety of practice sessions, all sent in truly random fashion and with high-quality audio like that used in examination sessions.

Unlike tapes, which you quickly can memorize and thus defeat the purpose of the practice, the Classroom Code Tutor sends a new practice session every time to hone your skills. The keyer functions allow you to practice sending. With speeds from 3 to 60 wpm and sets from a few characters to the entire character set, then words and QSOs, this unit can take you from no code skills at all up to the ranks of high-speed CW contesters.

Over the years, many different programs for building code proficiency have been developed, but the common element to all these programs is regular practice. With the MFJ-414, you may follow any training program you desire. This unit is extremely versatile and allows you to tailor its functions to provide the type of code practice you desire. It also allows you to customize your practice sessions to focus on any particular trouble spots that may arise during your training.

A traditional method of gaining code proficiency has been to learn all the characters, then slowly build speed. While this succeeds for many people, it proves frustrating for others. A common complaint is that, at about 10 wpm, students hit a "plateau," where they see no increase in their


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

copying speed for some time. An alternative method, devised by a psychologist in the 1930's, starts students at full speed, say 15 or 20 wpm, but with only a limited set of characters at the beginning. This Koch Method, named after its inventor, showed the fastest training progress of any method ever published in the psychological journals.

The MFJ-414's Custom Character sets allow you to use the Koch Method in an easy, straightforward manner. For full details on the Koch Method, as well as on CW operating and the history of Morse code, see the book, "Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier" (MFJ-3400), available from MFJ Enterprises, Inc.

The Details

The Menus− Detailed Descriptions

Setup Mode

Entering the Setup mode allows you to change some basic functions of the Tutor and the Keyer. To enter the Setup mode, first turn off power to the unit, then press and hold both the Previous and Select buttons while turning power on. When "ON-THE-FLY SPEED" appears, release the buttons. In the Setup mode, press Previous or Next button to select the previous or next submenu, respectively, and press the Select button to toggle the options within that submenu.

To exit the Setup mode, press and hold the Select button for one second. If the Keyer Memory option has been changed, "CHG KEYER MEMORY" will appear. Press the Previous button to confirm the change (and erase the content of the last memory bank), or press the Select button to cancel the change. Release the button after "EXIT" appears to resume with normal operation.

You choose Setup options from seven submenus. These are:

On-the-Fly Speed: With this option ON, you may change the sending speed while the Tutor is sending, as described below in the section on the Play menus. In Setup mode, you may turn this feature OFF to avoid accidentally changing the speed during a session.

Play Format: This selects the order in which the character is sent to the display and the speaker. You may choose to have the character sent to the display first, then the speaker, or vice-versa.

Semi-Auto: With the Semi-Auto option OFF, the keyer functions as an iambic keyer, for use with a dual-lever paddle. As an iambic keyer, the MFJ-414 has dot and dash memories, for "squeeze keying," and functions just like other iambic keyers, both standalone keyers and


MFJ-414 Instruction Manual

Classroom Morse Code Tutor

those built into radios. With Semi-Auto turned ON, the keyer can be used with a single-lever key, with dots generated automatically and dashes formed manually by the user. This emulates the function of a mechanical, semi-automatic "bug." You also may use this unit with a straight key or a bugconnect the key or bug to the ground and the dash line. With semiauto turned ON, the MFJ-414 will not display the code sent or record to the keyer memory.

Iambic: There are two different types of iambic keying, and both are available. The difference in behavior of these two modes occurs when both paddles are squeezed, then released. In iambic mode A, the keyer will simply complete the element (dot or dash) in progress, then stop sending. In iambic mode B, the keyer will complete the element in progress, then send an additional opposite element. You may choose either mode.

Reverse: When using paddles, the MFJ-414 normally expects the dot paddle to be connected to the tip of the plug and the dash paddle to be connected to the plug's ring. If your paddles are wired in the opposite manner, or you wish to change between rightand left-handed operators, you may turn Reverse ON to switch the paddle functions. You can also set this mode by simply pressing the paddle you desire to designate as the dot paddle.

Keyer Memory: With Keyer Memory turned ON, you change the last memory bank (Bank P) into a keyer memory. If you change the state of this memory, you erase its contents. When Keyer Memory is turned on, the text you send with the paddles is saved into memory and can later be played back. This memory has a total capacity of 1022 characters. If more than that are sent, the newest characters will replace the oldest characters, in a "circular" memory arrangement. During sending, invalid code is displayed as a lowercase "x" but not stored in the memory.

Hint: To store an extra word space, send an invalid code and pause for a word space.

When switching from the Keyer mode to Tutor mode (by pressing Select for one second), a 5- digit number will appear indicating the number of characters sent (plus two for "[" and "]") and stored into the keyer memory. If more than 1022 characters were sent, "FULL" will be displayed. In that case, only the last 1022 characters will have been stored.

Write Protection: Turning this function ON prevents the non-volatile memories, the random words and memory banks, from being accidentally overwritten. In order to download files into the MFJ-414 memory, this option must be OFF.

Keyer Menu


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